JiCi |
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You know the various variants we often get in some of the monsters' entries, like for the Clockwork Dragon, the Terra-Cotta Warrior and the Hydra? How about posting your own variants here?
I'll start:
Phoenix (Bestiary 1)
Flaming Breath (CR +1 or +2): A certain kind of phoenix can exhale a breath of searing hot flames. It gains a breath weapon that deals 20d6 points of fire damages in a 60-ft cone. A Reflex DC 25 save halves the damage. The damage is equal to 1d6 per HD. This ability replaces the shroud of flames, but some rare phoenixes have been known to have both abilities, increasing their CR by 2. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Shriek (CR +0 or +1): A phoenix can unleash, once per minute, a deafening screech, numbming and slowing everyone in a 60-ft radius for 1d6 rounds. A Will DC 25 save negates this effect. This ability replaces the shroud of flames, but some rare phoenixes have been known to have both abilities, increasing their CR by 1. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Iron Colossus (Bestiary 4)
Blackpowder weaponry (CR +1): The iron colossus has been constructed with gunpowder siege engines instead of heavy ballistae. The colossus can fire cannonballs from its two fiend's mouth cannons, much like its counterpart that uses heavy ballistae. The cannons never suffer from a misfire, don't provoke attacks of opportunities and reload themselves at the start of the colossus's turn.
Defender (CR +1): The iron colossus has been built to serve as a guardian rather than a war machine. It doesn't have an alternate form and a flail, but has instead a colossal bastard sword and a tower shield. The sword deals 6d8+20 points of damage, with a critial threat of 17-20. The colossus's feats now apply to the sword instead of the flail. The tower shield grants the colossus a +12 shield bonus to AC and behaves like a standard tower shield, except that the colossus doesn't suffer a penalty to attack rolls with it.
Half-Dragon (Bestiary 1)
Metallic Breath Weapon (CR +0): The half-dragon, born from a metallic dragon, has its parent's secondary breath weapon instead of the standard one.
Brass: Cone of sleep gas: 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 HD.
Bronze: Cone of repulsion gas: 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 HD.
Copper: Cone of slowing gas: 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 HD.
Gold: Cone of weakening gas: 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 HD.
Silver: Cone of paralyzing gas: 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 HD.
That's all I can think of. What about you?

Detect Magic |

Gnoll (Bestiary 1)
Carrion-Eater (CR +0): While all gnolls are scavengers, some actually prefer the taste of rotting flesh. These carrion-eaters, whose elongated maws and filthy coats mark them as outsiders even among their own kind, gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage and a limited scent ability, which only functions for corpses and badly wounded creatures (50% or fewer hit points). In addition, they do not take any damage or take any penalty from diseases. Carrion-eaters can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but are otherwise immune to their effects.
Harpy (Bestiary 1)
Bloodfeather (CR +1): Bloodfeathers are the elite warriors of harpy society whose razor-like feathers are typically coated in the blood of their victims. Bloodfeathers gain a pair of wing attacks that deal 1d6 slashing damage plus bleed (1d6), as well as the ability to hurl up to four feathers from its wings (range increment 100 feet) as a standard action (make an attack roll for each feather). These feathers deal 1d4 piercing damage and become embedded in the target's flesh upon impact (Reflex negates), causing it to become sickened until all embedded feathers are removed. Removing one feather requires a DC 15 Heal check made as a full-round action. For every 5 by which the check is exceeded, one additional feather can be removed. On a failed check, a feather is still removed, but the process deals 1d4+1 points of damage to the victim. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Dirgesinger (CR +1): Dirgesingers are the shamans of harpy society, responsible for lighting the funeral pyres of their fallen sisters and defiling the corpses of their vanquished foes. The foul goddesses of the harpy race grant dirgesingers several spell-like abilities related to death and fire to assist them in performing their sacred duties. These spell-like abilities are as follows (CL 7th): at will—false life, produce flame, vampiric touch; 1/day—animate dead, wall of fire.

Detect Magic |

Skeleton (Bestiary 1)
Bone-Thrower (CR +0): Bone-thrower skeletons regrow a number of rib bones each round, allowing them to hurl their own bones as weapons. In addition to the changes for the skeleton template, make the following adjustments to the base creature. Bone-thrower skeletons can toss a single bone as a standard action (20 feet range). These bones deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Headless Skeleton (CR +1): Headless skeletons carry their severed heads with them at all times, meaning that they cannot use their offhand for anything else. In addition to the changes for the skeleton template, make the following adjustments to the base creature. Headless skeletons gain an additional +2 bonus to their Dexterity scores, a +2 bonus to their Charisma scores, and the following bonus feats: Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus (rapier). The skulls that they carry cackle menacingly at all times. Each living creature entering within 30 feet of a headless skeleton must succeed a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the skeleton's HD + the skeleton's Charisma bonus) or be shaken until the beginning of its next turn. A headless skeleton's skull is considered a separate creature with hit points equal to the skeleton's HD. A headless skeleton actively defends its skull, meaning that attack rolls against its skull resolve against the headless skeleton's AC plus 2. If a headless skeleton's skull is destroyed, it gains the blind condition and enters a frenzied state. While in a frenzy, a headless skeleton can make one additional attack each round.
Nova Skeleton (CR +1): Nova skeletons radiate an intense electrical charge, rendering their bones nearly translucent. In addition to the changes for the skeleton template, make the following adjustments to the base creature. Nova skeletons gain a +2 bonus to their Charisma scores, lose their immunity to fire, and gain immunity to electricity. Their melee attacks (including both those made with a natural weapon and those made with a manufactured weapon) deal an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage, as well as the ability to launch an arc of lightning as a full-round action. This lightning travels in a 30-foot line dealing 2d8 electricity damage, plus 1d8 per 2 Hit Dice that the nova skeleton possesses. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the skeleton's HD + the skeleton's Charisma bonus) halves this damage.

Detect Magic |

Hill Giant (Bestiary 1)
Mountain Giant (CR +1): Though scholars differ in their opinions on the matter, a popular theory suggests that the more commonplace hill giants are, perhaps, a degenerate offshoot of the original mountain giant race. The mountain giants resent these accusations, however, viewing their distant kin as little more than savages. Whereas hill giants tend to be loners, mountain giants are not. They gather in small, clan-based communities consisting of a handful of close-knit families and possess a distinct culture all their own. They are typically of chaotic neutral alignment as well, further differentiating them from their hill-dwelling counterparts. Mountain giants gain a +4 bonus to their Dexterity and Intelligence, and can speak Common. They are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces. When fighting together as a unit, mountain giants gain the benefits of the following teamwork feats: Back to Back and Swap Places. In addition, their gear and weapons tend to be well-taken care of and are of superior craftsmanship.
Not sure if this one is worth a +1 CR adjustment. Can't see it being as good as the Advanced Template, but it's still better than nothing. Added the teamwork feats to try and even it out, but it's still a tough call. Gonna play it safe and call it +1, though, it should be noted that that a single level in a PC class would grant far more benefits.

Dracomortis |

Dire Bat (Bestiary 1)
Shadowhunter (CR +1): Originally native to the Plane of Shadows, these bats can now commonly be found throughout the Darklands as well -- likely summoned there decades ago and then let loose into the wild. A shadowhunter bat gains a sneak attack which deals 1d6 damage and functions like the rogue ability, except that the bat also deals sneak attack damage any time its opponent is in an area of dim light or total darkness. It also gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls when performing a sneak attack.
Fire Elemental (Bestiary 1)
Firelasher (CR +1): These chaotic and unpredictable elementals have two fiery, tentacle-like appendages protruding from their bodies. A firelasher gains two secondary "fire lash" attacks that deal fire damage equal to a tentacle attack of the elemental's size and expose the target to the elemental's burn special attack. A fire lash attack has reach 5 feet greater than the elemental's normal reach. A firelasher also gains Multiattack as a bonus feat, and its Dexterity score increases by 2.

Detect Magic |
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Core Rulebook & Advanced Race Guide
Stone Dwarves (CR +2): Primordial ancestors of the dwarven race, stone dwarves are immortal creatures of living stone originally from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Dour and expressionless, even by dwarven standards, these truly ancient people rarely possess more than a dozen class levels, lacking the motivation to train themselves; most have between four to six class levels, with fighters and oracles being the most common (due to their innate spell failure chance, stone dwarves never advance in arcane spellcasting classes). They live deep underground and are mostly unconcerned with the affairs of other races. They tolerate the company of other dwarves, but are similarly disinterested in them, preferring isolation. Stone dwarves, unlike standard dwarves, are native outsiders with the earth subtypes—they are, however, treated as dwarves for all effects relating to race. Stone dwarves gain the constant benefit of the iron body spell, except that it is entirely nonmagical, cannot be dispelled, provides 5 less DR than normal, and grants 2 less Srength than normal (though, the penalty to Dexterity is also reduced by 2). In addition, stone dwarves are nearly impossible to move when they stand their ground. If a stone dwarf starts and ends its turn in the same space, it cannot be knocked prone or forcibly moved until the start of its next turn, except by mind-affecting or teleportation effects.

Golarion Goblin |
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Shadow (Bestiary 1)
Puppeteer (CR +2): Puppeteer shadows appear thinner and more elongated than others, their smoky fingers tapering to inky black strings. They can take over a creature's shadow and control their movements and attacks, often times using a slow-witted and slumbering warrior to slay his allies. The touch of these shadows deals Wisdom damage instead of Strength damage and they gain the following ability.
As a move action, a puppeteer shadow can attempt to wrest control of an adjacent creature's shadow. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the puppeteer's HD + Charisma modifier) or have their physical actions controlled by the puppeteer. The puppeteer can only make the target take a single move action and a single standard action on the shadow's turn. The target may attempt a new Will save at the start of its turn, and if it succeeds the target may act normally. Once a target succeeds on a Will save against this ability, it cannot be targeted by the same puppeteer for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting ability.
The create spawn supernatural ability only affects targets killed while under the effect of this ability, and the shadows spawned are normal shadows in all regards.
Soul Eating (CR +0): Soul eating shadows are tinged a deep, dark purple instead of the matte black of regular shadows. While their touch is less potent than a normal shadow's, that touch feeds and bolsters a soul eating shadow. A soul eating shadow's touch, regardless of the type of ability damage it deals, only deals 1d4 points of ability damage to a living creature, but gives the shadow temporary hit points equal to the amount of ability damage inflicted. A soul eating shadow can only have a number of temporary hit points equal to half its total number of hit points. The typical soul eating shadow is found with 2d4 temporary hit points.

Detect Magic |

Myceloid (Bestiary 3)
Fungal Mage (CR +1): Fungal magi are the overseers of myceloid colonies, responsible for the indoctrination of myceloid slaves and the cultivation of new myceloids (which are grown from the host bodies of slaves no longer deemed useful). Fungal magi have a Charisma score of 15. In addition, they cast spells as a 3rd-level sorcerers and grant all other myceloids and purple-pox sufferers within telepathy range a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Detect Magic |

Satyr (Bestiary 1)
Firedrinker (CR +0): Typically encountered alongside maenads, firedrinker satyrs are chaotic evil hedonists. Even more lecherous than usual for their kind, they revel in a drunken haze for most of the time, worshiping the presence of their maenad lovers. Firedrinkers gain resist fire 5 and the ability to cast rage as a spell-like ability at will.
Treant (Bestiary 1)
Fey-Friend (CR +0): Tree dependent fey, such as dryads, can bond with these unusual treants, allowing them to serve as patrons to the mysterious tree-fey. For every 4 Hit Dice it possesses, a fey-friend treant may host a single fey creature, meaning that when encountered, most fey-friend treants will be accompanied by at least three dryads.

Detect Magic |

Here's one of my brother's creations:
Troll (Bestiary 1)
Sewer Troll (CR +1): These trolls dwell in the sewers and dark alleyways of urban regions, eating trash and other rubbish in great quantities. Their propensity for eating garbage puts them at odds with otyughs, with the two races often competing for territory. Sewer trolls are immune to disease and possess the stench universal ability. The sickened condition associated with the sewer troll's stench ability lasts for 10 rounds. In addition, their natural weapons carry filth fewer.

Mark Hoover |

Here is the variant sprite thread. I'll go dig up some other stuff I've done. One I just did for another thread is:
Fire Beetle (Bestiary 1)
Stenchrage Beetle (CR +0) these fire beetles are highly aggressive. They feed primarily on carrion and in large quantities of their favored food they tend to go berserk. When frenzied the luminous glands in their heads go an angry shade of red casting a crimson pall over their radius. These creatures are even highly attuned to just the smell of fallen prey. These are normal Fire Beetles with Scent and receive the Enraged template (+2 attack, damage, HP/HD and Fort saves; -2 to AC and Ref saves) whenever in the presence of carrion or the scent of it.
In the other thread I reference above I paired these little beauties with mites. The fey use prestidigitation to scent mark one of the PCs with an otherwise harmless but gross smell; the beetles then get Enraged and try to murderize that character. You could also partner them with a ghast, a witch with stinking cloud or just set up a fight near a dead, rotting carcass. Alternately you could have these types of beetles be a boon; PCs use them to detect zombies or other rotting undead and then unleash the little buggers to take 'em down.

Detect Magic |

Fire Beetle (Bestiary 1)
Flame-Spitting Beetle (CR +0): Known for their deep red carapaces, flame-spitting beetles have an additional gland located on their underbelly that sheds a fiery luminescence. These variant fire beetles deal an additional point of fire damage with their bite, and once every 6 hours, can spit a 15-foot line of fire as a standard action. Creatures struck by these flames take 2d4 points of fire damage (Reflex half). This save is Constitution-based. Once a fire-spitting beetle has used this attack, it must wait 6 hours before using it again. Additionally, during this time period, its bite attack does not inflict any additional fire damage. If slain before before it has had the chance to use its "spit fire" ability, a flame spitting beetle's fire gland can be harvested like its other, more mundane, light-producing glands. This special gland can be crushed into a resin and applied to a weapon, conferring the benefits of the flaming property for up to 1 hour. After 24 hours a fire gland loses its potency and becomes useless, making them nearly worthless in trade.

JiCi |
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I'm back!
True Dragons (all Bestiaries)
Kinetic Breath (Su) (CR +1): Dragons are often considered elemental paragons due to their nature. This is further proven by some species of dragons that have a different kind of breath weapon.
The dragon gains the supernatural ability to unleash a kinetic blast instead of regular breath weapon, as per the Kineticist's feature. This blast has to match either the dragon's elemental subtype or the ragon's original breath weapon type. A red or gold dragon has to have the Fire Blast, a bronze or silver dragon can have either the Water Blast or the Cold Blast (both are keyed as "water" element) and a blue dragon can either have the Earth Blast (its subtype) or the Electric Blast (its original breath weapon). The blast deals 2d6 points of damage per the dragon's age category, regardless if the blast is energy or physical.
A Young Adult dragon gains the Expanded Element feature, selecting either a new secondary blast or expanding the primary blast. If it chooses a secondary blast, it can be any element, but not the one opposed to the dragon's nature. A red dragon could select Air or Earth Blast, but not Water or Cold Blast. If it chooses to expand the primary blast, it gains one composite blast of its choice, according to the blast's respective element. However, the Composite Blast must not use an opposing element. A red dragon could not select Steam Blast as it cannot use Water Blast. The dragon also gains the Burn feature, as per the Kineticist's feature, using the dragon's HD as the Kineticist level. Furthermore, using the Kinetic Breath while Burning add a recharge time equal to 1 round per Burn point used. Burning 3 points adds 3 rounds before the dragon can use it again.
An Ancient dragon gains the Expanded Element feature, following the same rules. However, when picking the Composite Blast if it chooses to expand it, it can be a Blast that uses an opposing element. A red dragon could select Steam Blast even if it cannot select Water Blast.
Wild Talents (CR +1): Some dragons can alter their breath weapon to such a degree that they relinquish their spellcasting abilities. The dragon gains defense, infusion and utility wild talents, using its sorcerer level as its kineticist level.
The talents alter the breath weapon similar to how they alter a regular Kinetic Blast. The dragon has to select talents according to its Kineticist level and its elemental subtype or its breath weapon type. A silver dragon could select talents with the Water or Cold Blast requirements.
The dragon also gains the Burn feature, as per the Kineticist's feature, using the dragon's HD as the Kineticist level. Furthermore, using the Kinetic Breath while Burning add a recharge time equal to 1 round per Burn point used. Burning 3 points adds 3 rounds before the dragon can use it again.
If the dragon also has the Kinetic Breath variant, the talents apply to the breath as well.
(I... might need some input, because the more I think about it, the more it can be a little... complicated.)

JiCi |

Elementals (all Bestiaries)
Elemental Blast (Su) (CR +1): Elementals are beings of raw energy, and sometimes they manifest this power in the form of deadly projectiles, rivaling spells of their kind.
The elemental gains a Kinetic Blast, as per the Kineticist's class feature. The power of the blast depends on the elemental's size, and deals damage according to the level given below:
Small: 1st
Medium: 4th
Large: 8th
Huge: 12th
Greater: 16th
Elder: 20th
The blast is keyed to the elemental's nature:
Air: Air Blast
Earth: Earth Blast
Fire: Fire Blast
Water: Water Blast
Lightning: Electric Blast
Ice: Cold Blast
Magma: Magma Blast (as per the Composite Blast; deals simple blast damage)
Mud: Mud Blast (as per the Composite Blast; deals simple blast damage)
Hey, if Aether Elementals can have a projectile, why not the others ;) ?

JiCi |

Kobolds (Bestiary 1)
Dragonborn (Ex; Special) (CR +0): Kobolds consider themselves to be scions of drgaons. This claims cannot be better expressed when a special hatchling grows to exceptional size and displays regal draconic features. Significantly stronger and more cunning than regular kobolds, these hatchlings are known as "Dragonborn kobolds", or "Drakobolds" by other races. Dragonborn kobolds raise quickly in hierarchy in kobold tribes, often taking places as leaders or advisors for the current leader, be by pure admiration of the tribe... or by force.
Dragonborn kobolds are much larger than regular kobolds, towering at 6 feet high and weighting around 150 lbs. when fully grown. They display several features of true chromatic dragons (although other varieties are known to exist), such as horns, wings, strong tails, sharp claws, fangs and colored scales. They also have a high intelligence, making cunning and wise decisions and having a strong presence, with a commanding voice.
Dragonborn Kobold Racial Traits
+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Dragonborn Kobolds may be sluggish, but their powerful build and high mental faculties make up for it.
Dragon: Dragonborn Kobolds are creatues of the Dragon type. They are treated as kobolds for the purposes of requirements, such as feats, items or prestige classes. They are eligible to the Dragon Disciple prestige class, despite being of the dragon type.
Medium: Dragonborn Kobolds are Medium creatures.
Normal Speed: Dragonborn Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
Gliding Wings: Dragonborn Kobolds take no damage from falling (as if subject to a constant nonmagical feather fall spell). While in midair, they can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot they fall, at a speed of 60 feet per round. They cannot gain height with these wings alone; it merely coasts in other directions as it falls. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes a creature with gliding wings to rise, it can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance it can glide.
Darkvision: Dragonborn Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Dragonborn Kobolds have low-light vision.
Immunities: Dragonborn Kobolds are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects.
Armor: Dragonborn Kobolds have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Dragon-Scaled: Dragonborn Kobolds are hatched with scales of such vivid color that their connection to a particular sort of chromatic dragon seems undeniable. Whether this coloration is just a quirk of a stray egg or a trait shared by all the members of a tribe, these kobolds gain a resistance that makes them especially suited to work alongside dragons matching the color of the kobold's scales. Black-scaled and green-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain acid resistance 5. Blue-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain electricity resistance 5. Red-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain fire resistance 5. White-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain cold resistance 5.
Languages: Dragonborn Kobolds begin play speaking only Common and Draconic. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Aquan, Dwarven, Gnome, Ignan, Terran and Undercommon.
Racial Point Breakdown
Dragon (10 RP)
Medium (0 RP)
Normal (0 RP)
Advanced (+4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha; 4 RP)
Standard (0 RP)
Defense Racial Traits
Natural Armor (+1; 2 RP)
Immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects [Dragon type] — rp
Energy Resistance [Dragon-Scaled] (1 RP)
Movement Racial Traits
Gliding Wings (3 RP)
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision 60 ft. [Dragon type] — rp
Low-light vision [Dragon type] — rp
20 rp
(This is the same amount as Wyrwoods, for instance)
That is a variant, albeit a different kind :P

JiCi |

Animal Lord (Bestiary 3)
Primate Lord (Ape, Monkey): Primate lords have body hairs, pronounced jaws and sharp canines, similar to a primitive human. Primate lords gain the following additional ability.
Agile (Ex): A primate lord adds half its Hit Dice to all Acrobatics checks made to pass through threatened areas and enemy spaces.
Swine Lord (Boar, Pig): Swine lords have tusk-like lower canines, flat noses and are slightly overweight. Swine lords gain the following additional ability.
Hardy (Ex): A swine lord adds half its Hit Dice as bonus hit points.
Elk Lord (Elk, Deer, Moose): Elk lords have slender builds, small bony stubs on their heads and hard blackened nails. Elk lords gain the following additional ability.
Surefooted (Ex): An elk lord's speed is not hampered by difficult terrains.
Whale Lord (Whale, Dolphin): Whale lords have beady eyes, webbed hands and feets and wet leathery skins. Whale lords gain the following additional ability.
Cold adaptation (Ex): A whale lord gains a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves to resist damage and hazards related to cold temperatures.
Bull Lord (Bull, Bison): Bull lords have stockier builds, dark skins and often an aggresive temper. Bull lords gain the following additional ability.
Charge (Ex): A bull lord deals +1d6 extra points of damage at the end of a charge.
Horse Lord (Horse): Horse lords have flowing mane-like hairs, hard bony knuckles and a fluid grace. Horse lords gain the following additional ability.
Armor ease (Ex): A horse lord does not suffer penalties due to encumbrance by armor.
Toad Lord (Frog, Toad): Toad lords have bulging eyes, warty skins and long tongues. Toad lords gain the following additional ability.
Sticky hands (Ex): A toad lord gains a +4 to CMB when grappling.
Lizard Lord (Lizard): Lizard lords have reptilian eyes, scaly skins and often display crests. Lizard lords gain the following additional ability.
Fearsome Display (Ex): A lizard lord gains half its Hit Dice to all Intimidate checks.
Elephant Lord (Elephant): Elephant lords have thicker skins, large ears and tusk-like lower teeth. Elephant lords gain the following additional ability.
Stability (Ex): A Elephant lord receives a +4 racial bonus to its Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

Simeon |

Leng Yeti
A Leng Yeti is the result of a yeti that has been fully corrupted by the dark energies of Leng. Their eyes look similar to Leng rubies and they are often found in the companies of Leng's foul denizens.
+4 strength, +2 constitution, -4 wisdom
Leng Possesion: Any Denizen of Leng within 30 feet of a Leng Yeti can take control of the yeti's mind as a standard action.
Unearthly Stare: The yeti's Frightful Gaze causes an affected creature to be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds and the save is increased to DC 17.
First post in this thread of 2016. Woo!

Goth Guru |

Kitsune(reverse shape shifter)
Change shape is into a small fox, not a human. In that form they have the physical traits of a fox, and can speak with foxes, but not any other animals. They always take the form of the same fox(fennec, red, grey, arctic, ect.). In fox form they have some trouble speaking common.
Reverse shapeshifter is a template that can be applied to any shape shifter, possibly to create WolfWeres and other non human lycanthropes.

JiCi |

Primal (CR +0)
Some lizardfolks have evolved... or devolved into species that resemble dinosaurs. They display signature features from these reptiles in numerous ways, and some primal lizardfolks have also displayed varying sizes. Apply the Young or Giant templates for those.
Primal lizardfolks have the following mutations:
(Theropod Fangs) Replace the 2 Claws with an increased damage to Bite (1d4 -> 1d6)
(Sauropod Steps) Replace the 2 Claws with 2 Slams
(Raptor Claws) Replace Bite with an increased damage to the 2 Claws (1d4 -> 1d6)
(Ceratops Horns) Replace the claws and bite with Triceratops horns for a Gore (1d6)
(Pachycephalo Skull) Replace the claws and bite with a slam (headbutt)
(Thyreophora Tail) * Replace the claws and bite with a tail slap (1d6, piercing or bludgeoning)
(Pterosaur Wings) Replace the 2 Claws with 2 Wing buffets like a Pterosaurus, with Glide as an extra ability