Wrath of the Righteous statblocks document

Wrath of the Righteous

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Hi everyone,

Right now I'm dming WotR, and I have created a document where I put all the modified/new statblocks I want to use with my gaming group. My players have a lot of experience with the Pathfinder system, so I need to create more difficult encounters. This document is a work in progress, I update it whenever I can.

Before you check it out, I would like to explain a few things about this document:

- When applying the elite array (when adding a class to a monster), I don't apply the -2 modifier, and change it into a +0. The rest of the modifiers stay the same.

- SR values have been adjusted acording to the creatures' CR when adding class levels or racial hit dice. This is one of my house rules, because I consider SR one of the major defensive abilities for those monsters who have it. If it doesn't go up as the monster advances, then you are basically lowering its base CR.

- When applying class levels to a monster, I add the class hit dice to calculate the monster's Ex/Su abilities save DCs. This allows breath weapons, poisons, gaze attacks, etc to still be threatening. I don't do this with class abilities (such as channel energy).

- I don't use XP in my games anymore, so the CR is based solely on how difficult I need an encounter to be, based on the specific circumstances and party level.

- The text highlighted in red shows most of the mythic stuff, so it's easier to use in combat.

That's all. Hope you find it useful for your game.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And a big thanks to you for writing all this, I am going to shamelessly crib from it in the coming months. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very, very nice! Thanks for sharing!

Scarab Sages

Vang's Retriever, what does his protection from spells protect him from? All possible spells?

By the by, these are some nasty encounters. I'll probably have to use some of them once the PCs get on the power treadmill some time in Demon's Heresy.

@magnuskn, Anorak:

Thanks for your kind words!


The constant spell-like ability work just like the spell: a resistance bonus that applies against all spells and spell-like abilities.

About the encounters, yeah the monsters should be hard but my players are very resourceful. The PCs get a lot of powerful abilites, the monsters should do too ^_^

The short encounter descriptions are just ideas I write to consider them later, so the number of combatants may vary.

Added a bunch of new statblocks. If things go as planned, I'll finish The Midnight Isles in a few days.

Grand Lodge

Nice! I'm also going to be cribbing heavily from this as I write up the notes for my own games. Thanks a lot!!

I have a couple of months before my guys start hitting Sword of Valor and beyond (the downside of only playing once a fortnight), but I'll be referencing these blocks when that point comes :)

I definitely like what you have done thus far. I will be interested to see your take on Xanthir Vang if you decide to re-work him.

As a side note, I might recommend this thread be spoiler tagged, lest players wander in here and see their GM's up to some sort of trickery and subterfuge, swapping enemy stats with more annoying versions!

Thanks for the effort Sc8rpi8n_mjd

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aldarionn wrote:

I definitely like what you have done thus far. I will be interested to see your take on Xanthir Vang if you decide to re-work him.

As a side note, I might recommend this thread be spoiler tagged, lest players wander in here and see their GM's up to some sort of trickery and subterfuge, swapping enemy stats with more annoying versions!

How is that a spoiler to any sane player? ^^

Big thanks for this!

The refined Staunton has definitely proved a headache for my players already.
(Although HP is still a concern, he got dropped from one hit and one crit by the paladin wielding Radiance.)

Luckily there was a Babau at hand to teleport him to safety where his brother could heal him

Great work, I have a mix of players in my group but having this extra ammo is always useful.

Hi all,

I appreciate your comments. I'm glad you like my work.


I still have to think exactly what I want to do with Vang. Since I added two enhanced apocalypse locusts to protect him, I don't think I need to increase his CR. However, I will change some of his feats and mythic path abilities.


Good ol' Staunton will certainly go down fast if the players score some lucky crits!. His AC and saves can be increased (+2) by pre-casting protection from good, since he doesn't have any deflection or resistance bonuses. His ever ready mythic ability should allow him to get some solid hits on meleers that get too close.

I have been building statblocks for a very long time, but mythic is new to me, so expect to see minor changes in them from time to time. These adjustments may get bigger as PCs levels rise up, specially in the last two modules. I really need to see firsthand how high levels + high tiers work. For this reason, I'm holding on some statblocks (Baphomet I'm looking at you) until I can see what numbers I need to challenge my players.

FYI, I have corrected some minor errors in the document and uploaded it again, with a new statblock.

Staunton will have deflection bonus from Smite Good which he uses liberally in my encounter.

Still, protection from good doesn't hurt as it's basically +2 to saves and immunity to a bunch of things

So we ran the Eustoyriax fight tonight and he made himself somewhat annoying up until the party Paladin spotted the Sword of Valor in the room and used it to summon a Planetar. Even still he took a few rounds of damage and dropped the party Cleric and dealt some damage to the Paladin before dying.

The Planetar decided to actually kill Eustoyriax instead of just dismissing him in order to prevent his return, which made things take a little extra time.

All in all it wasn't too easy, but it wasn't exactly hard either. The Death of Righteousness also failed to claim any victims. I was hoping for someone to gain an insanity and change alignment cause that would have been hilarious but alas, everyone rolled fairly high on the saves and it was pretty low DC.

I'll be interested to see how the rest of these stat blocks hold up.

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I think the intent in the adventure is for the players to activate the Sword of Valor to give Eustoyriax a -4 to AC and saves, being able to summon a CR 16 creature seems too much to me. A planetar should have little trouble crushing Eustoyriax. But if the players had fun running a powerful angel, then I think that's ok :-)

I once had a Solar ranger 5 in my game (AoW AP), the players ran him and they had a blast!

In case it helps other DMs, here you have my ideas about tactics when using Eustoyriax. Of course, these are simple guidelines, because you and I know that no plan survives contact with the enemy:

- If the players activate the SoV, that makes the fight much more manageable. Since our shadowy friend here is incorporeal, that should help making the combat longer and draining the PCs resources.

- If you think he knows that the dungeons have been invaded, he should have some summoned shadows with him. He can also summon another shadow demon.

- He should start combat invisible (shadow blend), and then start trying to possess or charge someone. At DC 25, with the ability to make PCs reroll with a -2 and dispel Prot. from Evil, I think he has a pretty good chance of succeeding. If you want to be REALLY EVIL you can let him use mythic power uses from the players.

- If that fails, well then you can start pouncing people with 5 attacks at 1d6+11/1d8+11 after activating Arcane Strike, and then grapple. Since he is not considered grappled, you can still full attack and rake. That's some significant damage, even more if they are not protected against cold. If their CMD is too high, try to charge as much as possible. Again, incorporeal should mitigate the damage. BTW, I just noticed that I didn't include the +4 bonus to grapple checks (+20 CMB total) from the grab ability. I have corrected the number, an uploaded the revised document.

I think at this point it might be worth explaining my houserule regarding grappling monsters with abilities such as tenacious grapple, or when taking the -20 penalty to CMB:

- First, you make the cmb check to grapple as usual.
- If the monster succeeds, on the next round he can attempt the CMB check to maintain the grapple as a free action (instead of standard) and decide if you want to damage, move, etc. Then you have your normal actions. If you decide to full-attack, you cannot attack with the natural weapon used to start the grapple.

So far this houserule has made grappling creatures viable in my games.

Hope this helps!

Actually outside of the Planetar simply casting Dismissal and not giving a rats ass about the Demon, it's not as one-sided a fight as you might think. The first attack only needs a 3 to hit, but then he needs an 8 and a 13 which are not guaranteed. He cannot crit, deals half damage and cannot bypass the DR 10/Cold iron and Epic or Good and Epic, meaning his damage in a given round is going to be 5d6+5 unless he power attacks, further reducing his chance to hit. That's an average of 11.25 damage per swing that hits. If you assume two hits in a round, thats 22.5 damage in a round meaning it takes 7 rounds give or take to kill Eustoyriax.

Eustoyriax on the other hand attacks at a +16 against the angels touch AC of 17 (13 +4 from aura) and ignores his DR (though not his Cold resistance). He will hit with 5 attacks on anything but 1's, dealing d6+11 per attack with Arcane Strike or D8+11 with his bite. If you assume he hits with every attack, which should be the case barring the odd 5% chance he misses, that's 73.5 damage per round. He kills the Planetar in about 3 rounds, or 4 if he rolls poorly. He can also spend a point of Mythic power to move 40 feet away after each full attack, forcing the Planetar to move after him and only make single attacks, or be pounced on.

Melee wise Eustoyriax completely has the upper hand. The Planetar just has an "i win" button in the form of his spells, which makes pretty much all of it moot anyway. In this case though, I played the Planetar as wanting to kill Eustoyriax instead of dismissing him back to the Abyss to return later and harass the party (I'm sure they would prefer he be killed as well). This lead to several rounds of combat that saw one player unconscious and another badly beaten up.

Overall the combat was not as difficult as I would have liked, but having the Paladin summon a Planetar to aid the party and basically bring them back from what would have been a VERY difficult fight lead to the session being interesting and more enjoyable.

Next week we start Demon's Heresy and the downtime in Drezen, followed by the giant sandbox of the Worldwound. That should be a nice break from the several weeks of solid combat we just had, and let my players set their own pace for dealing with stuff..

I think you made the right call to keep the encounter interesting and fun for your group. The planetar can certainly serve as a "safety net" in case the PCs find the fight too difficult.

Aldarionn wrote:

He can also spend a point of Mythic power to move 40 feet away after each full attack, forcing the Planetar to move after him and only make single attacks, or be pounced on.

Mmm Eustoyriax doesn't have amazing initiative, so he can't do that unless you changed the statblock, of course :-)

I didn't think the ability to spend MP for an extra standard (or move) action was tied to Amazing Initiative. I thought it was one of the abilities that came with being Mythic. I'm at work though so I can't really check, and I could totally be wrong.

It is tied to Amazing Initiative:

Amazing Initiative wrote:
At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can't be used to cast a spell. You can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.

In the statblocks there is a system to know what kind of mythic abilites a monster has that apply to initiative:

- If the initiative modifier itself is highlighted in red, the creature has Amazing Initiative. It is also indicated in the SQ section. Example: Kiranda.

- If the initiative modifier has a superscript "M" highlighted in red, the creature has Mythic Improved Initiative. Example: Exorius.

- If the creature has Dual Initiative, it is indicated by the two initiative modifiers and the "dual initiative" highlighted in red.

Do you use a template, program (ex Hero Lab) or lay everything out yourself for your statblocks Mjd?

I copied some statblocks from D20PFSRD and then I modified the statistics, apply templates, etc myself.

What do your pcs looks like? I plan on replacing the mass combat with with them taking out the general and the honor guard and upping them quit a bit to account for it being kind of a 5 minute work day, but exorious as you've written seems like he could easily eat a pc a turn. Would like to compare my group to yours before deciding whether the rebuild myself.

Caius wrote:
What do your pcs looks like? I plan on replacing the mass combat with with them taking out the general and the honor guard and upping them quit a bit to account for it being kind of a 5 minute work day, but exorious as you've written seems like he could easily eat a pc a turn. Would like to compare my group to yours before deciding whether the rebuild myself.

I designed Exorius to be fought in Demon's Heresy or in Sword of Valor when the PCs try to take the citadel. He's supposed to be the commander of one of the three armies inside the citadel's walls. The first time they saw him was in Keeper's Canyon, commanding one of the armies. It was a nice boost to that battle, and made it much more interesting and dramatic. He is also tied to one of my PCs backstory so that's why I upgraded him with mythic ranks.

Do not use him as-is at Keeper's Canyon, otherwise he will probably kill your PCs.

Since you asked, here you have my party composition:

- Tiefling (demon ancestor) paladin/dual path [champion, hierophant]
- Aasimar (standard) sorcerer (arcane bloodline)/ archmage
- Dwarf cleric of Torag/hierophant
- Human inquisitor/champion

It's worth mentioning that I expect the group to join forces with

, so later in the campaign they will be a 5-man party.

On a side note, yesterday my players fought Soltengrebbe. Since the beast was roaring madly, they spotted it and started buffing and fireballing it for two turns before it landed. He killed the paladin and was close to doing the same to the inquisitor. Fortunately, the players had just acquired an artifact that allowed them to win the fight. The paladin was raised after the fight. The fight lasted for 2 rounds after Soltengrebbe landed.

The player's conclusion was that mythic enemies are (for now at least) a serious threat.

After the fight, I recommend those DMs with 4 PCs (non optimizers) to NOT USE Soltengrebbe's Mythic Power Attack from the beginning. His two turns plus standard damage should be enough to do the trick. If you see that they quickly overpower him, activate it and go nuts.

Thanks for the clarification. Was considering using him later with maybe a flawed nyhandrian elixir backlash as an insurance bit but will probably have him port away in the canyon to get some recurring villain mileage before the dimensional anchor aura comes into play.

The Midnight Isles is finished for now.

The Exchange

Was looking through the Sword of Valor stat blocks, and Kiranda's power attack should be (-3/+6) with a BAB of 10. Just letting you know.

Awesome job by the way, I've been using these stats and i think this is about the right difficulty for my game.

Scarab Sages

The Eidolon in Heresy has the large mutation but the stat block says Medium.

Thanks guys! I've corrected the errors and uploaded the document again.

My group just finished the Eustoyriax fight, and it was a nice one if just a bit unsettling in one regard.

These fights will just take longer and longer as the amount of power rises. I ended up having Eustoyriax doing moves that really didn't befit his intelligence or cunning just so that I didn't have to break a session in the middle of a fight.

In the future I might have to stall and break just before the big fights to allow for 3,5-4 hours of one fight...

Anyway, thank you for the revisions once again, it helps greatly - and possession is something I definitely need to watch out for in upcoming battles.

Eustoyriax managed to get into the head of the fighter with a great sword and vital strike, and he nearly dropped the rest of the group until the wizard managed a hold person (the cleric with Relentless Healing really shone in that fight). At that point Eustoyriax had already left the fighter as he was out of mythic points, and had just managed a possession of the wizard when they chrushed the Nahyndrian crystal look-alike that functioned as the Magic Jar.

After that it was a matter of burning him down with flame strike and ungodly amounts of damage.

Scarab Sages

friluftshund, just an FYI for later. Incorporeal creatures do not require a focus crystal for Magic Jar, so there should have been nothing to break to stop the Magic Jar.

Dammit, I could have killed them all! :p

(thanks for the info)

Thanks for the details, friluftshund. Possessing the fighter? awesome! :-)

In my experience, at higher levels Pathfinder fights take longer to resolve, as effects/spells become more complicated, more dice need to be rolled, etc. I expect mythic to help with this since the PCs can reach high amounts of damage.

Eustoyriax makes the fight longer than usual by being incorporeal. That ability alone basically duplicates his hit points unless you can reliably hit him with force effects. The sorceress in my game is taking mythic magic missile at tier 2 and has the wild arcana ability, so I'm not worried.

If you want to know more about possession, take a look at the article in Council of Thieves part 4 ("In the fiend's grasp"). It gives you all the relevant information/mechanics.

You can also find additional info in Demon's Revisited, shadow demon's (invidiak) chapter.

Cheers, always looking to improve on my GM'ing, but still I couldn't have dragged that fight out much longer than midnight on a work day

If I had anticipated the length it would take I'd just have the planetar banish Eystoyriax so that he could return later, on the weekend perhaps...

Lochar wrote:
friluftshund, just an FYI for later. Incorporeal creatures do not require a focus crystal for Magic Jar, so there should have been nothing to break to stop the Magic Jar.

Is this listed somewhere? I've actually wondered that myself but my search came up fruitless. If you could point me in the direction of the rule, FAQ or clarification I'd appreciate it!

Shadow demons have magic jar as a spell-like ability, and those have no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor do they require a focus. The gem is a focus.

Then we have Demons Revisited pg. 30:

"In combat, a shadow demon's first tactic is often to attempt to possess a victim using manic jar. As this is a spell-like ability and the demon itself has no physical body, an invidiak does not need a receptacle to house itself when it uses this power-it can attempt to directly possess a target when it uses this ability"

That book has some rules wrong but this one is correct.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:

Shadow demons have magic jar as a spell-like ability, and those have no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor do they require a focus. The gem is a focus.

Then we have Demons Revisited pg. 30:

"In combat, a shadow demon's first tactic is often to attempt to possess a victim using manic jar. As this is a spell-like ability and the demon itself has no physical body, an invidiak does not need a receptacle to house itself when it uses this power-it can attempt to directly possess a target when it uses this ability"

That book has some rules wrong but this one is correct.

Hmm, interesting. I seem to recall reading that SLA's do not require Verbal, Somatic or Material components, but after checking I do see Focus listed as well.

That said, the specific ruling is from a splat book I don't have access to so I'm not surprised I missed that. Good to know.

Scarab Sages

Aldarionn wrote:
Lochar wrote:
friluftshund, just an FYI for later. Incorporeal creatures do not require a focus crystal for Magic Jar, so there should have been nothing to break to stop the Magic Jar.
Is this listed somewhere? I've actually wondered that myself but my search came up fruitless. If you could point me in the direction of the rule, FAQ or clarification I'd appreciate it!

It's actually less the fact that he's incorporeal and more it's an SLA. The incorporeal just means he wouldn't leave a body behind.

SLA rules wrote:
Spell-Like Abilities: Usually, a spell-like ability works just like the spell of that name. A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability's use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Any chance of getting stat blocks for the Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth soon? That would be much appreciated!

Up until now I've been able to partially mitigate balance problems by grouping opponents in a dungeon into 1-3 big climactic battles. (E.g., in the Nahyndrian Mine section of the Midnight Isles, grouping all of the opponents in area J together, all of the opponents in area K together, and all of the opponents in area L together.)

But the Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth is set-up so that it's hard to group encounters this way in a way that makes any sense... So I need some other way of making this challenging for the players...

Well you already have some of the HotIL stat blocks in the document, I added some new ones in the last few days. I think I'll be able to finish with the module next week. No promises, though... :-)

I'm not going to revisit all the mythic statblocks, because frankly I don't think it's worth it. For example, Verbobezzor will probably be a non-combat encounter, and orengofta is not that important (his plan sounds silly to me, and my PCs won't fall for it) so you can use Ibaheniel's stats with some minions. For the crystal ooze I suggest applying the advanced template and adding two more tentacle attacks.

The ones that are still pending, according to my list: Svendack, Igramalash and the herald. Svendack is the only one I'm not sure I'll do in the end, because casters take a long time to build/rebuild. If you want to increase the difficulty when facing her, I recommend adding one or two Baphomet golems (she has Craft Construct, so it's possible) with the ability to take half the damage dealt to her (similar to how the shield guardian's Shield Other sp-like ability works). Adding a +2 to her spells save DCs can help too. It's like adding an inherent bonus (+5) to her Wis score.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Well you already have some of the HotIL stat blocks in the document, I added some new ones in the last few days. I think I'll be able to finish with the module next week. No promises, though... :-)


Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:

I'm not going to revisit all the mythic statblocks, because frankly I don't think it's worth it. For example, Verbobezzor will probably be a non-combat encounter, and orengofta is not that important (his plan sounds silly to me, and my PCs won't fall for it) so you can use Ibaheniel's stats with some minions. For the crystal ooze I suggest applying the advanced template and adding two more tentacle attacks.

The ones that are still pending, according to my list: Svendack, Igramalash and the herald. Svendack is the only one I'm not sure I'll do in the end, because casters take a long time to build/rebuild. If you want to increase the difficulty when facing her, I recommend adding one or two Baphomet golems (she has Craft Construct, so it's possible) with the ability to take half the damage dealt to her (similar to how the shield guardian's Shield Other sp-like ability works). Adding a +2 to her spells save DCs can help too. It's like adding an inherent bonus (+5) to her Wis score.

Good suggestions. And I'm looking forward to seeing (and cribbing) your re-stats for the others!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
The ones that are still pending, according to my list: Svendack, Igramalash and the herald. Svendack is the only one I'm not sure I'll do in the end, because casters take a long time to build/rebuild.

I find that all high-level NPC's take a ton of time to rebuild, but, yeah, casters suck especially. ^^

So I delved a little into Areelu Vorlesh's stat block last night in order to deconstruct it for a minor re-build and bump her to Mythic Tier 10 and I have come to the conclusion that her ability scores are just throws together willy-nilly. After stripping away everything but racial bonuses from her abilities it appears that being a half succubus gives her some enormous bonuses to her Intelligence, Charisma, Dexterity and Constitution. Wisdom and Strength seem to be completely unaffected but the others are all over the place.

I don't have my de-construction handy because I'm at work, but if anyone else cares to take a look at her stat block and come up with a list of what array was used in creating her, and exactly what bonuses are applied to each ability score it would be helpful.

Her ability scores were not the only thing that appeared to have random bonuses applied - She seems to have a random +5 to her Will save, +7 to her Reflex save, and a +4 to her Fortitude save from somewhere that I cannot figure out.

Color me confused. Usually Paizo at least tries to keep things on the up-and-up with their baddies rather than just tacking on unexplained bonuses. I guess unless I am missing something glaringly obvious I can really just re-build her as I see fit and not have to worry about her abilities making sense.

Perhaps she used multiple Wishes to boost her stats?

Tangent101 wrote:
Perhaps she used multiple Wishes to boost her stats?

She has her Inherent bonuses listed in the stat block as a +4 to three different ability scores. I removed those and the base ability scores are still very high for just being an array plus racial modifiers.

I'll see if I can post a complete breakdown on my lunch.

Well, hopefully Mr. Jacobs will show up and let us know then. I know that adding the half-fiend ability to Nualia in my Runelords game boosted her stats a bit. It might be along those lines I suppose...

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Areelu Vorlesh has the following (VERY COMPLEX) stat block:


XP 3,276,800
Female half-succubus human witch 10/demoniac 10/archmage 8
(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited 54, Pathfinder
RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 65, Pathfinder Campaign Setting:
Lords of Chaos 46, Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 14)
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, native)
Init +29M; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +25
Aura unholy aura (DC 27)

AC 48, touch 44, flat-footed 37 (+11 armor, +4 deflection, +9 Dex,
+2 dodge, +2 insight, +6 natural, +4 shield)
hp 551 (20 HD; 10d6+10d8+469)
Fort +37, Ref +27, Will +27 (+31 vs. mind-affecting effects)
Defensive Abilities enduring armor, greater familiar link, hard
to kill, mythic saving throws, never surprised or flat-footed,
reverse scrying, swarm walker, unstoppable; DR 10/cold
iron, good, and magic; Immune electricity, poison; Resist
acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 35

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee Deskari’s Tooth +32/+27/+22 (1d4+20/19–20), +5 claw +26
(1d4+19), +5 bite +26 (1d6+19), +5 sting +26 (1d4+19)
Special Attacks energumen (+6 Con), hexes (charm [2 steps,
14 rounds], evil eye [–4, 17 rounds], healing [cure moderate],
misfortune [2 rounds], retribution [14 rounds], slumber
[10 rounds]), mythic power (19/day, surge +1d10), mythic
spellcasting, passion, smite good 1/day, wild arcana
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +29)
3/day—charm monster 3/day, darkness, unholy aura (DC 27)
1/day—blasphemy (DC 26), detect thoughts (DC 21),
dominate monster (DC 28), dominate person (DC 24),
ethereal jaunt, quickened insect plague, greater teleport,
summon demon, summon monster III (vermin only),
summon monster IX (fiends only), unholy blight (DC 23)

Witch Spells Prepared (CL 19th; concentration +33)
9th—foresight, quickened dominate personM (DC 29), mass
hold monster (DC 33), mass suffocationAPG (DC 33), wail of
the banshee (DC 33)
8th—quickened dimension door, horrid wilting (DC 32),
maze, mind blank, trap the soul (DC 32)
7th—greater teleport, healM (2), insanity (DC 31), plane
shiftM (DC 31), quickened suggestionM (DC 27)
6th—quickened blindness/deafness, quickened cure moderate
wounds, flesh to stoneM (DC 30), geas/quest, greater dispel
magic, mass suggestion (DC 30), true seeing
5th—baleful polymorph (DC 29), cloudkillM (DC 29), cure
critical wounds, dominate personM (DC 29), feeblemind
(DC 29), quickened ray of enfeeblement, teleport
4th—black tentacles, confusion (DC 28), cure serious wounds (2),
dimension door, phantasmal killer (DC 28), spiteAPG
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance (DC 27), dispel magicM (2),
lightning bolt (DC 27), pain strikeAPG (DC 27), suggestionM
(DC 27), twilight knifeAPG
2nd—cure moderate wounds (3), false life, hidden speechAPG,
status, vomit swarmAPG, web (DC 26)
1st—beguiling giftAPG (DC 25), charm person (DC 25), cure
light wounds (3), ray of enfeeblement (DC 25), reduce
person (DC 25), unseen servant
0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, message, touch of
fatigue (DC 24)

Patron dimensionsPSFG; M mythic spell

Before Combat Areelu casts false life, foresight, mind blank,
spite, true seeing, and unseen servant, and from her ring of
spell storing she casts shield. She assumes demonic form
and activates her energumen just before a fight begins. In
addition, she casts status daily, targeting one of the raspers
in area F1 and her familiar Gimcrak— as a result, she knows
immediately if any of these creatures is harmed.
During Combat Areelu’s combat tactics are detailed in area F21.
Morale Areelu attempts to escape at 80 hp or fewer, thereafter
making vengeance against the PCs her highest priority.

Str 14, Dex 28, Con 48, Int 38, Wis 21, Cha 29
Base Atk +12; CMB +14; CMD 41
Feats Combat Expertise, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Demonic Obedience, DodgeM,
Improved Familiar, Improved InitiativeM, Iron Will, Mythic
Crafter, Quicken Spell, ToughnessM
Skills Acrobatics +29, Bluff +29, Craft (alchemy) +37, Diplomacy
+29, Disguise +29, Escape Artist +29, Fly +36, Intimidate +32,
Knowledge (arcana and planes) +37, Knowledge (engineering,
local, and religion) +24, Knowledge (history) +27, Knowledge
(nobility) +21, Linguistics +17, Perception +25, Sense Motive +25,
Spellcraft +37, Stealth +19, Use Magic Device +32
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic,
Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Hallit, Infernal,
Necril, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ amazing initiative, ancient, change shape (alter self, any
Medium humanoid, 1/day), competent caster, damned,
demonic form, demonic mark, inherent bonuses (+4 Dex,
+4 Con, +4 Int), mythic familiar, obedience, profane pact,
recuperation, sanctum, scry on familiar, wealthy, witch’s
familiar (quasit named Gimcrak)
Combat Gear ambrosia (3 doses), ring of major spell storing
(blasphemy, haste), ring of major spell storing (gate,
shield), wand of enervation (42 charges); Other Gear
Deskari’s Tooth, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical
perfection +6, bracelet of friends (attuned to
Gimcrak), crystal ball with true seeing (stored in
her glove), glove of storing, headband of mental
superiority +6, iron flask, Robe of the Rifts, spell
component pouch, various gems and diamonds
worth 42,000 gp in total (including a black sapphire
worth 20,000 gp for trap the soul)

Ancient (Ex) Areelu Vorlesh is well over a century old. She
retains her +3 bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma for her age, but does not take any of the
penalties to her other ability scores.
Damned (Ex) If Areelu is killed, her soul is claimed by the
Abyss for transformation into a demon.
Demonic Form (Ex) As a standard action, Areelu can assume
demonic form for up to 20 minutes per day. She gains the
chaotic, demon, and evil subtypes as well as DR 10/cold
iron and good. She gains telepathy 100 feet and a sting
natural attack. Her weapons are treated as chaotic and
evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Demonic Mark (Ex) Areelu bears Deskari’s rune. Once
per day, she can use this mark as part of casting a spell
to give that spell the chaotic and evil descriptors. This
prevents the spell from being expended as she casts it.
Energumen (Su) Once per day as a free action, Areelu can
allow herself to be infused with a demonic spirit for up
to 10 rounds, during which she gains a +6 profane bonus
to her Constitution and immunity to electricity and poison.
When this effect ends, she becomes confused for 10 rounds.
At the start of each round of confusion, she may attempt a
DC 25 Will save to end the effect immediately.
Mythic Familiar (Ex) Areelu’s familiar, Gimcrak, is a gift to
her from Deskari, and is far more powerful than normal. If
Gimcrak is killed, Areelu immediately loses 10 uses of her
mythic power for that day and gains 2 negative levels.
Passion (Su) Up to 20 times per day, Areelu can drain energy
from a mortal she lures into an act of passion—unwilling
victims must be grappled first. Her passion imparts 1 negative
level to the victim. A successful DC 29 Fortitude save removes
1 of these negative levels. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Profane Pact (Su) Areelu has a +4 profane bonus to her
Intelligence, the result of a pact forged decades ago with a
lilitu demonWOR. The lilitu’s brand appears on Areelu’s neck.
Summon Demon (Sp) Areelu can use summon monster VI
once per day to conjure one succubus, 1d3 babaus, or 1d4+1
brimoraksBOTD2. She can also use summon monster VIII once per
day to conjure one hezrou, 1d3 vrocks, or 1d4+1 succubi.
Swarm Walker (Su) Areelu can walk through any swarm
without fear of taking damage or suffering any ill effects—
swarms recognize her as one of their own. As long as she
stands within a swarm, she gains a +4 bonus on Initiative
checks and on all saving throws.
Wealthy (Ex) Areelu has the gear of a 20th-level PC.

If we look only at the parts of her stat block that increase her actual abilities we end up with the following:

Headband of Mental Superiority (+6 enhancement bonus to all metal stats)
Belt of Physical Perfection (+6 enhancement bonus to all physical stats)
Ancient (+3 age bonus to all mental stats)
Profane Pact (+4 profane bonus to intelligence)
Energumen (+6 profane bonus to constitution)
Inherent Bonuses (+4 inherent bonus to dexterity, constitution and intelligence)
Mythic Tier 8 (+8 mythic bonus to *presumably* constitution)
Level 20 (+5 typeless bonus to *presumably* constitution)

Now, her abilities are listed as follows:
Str 14
Dex 28
Con 48
Int 38
Wis 21
Cha 29

If we strip off the above listed bonuses we get:
Str 08 (08 + 6enh = 14)
Dex 18 (18 + 6enh + 4inh = 28)
Con 19 (19 + 6enh + 4inh + 8myth + 6prof + 5lvl = 48)
Int 21 (21 + 6enh + 4inh + 4prof +3age = 38)
Wis 12 (12 + 6enh + 3age = 21)
Cha 20 (20 + 6enh + 3age = 29)

Assuming she uses the heroic array of 15/14/13/12/10/8 like every other enemy, and going for the most even racial bonuses across all stats my guess is that her base stats were allocated as follows:

Str 08
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 15
Wis 10
Cha 14

That leaves her with a racial bonus of +6 Dex, +6 Con, +6 Int, +2 Wis, +6 Cha. With the only odd bonus being the +2 to wisdom, I'm going to guess that's her racial bonus for being a human. I'm guessing the +6 to Dex, Cont, Int and Cha are from Half Succubus which is one hell of a template!

Feel free to jump in and correct me if you think I am wrong but that's about the best I'm able to come up with.

When I re-build her I will be bumping her to MT10 and allocating the Mythic bonuses, 4 points of the Level bonus and her Human Racial bonus to Intelligence, putting it at 54 and giving her +8 to all of her DC's and dropping her Con to 36. To combat the loss of HP I'll just give her max HP, but considering the damage my party is already putting out at level 9 she will need to rely on far more than just raw HP to survive more than a single character's full attack. Her AC, offense and other defenses need to be far more beefy if she is to pose any sort of threat.

Charisma is a bit low actually, Half-succubus give +8 to that, +4 to con, and +2 to int, wis, and dex. I know in a lot of other APs the main baddies are built with higher point buys. It's usually listed but could that account for the remainder?

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