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A good movie adaptation of the Dark Horse comics Aliens vs. Predator run (which the AvP movies stole some beats from, but otherwise totally failed, IMO) could be awesome.
A good movie adaptation of Zahn's Dark Force Rising books would almost have to be light-years better than anything Lucas/Disney has in mind. (Which is faint praise, at best...)
While Feist's Magician could be one hell of a movie (skipping the later books entirely, just sticking to the stuff in the novel as a standalone story), I think I'd rather see a good high-budget adaptation of Daughter of Empire.
I'd probably have preferred a big or small screen treatment of Peter David's New Frontiers Star Trek stuff, than a retooling of the original characters and events. Reboots (whether 'Trek or 'Wars or comic book related or in RPG settings or even MMOs) always seem to make settings smaller.
A movie set in the Wild Cards universe (or the Vulgar Unicorn-verse, for that matter) might suffer from having such a mix of authors and themes, and need to be tied around on specific event (such as the alien invasion, in Wild Cards).

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A movie set in the Wild Cards universe (or the Vulgar Unicorn-verse, for that matter) might suffer from having such a mix of authors and themes, and need to be tied around on specific event (such as the alien invasion, in Wild Cards).
There was talk of a movie a couple years back, but given that not a single word about it was uttered since then, I assume it's never going to happen...

Werthead |

TEMERAIRE is on Peter Jackson's plate. He has to finish the last HOBBIT movie and then do the second and third TINTIN movies before it's a priority, however. I'd put it almost a decade off right now.
The rights to WILD CARDS are still held at SyFy, who don't seem to be doing much with them. Melinda Snodgrass has submitted several scripts but there hasn't been any forwards movement. It's possible that they'll lose the rights and GRRM will try to get a TV version going at HBO instead. I have to say, a HBO superhero series based on WILD CARDS would be a pretty awesome fit.

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It's possible that they'll lose the rights and GRRM will try to get a TV version going at HBO instead. I have to say, a HBO superhero series based on WILD CARDS would be a pretty awesome fit.
Nah, I can kind of see everything even similar to a plot or character development getting lost in the infinite maze of Joker boobs we are going to see.
I was really hoping that Temeraire would be the next movie by PJ (if only so that I'll have some official decider on the proper way to pronounce that name...), and didn't know about the Tin Tin movies... while I liked the first well enough, I don't feel any need for sequels. Can't Jackson let Spielberg do the Tin Tin movies and focus on cooler project? :(

BigNorseWolf |

The eponymous dragon was named after the Hms Temeraire
and he better make the dragon a four legger or I'll show jackson what a desolation looks like...

limsk |

I wouldn't be unhappy to see a Dragonriders of Pern HBO series - drama and romance and CGI has advanced enough that decent effects can be done on TV budget.
As they already done Judge Dredd (twice), I would point those folks to the direction of some of my favorite characters from 200AD: Slaine and The ABC Warriors.

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

It's not really sci-fi/fantasy, but I think The Alienist would be incredible on the big screen. Late Victorian New York City! Murder mystery! Untested scientific theories! Teddy Roosevelt!
Have you heard of Murdoch Mysteries? It seems similar to what you're describing. It's set in Toronto in the 1890s, and Detective Murdoch is constantly pre-inventing modern forensics technology. And the first 3 seasons are on Netflix!

Olbere |

I think a lot of Barbara Hambley's stuff would do well on screen - in particular her Ysidro/Asher vampire books & the Dragonsbane stories. Both of these universes are extremely well realised & highly intelligent. Both lend themselves to the screen without any need to be dumb'd down &/or cruelly truncated.
Glen Cook's Black Company would suit a tv series, perhaps...?
For movies that (personally) disappointed, I'd look no farther than The Hobbit. It's probably just me, it just had some glaringly annoying features (un-dwarven looking dwarves, dwarves looking hobbits in the eye, sunlight tolerant orcs, Greenwood becoming Mirkwood overnight...it goes on).
...(deep cleansing breathe)... Anyway...
I'd never want to see Jack Vance's work turned into a movie, I'd never be satisfied, no matter who was involved & how well it was executed. And Hollywood needs to leave Matheson alone until they decide stick to the story & keep Will Smith AWAY from it!

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pres man wrote:I'd love to see Startide Rising, but I just don't think the pace would be done well (most of the problems with making sci-fi novels into movies). You aren't going to get another 2001 movie anytime soon.One of my favourite Brin novels. I think it might make a good 12 episode series.
If Hollywood couldn't even do "The Postman" right, they've got no chance for any of Brin's more cerebral works.

Werthead |

Paramount were developing an UPLIFT film in the early 1990s, starting with STARTIDE RISING. They pulled out rather abruptly. I think they saw SEAQUEST DSV and realised that you can't put talking dolphins - even genetically-engineered ones in special suits - on screen and have a lot of your audience take it seriously.

Oceanshieldwolf |

* Oh yes to SLAINE. Been wanting that for years. Get the guy who directed Trainspotting to direct it and the guy who wrote Trainspotting to write the screenplay. (Apologies to the comics various and seminal authors). Or Duncan Jones to direct.
* Please someone do a remake of Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit.
* Live action Nausicaa or Appleseed.
* Iain M Banks Player of Games.

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Sy Fy had two bites at the apple at Riverworld and both failed, partly because they were too cheap to spring for Titanthrops, (Joe Miller)so a movie is unlikely, but could have been cool.
Of course Elfquest-but every one knows that convoluted history of it's almost filming several times over.
Did you ever read her book about the abortive attempt to do a Stormbringer animated film?

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There's a plenty of great books that has a potential to be amazing movie, in my opinion.
- I would love more than anything to see some sort of adaption of the Drizzt Do'Urden books. First nine books that I read were amazing, and I loved them so much. I think that some sort of movie would be in the realm os possibility, perhaps start from the Crystal Shard and work your way ot there.
- Varian Jeggare Adventures. Could work as a movie, or as a tv series. One way or the other, this one is a dream come true.
-Lovecraft novels. TV series featuring different story every week could be great.

Craig Bonham 141 |
Hmmm, Lovecraft. Have to be careful since it's hard to make a visual of somethign that is supposed to be beyond understanding.
That said, I'd love to see Rats in the Walls made into a movie. Horror at Red Hook could be fun too. While Shadow Over Innsmouth has been done, as has Dunwich Horror I think GOOD versions of those could be extraordinarily awesome.

SeeDarkly_X |

While recently listening to the audiobook of Bram Stoker's Dracula I had a kind of epiphany...
You see, to some degree, it was ruined for me by the movie.
And not just in the sense of seeing Keanu in my mind as the "voice" of Harker...
But more to the degree that that film, its influence, & vampires generally, are so commonplace in our pop culture that this story couldn't affect me in the way in might have when it was first written.
I can't "feel" the surprise or the wonder or shock about the events of the story in its original form because so much of those elements have been portrayed in various other media, saturating our expectations to the point that its origins are almost rendered inconsequential.
It's why I've been insistent on reading (or listening to) books like Martin's Songs of Ice & Fire BEFORE watching their productions in visual media, though I didn't really understand why that felt important until going back to Dracula.
I would much rather be impressed by the ways a visual medium might interpret the written work, instead of being disappointed that I can't get what I'm familiar with about a visual work out of my head while trying to enjoy the original work as written.
And there are some I have been impressed to one degree or another... Harry Potter, for instance, overall was satisfying as a visual representation of the books (even though I found the film's omission of Dudley's final interaction with Harry in favor of spending 15 minutes on the death of Dobby an abhorrent and soulless travesty.)
So what book would be "good" as a movie?
I don't know really... but I want to read it first.
[edit] Actually I am curious to see how what-was-once-SciFi-Channel does with a production they have in the works based on George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards series. I HAVE read every book of that. [/edit]