Imban's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


It Came from the Stars and Between Chains and Starlight aren't quite the same thing, but they're 3PP products that came to mind. I can't give a review of either, having not read them, but it looks like Endzeitgeist liked the former much more than the latter.

The latter supposedly has rules for spaceships, though, which might help the kind of game you were looking for.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not exactly a GM's Day thing, but I'd like to see Rogue Genius Games revisit the Genius Guide to (Arcane/Archer/Divine/Martial) Archetype books once the ACG comes out, to support the Antipaladin, Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Daredevil, Death Knight, Enforcer, Gunslinger, Hellion, Hunter, Investigator (Paizo's), Investigator (RGG's), Luminary, Magus, Mosaic Mage, Ninja, Riven Mage, Samurai, Sensitive, Shaman, Skald, Slayer, Swashbuckler, Talented Barbarian, Talented Cavalier, Talented Fighter, Talented Monk, Talented Rogue, Time Warden, Tough, and Warpriest. Also, whoops, looks like you might need to rename the Investigator soon. ;)

You could probably release it as something like the Spellpoint Compilation, and I'd buy it right away, at least.

As a GMing thing, let me second the "Talented Bestiary". My biggest wish for it would be something like how the EverQuest RPG's bestiaries handled most monsters with character classes, by assuming the default was basically a fighter and swapping in some other abilities to quickly make a Fire Giant with Magus-like or Antipaladin-like abilities.

EDIT: Paragraph order helps.

GhanjRho wrote:
Why is dualistic back to being a +1 equivalent?

I'm going to hope it's because they decided "eliminating the TWF tax" was a bit silly in light of all of the other major boosts to TWF in Path of War, but no one mentioned the reversion anywhere I saw.

Cheapy wrote:
Also, nothing is stopping you from just passing around the original version of the weapon so that everyone gets a copy of the weapon.

Er, the copy of the weapon is created when the Dualistic Weapon is drawn, and one of the three conditions for the copy vanishing is "the Dualistic Weapon is sheathed". You'd need to figure out how to get your entire party to draw the weapon once each without ever sheathing it, and I'm pretty sure that's an impossibility rather than a logic problem.

Now, it can be shared between two sword-and-board fighters or whatnot, but that's a different issue.

EDIT: Oh, I guess people are reading the "create a new copy as a move action" to not require the first one to have vanished. That's a little silly, but I guess I can see that.

The swift action mentioned is the action to declare that you're attempting the gambit this turn and get the bonus for attempting it, so Sweeping Gambit and Felling Smash wouldn't work well together. Sorry!