Thread Necromancers

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While I still disagree with the OP, I have, after much consideration, decided to accept this as a tribute thread.

In all seriousness, why do people complain about thread necromancy?

Why would it be better to start a new thread on a topic that has already been discussed, rather than just picking up the old thread again?

I don't get it.

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Mikaze wrote:

Voting strongly against. There are a lot of legacy threads that very much do deserve to pop back up from time to time. There are also project threads taht can lie undisturbed for years before their posters pick them up again.

Along those same lines, there are threads that contain a lot of cool stuff that totally deserve to pop up to be seen by posters that would never get to see them otherwise.

It's not all arguments and potshots that are two years late. There's a lot of creativity and inspiration to be shared as well.

I've been posting a lot of "What Mikaze said" recently.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evil Dave is Evil wrote:

"Rediculous[sic]" and "stupid" are words that the other posters managed to avoid when discussing this. It's not like I am advocating banning rainbows and birthdays, so why the vitriol?

Edit: and if you notice, I even agreed with their points.

While I wasn't the one replying strongly, I would like to say that you saying things like that persons doing some thread necro-work deserve "public shaming" (even if it may have been meant kind of tongue-in-cheek) reeks of McCarthy-ism and other unsavory activities of the same kind, so that doesn't make me like your style very much.

Lazurin Arborlon wrote:
Caedwyr wrote:
This thread will be an excellent one to necro a year from now.
Dammit...beat me by a minute.

A necromancer... and a ninja?!

Oh, crumbs, watch your pockets, he's an arcane trickster! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggh!

(Also you both beat me to this idea.)

Haladir wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Voting strongly against. There are a lot of legacy threads that very much do deserve to pop back up from time to time. There are also project threads taht can lie undisturbed for years before their posters pick them up again.

Along those same lines, there are threads that contain a lot of cool stuff that totally deserve to pop up to be seen by posters that would never get to see them otherwise.

It's not all arguments and potshots that are two years late. There's a lot of creativity and inspiration to be shared as well.

I've been posting a lot of "What Mikaze said" recently.

I know, right?! It's why I tend to vote for a cult of Mikaze to be started on the Forums.

Drejk* and I already did some prayer-song-things (or whatever - look, it was modified Lovecraft), so you could be the first!

* I... think it was Drejk. It... could have been someone else with a red dragon avatar. It's been a while. Forgive this lapsed one, O Mikaze! EDIT: It was Drejk!

Doomed Hero wrote:

In all seriousness, why do people complain about thread necromancy?

Why would it be better to start a new thread on a topic that has already been discussed, rather than just picking up the old thread again?

I don't get it.

It's because in many other forums it's actually problematic. In forums that don't specialize in Rules Discussions or other question/answer discussions (in other words, smaller more intimate forums) Thread Necromancy tends to come from only those things that people feel passionate about - in other words the potential Flame Wars or similar ilk. This gives Thread Necromancy a bad rap... which is, in fact, why it's called "Thread Necromancy" instead of "Thread Raising" or some other non-pejorative term, as "Necromancy" is generally considered the "black arts" and gives the idea that the thread is a shambling monstrosity that needs to be put down for its own good and the good of all others.

Of course, there are those of us who are attempting to claim the term Necromancy as something to be proud of!

... most still mean it as an insult/evil thing, though.


Orthos wrote:
*immediately houserules into Necromancy instead of the intolerable irritant that is Conjuration (healing)*

[McCarthy]... as all right-thinking Players do![/McCarthy]

(No, but seriously, I do that in my games, too.)

Liberty's Edge

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Evil Dave is Evil wrote:
Patrick Harris @ MU wrote:
What if the thread were locked with a message auto-posted that says something like, "This thread is being locked due to inactivity. Anyone with followup questions is encouraged to start a new thread."

That is a very nice suggestion. This would provide an automatic, polite way to encourage the poster to start a new thread. Maybe even provide an automatic set of URL tags that link back to the old argument for background information. Polite and it saves us from zombie threads cluttering up the boards. Anyone with a legitimate question can start a new topic (as they should) and anyone who just wishes to spout off at the OP will have to find something else to do rather than pick at a two year old scab.

Why not, some other reason:

I have found several FAQ threads that hadn't got any reply and whose question was still valid after an year or more of inactivity.
Adding a new FAQ hit and updating the comments is generally better than starting a new thread from scratch.

So, against.

Patrick Harris @ MU wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Still kills legacy and project threads.
If they've been inactive for a year, why is that a problem?

AP comments, information and so on. Example: the Kingmaker AP. We had a lot of discussion in it. When Ultimate Campaign was published, with its updated rules some of those threads were reopened. But what was said in the earlier posts wasn't made worthless be the rule changes. It still was the same discussion resuming.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Thread Necromancer wrote:
While I still disagree with the OP, I have, after much consideration, decided to accept this as a tribute thread.

This is not the greatest thread in the world.

This is just a tribute.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

One of the things I like about Paizo is respecting quality contributions. Many threads have very worthwhile thought and discussion. Why throw that away, and force any new questions to rehash the same territory

Very much against

If this policy were in use, then at one point we would have lost the Succubus Grappling thread. I think that's evidence enough of the ill tidings of thread-locking. I mean come on, daddy loves wrestling with his fine mistresses. Don't deprive this venerable old man his greatest joy in life! Let Ole' Gutenberg use his vintage ink-jet printer once in a while.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Removed some posts and replies--let's try to keep this thread on-topic since it's in the Feedback forum, thanks!

Liz Courts wrote:
Removed some posts and replies--let's try to keep this thread on-topic since it's in the Feedback forum, thanks!

Aw, maaaaaaaaaaan!

But... but... but... my genius must be known!

... yes'm. I'll be good.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is a lesson for us all. There's no necromancy from posts that have been disintegrated.

EDIT: 350th post. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sometimes I am amazed by how many of my stupid jokes pass muster as on-topic.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

:: Waits for the thread to die off, so I can be revived in my service.::

Against the ban. For many of the reasons stated above by others. Besides, the other day someone necroed a five year old thread (2008 or 9 iirc) and was all bothered about it. And what could be more fun than pointing that out? And yes, I know it's wrong of me to be smiling about that :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What Mikaze said.

This thread has lain dormant long enough.

Arise, Thread, Arise!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can you ressurect Mikaze as well? Pretty please?

I miss Mikaze's posts too!

(Assuming that Mikaze is not posting on a section of the boards that I don't visit.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

He doesn't. He hasn't posted since April 6th, 2015, when he very conspicously disappeared while being active in several threads. Nobody knows what became of him, the people who knew him personally haven't posted on the forum since then as well. I guess only the mods know what happened. :-/

Someone contacted him back in December.

Muwahahaaahaaaaa! The Cabal is Complete!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Someone contacted him back in December.

Hm. Well, maybe some of my darker suspicions over the past two years are incorrect then. Still, it's g@* d##ned shame he is not here anymore, because Mikaze was the best of us.

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