Replacement Player for Skull & Shackles Games.


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Please remove Gaius from consideration. I can not get my head around the whole ethics issue of being a pirate. Actively hunting people who have not harmed you or yours, for profit.

Sigh looks like this is not the AP for me. Sorry.

Gaius Gracci wrote:

Please remove Gaius from consideration. I can not get my head around the whole ethics issue of being a pirate. Actively hunting people who have not harmed you or yours, for profit.

Sigh looks like this is not the AP for me. Sorry.

That's why they call it role playing.

Exactly. This role (pirate) is beyond my ability to assume and enjoy the process. It is a failure on my part, I intend no criticism of those who exceed my ability. I apologize for giving offence.

I like many of the trappings of the hollywood pirate life this AP portrays and I think I could even enjoy the AP if I could only think of a reason for a non evil character to stay in the AP once they are no longer a prisoner.

As I said, this is a failure of imagination on my part. How do you solve this issue? I would hate to have to cross what appears to be an excellent AP off my playable list forever.

Well, firstly, it depends on how you personally view neutral versus evil. The line can waver, and for some people what qualifies you as such is very specific, and others not. However, here are some ways that come to my mind.

Firstly, most classical Pirates did not kill those who surrendered. It was bad business. If you became known for not taking prisoners, nobody would wanna surrender to you when they saw your pirate flag, and they'd always wanna fight you to the death- Because it was your only choice. As such, somewhat ironically, being a Pacifist Pirate is VERY doable.

Second, you can have the Robin Hood mentality, that you're just stealing from the rich, corrupt, and evil. You can specifically try and make your crew geared towards robbing from the evil or cruel. Or, you could be a Pirate who only robs from other Pirates.

Third, you can be a Pirate for the adventure, the sense of freedom, the ability to do your own way. If you look at Jack Sparrow, from the famous Pirates of the Caribbean series, his goal isn't usually wealth. Its self-preservation and maintaining his freedom. He's all about being able to be independent and chart his own course. You can be a pirate for that reason. The plunder isn't your characters motivation, its the thrill of being your own man.

And I do believe there's a big exploration and ruin delving archaeologist style emphasis in this campaign. You could be a Pirate not for stealing but simply because Pirates tend to know where ancient ruins are.

This campaign, I think, has more of a selfish neutral emphasis than an evil one. But still, you can play a Good character. They just have to be conflicted, or be a Pirate for another's sake. Love is always a good motivator. Or they be a Pirate because they have no choice, because returning to society would mean certain death.

Your character could have a debt to another PC, and you be a pirate so as to repay that debt, even if piracy isn't your choice of a profession.

I hope some of this helps. If not you, than anyone. Just remember, Alignment is fluid and full of degrees.

.....Well said Mekura....

Hmmmmmm I think I see a way......Arrive in port for non-piratical purpose + shanghaied + forced piracy or forced occupancy on a ship performing piracy = pirate in the eyes of home authority = making the best of a bad hand while trying to complete original goal.

I can see that working .... a pragmatic character...easy as Druids have to be neutral...i can see even Neutral Good fitting here....

Well you have convinced me.

If it is still possible please reactivate my candidacy, and thank you Mekura.

No problem :D I wish ya luck.

taking prisoners is far more profitable then killing them. Gaius, I took no offence just stating that you don't have to believe in something in order to "pretend" that you do.

An important thing to remember is the difference between Pirate and Privateer - Perspective. An English Privateer was "just" a Pirate to the Spanish.

In the real world, where did Pirates come from?

They were suddenly unemployed Marines and Sailors. These men were unemployed because their nation's open warfare had ended. The majority of them who became Pirates were simply rank and file military men (not that that used to mean what it means to us today) who were looking for a way to support themselves (and their families) with the skills they had - warfare.

Piracy as an extended business was a consequence of governments creating fighting men and deserting them, not helping them reincorporate into society.

They were hard men with no where to turn, declared as criminals for doing what they were being paid to do only days before, and found them trapped by death sentences from being able to do anything else. They were typically very angry, very frustrated, very lonely and very desperate.

A couple of questions if I might. I am looking a putting out a Human bard. But I do generally prefer the more exotic breeds of life out there.

What are the 0hd races? (Forgive me, a bit of research and I feel I am falling flat on finding them)

For sake of Versatile Performance, can we retrain skills? (Never felt it made much sense to suddenly be way too good at two skills without a point in either one but because I was far too good at performing I'm suddenly amazing)

If possible I would prefer to play a Musetouched Bard...but if not then it's understandable. (If I am gonna be spoony...I like to be so spoony it hurts)

Crunch partially complete.
Backstory cometh with the dawn.

Hp: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Sovereign Court

@Vincent. PM me please. I don't really understand what you are asking for.

Liberty's Edge

Thorin Lightfoot at yours service.

Aasimar Cleric
Alignment: NG
Speed 30ft
Hp: 8 + 1d8 ⇒ 3 or 5 (whichever higher)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, wis 16, cha 18
Cmb: 3, cmd: 13
Fort: 3, ref 0, will 6
Bab 1

Domains: Liberation, Healing (restoration)

Detect Magic
Enhance diplomacy
Bless x2
Sun metal

Skills: Diplomacy 9, perception 8, swim 4, knowledge religion and nobility 7, linguistic 8

Languages: Common, celestial, elven, dwarven, orc, gnome, halfling, goblin

Thorin greatest regret is that he is unable to protect his wife and daughter from the corrupted officials. He later joined the Church to get away from this corrupted world. However, his past continues to haunt him, revenge on the rich and powerful tuants him day in and day out.

One day while he is drinking alone in the tavern, an interesting conversation sparked his interest. The pirates are hiring and in need of a healer. This could very much be the chance that the God had bestow him to take revenge on the corrupted. And so Thorin walks up to the leader and said: "Thorin Lightfoot at your service."

Liberty's Edge

Im aiming for platemail and go abit tanky once i get enough money and shopping is available. For now will mainly be doing healing from the back and playing the supportive role.

Arg....I swear, I never learn to do all my writing in wordpad or something...every character I make the mistake of making him in the profile editor itself..and everytime it wipes it and the site glitches and I lose all the work...blarg. I'll try again in a while, when I'm not angry.

Nolwazi has some backstory added to the profile; I might need to modify it a bit to interlace with piracy a bit.

So, what do you folks think of this:

"How you dey? Brain scattered as I dream ways that Nolwazi be talkin wit dem short-speak. Stoppa you I, I speak swagga-swagga? Not want dey be bothered by I, an' I speak proper like if it will make Nolwazi easier to understand. 'Course no be wit haf de joy if nais Nolwazi no make de gut tok. Good you say?"

Sovereign Court

Krissina - Female Human Oracle (Flame)
Nolwazi Nkozi- Female Human Cleric (Shimye-Magalla)
Nilus Romani - Male Human Witch (Water)
Olotor - Male Elven Rogue (Swashbuckler) 1
Thorin Lightfoot - Male Assimar Cleric
Gaius Gracci - Male Human World walker Druid

Posted Interest
GM Tektite
Scott Williams 16
Vincent Fleming

2 more days before I close submissions.
I myself have a few favourites but I don't get to choose.
Excellent submissions by the way.

Inspiration struck.

Gaius's backstory:

Background, Appearance and personality

Scruffily dressed in blue and green Gaius presents a less that impressive first glance. Anyone who looks beyond that though sees a young man, battered perhaps but unbroken, and very very angry.

Haunted by the chaos of Besmara and the unyielding law of Abadar and Asmodeus Gaius has found a odd stillness in between. Finding strength in the unchanging yet ever-changing nature of the sea and in the paradox of the ship as a constant home blown about by the random wind. Oh, and he hates Cheliax with a fire exceeded only by his hatred of pirates. Though to be honest he does not understand quite where the hatred of pirates comes from...

Gaius is living proof that gods maintain a sense of humor.
Years ago Giaus's sea-elf great grandmother was a terror on the water. Beloved of Besmara, she raided from the Eye through the Inner Sea to the shores of the Obari Ocean. Even on to stranger seas if the rumors are believed. No ship could outrun her and no city in sight of water was safe. She had the world in her red stained hand.
That was the problem some say. Some say she grew bored. Bored with the fear she inspired. Bored with being trapped on a wooded island with a crew you could never quite trust. Whatever the reason she decided to retire, and she decided to do it in grand Pirate style.
Calling in favors and gathering up the scum from every dive from Manaket to Kalabuto she built a fleet few have ever bettered. It is said that Old Vengance itself swam under the flagships keel. Naming herself the Reaver Queen she led the fleet in a great raid along the southern inner sea. Cities burned all the way to Katapesh. Nor was the northern shore spared as the fleet swept towards home in a great circle of fresh blood, fat sharks in its wake. At long last they came to Cheliax and the end.
The prey-nations of the inner sea had not been idle. With no one nation able to stand against the Reaver Queen the rabble navies gathered at the Arch of Aroden. The brave sailors sought nothing more than to prevent the Reaver Queen from ever returning home to the shackles.
And she never did. On her last day, the last day of the great raid the fleet turned away from the arch and sailed directly into Gemcrown bay. Directly towards the rich heart of Cheliax. With her navy and most of her knights waiting at the arch there were few defenders left in the city of Westcrown. The pirates raped the harbor district for an entire day. A few may have noticed some new stone warehouses with no windows and stout doors that resisted attempts to open them, But only a few noticed, there were other more accessible houses. Perhaps even a few of the senior captains noticed that the Sea Queen seemed not quite herself. It is a fact that some ships were running for the open sea when the Harbor chain rose from the seabed and sealed all their fates.
When the chain rose the doors of the stone warehouses opened Hellknights and bound devils poured out. It is an academic point which force, the devil-men or the Pirates, did more damage to the city bt when the sun rose there were no pirates and far fewer enemies of House Thrune in the city.
Many horrors were witnessed that night. One of the most bizarre tales tells of an emergency meeting of the Pirate captains. Panicked voices filled the flagship's main cabin as wild, futile plans for escape were concocted and abandoned. Through it all the Reaver Queen smiled. Something was about to happen. In that great-cabin Gaius's direct ancestor stood, raised a glass and shouted loud enough to silence the room. "I keep my bargains. The devils take you all!" with those words she cracked. Limbs falling free torso splitting, she was nothing but a broken mass of snow, stained red by the wine. It is said Cheliax still pulls the occasional mound of gold or silver coin out of that harbor.
The Reaver Queen was never seen again. Though a new minor house, much in the favor of the ruling Thrune arose in the City of Thorns soon after. This family, rumored to be led by an Elven matriarch, was distinguished by its religions devotion. Fully staffed temples to Asmodeus and Abadar were maintained at family expense.
So things went for a generation and Gaius's father took the helm of the family. He turned wealth into land and that into more wealth. He was conservative and quiet in his politics, happy under the cloak of Thurne. Strangely enough it was said he never boarded a ship and avoided even bridges if he could. For in water was Besmara's revenge.
The Reaver Queen sold out the young goddess. She bargained with Thurne and their Devilish masters for a quiet, debauched, retirement in return for breaking the Pirates power for a generation and delivering the greatest haul of plunder in history. She kept her bargain and the gods of Law kept theirs. Asmodeus most carefully of all. Stay away from the sea and the family is protected. Go to it or willingly bring it to you and the protection ends.
Three generations kept the bargain. It ended, apparently, through a simple accident. Gaius's father, a deeply, deeply corpulent man. Was fond of eels. Black river eels to be exact, eaten alive. Each year he insisted on then for his birthday feast and each year they arrived. in his last year however unseasonable rain disrupted the eels mating season and they were rare and expensive. A new, rather badly treated, cook balked at the expense and substituted black sea eels for the later courses. The cook figured correctly that by sing the real eels on the first few courses everyone would be too drunk to notice the substitution. At least that is what the cook said later, under interrogation.
The cook was correct though no mortal being noted the switch. But Asmodeus is not mortal, and neither is Besmara. Stories tell that a full grown Gar-Pike ripped itself free of Gaius's father once the old man had invited the sea-eel into his body. Less well attested stories speak of ghostly pirates storming the fortress-like manor.
Gaius could have died that night but that would have been boring. Instead, with the family now free from protection every last trace was stamped out. Other Noble Houses, many with strong maritime interests absorbed the surviving lands and businesses. Gaius, his name strangely erased from the family records, was given to the Hellknights to raise.
But Besmara was not done with the Reaver Queen's spawn. She cursed him, drew him to water and to the sea where she is strong. He tried to fight it, and with the lingering protections surrounding his family he had some success.
But enough is enough. Unaware of his history, knowing only tortured dreams of the deep sea. Gaius traveled to Port Peril hoping to find an answer and end his torment. When he was coshed in the Maid his last thought was "So it begins"

New Gaius
Legalistic cursed Wave Oracle.
An excellent healer and a decent spell and buffing combatant.

Human Legalistic cursed Oracle of Waves.
Campaign trait: Touched by the sea

Cursed by Besmara and Asmodeus. Seeking a place to call home or at least the opportunity to shaft them both before the music stops.

Meta: Waves is a nice mystery for this AP and the legalistic curse will keep Gaius in the plot even when every fiber is screaming to RUN. This neatly solves Gaius-the-Druid's problem with remaining once the prisoner issue is resolved.

It is up to up to you GM how much, if any of G's back-story you want to use. As written the character is unaware of most of it and the lack of anyone else knowing can easily be attributed to Besmara's machinations. She was tricked and was rather angry. Eradicating the memory of the event and the names of all involved seems her kind of vindictive.

I do not see a conflict with the other oracle. We have radically different personalities/play-styles.

Crunch soon, sleep now.

This is Vincent presenting the Bard Jean. Everything is up in his profile for reading, I hope that doesn't offend that I put it there instead of straight in the recruitment section. I took Barroom Talespinner as my campaign trait, and the GM said that he will allow the retraining of skills so my various skills in the performance arts have been placed in appropriate skills till such levels I get a new Versatile performance. After this level I plan on putting a points in each knowledge skill that the book suggests (for the most part) to help with with any Bardly rolls needed....I can't really think of what else to say but thank you for considering me for the campaign.

Gaius Gracci wrote:

Inspiration struck.


** spoiler omitted **...

Further tweaking under alias.

Race 1/2Elf Water Child
Campaign trait: Ancient explorer.

Still Wave oracle
Still Legalistic curse

Crunch updating continues.....

Ok, upcoming will be crunch and fluff from me before it hits on the 9th.

Sovereign Court

Submission is now closed.

All those yet to finish up your submission, please do so as My players will not take the time to review your respective chars. A PM will be sent to successful Candidates. Good luck.

Life happened. I must withdraw. Best of Luck to the candidates

Hey guys, sorry I haven't checked back in. I had intended to post my application on Sat., but got called out of town and did not return until late last night, then came down with a stomach bug. I understand if I lost out, but thought I would post my "two" applicants, just in case.

Findingo Kappitano, a ship's carpenter and religious man.

Remidax Gotubo, a more traditional fighting man/pirate.

Thanks and congrats to those who got in.

Sovereign Court

Sorry to hear that Gaius Gracci.

The consideration is now ongoing.

Sovereign Court

We should have the selections mades by this weekend. So hold tight .

Sovereign Court

My players have chosen.

Valgram Sunlocks & Nolwazi Nkozi Congratuations. Please proceed on to the discusison thread. Pms will be sent.

Should there be others dropping out, PMs will be sent to teh rest of you. Thank you for your submissions.

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