zauriel56 |
The basic idea is to get as many abilties from as many classes as you can, while still being a usable character.
My immediate thought would be 3 fighter, 3 sorceror, 3 cleric, dragon disciple 4, mystic theurge 3, eldritch knight 1, 3 divine scion.
Obviously the character won't be optimized, this is more just a thought experiment.
If I do decide to use this character, I'd probably be a fickle half-elf, who changes what he does on a whim.
Using 20 point buy,
Str- 13 (power attack)
Dex- 14 (combat reflexes is actually semi-useful)
Con- 12
Int- 13 (combat expertise)
Wis- 12 (+2 racial bonus) for a 14
Cha- 14
This way the character is balanced for any class he might take. Obviously not optimized like I said.

LoneKnave |
I had an idea like this, but i'm thinking along the lines of like Dawnflower Bard 2-4, Wild Rager Urban Barb (iirc these stack) 2, Alchemist 2-4, Magus (probably spire defender) 2-4, Rogue (some archetype) 2 OR Scout Rogue 4, Maneuver master monk 2, Lore Warden Fighter X. Most of the 3/4th classes I'd only take 2 levels of, but that's a lot of BAB to bleed away for what I envision a melee combatant.
The idea is of course to boost Agility to as high as possible with Rage and Mutagen, get some more bonuses from dervish dance, and then go to town with a scimitar. Notable is that you grant a lot of Morale bonuses to yourself; a courageous weapon will give you a bucketload of stats and the Optimistic Gambler trait will enable you to keep on raging/dervish dancing for an extra 1d4 turns; really nice.
All things considered, should probably add synthesist summoner to the mix and go with Natural weapons pounce build. Full attacking with this build would be amazing since I took every class that I could think of that can add an extra attack on a full attack. With Alchemist and Barb, you'll not be hurting for natural weapons.
Races... Aasimar can get wing attack at high levels, so that's pretty good with that approach.

ecw1701 |

This is from another thread, but seems like a relevant answer here:
An Scion of Humanity Aasimar Seeker Archetype Lunar Oracle is perfect for this situation (though that is largely because all of that except the Archetype is largely perfect for *any* and *all* situations).
Make sure you grab a grab a tiger with your first revelation and you'll have a great tank. You can even make it more durable quickly by using the Aasimar favored class bonus to fast advance it and you can pick up the Celestial Servant feat to have a Celestial Tiger at 3rd.
Seeker Archetype lets you cover the trapfinding role of the scout. You have 4+INT skill points and are a CHA focused class so you make an excellent face for the group. If desired you can take Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) at 5th level so you can get paragon surge as a spell at level 6. After that you just need Skill Focus (any knowledge) and Eldritch Heritage and your ready to know all the spells at level 11.
Don't forget to grab the Noble Scion Feat (War) at level 1 so you get CHA to initiative and Prophetic Armor at 3rd so you get CHA to AC/Reflex.

Renegadeshepherd |
To get the most from a multiclass build like u seek u need to pull from as many non casters as possible as a caster is ALMOST dead weight. Loracle abilities and familiars and domains that up front are worthwhile but they are the exception. Thus paladins, some gunslingers, fighter, dip of cleric, dip of sorcerer, dip of Loracle.
I'd base the whole thing on a paladin and charisma based talents honestly. Can't post a full build but I'm thinking a tower shield wielding paladin shooting a pistol behind said shield. Gunslinger archetype dips for the ignoring misfires would help and does a little more damage.