Gentlemen's Agreement

Gamer Life General Discussion

Post your agreements here =P

1. I will not deliberately attempt to break your game.

2. Issues I have with the game will be discussed after the session and not interrupt the game.

Sovereign Court

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3. Missing a game because of a new GF is ok. Missing the game for a date with a wife or longtime GF is not. (same for poker night)

Liberty's Edge

4. Drinking shall be allowed at the table so long as it does not get out of hand. And I as the GM have the right to abstain.

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5. All disagreements will be settled by the knife-rapidly-stabbed-into-table-between-fingers game. If you refuse to play then your argument obviously lacks merit.

Sovereign Court

chaoseffect wrote:
5. All disagreements will be settled by the knife-rapidly-stabbed-into-table-between-fingers game. If you refuse to play then your argument obviously lacks merit.

We have attempted knivesies once or twice in such a manner.

6. No spiked chains, or other RAW elements that break the idiom of the game.

GoatToucher wrote:
6. No spiked chains.

This isn't 3.5: Spiked chains got hit so hard with the nerf bat that even owning one in character decreases your guy's net worth.

7. Any disagreement with the DM over a ruling will be settled within three minutes or less.

8. No namecalling. We are all here to have fun and if you do not agree with each other be civil about it.

9. No cheating as this does not fun enhancing. We are here to have fun, not to 'win' the game. The way to win the game is by enjoying it!
p.s. it's totally allowed to clumsily and obviously get caught cheating trying to help a friend avoid a bad situation (it won't help anyway, but may provide more laughter and fun). Besides it's likely a GM will cheat somewhat in your favour anyway as noone wants a partywipe anyway.

10. I favour the joint party treasure chest to draw from as it will allow everyone to get some more then deserved at some time and you can agree about it. If someone does not want to share anything it's likely you did not want to play with him/her anyway.

aboniks wrote:
7. Any disagreement with the DM over a ruling will be settled within three minutes or less.

I agree but if I manage to produce evidence of a mistake or other interpretation outside the time limit it should be applied to future uses. This has happened to me every now and then and for the argument of not wasting too much time accept the ruling and if a different interpretation shows itself as being the 'truth' later don't try to set back the clock. Either correct it from now on or starting next session.

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11. You will not say "Hastur Hastur Hastur" just for giggles if we're playing CoC or with CoC elements.

12. Any characters who are obviously Conan the Barbarian with a new name must know Conan's creed or they will instantly be slain by Crom.

13. Any game may be missed because of significant other. If it's your turn to GM and you are going to miss, you must let the group know days ahead of schedule so someone else can GM.

14. No dating/being married to your fellow players. This rule evolved after a number of groups that ended badly because of romantic conflicts.

Snowleopard wrote:
aboniks wrote:
7. Any disagreement with the DM over a ruling will be settled within three minutes or less.
I agree but if I manage to produce evidence of a mistake or other interpretation outside the time limit it should be applied to future uses. This has happened to me every now and then and for the argument of not wasting too much time accept the ruling and if a different interpretation shows itself as being the 'truth' later don't try to set back the clock. Either correct it from now on or starting next session.

Indeed. I should have specified three minutes of gaming time.

I'm all for using evidence and rules in the way they were intended, but stopping the universe over a quibble sucks. Similarly, having the player who disagrees with your ruling sit there throughout the session leafing through rules books for a way to prove you wrong is both annoying, and and sub-fun for the rest of the players. Go to the DM with it between sessions when you're not dividing your attention from the game and burning up play time.

Just my 2cp though. I've seen groups that have just as much fun arguing the rules and metagaming as they do actually playing. That's not my style, but some people seem to dig it.

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aboniks wrote:
Similarly, having the player who disagrees with your ruling sit there throughout the session leafing through rules books for a way to prove you wrong is both annoying, and and sub-fun for the rest of the players.

I'm often in the position where the DM is mistaken on rules and I know it... the miracles of technology have done much to let me point out why he's wrong in a timely manner and with limited effort on my part.

It would be even quicker if he just acknowledged that I'm probably right by now and just go with it :p

I'm all for that. If you can't find it in under three minutes on the web, it probably doesn't exist anyway.

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If you want to go dark fantasy/morbid flavor, please tell me BEFORE my character falls in love with the main NPC. (It was a big trauma).

MagusJanus wrote:

11. You will not say "Hastur Hastur Hastur" just for giggles if we're playing CoC or with CoC elements.

12. Any characters who are obviously Conan the Barbarian with a new name must know Conan's creed or they will instantly be slain by Crom.

13. Any game may be missed because of significant other. If it's your turn to GM and you are going to miss, you must let the group know days ahead of schedule so someone else can GM.

14. No dating/being married to your fellow players. This rule evolved after a number of groups that ended badly because of romantic conflicts.

I do not agree with rule 14. I am divorced and i still play with my ex-wife and my friends in the same group. No bad feelings, no problems, just be an adult about it. And for clarification: She left me and I still do not like that and I do not have the dillusion that she might come back as long as I keep seeing her. It's over move on.

15. I agree not to punch you in the face, if you quit making Dracula puns at all my Dhampirs.

Shadow Lodge

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16. Evil alignment is a privilege, not a right.

16a. If you have a really great idea for an evil character, make sure that it doesn't hinge upon trying to ruin everything for the other players.

17. If I feel a character would do something, and you feel my character should do something else because it is the "smart" thing to do in such situations, you can find a different game to play.

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17a. If I'm a player and you are a GM you are not allowed to tell me that my character would make a different choice. That means that I might attack an NPC for insulting/threatening me. Don't assume my character will take crap off of your NPC just because they are plot critical. Alternatively, make you NPC stronger than me, but don't expect I will help him find his family heirloom after he insults me and beats my ass.

17b. As a GM I won't antagonize players with NPC's and then be surprised when they try to kill them.

Sovereign Court

BigDTBone wrote:

17a. If I'm a player and you are a GM you are not allowed to tell me that my character would make a different choice. That means that I might attack an NPC for insulting/threatening me. Don't assume my character will take crap off of your NPC just because they are plot critical. Alternatively, make you NPC stronger than me, but don't expect I will help him find his family heirloom after he insults me and beats my ass.

17b. As a GM I won't antagonize players with NPC's and then be surprised when they try to kill them.

I am sensing something not very gentlemenly going on here.....

I think that's why we need the agreement :)

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Amen 17a and 17b

Way too many APs suffer from this
17c remember PC much more mission critical than NPC

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18. I, Mr. Wizard, will not attempt to steal the role of both the fighter and the rogue and I will not bring up the fact that I can do the rogue's job better than him.

Liberty's Edge

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19. The paladin will not attempt to arrest members of the party or demand that the party as a whole donate funds to the paladins church.

on 16a I agree that all charactors should make sure their charactor is not designed to ruin other people's fun, not just evil ones. I have had a large number of times people agressively decide to play a druid so no one else can play a necromancer, someone decides to be a paladin just to boss around the rest of the party, ect. To limit this idea to just evil character seems short sighted by my experiences.

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K177Y C47 wrote:
18. I, Mr. Wizard, will not attempt to steal the role of both the fighter and the rogue and I will not bring up the fact that I can do the rogue's job better than him.

Ha, that means Mr. Wizard is doing a bad job of well...being a wizard, especially if he is the only arcane caster in the party.

20. I, as the wizard with arcane crafting feats, will not be the party glorified vending machine for all things magical that you heart desires at cost (i.e. 1/2 price). My time and talents are valuable, do not treat me as an NPC crafter.

20a. Crafting is 80% of full price, paid up front(75% if you are respectful), for my feat tax and downtime services. Also it guarantees availability. If not, go have the DM roll randomly to see what the vendor has in stock and pay full price.

21. As the wizard, I will choose which spells to cast in and out of combat to make my party "more effective" TM. Do not tell me what to memorize or that a fireball is more effective then haste, then proceed to get bitter when simple tracked math over rounds prove that I was correct. Play your character how you wish and I will do the same with mine.

Sawce wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
18. I, Mr. Wizard, will not attempt to steal the role of both the fighter and the rogue and I will not bring up the fact that I can do the rogue's job better than him.

Ha, that means Mr. Wizard is doing a bad job of well...being a wizard, especially if he is the only arcane caster in the party.

20. I, as the wizard with arcane crafting feats, will not be the party glorified vending machine for all things magical that you heart desires at cost (i.e. 1/2 price). My time and talents are valuable, do not treat me as an NPC crafter.

20a. Crafting is 80% of full price, paid up front(75% if you are respectful), for my feat tax and downtime services. Also it guarantees availability. If not, go have the DM roll randomly to see what the vendor has in stock and pay full price.

21. As the wizard, I will choose which spells to cast in and out of combat to make my party "more effective" TM. Do not tell me what to memorize or that a fireball is more effective then haste, then proceed to get bitter when simple tracked math over rounds prove that I was correct. Play your character how you wish and I will do the same with mine.

Oh man, I still remember the thread about 20 and 20a.

22. Yes, I realize that you could use dominate person or other save-or-dies to completely trivialize many encounters. Anything you can do I can do with more NPCs. We will both consider such measures to be last resorts used only in dire emergencies, if then.

pendothrax wrote:

19. The paladin will not attempt to arrest members of the party or demand that the party as a whole donate funds to the paladins church.

on 16a I agree that all charactors should make sure their character is not designed to ruin other people's fun, not just evil ones. I have had a large number of times people agressively decide to play a druid so no one else can play a necromancer, someone decides to be a paladin just to boss around the rest of the party, ect. To limit this idea to just evil character seems short sighted by my experiences.

But then you might open up room for a debate of "Well, their character is disrupting the party, I'm just doing what I said I was always going to do!"

Since a paladin is generally going to be less disruptive to a party of good or neutral than an evil character would be, I think singling out evil characters is fair, if not representative of every possible problem.

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23. You should be having fun

24. Your fun should be increasing everyone's fun

25. If someone's actions are impacting your ability to enjoy the game, you should have an upfront, honest communication about it.

26. When you GM, you are responsible for stating what kind of game you like to play. When you play, you should find GMs whose game play taste mesh with yours.

27. If game play issues arise, please talk to the other person.

28. It is ok to walk away from the table if game play preferences do not mesh. We can still be friends.

Liberty's Edge

@Guy Kilmore I think you boiled it down to the essentials right there.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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29. If I'm running published material, I'm all for player agency, but don't go off the rails. If you do, I'm out of things to run because I don't have time to write an entire adventure around your side trek.

Charlie Bell wrote:
29. If I'm running published material, I'm all for player agency, but don't go off the rails. If you do, I'm out of things to run because I don't have time to write an entire adventure around your side trek.

29a) When I'm running published materials, don't ask uncomfortable questions of key NPCs. Especially when I don't know the answer.

Seriously, poor Kendra JUST lost her father, why are you asking her about her mother?

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