PaizoCon 2014 Early Arrivals

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Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

So I know some of you all will be getting in early.

Is anyone interested in setting up some games for Wednesday Night or Thursday?

That would be fun. We typically arrive late-ish Tuesday, but I haven't gotten plane tickets yet... need to do that...

Will be there Thursday afternoon. After stuffing my face, with my younger sister, we will be up for some righteous gaming.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been waiting for PaizoCon 2014 since I moved here, in 2009. :p

Silver Crusade

Rusty Ironpants wrote:

So I know some of you all will be getting in early.

Is anyone interested in setting up some games for Wednesday Night or Thursday?

I should be there Thursday night. If this is an open invitation, I'd be happy to join the fun!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Sorry it took me a while to check back.

I will be arriving Wednesday morning. So I will available to run or play some games starting on Wednesday afternoon/evening and on Thursday.

@Atrahasis: Yes this is definitely an open invitation to anyone.

Scarab Sages

I get in Wednesday afternoon, and assuming the 10 hour flight isnt delayed, I'd love to play even more PFS :)


I'm in early Thursday and would be open to something.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I would be willing to run a PFS game or two.

I also did the Kobolds Ate My Baby Kickstarter this year and would love to try a game of K.A.M.B. if people are interested.

Scarab Sages

I should be arriving Wednesday evening. I would be interested in a few games.

Dark Archive

I am mega down for Wednesday night gaming!

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

I'll be getting in Thursday early afternoon. Unless Kyle does something like his meet-n-greet again (which was AWESOME last year), I'll be up for some spontaneous Thursday afternoon or evening game. Could run some PFS if folk are interested.

Dark Archive

Getting my days mixed up. I'll be arriving Thursday evening.

Majuba wrote:
That would be fun. We typically arrive late-ish Tuesday, but I haven't gotten plane tickets yet... need to do that...

Turns out we'll be arriving extra-late on Wednesday instead.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Turns out that I can make it this year after all.

I'll be coming in Thursday morning and can run a Swords and Wizardry game for folks on Thursday, perhaps a little thing I worked up on my own or one of the many low level Frog God Games adventures.

I'll see what I can finagle from Skeet.

Silver Crusade

Dark Sasha wrote:

Turns out that I can make it this year after all.

I'll be coming in Thursday morning and can run a Swords and Wizardry game for folks on Thursday, perhaps a little thing I worked up on my own or one of the many low level Frog God Games adventures.

I'll see what I can finagle from Skeet.

I would be interested in that, but depends we are driving that day from Sacramento, after that long of a drive my wife may have murderlized me by then....

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I could be persuaded to test out S&W. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dark Sasha wrote:

Turns out that I can make it this year after all.

I'll be coming in Thursday morning and can run a Swords and Wizardry game for folks on Thursday, perhaps a little thing I worked up on my own or one of the many low level Frog God Games adventures.

I'll see what I can finagle from Skeet.

Ooooo, I will have to remember to bring my bookses.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Is it to early to talk about specific games yet?

I will get the ball rolling by offering to run a couple of PFS games on Wednesday. One in the afternoon, say 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm-ish if anyone else will be there that early? Another, say 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm or so.

Any suggestions on scenarios? I was thinking maybe the new Free RPG day module "Risen from the Sands" if there will be people who have not played it by that time. I love Osirion stuff.

I am thinking we can meet in the hotel bar area and maybe just grab a table in the pool area/atrium to play.

The Exchange

Thursday evening at the Marriott hotel!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We'll look for people when we get there sometime Thursday. We're planning on staying on one of the islands Wednesday, and visiting the lodge at Snoqualmie Falls (of Twin Peaks fame) before heading over.

Im arriving on Wednesday and I'm looking for a Game that day. I'm in!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Welcome Celurian. That is a start for a Wednesday game then.

I would also like to play or run something Thursday.

Scarab Sages

My wife and I should be getting in Wednesday afternoon. I'm more than willing to run a Pathfinder/PFS game or two, and wouldn't mind playing, either.

Would also love to run a Numenera adventure I've been cooking up on Thursday if anybody would be interested.

Scarab Sages

I get in late on Wednesday, but definitely up for a game Thursday evening if a spot is available. Risen from the Sands sounds like a lot of fun and I know I wouldnt have got to play that before I fly out.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My flight arrives late Tuesday night, so I have Wednesday, all day, and Thursday morning available for some sight seeing.

Think I will take the light rail downtown and goto Fisherman's market and maybe the space needle on Wednesday.

Anyone up for joining me on a photo expedition?


Scarab Sages

I think for Thursday I'll volunteer to GM The Harrowing (as a PFS credit module, hopefully).

Anyone with a PFS character who will be around level 8-10 and who wants to make a level in a day, plus play a really great module (complete with Harrow deck), let me know and I'll plan on running it.

Liberty's Edge

I'm landing in Seattle around noon on Thursday so after probably 3, airport permitting, I was thinking of doing a brew and coffee tour... or something like that. Is there any interest in that?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

@Paile: I would be all over The Harrowing if I had not already played it. It is definitely a fun module.

Also I will definitely run Risen from the Sands on Thursday evening then. Any other scenarios people want to play? No season 5 scenarios so we don't conflict with the con proper.

Scarab Sages

@Rusty: any requests, then? More than happy to run anything.

And count me in for Risen. :D

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe one of the High Tier (7-11) scenarios from an earlier season?

There are a few of those I haven't played since my characters were not high enough then.

#2-04 Shadow's Fall on Absalom
#2-08 The Sarkorian Prophecy
#2-16 The Flesh Collector
#2-26 The Mantis's Prey
#3-04 The Kortos Envoy

I have not played any of the above.

Any of the first three from Rusty's list work for my spouse and I.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I can run any of those five as well.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

So if I can put a little bit of a tentative schedule together:

Meeting in hotel lobby/bar area and find a place to play. I guess I will just assume 5 hour blocks since we are talking about some PFS games.

Time: Approx 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Game/Scenario: ???
GM: Rusty

Time: Approx 7:00 pm to Midnight
Game/Scenario: ???
GM: ???

Time: Approx 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Game/Scenario: #2-04, #2-08 or #2-16
GM: Paile or TOZ (?)
1. Majuba
2. Mrs. Majuba
3. Rusty

Time: Approx 7:00 pm to Midnight
Game/Scenario: Risen from the Sands
GM: Rusty
1. Paile
2. Nizari

Anyone else have suggestions for scenarios or games?

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

I suspect I'll be there and ready for a game by Thursday at 1. Alas, I don't have any level 7 PFS characters. So, I could run a pregen. Or, I could GM a lower-level game in the 1-6 slot.

Scarab Sages

The 1-6 pm slot on Thursday sounds good to me.

And pregens are welcome. More the merrier.

Liberty's Edge

Can I get in on the Thursday 1- 6:00pm game? Ive gm'd (but not played) Shadows Fall on Abasalom, played the Sakkorian Prophecy. Flesh Collector Ive never touched.

I can't commit for sure, but I'd be up to it if I get back in time in the early afternoon. I get in around 10:30, but the I have to check in and I'm heading towards Redmond for a bit. I need to get some Growlers from Black Raven Brewery to stock my mini-fridge for the weekend. I love that place, and have to definitely stop by!

Scarab Sages

Matthew Pittard wrote:
Can I get in on the Thursday 1- 6:00pm game? Ive gm'd (but not played) Shadows Fall on Abasalom, played the Sakkorian Prophecy. Flesh Collector Ive never touched.

Sure! While it looks like Rusty's taking care of the "official" scheduling, my game on Thurs should look like this now:

Time: Approx 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Game/Scenario: #2-04, #2-08 or #2-16
GM: Paile (Keith)
1. Majuba
2. Mrs. Majuba
3. Rusty
4. Matthew Pittard

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Paile.

Liberty's Edge

Also are we looking for 7-8 or 10-11?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Meeting in hotel lobby/bar area and find a place to play. I guess I will just assume 5 hour blocks since we are talking about some PFS games.

Time: Approx 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Game/Scenario: ???
GM: ???

Time: Approx 7:00 pm to Midnight
Game/Scenario: We Be Goblins!
GM: Rusty

Time: Approx 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Game/Scenario: #2-04, #2-08 or #2-16
GM: Paile
1. Majuba
2. Mrs. Majuba
3. Rusty
4. Matthew Pittard
5. Beerwolf (tentative)
6. rknop

Time: Approx 7:00 pm to Midnight
Game/Scenario: Risen from the Sands
GM: Rusty
1. Paile
2. Nizari
3. rknop

Anyone else have suggestions for scenarios or games?

Matthew, I have characters in both tiers for a 7-11 (Fighter 11, Rogue 10, Witch 9 or Monk/Ninja 7)

Do we just want to pick a scenario now, like 2-08 Sarkorian Prophecy or 2-16 Flesh Collector?

Any ideas for scenarios for Wednesday Games? Another run of Risen from the Sands? The always popular We Be Goblins!? The Confirmation so people can start a new character for the con?

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

For Paile's Thursday game, put me in as a pregen. I'll play whichever one makes the most sense, assuming that a level 7 pregen makes sense at all. However, if somebody comes along with a real level 7 character they want to play, I'll step back and GM a game (almost certainly at lower kevel than 7-11) instead, because it's better if people get to play their real characters. (My highest-level character will be level 5 or 6 at PaizoCon... assuming that the PbP games that my two level 5s are in finish by then! Fingers crossed.)

For the Rusty 7-Midnight game, same thing :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

@rknop: Done! I was still able to edit my post above.

Also I went ahead and put the Wednesday 7-Midnight game as me running We Be Goblins! which I will do unless someone has a request for a different scenario.

Scarab Sages

Could you add my wife to the Risen game?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Paile wrote:
Could you add my wife to the Risen game?

Yes, yes I can. :) That will also give us a legal table.

Liberty's Edge

Rusty: Depending on how I fare after the earlier game, I may be up for the Risen game. its the new rpgday scenario right? Are there pregens again? whats the chronicle tier credit?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

@matthew: Risen from the Sands is the RPG day scenario. The tier is for levels 2-4. So the level 4 pregens could be played.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome. Can I bring the We be goblins 2 , Goblin for play ? :)

Scarab Sages

Matthew Pittard wrote:
Rusty: Depending on how I fare after the earlier game, I may be up for the Risen game. its the new rpgday scenario right? Are there pregens again? whats the chronicle tier credit?

I believe Risen will have pregens for some of the iconics from the Advanced Class Guide.

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