Abyssian |

Definitely something with kaiju and the Valashmai Jungle. And the cool thing is that I know there's a good shot of this happening with James Jacobs as Creative Director. Maybe not necessarily next, but eventually :D
100% behind Valashmai and the inclusion of kaiju. I'd also like to see an AP in any part of Casmaron.

KahnyaGnorc |
I'll cast another vote for a kaiju-infused adventure. Maybe even one where each PC gets a mechanized vehicle akin to their class, spirit animal, and favorite color....and they all interlock.
I'd rather use magic and/or psionics to grow big enough, then punch out the kaiju, myself, instead forming Voltron to do it.

Abyssian |

Rhapsodic College Dropout wrote:I'll cast another vote for a kaiju-infused adventure. Maybe even one where each PC gets a mechanized vehicle akin to their class, spirit animal, and favorite color....and they all interlock.I'd rather use magic and/or psionics to grow big enough, then punch out the kaiju, myself, instead forming Voltron to do it.
To be fair, RCD's scenario also allows for Voltron rip-offs like Power Rangers.

KahnyaGnorc |
KahnyaGnorc wrote:To be fair, RCD's scenario also allows for Voltron rip-offs like Power Rangers.Rhapsodic College Dropout wrote:I'll cast another vote for a kaiju-infused adventure. Maybe even one where each PC gets a mechanized vehicle akin to their class, spirit animal, and favorite color....and they all interlock.I'd rather use magic and/or psionics to grow big enough, then punch out the kaiju, myself, instead forming Voltron to do it.
Power Rangers were a bit after my time.
However, punching out a spaceship with an aircraft carrier (a la Robotech/Macross) . . . that I'd be for.

captain yesterday |

Abyssian wrote:KahnyaGnorc wrote:To be fair, RCD's scenario also allows for Voltron rip-offs like Power Rangers.Rhapsodic College Dropout wrote:I'll cast another vote for a kaiju-infused adventure. Maybe even one where each PC gets a mechanized vehicle akin to their class, spirit animal, and favorite color....and they all interlock.I'd rather use magic and/or psionics to grow big enough, then punch out the kaiju, myself, instead forming Voltron to do it.Power Rangers were a bit after my time.
However, punching out a spaceship with an aircraft carrier (a la Robotech/Macross) . . . that I'd be for.
Palladium does a Robotech RPG:)

MMCJawa |

as far as current plotlines that seem best for Mythic, I would throw support behind an AP where:
Stopping an all powerful cultist who is trying to free Rovagug, which might entail traveling to the Pit of Gormuz and facing off against a mythic threat in The Cage itself
Something focused on Zon Kuthon and Nidal, maybe finally liberating the nation from his grasp
Valashmai Kaiju hijinks
Journey into the depths of Golarion to confront the Vault Builders.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vudra gets my vote.
I'd love Vudra to be the next AP. But I wouldn't want it to be mythic. a Vudra AP should focus on psychic magic and introducing and using that rule set, similar to how Wrath of the Righteous used the Mythic Adventures rules. I think combining psychic magic and mythic in the same AP would be overwhelming.

FormerFiend |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

To me, Geb/Nex is the big one.
I would say Whispering Tyrant, but they've essentially already done that adventure path, only without him featured in it, and they've already statted him up in Mythic Origins, and I'm inclined to believe that they'd want the big bad of an adventure path to be something they haven't statted up elsewhere.
After that, Geb strikes me as the biggest undead threat to Golarion; the guys who beat the Whispering Tyrant couldn't beat him, he's got an undead demigoddess as his sidekick, and he specifically hasn't been statted up, so that leaves a draw for the AP.

Mark_Twain007 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

To me, Geb/Nex is the big one.
I would say Whispering Tyrant, but they've essentially already done that adventure path, only without him featured in it, and they've already statted him up in Mythic Origins, and I'm inclined to believe that they'd want the big bad of an adventure path to be something they haven't statted up elsewhere.
After that, Geb strikes me as the biggest undead threat to Golarion; the guys who beat the Whispering Tyrant couldn't beat him, he's got an undead demigoddess as his sidekick, and he specifically hasn't been statted up, so that leaves a draw for the AP.
+1 for this. Really I would also accept a non mythic AP in Nex, Geb, the mana wastes or all 3. It just seams like a really cool location to me.

Tangent101 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Actually it would. It would be the perfect AP for a campaign with firearms in it from the getgo and thus give Gunslingers a campaign they can enjoy. (Be interesting to see the new class archetypes used for this too - say a Slayer, an Arcanist, a War Priest, and a Gunslinger for the four.) It could start out in the Mana Wastes and then slowly work toward a threat coming from Geb or Nex (or both) itself. In fact, the culmination could be the return of Nex with the PCs fighting him... and if they manage to kill him and bring Geb Nex's head, that would allow Geb to move on... and significantly alter the political landscape for the region.

varathiel |

I think an adventure path where the first book deals with the Brotherhood of the Seal, at the end of which the seal gets broken and whatever was locked up escapes.
Maybe an Aeon(awesome creatures that don't see enough action IMO) that has lost it's marbles and wants to restore 'balance' by destroying all forms of 'life' in the universe. He was stopped long ago but couldn't be destroyed, so they trapped him and created the Brotherhood and promptly forgot about it after a 1000 years. His goals would coincide nicely with any cultists and adherents of Groetus, both current and past(that were imprisoned with him perhaps?).
Really anything super bad could escape. Or maybe the seal was made to stop the planes from bleeding together and now the PCs must fix the problem. That would be a mythic adventure and include planar travel which is not often showcased.
I would love a Galt campaign as well but it would be hard to make sufficiently epic to warrant mythic power.
Nex/Geb/Alkenstar would be cool as well.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

Here some suggestion.
1) Treerazer escapes. A plause start mutating creature into fiends. The knowledge of a certan african old man is needed, but he's ... on the red planet!
2) Absalom! Geb starts a war against the city at the center of the world to capture the starstone. The only one that can stop the spectre is his right hand, the harlot queen. Pathfinders must recover her canopis and try to redeem her.
3) New country in Casmaron. Cheliax founds a colony in the land of giant monsters! new artifacts, new empires, and new legends.
4) The underworld is collapsing: the drow are battling against something and losing, so the are starting to make city on the surface fall down. people must choose if go against the demon worshippers or help them against this new, terrible foe ... an Aboleth elder evil!
5) The runelordS are rising ... for real! The story start with all monuments in Varisia that activates. The Sihedron has disappeared, The Giant of Shalast are on the loose. What is happening? Is Lissala returning/returned? What is happening in each mayor city of Varisia? It's up to PCS find out ... and, maybe, become themselves Runelords.

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No not sure, since Paizo is on a 2-year development cycle for AP's, with their 2016 ones being planned as we speak. I figure they'll look at WotR and the three Mythic books' sales, and then poke into their 3PP sales data, and see how much Mythic really sells. If it meets or exceeds their expectations, they *might* do another mythic AP, if not, then we *might* see an adventure module, or even nothing further.
That being said, I can still hope and wish that the epic trek into the heart of Kelesh, and north to the ruins of Ninshabur and subsequent Pit of Gormuz will be an evocative enough idea that the *hopfully* excellent sales of Mythic content will help it materialize into another Mythic AP.

roysier |

Personally I don't think Paizo should or will touch Ethic in an AP again, but they should allow 3pp to have full access. Paizo is a company they need to make sales, the number one seller is Kingmaker and Rise of the Runelords, if there comes a time where they are not making fresh new ideas or those ideas are losing steam a new kingdom building AP will bring in the dollars, i don't see a new mythic AP bring in anything anytime soon.

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I personally have not touched Mythic rules thus far, but many of these sound like amazing ideas. The Greek myth AP greatly appeals to my love of history and mythology, the kaiju one sounds like good old fashioned fun, and wouldn't mind seeing Treerazer getting his butt kicked, but my number one choice for a second mythic campaign would be something spanning a large part of Garund, including trekking through the jungles, fighting off hordes of evil intelligent demon apes, meeting Old Mage Jatembe who is somehow still alive, and culminating in something to do with Geb/Nex/Arazni.

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1) Sunken Azlant and the Mordant Spire (underwater, with aquatic races...?)
2) Vudra and Psychic Magic (it's not too much)
3) I like the "colonizing Casmaron" idea - Kingmaker set in Casmaron!
4) Nex/Geb region ideas all sound good
5) Planets - elves and lashunta of Castrovel
6) Planes/Time - any way it's given
7) Numeria - mythic tech! (options for mythic inclusion in the upcoming AP, if nothing else)
8) Return of the Annunaki, because some of us were thinking of kaiju and the Valashmai before mythic playtest was completed.... :P ;)

Tangent101 |

Right now I think the overwhelming interest would be a Nex/Geb mythic story, possibly involving the return of Nex and how this would affect the Mana Wastes. And as I said, it would not only give a Gunslinger the chance to shine in a region where firearms are fairly common, but could also allow for the other new classes to be used extensively.

Anguish |

I'm not saying "Test of the Starstone" because I firmly believe that the test should be a personal quest, tailored by the sole person who knows your character well enough, your own GM.
See, I'd say almost the opposite. I'd love to see an AP that is Absalom-centric, where the heroes are repeatedly assailed by foes that are dead set of becoming evil gods. More and more potent plots and circumstances are hatched, with the PCs repeatedly rising to the challenge.
Finally, it becomes evident that the only reasonable way to actually win involves ascending, despite the dangers inherent in even trying. But who else might possibly succeed?
The final book should have a decent 16-page builder's kit outlining scores of elements that would be appropriate for parts of a Starstone challenge. Document how the DM should think about challenges and how to gauge difficulty-appropriateness. Not just a menu/table of traps, but those as well as recommendations and creative suggestions for the DM to work with. Include suggestions to tie in the campaign story traits.
Then let the DM put the icing on the cake.

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Lithrac wrote:I'm not saying "Test of the Starstone" because I firmly believe that the test should be a personal quest, tailored by the sole person who knows your character well enough, your own GM.See, I'd say almost the opposite. I'd love to see an AP that is Absalom-centric, where the heroes are repeatedly assailed by foes that are dead set of becoming evil gods. More and more potent plots and circumstances are hatched, with the PCs repeatedly rising to the challenge.
That would seem to be a logical end to a failed Wrath of the Righteous campaign. Demons can teleport at will, and for them to expand in a linear progression, sweeping over lands surrounding the Worldwound is silly two-dimensional thinking. They could swarm over distant countries (that are completely unprepared) as easily as deciding to do so and picking a country. Bang! Sargava, ours! Bang! Rahadoum, ours! Everybody expects an expansion into Mendev, Belkzen or Ustalav. Why play their game?
And, for sure, there would be hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of them teleporting to Absalom and trying their luck at the Test of the Starstone. The forces of Absalom would be gathering around the Cathedral and trying to eliminate the swarms of demons attempting to get in and roll the dice to become the new Demon God of Absalom. Even if hundreds of them fail for every one that gets across the chasm, even if hundreds of those few who make it to the Test fail and are never seen again, it's not like the Abyss is going to run out of demons or anything.
Conquer the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, which nobody even wants, or overwhelm Golarion with dozens of demons-turned-gods? Yeah.

Anguish |

That would seem to be a logical end to a failed Wrath of the Righteous campaign. Demons can teleport at will, and for them to expand in a linear progression, sweeping over lands surrounding the Worldwound is silly two-dimensional thinking. They could swarm over distant countries (that are completely unprepared) as easily as deciding to do so and picking a country. Bang! Sargava, ours! Bang! Rahadoum, ours! Everybody expects an expansion into Mendev, Belkzen or Ustalav. Why play their game?
And, for sure, there would be hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of them teleporting to Absalom and trying their luck at the Test of the Starstone. The forces of Absalom would be gathering around the Cathedral and trying to eliminate the swarms of demons attempting to get in and roll the dice to become the new Demon God of Absalom. Even if hundreds of them fail for every one that gets across the chasm, even if hundreds of those few who make it to the Test fail and are never seen again, it's not like the Abyss is going to run out of demons or anything.
Conquer the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, which nobody even wants, or overwhelm Golarion with dozens of demons-turned-gods? Yeah.
All very good points and interesting stuff. You can stay they heck away from the guy who I plan on making run WotR for me though. He doesn't need ideas like that. <Grin>

pennywit |
I think a mythic campaign involving Geb, Nex, the Mana Wastes, and the Knights of Ozem would be suitably epic.
Also, I've wanted to see World War G for a while. International politics at its finest. Players could start at level 1 as gophers for delegates at the First Congress of Absalom ... ending with them as legendary commanders and kings by the end.

Derron42 |

Campaigns involving the Whispering Tyrant, Sorshen/Xanderghul, Iblydos, and Arazni are very intriguing ...
I'm wondering when James Jacobs & Erik Mona are going to unleash Vudra?!
James has dropped hints on the boards here that a "redemption of Nocticula" mythic AP is something the Paizo power brokers are batting around ... that would seem similar to a "redemption of Arazni", although I think you could still do both. But from a creative stance, the strategists at Paizo may see too much repetition.
Fact is ... my suspicion is that there will be zero mythic support for 2-2 1/2 years. Which is a shame. It would be nice to sprinkle in some NPC statblocks, new spells & artifacts, etc. on the website here. How hard could that be? Seems easy but I have ZERO knowledge of their workflow, staffing, & web management.
Still disappointed we haven't seen any statblocks & histories of a mythic swordsman type - Miyamoto Musashi, Obi Wan Kenobi, Sirian Aldori, etc. And don't give me the frost giant from Mythic Realms!

Tangent101 |

Actually, it won't be zero support. We'll be seeing Mythic in the next couple of APs. It's just it won't be mythic players. It'll be mythic MONSTERS.
And to be honest? That's a good thing. Mythic critters help make things more interesting and difficult. Take, for instance, a Mythic Gargoyle... whose damage resistance ignores magic weapons. Or a Mythic Magus who sacrifices spells for extra damage in melee attacks. Or Mythic Undead who are heavily resistant (or even immune!) to clerical channeled energy.
Mythic also allows low-level monsters to now have an extended lifespan and appear later in games (like before-mentioned gargoyles).
And let's be honest... while it's fun having a Mythic hero... watching mundane heroes somehow prevail against Mythic monsters will be far more enjoyable and interesting.

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James has dropped hints on the boards here that a "redemption of Nocticula" mythic AP is something the Paizo power brokers are batting around ... that would seem similar to a "redemption of Arazni", although I think you could still do both.
Oh goodness, a redemption attempt on Nocticula?
I can only see that ending in Nocticula laughing over heaps of fallen angels who are wondering where it all went wrong...