wielding larger weapons

Rules Questions

Is there a way for a medium sized creature to weald a two handed weapon sized for a large creature? In 3.5 there was a feet called monkey grip that let you do that. I have yet to find a way to do this in pathfinder.

The titan mauler archetype for barbarian is close. I believe the largest two handed weapon a medium size character can use though is a large sized bastard sword if they have the exotic proficiency for it. The above archetype can remove the penalty for using an off size weapon. After that the enlarge person spell and impact enchantment can up the damage but the size issue can't be dealt with any further.

Ask your GM if you can just take monkey grip?

I could but I'd rather find a way in the pathfinder rules he's kind of a stickler for staying in the official pathfinder rules. Thanks for the information.
Would catch off guard work as it is not a wieldable weapon?

You *can* wield weapons of inappropriate size by default - you just take attack roll penalties for it. The Titan Mauler archetype, as mentioned above, off-sets some of the penalties, and if you happen to be a goblin, taking the Goblin Gunslinger feat allows you to wield medium-sized firearms without penalty.

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I think the bastard sword and the dwarwen waraxe and that kind of weapons i size large is your best bet. That is almost 2 handed weapons.

Thanks for your input. I still want to wield a giant slab of steel.
Think cloud from final fantasy seven. It looked like a ogres greatsword to me.
But i might have to give up on that by the rules.

A Large Greatsword, 3d6, has a big damage boost which cannot be ignored, specialy if you plan to do some bending and use Enlarge Person with it.

I would allow you to get the Monkey Grip feat, to be able to use weapons designed for one size category larger then you with a -4 penalty to attack.

And then something like a Improved Monkey Grip, 11th level, to reduce the penalties to -2.

In the end you would be spending two feats to get +1d6 (Plus) on damage and -2 to attack.

I'll be Damned the day D&D doesn't allow the Hero to use a Sword twice as big as him.

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Emo Duck wrote:
You *can* wield weapons of inappropriate size by default - you just take attack roll penalties for it.

Only within certain limits. A two-handed weapon is at the limit of what it's possible or someone to wield. An oversized two-handed weapon is (e.g., a Large greatsword for a normal human) is simply too big.

There is a Tiefling alternate trait that you can roll %dice for. It gives you freakishly large hands and you can wield a weapon one size category larger without the penalty.

My overall idea was a level or two of barbarian and sorcerer to get into the edrich knight prestige class, enlarge person, bulls strength, rage, vital strike, power attack, and an impact weapon. And a quickened true srike for fun.

There is the Dragon disciple too that could work. And the bloodrager prototype from ACG.

GoldEdition42 wrote:
There is a Tiefling alternate trait that you can roll %dice for. It gives you freakishly large hands and you can wield a weapon one size category larger without the penalty.

what paizo book is this printed in?

I can only use official Pathfinder material.

The blood of fiends. It is also on the d20pfrpg site with proper sourcing back to paizo.

You would figure they would at least put something like this in the mythic book.

I don't follow, the blood of fiends is a splat book of background and options for tieflings. Some cool stuff in there too. But nothing that seems really mythic tier. Plus I love new options but have zero interest in adopting the mythic rules so I much prefer the splat books.

fel_horfrost wrote:
. . . I can only use official Pathfinder material.

Well there goes my suggestion.

fel_horfrost wrote:
. . . In 3.5 there was a feet called monkey grip that let you do that. I have yet to find a way to do this in pathfinder.

Monkey grip was a horrible feat. Power attack out performed it in just about every instance.

I think I would second large bastard sword... though that's not really worth it either. (a feat for -2 to hit, 2d8 + 1.5 Str mod, 19/x2)

It's not 'official' but there's a feat in the Complete Advanced Feats book called lighten weapon. Let's you use a weapon as if it were one size or one category smaller for a -2 to attack. You need to have a BAB +3 to take it. Then later you can take the advanced version, which negates the -2 to attack.


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Look at option 16 at the bottom of the Tieflings page. That chart is from Blood of Fiends.

To the OP: the giant slab of steel you so desire is totally the large sized bastard sword. You ever see the iconic barbarian and how her sword is the same size as her body? She's wielding a large bastard sword, and that is a total buster sword. So go big, go sword, and go omnislash some fools.

Officially Paizo looks down on it. You can, but with penalties. The Core Rulebook states that when a weapon moves to a larger size, the category goes up for a medium wielder. For example: a dagger is a light weapon, but a large dagger is a one-handed weapon for a medium creature. A longsword is one-handed, but a large longsword is a two-handed weapon for a medium creature. According to the Core Rulebook, a character cannot wield a two-handed weapon of a size category larger than they are. It makes no sense when you can have a Barbarian with a higher STR score than a frost giant, but thems the bricks.

The Titan Mauler Barbarian was supposed to be able to do this(the creator of the archetype even said so), but the devs felt it was too overpowered(but people with fancy magic can make reality itself kneel down and beg, WTF?). The largest thing you can wield is a large sized bastard sword or dwarven waraxe. It's sad, but that's just the way it is.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

fel_horfrost wrote:
Is there a way for a medium sized creature to weald a two handed weapon sized for a large creature? In 3.5 there was a feet called monkey grip that let you do that. I have yet to find a way to do this in pathfinder.

No, and if someone mentions Titan Mauler it doesn't allow you either. It just reduces the penalty for weapons you can legally use. In other words, if you can't use the weapon without Titan Mauler then it's abilities won't help.

Thinking about it more, can't a synthesis summoner take the large evolution, cast enlarge on themselves to go huge and the wield a gargantuan bastard sword for a -2 penalty? Make it impact to have an effectively colossal weapon? I used to think you couldn't enlarge an eidolon but someone corrected me on that a few days ago.

The tiefling thing might work but I'd need to get lucky on that % roll.
If not it's exotic weapons efficacy bastard sword.
Still it's a 2d8 at first level and a enlarge person makes it 3d8 so i can't complain too much. As soon as i can i will get an inpact version, probably around 6 level or so.

Torbyne wrote:
Thinking about it more, can't a synthesis summoner take the large evolution, cast enlarge on themselves to go huge and the wield a gargantuan bastard sword for a -2 penalty? Make it impact to have an effectively colossal weapon? I used to think you couldn't enlarge an eidolon but someone corrected me on that a few days ago.

A synthesist can get Large at level 8 or Huge at level 13, and yes, still enlarge.

Problem is, the Behemoth Hippo(wild/beast shape) is still 1 category ahead of this for total dice (with Strong Jaw), even vs Impact.
I guess you match it if you let Lead Blades/Impact get you to Colossal+, but also only if you don't let INA stack.

A maxed out synthesist slam attack might be able to beat this though.

If you have four arms, you should be able to wield two Greatswords. Can you wield one Large Greatsword?

Handedness above "2-handed"(or below "light") is not described in the rules.

Inappropriately Sized Weapons wrote:
If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all.

RAW, it would need to be in the weapon description to do what you're asking.

I know of no weapons that do this.

fel_horfrost wrote:

The tiefling thing might work but I'd need to get lucky on that % roll.

If not it's exotic weapons efficacy bastard sword.
Still it's a 2d8 at first level and a enlarge person makes it 3d8 so i can't complain too much. As soon as i can i will get an inpact version, probably around 6 level or so.

Be clear that all that means is that you can wield a weapon that you otherwise wield without penalty.

So a large bastard sword or large size dwaven war axe without the -4. But not wield a large Earthbreaker or whatever.

On the brightside you don't have to roll for the ability as it gives you the option to pick if your gm allows.

fel_horfrost wrote:

The tiefling thing might work but I'd need to get lucky on that % roll.

If not it's exotic weapons efficacy bastard sword.
Still it's a 2d8 at first level and a enlarge person makes it 3d8 so i can't complain too much. As soon as i can i will get an inpact version, probably around 6 level or so.

Is it only 3D8? For some reason I thought it scaled up to 4D6.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Torbyne wrote:

The titan mauler archetype for barbarian is close. I believe the largest two handed weapon a medium size character can use though is a large sized bastard sword if they have the exotic proficiency for it. The above archetype can remove the penalty for using an off size weapon. After that the enlarge person spell and impact enchantment can up the damage but the size issue can't be dealt with any further.

Ask your GM if you can just take monkey grip?

That's because the bastard sword is essentially an exotic one handed weapon.

There is no way for a medium creature to wield a weapon that a large creature needs two hands to wield.

Okay, I am rereading things, and the way things look is that you can just kinda go ahead and use an oversized weapon without any issues other than a -2 penalty for every size above you it is. So if you're a medium creature wielding a large two handed weapon, that is one size above you. Assuming you have the strength to wield these things, you could probably go one or two higher, too.

Or am I missing something important?

You cannot RAW wield a large two handed weapon as a medium size creature (without adding something special)

You CAN wield a large one handed weapon with a -2 penalty and you have to use two hands

It's a matter of "handed-ness"

If a weapon increases in size it increases on difficulty to wield (requires more hands)

A large two-handed weapon is above the RAW designations for weapons so is unwieldable by a medium creature

If you are having an issue with anything in particular please explain so we can help :)

Mondoglimmer wrote:

Okay, I am rereading things, and the way things look is that you can just kinda go ahead and use an oversized weapon without any issues other than a -2 penalty for every size above you it is. So if you're a medium creature wielding a large two handed weapon, that is one size above you. Assuming you have the strength to wield these things, you could probably go one or two higher, too.

Or am I missing something important?

For every size larger a weapon is, the weapon increases a step on the handiness chart as well. That "chart" only has three steps: light, one handed and two handed. If the size increase would push a weapon off the handiness chart than you can never wield it. Titan mauler was supposed to be able to get around this but it was changed before printing and can't actually do it. The exotic one handers, bastard sword and dwarven waraxe, are the only way to cheat the handiness issue and that only gets you a large two handed weapon for a -2 hit penalty.

Torbyne wrote:
Mondoglimmer wrote:

Okay, I am rereading things, and the way things look is that you can just kinda go ahead and use an oversized weapon without any issues other than a -2 penalty for every size above you it is. So if you're a medium creature wielding a large two handed weapon, that is one size above you. Assuming you have the strength to wield these things, you could probably go one or two higher, too.

Or am I missing something important?

For every size larger a weapon is, the weapon increases a step on the handiness chart as well. That "chart" only has three steps: light, one handed and two handed. If the size increase would push a weapon off the handiness chart than you can never wield it. Titan mauler was supposed to be able to get around this but it was changed before printing and can't actually do it. The exotic one handers, bastard sword and dwarven waraxe, are the only way to cheat the handiness issue and that only gets you a large two handed weapon for a -2 hit penalty.

Oh, I suppose that is what it says. That's unfortunate. I'm still transitioning from 3.5 to 3.5.2, so I missed that errata.

Torbyne wrote:
Thinking about it more, can't a synthesis summoner take the large evolution, cast enlarge on themselves to go huge and the wield a gargantuan bastard sword for a -2 penalty? Make it impact to have an effectively colossal weapon? I used to think you couldn't enlarge an eidolon but someone corrected me on that a few days ago.

Thanks for the input but a large size character is almost too big.

any bigger would harm my toon more than help it.

Ausk Valrosh wrote:
To the OP: the giant slab of steel you so desire is totally the large sized bastard sword. You ever see the iconic barbarian and how her sword is the same size as her body? She's wielding a large bastard sword, and that is a total buster sword. So go big, go sword, and go omnislash some fools.

Lol. I think at most quadruple slash as usually you can only do four attacks a round with a single weapon.

However with my toons less than awesome bab i think the vital strike feet chain with a quickened true strike would more beneficial than multiple attacks. So with a bastard sword for a large sized character with impact and a enlarge person spell we are sitting at 4d8 weapon dice, Add vital strike 8d8, add improved vital strike 12d8. That's pretty massive for a single melee strike that can be done ever round. True a wizard could do more but he would have to blow his spell load.

Charrend wrote:
According to the Core Rulebook, a character cannot wield a two-handed weapon of a size category larger than they are. It makes no sense when you can have a Barbarian with a higher STR score than a frost giant, but thems the bricks.

The barbarian with frost giant strenght can carry a large two-handed weapon very easily but it is to long, to big to wield it effectivly as a weapon. It makes sense to me.

Maybe your GM will allow it as a houserule with a -10 penalty to attack .. oh so nobody want to use it anymore ?

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