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Ah, but unlike RPG superstar, you can make weapons, armours, rings, rods and what not for Wayfinder!
Very true. We want more than just wondrous items.
I actually loved that we got a bit of mythic magic items in #10. I'd like to see more Mythic stuff in general. That includes creatures for the bestiary as well, but maybe some feats, spells, or GASP! some new Path Abilities.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What about magic item articles?You had none before and I know I submitted something there after that...
Just was curious. Was I the only one to jump on that need?
Yes, you are the only one to submit a magic item article right now.
I will try and update that list again...I did a really quick count and update, and didn't delve into the exact article subject content.
But, honestly, please don't fixate too much on what others have done. If you've got an idea...if you have something you are really wanting to do, DO IT. Don't let this list of received articles prevent you from submitting WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.
This list is to give everyone an idea of what categories are getting really slammed, and which ones are generally ignored. And I'm going to get even more honest....See those 11 submissions for class material? Not all 11 of those are going to be accepted. So, maybe you've got a really awesome idea for an infernal bard archetype....but you see 11 submissions already, so you opt to do a monster, but you aren't terribly inspired by that, so it's "meh".
Now I don't have that awesome bard archetype, and I have a monster that isn't all that great. I don't know about you, but I feel robbed. ;-)
So, yes, if you see a hole in the category coverage, fill the need by all means....but do not let it dictate the article you REALLY want to write.
I'll update the list tonight again.
Thanks everyone! Keep them coming!

He'sDeadJim |

Yes, you are the only one to submit a magic item article right now.I will try and update that list again...I did a really quick count and update, and didn't delve into the exact article subject content.
So, yes, if you see a hole in the category coverage, fill the need by all means....but do not let it dictate the article you REALLY want to write.
I'll update the list tonight again.
Thanks everyone! Keep them coming!
Excellent. Just what I was hoping to hear. I am used to, and like to, fill in gaps myself, and needs like this tend to spice up my writing engines a bit sometimes too. Even if you don't use my article, I always just appreciate the chance at writing anyway.

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Bestiary: currently only 9. MORE MONSTERS = BETTER.
Class: 12. 5 Archetypes, 2 PrC, 2 PrC archetypes (still debating that). 1 Bloodline. 2 Mysteries. Need more class options (bloodlines, schools, rogue talents, rage powers, bard songs, etc.) in the devilish vein.
Crunch: 4. One with spells, feats. A kingdom-building article, too. One magic item article. One on...ARMIES (sweet!)
Fluff: 7 submissions. 3 Gazetteer, an organization, a cult, and 2 articles on places. DEFINITELY NEED MORE.
Fiction: 8 submissions. A larger pool would be good.
Poetry/Song: 1 submission. Still looking for that opera....
Side Trek Seeds: 3. A few more would be welcome.
Weal or Woe: 6. Getting pretty full on this now...maybe a couple more, ON THEME. These are averaging around Lvl 6 or so. Some lower level ones (lvl 2-4) would be nice for variety!
That's 50 submissions. Halfway to the 100 submissions by March 31st I would like! And 14 days to go! Gathering momentum!!

Curaigh |

ulgulanoth wrote:Ah, but unlike RPG superstar, you can make weapons, armours, rings, rods and what not for Wayfinder!Very true. We want more than just wondrous items.
I actually loved that we got a bit of mythic magic items in #10. I'd like to see more Mythic stuff in general. That includes creatures for the bestiary as well, but maybe some feats, spells, or GASP! some new Path Abilities.
9 Blazing months is off and running. 50 posts in 12 hours is not bad. 2/3 of the items are definitely workable for Cheliax (maybe the third, I dinnae read it yet :) I think we will have some more. :)
Are items like monsters in regards to word count? That is will you add several different authors together for the appropriate article size?

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Neat idea! I really like this messageboard community effort to generate some magic items as practice, and as an extra, get some of them into Wayfinder. I sense a new feature article! Hero's Hoard: Blazing Magic Items!
Yes, if you adhere to the RPG-SS rules, then I'm OK with that word count of up to 300 words. That would basically result in an article of at least 5 items. (1500 words)
However, the authors HAVE to give these as submissions, or agree to have them published, at the least. I'm not yanking someone's content out of that thread without their expressed consent to use it in Wayfinder. Which is why I'd prefer that you all work as a group, and come to some consensus about which magic items should be submitted as an article, and make note of who wrote what...we definitely want you all to get in on the byline.

Enderrin |

Enderrin wrote:I have a monster and an article about various Chelaxian underground groups to submit. I have given them to a friend to proof-read and should be with you next week.Is any of those underground groups related to the Bellflower network, or otherwise have a slave-rescuing theme?
Snorter, no nothing about the Bellflower network.

Curaigh |

Neat idea! I really like this messageboard community effort to generate some magic items as practice, and as an extra, get some of them into Wayfinder. I sense a new feature article! Hero's Hoard: Blazing Magic Items!
Yes, if you adhere to the RPG-SS rules, then I'm OK with that word count of up to 300 words. That would basically result in an article of at least 5 items. (1500 words)
However, the authors HAVE to give these as submissions, or agree to have them published, at the least. I'm not yanking someone's content out of that thread without their expressed consent to use it in Wayfinder. Which is why I'd prefer that you all work as a group, and come to some consensus about which magic items should be submitted as an article, and make note of who wrote what...we definitely want you all to get in on the byline.
I figured everyone would send something individually after a bit of critiquing (hence my concern about a 300 word 'submission' :). But if we get five good ones I will ask the folks to combine them into a single submission, & if we get more than five, we can build a consensus for the best ones.

Bunnyboy |

I just thought how some gems have their own histories and legends. I think cursed jewels would fit nicely in theme. The red diamonds colored by blood of sacrifices. The cursed stone, which destroys it's every owners, but is still desired by many. The stones used in crown of Kings. And when the stones are used prisons for demons, mages or even souls of nobles, it makes even greater story items.
I'm not writer myself, so I gave the idea away.

Rogue Eidolon |

Question about the side treks--they say to adhere to the formatting from previous Wayfinders, but they are 325 words whereas the full side treks are much longer. Presumably, then, they are to be formatted following the format of some portion of a full side trek. My guess would be the Adventure Background and Adventure Summary sections. Is that right?

Jeffrey Swank Contributor |

Question about the side treks--they say to adhere to the formatting from previous Wayfinders, but they are 325 words whereas the full side treks are much longer. Presumably, then, they are to be formatted following the format of some portion of a full side trek. My guess would be the Adventure Background and Adventure Summary sections. Is that right?
Very similar question...I formatted mine similar to the last addition as a series of short treks. Not sure if that was fully correct?

TwoDee |

Side Trek Seeds: 3. A few more would be welcome.
Weal or Woe: 6. Getting pretty full on this now...maybe a couple more, ON THEME. These are averaging around Lvl 6 or so. Some lower level ones (lvl 2-4) would be nice for variety!
That's 50 submissions. Halfway to the 100 submissions by March 31st I would like! And 14 days to go! Gathering momentum!!
I have been running a little late, but I should have a Golarion Gazetteer and maybe a Side Trek or Weal or Woe in by Monday.

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Rogue Eidolon wrote:Very similar question...I formatted mine similar to the last addition as a series of short treks. Not sure if that was fully correct?Question about the side treks--they say to adhere to the formatting from previous Wayfinders, but they are 325 words whereas the full side treks are much longer. Presumably, then, they are to be formatted following the format of some portion of a full side trek. My guess would be the Adventure Background and Adventure Summary sections. Is that right?
I got an email about side treks as mentioned in the Call, so why don't I clarify again...
We have basically two Side Trek types of articles. The shorter one, we have started calling them Side Trek Seeds. These are short little adventure ideas, with Plot Hooks, Backstory, and Potential Resolutions. If you look back at #10, we have examples there. Go with the format as seen in #10.
Side Trek Adventures are the longer article type, which runs at 3000 words. Those are set up with permission from me, because that's essentially 4 pages, and the print version has a set page size limit for cost reasons. We can't put more than two adventures in a printed issue, so we don't want everyone spinning their wheels on adventures that we don't have room for. Generally for a print issue, we have been limiting it to one side trek adventure, and one Beginner Box mini-adventure in our issues as a standard lately. For the Winter PDF-only issues, we get a little crazier, and I think we put THREE in.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, Guys!
As we careen down the tracks toward the deadline for #11 submissions, I wanted to take a moment to comment on one aspect of the submission process.
Lately, we've been receiving a lot of queries via e-mail and elsewhere about whether we would accept certain elements of an article. In some cases, the kinds of answers we would need to provide are really more along the lines of development and design. Unfortunately, we just don't have the time to do that for every submission. Realistically, we don't have time to do that for most of them, which means we shouldn't be doing it for any.
I understand that everyone wants to make a good impression and to submit something that has the best possible chance of getting accepted, but we can't afford to go back and forth with writers about specific details for articles. We want to see what you come up with on your own.
Tim has been providing information on general categories for articles as a way to help you focus your efforts. If you are still working on an article, please rely on that as your primary guide from here on in.
As a fanzine that has a minimal staff, all of whom do this in our spare time, we don't usually solicit articles in the way that a larger magazine sometimes does. There have been a few cases where we asked someone we knew well to write an article or adventure for us, but in general, we are relying on all of our contributors to show us their own ideas without input from us.
We will be working with writers on development of articles that are selected for the magazine, but we just don't have the time to do that with submissions.
So, I ask that you please refrain from sending us e-mails or other queries about whether we would accept a specific article, item, class or other element. Trust your instincts and send us what you consider your best work. Even if it doesn't get selected, you can be proud of the effort you put into it.
Thanks for all of your enthusiasm and support. I look forward to seeing what everyone has to share.
Wayfinder Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Ambrosia Slaad |

Remember than single monster counts as half of submission so you could send four monsters and still have third submission slot available (if I understand correctly).
Yeah, I've got a couple more ideas I could probably hammer into critter submissions, but they'd probably only be "ok" and lacking that "umph" that my other 3 critters seem to have. I'd rather only turn in 3 that are my best shots than turn in a couple more that I'd (and likely everyone else) would consider sub-par.

Anthony Adam |

Item is done, and under Blazing 9 review, finishing off a related Organisation and then just the Side Trek Seed to do. Gonna be tight, but I am on schedule (if not just ahead) so far.
Fingers crossed!

Anthony Adam |

Item is done, and under Blazing 9 review, finishing off a related Organisation and then just the Side Trek Seed to do. Gonna be tight, but I am on schedule (if not just ahead) so far.
Fingers crossed!
Done, Done and Done - whoo hoo! Grin.
All three now under review by my review circle with 3 days to spare!

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Hey Tim/Paris, we still have a couple of days to deadline, so any chance of an article count update so we can see if there are some gaps needing plugging?
We have 96 submissions as of right now.
At this point, it doesn't really matter. We have a pretty even number of everything. Anything more just gives us a wider selection to choose from.
Things I don't need:
Weal or Woe articles
Things I haven't seen much of:
Mythic stuff (creatures, magic items, abilities, etc)
I will say this...still a lot of folks who can't follow the guidelines.
A couple of the common violations:
Put your name at the top of your submission. SERIOUSLY. It's like handing in homework...no name, no credit.
Adhere to word count limits. Don't give us an 800 word doc. Or a 1007 word doc. Or a 1243 word doc. Hit as close to 750 and 1500 as possible. Those are HARD TARGETS. (Except for side trek seeds, bestiary entries, and magic items...those should be 750 or less, like is mentioned up-thread here)
Still have time to get them in....roughly 48 hrs now.
March 31st, 11:59 PM...Pacific.