Max Smithson |

1) Build Paladin
2) Fall
3) ???
4) Profit.
for serious...
Why not swap your int and Wis? I am guessing you are looking at 2hander?
The reason I asked about the wis/int swap is Wisdom feeds into perception and the other wisdom based skills. So you have more skills with int, but more bonus with wisdom. The saves are nice but saves isn't an issue, is it?

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I will probably be a anti-paladin in a group of good or neutral characters, so I would need a good intellect to make that work. I was actually thinking about going aegis if I can't find a way to heal from negative energy.
Int/Wis, honestly I would rather have the skill points to always put one into perception AND others I want, (bluff, sense motive, diplomacy ect)
early like levels 1-3 it my be better with higher wis, but later on the extra skill points will be nice, also, I like knowing lots of languages.

Supreme |

Spell Focus Conjuration
Augment Summoning
In a neutral/good party this is probably the best way of helping out the group.
Without knowing the rest of the party makeup I can't say really what you're going to best at doing in the group. I personally like pumping up my summoned monster and letting him do all the damage.
However that said, Lance charging with a dire bat you get early on can work incredibly in your favor. In which case you would want mounted combat and eventually spirited charge instead.
Oh, and I would get one of the traits to give you Use Magic Device as a class skill, with all the Charisma you're going to pump into an antipaladin, being able to use wands and scrolls that you can't usually use are awesome.
When you finally get full plate, if your DM allows eastern armor, an O-yoroi is a much better fit for your stats then a standard full plate.
Depending on your group you may want to invest some potions of glibness or a magic item to hide your alignment. Y'know, because you're evil in a good/neutral party.
Also there's Necromatic Affinity, which will allow you to get the Negative Energy Affinity should you want it.
You need 15 CON but hey, you have that so you should be fine.
(EDIT: This is based off of your DM actually, honestly I would rule it that way but it does only say stuff about Inflict spells. So your mileage may vary)
Command Undead is also a fine choice for a feat if your campaign is going to be undead heavy and you lack a good way to Smite. Get a small army of skeletons and wreck havoc.
It's sad that CE is so hated (for good reason but still) I really like the Antipaladin class a whole lot.

Ranax |

Unfortunately, the necro affinity feat only changes how cure and inflict spells work so you still can corruptive touch/negative energy channel heal.
Feat selection depends on fighting style, but with that int ask your gm if you can qualify for unsanctioned knowledge. Adds some nice spell options like dimension door.

Bodhizen |

I've noticed that you ask for assistance in building lots of characters. There have been a multitude of threads you've started asking for advice in building characters (multiple paladins, a ranger, an antipaladin, a bard, a ninja, a gunslinger, some monks, some fighters, some knights, a barbarian or two, some dual-class characters - and that's all since the start of the year). Why do you need so much help building characters?

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Most of them are NPCs I use for GMing. I like to invest personal stuff into my NPCs (that grow with the players) as I don't really like using magical beasts and the like. That and all are potential game characters when I get the chances. (also, I enjoy discussing builds, so some are just that, discussions, though most get passed over :(. )
I just come up with stuff, and put it out there to hear thoughts.
I also have ADHD and sometimes I jump from one thing to the next without giving stuff much thought. (one of the reasons I enjoy GMing, I get use my plethora of characters and the like without being restricted to one, just love making characters backstory and all.)
That and my -usual- players enjoy optimized characters and good challenging encounters for said characters.
so feel free to ignore them if you so wish, and I apologize if it bugs anyone.

XMorsX |
Knight of the sepulcher loses both fiendish boon and ALL the cruelties. I can only see it becoming viable if you houserule that you can heal with touch of corruptions as a swift action, just as a paladin does. By RAW you cannot do it. Even then it does not really worth it until lvl 15. Its capstone is definately better than the one of the vanilla Antipaladin though.
Power Attack should be the feat of choice for the standard two-hander. Take Magical Knack for the +2 caster lvls.

XMorsX |
Also, what does magical knack do for me? Allow spells sooner?
Normally your caster lvl at lvl 4 is your lvl-3. It gives you two caster lvls back, so that from 4th lvl and onwards your caster lvl will be your lvl-1. The fact that Antipaladin has lots of save or suck spells, in contrary with the buffs of the paladin, makes it much more important, especially if you buy a spell-storing weapon.
As a first lvl frat, you could get Intimidating Prowess. Mainly a role-play decision at these lvls, as you do not have an easy way to intimidate in combat at these lvls, but it will show up at lvl 7 when you will have cornugon smash.
I would probably take Power attack at lvl 1 though, because at higher lvls many useful feats are unlocked. Squire and Leadership, Channel Smite, Furious Focus (which is extra useful for you if you have a conductive weapon for the ToCs and Channel Smite), Dreadful Carnage, Angelic Blood and Angelic wings if you go Aasimar.

deuxhero |
What's your level range going to be? If you aren't going to hit level 9, you want your fiendish boon to be a weapon, but if you DO plan to hit level 9 (and especially 11), you want to get a servant as your boon. At level 9 the list of possible servants includes the Babau (Now you too can invalidate the rouge!).
At 11 you can add a succubus, where just its Profane Gift (+2 to the highest stats of anyone you want, plus linking them all in a telepathy network) is probably the best class feature not named "spells" (or possibly "alchemy") in the game, but it's incredible face potential and SLAs would be pretty good on their own.