The Ukraine thingy

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Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

I understand Russia has sold a wing of su-25s to Iraq

By my understanding,it was Belarus at least partially.Well,now they have money to buy better planes:)

Possibly even Su-34.
Also,didn't ISIL captured some planes already?

Yeah, a Syrian airbase they took yesterday had mig-21b fighters and, perhaps more importantly, a supply of MPADS. If they shoot down even one american fighter, the PR coup for them will be off the charts.

JohnLocke wrote:
If they shoot down even one american fighter, the PR coup for them will be off the charts.

Correction:if they shoot it down,it falls in rebel-controlled territory,AND they manage to obtain footage before US blasts it to atoms.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
If they shoot down even one american fighter, the PR coup for them will be off the charts.

Correction:if they shoot it down,it falls in rebel-controlled territory,AND they manage to obtain footage before US blasts it to atoms.

Yeah, I suppose there are a lot of "ifs" there. But on some level, the shooting down of even a single American plane, footage or no, would still be a significant event. ISIS/ISIL seems eager to goad the US into action, and, ever so reliably, the chickenhawks in America are eager to send more young men and women out to die on foreign soil.

Because it's not like that Mexico is lit powder keg and tens of thousands inmates yearly are converted to islam.

JohnLocke wrote:
Gallo wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
it's how Americans know they won in Vietnam


The only winners of war in Vietnam were a)people of said Vietnam and b)
USA's military manufacturers.
Everyone else lost.
Sarcasm, my friend, and a dose of reality for neocon a-holes.
So are you suggesting those of us who disagree with you are neo-cons?
Nope. But I am impressed that you found neocon to be more offensive than a-hole!

I found it nothing. I just ignore such terms as unnecessary to a discussion.

And here is new map
Notice the number of pockets and action in the south.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:

And here is new map

Notice the number of pockets and action in the south.

To hear our media tell it, the Ukrainian forces/heroes are constantly advancing upon the "pro-Russian" territories, slaughtering scores of rebel fighters/terrorists. Maps like this show a much different tactical and strategic reality. The resistance forces are using the most basic of tactics: withdraw and envelop when the enemy overextends themselves - and it's working out for them. Apparently they don't cover tactical training in neo-nazi officer school ;-)

JohnLocke wrote:

slaughtering scores of rebel fighters/terrorists.

Thousands,i kid you not.

And remember,rebel leadership are retired A-stan vets.
Not present silly A-stan version,but NATO-backed.

I feel bad for the Ukrainians who are getting thrown against the resistance fighters. From what I've heard (and Vlad would be a good source to confirm) there's been a lot of resistance from Ukrainians who are starting to reject their government's desire for further violence. They don't support the breakaway provinces but they're not willing to fight them, either.

If another wave of protests against the government break out, do you think American politicians will fly over and stand up on stages with them, as they demand a stop to the fighting? Somehow I don't think McCain, Nuland, or any of them would do so.

JohnLocke wrote:
there's been a lot of resistance from Ukrainians who are starting to reject their government's desire for further violence.

I have numerous reports of civil unrest in the WESTERN Ukraine linked to near-universal conscription.In at least one of these cases local conscription station was destroyed.

It's not they are not willing to fight,but they are 100% not willing to die.
Unlike rebels.

Not about Ukraine, but still relevant to our imperialist friends: Looking for positives in a beheading!

Hey Vlad. Stop invading Ukraine, okay? Please and thank you :-)

JohnLocke wrote:

Hey Vlad. Stop invading Ukraine, okay? Please and thank you :-)

I am man of science,not a warrior.Our family works a little differently.

For example,my granddad up until his death a few years ago worked as one of the big bosses in this little company.
I can't possibly say more,because KGB(and because he didn't actually tell me much),but i think you'll understand what i'm getting at.

Seriously, though - these guys got lost? Really? At best, not good PR, as western media will salivate at this new evidence. At worst ... how many troops do you think Russia has operating inside Ukraine?

JohnLocke wrote:
Seriously, though - these guys got lost? Really?

It's possible.Russians are saying that it was unarmed,unequipped patrol.

I assume that also doesn't include GLONASS receivers.
Also,since when said receivers become standard FOR BORDER GUARD ON BORDER WITH UKRAINE?!
It's no A-stan.It's peaceful.Or was peaceful.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
Seriously, though - these guys got lost? Really?

It's possible.Russians are saying that it was unarmed,unequipped patrol.

I assume that also doesn't include GLONASS receivers.
Also,since when said receivers become standard FOR BORDER GUARD ON BORDER WITH UKRAINE?!
It's no A-stan.It's peaceful.Or was peaceful.

Yeah, and as I understand it the border between Russia and Ukraine is somewhat ill-defined. Still, stupid on their part. I'm going to assume those are coerced statements, taken from them under threat.

JohnLocke wrote:
I'm going to assume those are coerced statements, taken from them under threat.

I'm going to assume that these statements were not made by captured russians and are,in fact,fake.Something in which Ukraine excels,if not in quality,then in quantity.

Russian soldiers that are on camera telling some(censored)their mission?
But wait,there's more.
According to that video,russians were not have been given even a basic briefing!
So,10 men were given a vehicles and sent...somewhere...without additional orders.
Sounds just like modern russian army's modus operandi.
Sometimes i really regret that i don't drink.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
I'm going to assume those are coerced statements, taken from them under threat.

I'm going to assume that these statements were not made by captured russians and are,in fact,fake.Something in which Ukraine excels,if not in quality,then in quantity.

Russian soldiers that are on camera telling some(censored)their mission?
But wait,there's more.
According to that video,russians were not have been given even a basic briefing!
So,10 men were given a vehicles and sent...somewhere...without additional orders.
Sounds just like modern russian army's modus operandi.
Sometimes i really regret that i don't drink.

Wait, I thought you were Russian. Isn't drinking like a national sport?

JohnLocke wrote:

Wait, I thought you were Russian. Isn't drinking like a national sport?

Hm.I'll ask you one simple question.

What is vodka,historically?

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

Wait, I thought you were Russian. Isn't drinking like a national sport?

Hm.I'll ask you one simple question.

What is vodka,historically?

Delicious forgetfulness juice?

JohnLocke wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

Wait, I thought you were Russian. Isn't drinking like a national sport?

Hm.I'll ask you one simple question.

What is vodka,historically?
Delicious forgetfulness juice?

No it is not.Basically,vodka,until...errr...early-middle 20th century(1934,i think),is a alcohol-containing...liquid.I don't even know how to translate it,it's basically potion of wine,but made with various fruits and berries vodka,strawberry vodka...but also could be said berries mixed WITH processed alcohol(this was called vodka or nalivka)...

What i'm trying to say,that until...not so much time ago,vodka was much more than 60%water,40%alcohol.
Image of drinking russian is actually based on this,later version.
Previous vodkas were not nearly(mostly)as strong.
Average russian was a peasant,where would he get money to get drunk routinely?
But then,my wife's precursors were pretty awesome peasants,so this family is making wine to this day.
Wine,which not a century ago would be called Vodka.And it's rarely even 10% alcohol.
Now you know!
And if knowing didn't make you more confused,than i failed at my job.

Even More Spoilers!:
To add to confusion,modern Vodka existed at least from mid-19century,and was also called vodka.
So,basically,now vodka is vodka,but back then you need to add a descriptor to actually identify it i.e. bread vodka,orange vodka,mint vodka and so on

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

Wait, I thought you were Russian. Isn't drinking like a national sport?

Hm.I'll ask you one simple question.

What is vodka,historically?
Delicious forgetfulness juice?

No it is not.Basically,vodka,until...errr...early-middle 20th century(1934,i think),is a alcohol-containing...liquid.I don't even know how to translate it,it's basically potion of wine,but made with various fruits and berries vodka,strawberry vodka...but also could be said berries mixed WITH processed alcohol(this was called vodka or nalivka)...

What i'm trying to say,that until...not so much time ago,vodka was much more than 60%water,40%alcohol.
Image of drinking russian is actually based on this,later version.
Previous vodkas were not nearly(mostly)as strong.
Average russian was a peasant,where would he get money to get drunk routinely?
But then,my wife's precursors were pretty awesome peasants,so this family is making wine to this day.
Wine,which not a century ago would be called Vodka.And it's rarely even 10% alcohol.
Now you know!
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Okay, apologies if I said anything offensive.

JohnLocke wrote:

Okay, apologies if I said anything offensive.

You did not:)

I just like to throw walls of text at people when i fail in pinball especially hard)

JohnLocke wrote:
As a disclaimer, I must admit that I've a desire to see the world rise up in a great communist revolution, washing away all of the current systems that our beloved Imperialist forces hold so dear.

Vive le Galt!

If you are wandering why French has the best army in EU,that's why.Everyone hates them!.
More to the point,first round of negotiations in Minsk started.
I think i'll quote the Dark One:
No,we didn't talked about ceasefire.We actually can't do that,this is Ukraine,Donetsk,Lugansk internal buisness.
I'm starting to suspect he's actually a troll.Possibly THE troll.

Let's be clear about this:twitter posts and the staged videos are the only evidence anyone needs.
Why just not to tell us plainly:we need to create acceptable media image
for ukrainian defeat in decisive battle.We are sorry,but new boat ain't gonna buy itself.
Fun fact:i re-checked and it looks like russian ministry of defence,in fact,NOT admitted that squad of border guard was captured.

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Over the last 2,000 years France fought a lot of battles against a lot of countries and even more armies. Among the very few countries France was never at war with are the USA (which we supported from its earliest years).
Against Russia? First Russia is not as old as France, second until Peter the Great, Russia was the most undeveloped country of Europe. Then it happened (mainly in the 19th century) that France was at war with Russia and, without really winning any war lets remind our Russian friends Napoleon was able to conquer Moscow and claim Kremlin for his own. It was not for long, he lost the war, but still, Napoleon did it.
In 20th century, France "loved" to experience a world war because of an unreliable Russia. Russia entered the war and we backed it up (as it was France ally). But if Russia was eager to start the war it pitifully surrendered in 1917. Luckily the US backed up France and we won the war. That day we understood one thing: the USA are reliable, Russia is unreliable.

And this is the problem of Russia for the last hundred years: to keep its word. Since Soviet Revolution, Russia is either lying or unreliable...

Yes, French are speaking a lot and avoid war. I think many people would understand that after 2,000 years of fights we start looking at other options. Russians are proud, but what are they? A 1,000 years old country experiencing (a flawed) democracy for barely 20 years. A country with a GDP 30% lower than the one of France, this with double population and natural ressources...

Now, my dear Vlad Koroboff, I think Russia will be able to mock French army when it will count as many victories as we collected over our 2,000 years of "international wars", and maybe also when it'll be able to produce by itself its own military equipment, including ships.

Like for individuals, a country which doesn't keep its word is nothing. Russia signed a treaty swearing it'll protect Ukraine territorial integrity and 20 years later it invades and steals Crimea. Russian word worth less than the paper it's written on.
I've no doubt many people in Russia think it's smart but by the time it'll take Russia to become a mature country they'll understand how big that mistake was.

Now, to end about EU speaking it's quite simple, the EU (and NATO) answered a simple question: do you want a nuclear war?
The EU answer is No. Those in Russia who think it's being weak to say so should understand what it means: we don't want to die just to have the satisfaction or erasing Russia from the map.
Now, Russia has also a question to answer: does Russia want a nuclear war? The EU won't accept a new Russian expansionism, at least not with a non-democratic and unreliable Russia.

If Russia enters war with Ukraine the consequences will be so unpredictable that Russia can't be sure it'll come out of it alive.
Yes, yes: "Russia is the best of the Universe!". Being proud is one thing, being delusional is another one...

Angstspawn wrote:
Holy Wall Of Text,Batman!

How exactly did i managed to mock France by telling it's have the best military in EU,again?

You see,when i miss the point,i'm doing it for comical reasons.
What's your excuse?

But i do like that wall of text,yes.It's wrong like skill challenges design,but unlike said design,it contains...what it's called...effort soul!Yes,soul.So i will not take it apart.
But i especially like the idea that Crazy Ivans can't build ships^^.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
If you are wandering why French has the best army in EU,that's why.Everyone hates them!.

While pirates were making "Parlé" Russia was still trying to understand how to construct ships and how to sail them. And by the time Russia was keeping them floating and gathered enough of sailors to fill them pirates had mainly disappeared.

Still, Russia has difficulties with its navy, as till august 2000 not all Russian submarines had the capacity to surface. Most probably there must be a unique single word in Russian language for submerging and sinking...

Angstspawn wrote:
]While pirates were making "Parlé"

Again you are missing the point...about as hard as the first time.

Parley is what's actually happens in Minsk.
And pirates clip is for illustration of crazy circumstances,while france reference is both to said clip and to that it really got the awesome military.
Geez,man,lighten up
I hate youtube sometimes

Angstspawn wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
If you are wandering why French has the best army in EU,that's why.Everyone hates them!.

While pirates were making "Parlé" Russia was still trying to understand how to construct ships and how to sail them. And by the time Russia was keeping them floating and gathered enough of sailors to fill them pirates had mainly disappeared.

Still, Russia has difficulties with its navy, as till august 2000 not all Russian submarines had the capacity to surface. Most probably there must be a unique single word in Russian language for submerging and sinking...

Actually, the brits have the best-drilled and most effective troops in the EU. French aren't even close.

French military proficiency was most amply demonstrated in WW2, where they were slapped around and occupied by the Nazis; when they were humiliated in Vietnam (prior to the American humiliation, of course); and by helping create the terrorist wonderland by bombing Libya.

Russia, on the other hand, is where western armies go to die.

JohnLocke wrote:

Actually, the brits have the best-drilled and most effective troops in the EU.

But France got the best hardware!And it's mostly ingenious,which is worth at least triple points in my eyes)

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
JohnLocke wrote:

Actually, the brits have the best-drilled and most effective troops in the EU.

But France got the best hardware!And it's mostly ingenious,which is worth at least triple points in my eyes)

Good, well-drilled men are indispensable; military technology can be sourced from a variety of different suppliers.

Well, they did give us the word "chauvinism."

Bumps commie propaganda article about evils of France:

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

French Troops Out of Central African Republic! Fifty Interventions in Fifty Years of African Independence

angstspawn wrote:
Now, Russia has also a question to answer: does Russia want a nuclear war? The EU won't accept a new Russian expansionism, at least not with a non-democratic and unreliable Russia.

But Russia should be forced to accept NATO expansionism, right up to their own doorstep?

Dark Archive

So the Ukraine should just let Russia do whatever they want? Hell no
Russia has no right to rule over the Ukraine, the Ukraine is independent and should be allowed to do deals that its citizens have voted to be beneficial. If Russia dislikes that, it shouldn't resort to funding terrorists and fuelling a civil war but try to win the Ukraine over with diplomacy and deals. It seems to me though, than Russia doesn't have anything the Ukraine wants and thats why its been resulting to these vile tactics.

JohnLocke wrote:

But Russia should be forced to accept NATO expansionism, right up to their own doorstep?

Let us all be civil here.

Also you forgot that link

ulgulanoth wrote:
So the Ukraine should just let Russia do whatever they want?

Russia officially does nothing.Except sending ripoffs of 70s blockbusters.

ulgulanoth wrote:
Ukraine is independent

Sovereign.It is by no means independent.

ulgulanoth wrote:
should be allowed to do deals that its citizens have voted to be beneficial.

Yes.Like,you see,not doing coups against democratically elected government.

ulgulanoth wrote:
Russia shouldn't resort to funding terrorists


ulgulanoth wrote:
than Russia doesn't have anything the Ukraine wants

Except,you know,almost everything.From markets to resources.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
thejeff wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
Irontruth wrote:

Putin is an imperialist
Well,OBVIOUSLY!Because you are either that or commie.

Apparently it's called something other than "imperialist" when commies do it. Cause I suspect it looks much the same to the pawns.

And there are other options. Is Sweden Imperialist? Just to pick a random example.

Sweden is a county in the impeiralist state of EU, and a willing henchman and asskisser for NATO.

BTW, I don't know of any even self-proclaimed commies that have acted in an imperialist way. Granted people like Stalin where horrible dictators and I in no way excuse their horribleness, but imperialism isn't really what they did.

Much like fascism, imperialism isn't just "bad things" - it is a specific sort of bad thing.

Gaberlunzie wrote:

Sweden is a county in the impeiralist state of EU, and a willing henchman and asskisser for NATO.


But i just said that!
Gaberlunzie wrote:
people like Stalin where horrible dictators and I in no way excuse their horribleness.

Because then you would be stealing my bread.

But then,i suspect that without a few thousand hours digging into various libraries it's really hard to even acknowledge that most of things said about the man after his death MIGHT be BS.

ulgulanoth wrote:

So the Ukraine should just let Russia do whatever they want? Hell no

Russia has no right to rule over the Ukraine, the Ukraine is independent and should be allowed to do deals that its citizens have voted to be beneficial. If Russia dislikes that, it shouldn't resort to funding terrorists and fuelling a civil war but try to win the Ukraine over with diplomacy and deals. It seems to me though, than Russia doesn't have anything the Ukraine wants and thats why its been resulting to these vile tactics.

I'm going to assume you're merely ignorant, and not stupid.

1. Russia did win over Ukraine with a better deal than the EU offered. The EU and the USA then funded and openly supported a neo-nazi coup against a democratically elected leader. That's good old fashioned regime change.

2. The west is funding and supporting true terror in Ukraine. How many civilians have been murdered, locked in burning buildings, etc, on Kiev's orders?

3. Really? Russia has nothing Ukraine wants? Natural gas. Which they refused to pay for, so Russia turned off the tap.

4. Is Russia supporting the separatists? Absolutely. And so should they; right on their own doorstep, and ethnically Russian, these are people who voted in a referendum to find their own path. You like democracy, right? Well, Ukraine doesn't, and they'd rather murder those people than see them have a right to self-determination. Russia wants stability and peace on their borders, not murderous neo-nazi thugs.

vlad wrote:
Let us all be civil here.

Piss off, Vlad :-)

JohnLocke wrote:

3. Really? Russia has nothing Ukraine wants? Natural gas. Which they refused to pay for, so Russia turned off the tap.

Natural gas is just hot news right now.It's the tip of the iceberg.

Spoilers:check how much of ukrainian power grid is depending on nuclear power plants.
JohnLocke wrote:

4. Is Russia supporting the separatists? Absolutely.

But without proof,and so it isn't happening:)

But then,convoy was at least indirect support.Because food.
JohnLocke wrote:

Piss off, Vlad :-)

I'll feed you to a local commie goblin.

Gaberlunzie wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
Irontruth wrote:

Putin is an imperialist
Well,OBVIOUSLY!Because you are either that or commie.

Apparently it's called something other than "imperialist" when commies do it. Cause I suspect it looks much the same to the pawns.

And there are other options. Is Sweden Imperialist? Just to pick a random example.

Sweden is a county in the impeiralist state of EU, and a willing henchman and asskisser for NATO.

BTW, I don't know of any even self-proclaimed commies that have acted in an imperialist way. Granted people like Stalin where horrible dictators and I in no way excuse their horribleness, but imperialism isn't really what they did.

Much like fascism, imperialism isn't just "bad things" - it is a specific sort of bad thing.

Imperialism, as it is defined by the Oxford Dictionaries, is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means

What else would you call the USSR's approach to the Warsaw Pact nations and other countries that fell under it's sway during the cold war? Or that it tried to shift into it's orbit?

Even the SSRs could be seen as the colonization part of Imperialism.

What's the distinction? Is there a different term for doing this kind of thing when your country is officially communist?

thejeff wrote:
= Oxford Dictionaries=

I say again,we speak commie language here.Yes,we have a different definition of imperialism.No,it is by said definition does not apply to soviet republics.

Because imperialism is the final stage of capitalism,and communism is not capitalism.
But wait,there's more.Your definition would be wrong in case of Soviet Union,because,as you said,it's the policy to extend country's power and influence...
And this is not even remotely goal of socialist revolution.

Vlad Koroboff wrote:
thejeff wrote:
= Oxford Dictionaries=

I say again,we speak commie language here.Yes,we have a different definition of imperialism.No,it is by said definition does not apply to soviet republics.

Because imperialism is the final stage of capitalism,and communism is not capitalism.
But wait,there's more.Your definition would be wrong in case of Soviet Union,because,as you said,it's the policy to extend country's power and influence...
And this is not even remotely goal of socialist revolution.

So, when the Soviet Union took over other countries and expanded its power and influence, that was something else entirely than when non-communist countries do it? Is there a name for that thing then?

Which is what I said originally, by the way. I still suspect it looks pretty much the same to the other countries being taken over.

thejeff wrote:
Is there a name for that thing then?

Expansion of socialism.

thejeff wrote:
I still suspect it looks pretty much the same to the other countries being taken over.

Hell no.It's the difference between switching the final recipient of your taxes and being invaded by aliens.

Or,in most interesting cases,being taken over by aliens from the inside(China,Nam,Cuba,Korea,Lybia...the list goes on)

Lenin on Imperialism: The "Too Long; Didn't Read" Version by Doodlebug Anklebiter

Lenin defines capitalist imperialism as follows:

"(1) The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life; (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial capital and the creation, on the basis of this ‘finance capital,’ of a financial oligarchy; (3) the export of capital, as distinguished from the export of commodities, acquires exceptional importance; (4) the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves; and (5) the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.”

Of course, there are other, non-Leninist definitions.

I remember, not too long ago, reading my old comrades' articles on Solidarnosc back in the early eighties and I was struck by their claims (which I never attempted to verify) that the Soviet Stalinists had a conscious policy to keep the standards of living in Poland higher than they were in the Soviet Union proper.

I don't know if that was a specific thing for Poland (Gierek?, Gomulka?, name from the past keep appearing, uncalled for, in my memory!), but I remember thinking that it was an interesting reversal of standard imperialist practice.

thejeff wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:
thejeff wrote:
= Oxford Dictionaries=

I say again,we speak commie language here.Yes,we have a different definition of imperialism.No,it is by said definition does not apply to soviet republics.

Because imperialism is the final stage of capitalism,and communism is not capitalism.
But wait,there's more.Your definition would be wrong in case of Soviet Union,because,as you said,it's the policy to extend country's power and influence...
And this is not even remotely goal of socialist revolution.

So, when the Soviet Union took over other countries and expanded its power and influence, that was something else entirely than when non-communist countries do it? Is there a name for that thing then?

Which is what I said originally, by the way. I still suspect it looks pretty much the same to the other countries being taken over.

I don't really think the USSR was a very good example of communism, at all. It's activities largely mirrored those of the US, which we all agree was/is imperialist. I have no problem saying the USSR was imperialist, quibbles over specific definitions aside.

Please don't take my commie card away, Comrades Vlad and Anklebiter!!!

Gaberlunzie wrote:
Sweden is a county in the imperalist state of EU, and a willing henchman and asskisser for NATO.

Imperialist state of EU?...

Gather more than yourself, vote and just say: "we don't want to be part of the EU anymore". It's that simple. Sweden not being part of Eurozone it can be done overnight.
Should the EU block it? No.
Should the EU be able to survive without H&M and Ikea? I think so.
Would it make life better for Swedish? I don't know but it's the problem of Sweden.

To be out of NATO will be much more complicated... because you're not a member of NATO!
Nonetheless I can imagine it's possible for Sweden to ask to be a member and, once in to ask to come out. The best being still not to do anything to enter.

JohnLocke wrote:

I don't really think the USSR was a very good example of communism, at all.

USSR actually was socialist country,but there never was a communism.

Also,even as socialist country for the last half of it's existence it was not...very good.
Except for scientists and their families^^

Wojciech Jaruzelski wrote:

Lenin on Imperialism: The "Too Long; Didn't Read" Version by Doodlebug Anklebiter

Lenin defines capitalist imperialism as follows:

"(1) The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life; (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial capital and the creation, on the basis of this ‘finance capital,’ of a financial oligarchy; (3) the export of capital, as distinguished from the export of commodities, acquires exceptional importance; (4) the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves; and (5) the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.”

Of course, there are other, non-Leninist definitions.

I remember, not too long ago, reading my old comrades' articles on Solidarnosc back in the early eighties and I was struck by their claims (which I never attempted to verify) that the Soviet Stalinists had a conscious policy to keep the standards of living in Poland higher than they were in the Soviet Union proper.

I don't know if that was a specific thing for Poland (Gierek?, Gomulka?, name from the past keep appearing, uncalled for, in my memory!), but I remember thinking that it was an interesting reversal of standard imperialist practice.

I'm certainly willing to agree that the USSR didn't practice "capitalist imperialism". I'm just not convinced that "communist imperialism" is really that much different for those being taken over by it. If we make an exception for the USSR not really being communist, I suppose we can make one for China too (imperialist takeover of Tibet and attempts at influence elsewhere.) In fact it seems that, kind of like non-communist nations powerful communist ones tend to try to extend that power and influence in basically the same ways. Weaker nations, both communist and otherwise aren't as imperialist, but that's due to lack of ability as much as anything.

Near as I can tell, the basic pattern goes back well before capitalism, though the term came along later. "Imperial" Rome, anyone?

I'll also grant that given an actual world-wide socialist revolution and the withering away of the state, imperialism will wither away along with it. Until then, I think it's more a characteristic of states rather than economic systems.

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