groovydave1962's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Archon 32 is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention held in Collinsville, IL each October. There is a large gaming contingent. Does anyone know if there will be any PFS adventures run there?

Let me voice my assent on the issue of providing pre-gens. I've been out of D&D for about two and a half years, and away from mainstream gaming for 10 months of that (long story, don't ask). When I showed up to a local con this weekend to play I had no idea what Pathfinder was, and the event description said nothing about 3.5. So when I sat down I had to make a character as quickly as possible while other players got PFS IDs and such. Some pre-gens would have greatly eased this.

I played in this one this past weekend, and although we did have a rogue and thus did not encounter any problems, I see your point. Since Open Lock as a skill, would be a combined use of Dex, Int or Wis and Listen, I would suggest some combination of rolls for these things.