Titan Mauler question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Jotungrip says you can use 2h weapons as 1h weapons, but Massive Weapons says you can use weapons too large for you. Does that mean you can use two two handed Large weapons (assuming you are medium)?

Or can you just use one Large weapon and use two medium two handed weapons

Better yet CAN you dual wield 2h weapons at all? Im trying to build this in Hero Labs but it wont let me dual wield them

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I seem to remember seeing a comment somewhere by one of the developers that they'd intended for the class to be able to wield large and larger two handed weapons, but the actual released version of the ability just reduces the penalty, but doesn't allow for the use of larger two handers, which is kind of gutting.

Ricard the Daring wrote:
I seem to remember seeing a comment somewhere by one of the developers that they'd intended for the class to be able to wield large and larger two handed weapons, but the actual released version of the ability just reduces the penalty, but doesn't allow for the use of larger two handers, which is kind of gutting.

Yeah, I wasnt sure if it was a mistake by Hero Labs or was a limitation to the class.

The intent of massive weapons is to reduce the penalties of using weapons not sized for a character and jotungrip is for using weapons appropriately sized for you in one hand. You cannot use weapons not sized for your character in one hand.

Large sized bastard sword incurs a -2 penalty to medium creatures which is reduced by massive weapons.

2 handed medium weapons can be one handed with jotungrip.

One more question, My natural strength is 24, I got a belt that brings it up to 26. When I rage, I hit 30, but when Bull's strength is cast (I have a friend who is playing a Sorc support character who tends to case Enlarge Person, Bull's strength and Haste to start a fight), Hero's Lab shows it at 32 - shouldnt it be 34?

Bulls Strength and the belt are the same bonus type, and therefore don't stack. You just get the larger bonus (the spell in this case).

k, thanks

CAN you dual wield 2h weapons with Titan Mauler?

Regular, your sized ones I mean.

Hero Labs only shows "both" as an option for greatswords even as a Titan Mauler

yes you can, since jotungrip specify that the character consider the 2h weapons as one handed, the biggest problems is you have to add another -2 to the twf penalties making them -6/-6 penalties to your primary atacks (considering you have to weapon fighting feat)

i hope it helps

also, if you are interested, there are lots of homebrews in the messageboards fixing some of the biggest problems that this archetype has

Ill take a look

But yeah, it was cool looking when I first saw it but the drawbacks are pretty terrible

buddahcjcc wrote:

Ill take a look

But yeah, it was cool looking when I first saw it but the drawbacks are pretty terrible

I know, i have one, a kobold titan mauler, afortunally my master allow me to make a fix as long as it has sense and it's not mechanically overpowered so i did :P

here i shared my fix, you can check it

Is Hero Labs broken that it will let me dual wield Large sized Dwarven waraxes?

buddahcjcc wrote:
Is Hero Labs broken that it will let me dual wield Large sized Dwarven waraxes?

Nope. Dwarven waraxe is a one-handed weapon. Large Dwarven waraxe is a two-handed weapon. Jotungrip lets you dual-wield them.

And Massive Weapons is an embarrassment on par with Prone Shooter and Ferocious Summons.

Massive weapons is a usable ability. It just does't do what folks want it to do. It works fine for twf with two identical weapons, one being oversized.
I, fom my part, am glad that it is like it is because I do not like this large twohanded weapon stuff. For me it is cheese.

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Umbranus wrote:
Massive weapons is a usable ability. It just does't do what folks want it to do.

It doesn't do what the writer of the archetype wanted it to do, by his own admission on this very forum.

That's right. But apparently someone else at paizo thought it was better to not allow oversized two-handed weapons. And I think this was the right decision.

Still the ability is not as useless as others. It just doesn't do what it is expected to do.

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Umbranus wrote:

That's right. But apparently someone else at paizo thought it was better to not allow oversized two-handed weapons. And I think this was the right decision.

Still the ability is not as useless as others. It just doesn't do what it is expected to do.

You're assuming that functionality was edited out. In which case I'd have thought a note about "no impossibly big weapons" would be added, especially as the crunch now contradicts the fluff of the archetype.

As I remember it, the writer just failed to write an ability that actually worked. But I can't be arsed to search the forum for it.

In 3.5 there was a monster ability called Powerful Build which treated a creature as one size category larger for the purposes of grappling and what sized weapons they could wield.

Just home-brew replace Massive Weapons with Powerful Build and the Titan Mauler works as intended with little headache.

Umbranus wrote:

Massive weapons is a usable ability. It just does't do what folks want it to do. It works fine for twf with two identical weapons, one being oversized.

I, fom my part, am glad that it is like it is because I do not like this large twohanded weapon stuff. For me it is cheese.

Using a big weapon is cheese? You know most of the damage a barbarian does is from a static bonus, right?

CWheezy wrote:
Umbranus wrote:

Massive weapons is a usable ability. It just does't do what folks want it to do. It works fine for twf with two identical weapons, one being oversized.

I, fom my part, am glad that it is like it is because I do not like this large twohanded weapon stuff. For me it is cheese.
Using a big weapon is cheese? You know most of the damage a barbarian does is from a static bonus, right?

Cheese is not the same as overpowered.

Things can be weak and still be cheese. But using oversized three-handed weapons is so THAT AGAIN.

Pupsocket wrote:
Umbranus wrote:

That's right. But apparently someone else at paizo thought it was better to not allow oversized two-handed weapons. And I think this was the right decision.

Still the ability is not as useless as others. It just doesn't do what it is expected to do.

You're assuming that functionality was edited out. In which case I'd have thought a note about "no impossibly big weapons" would be added, especially as the crunch now contradicts the fluff of the archetype.

As I remember it, the writer just failed to write an ability that actually worked. But I can't be arsed to search the forum for it.

It's been a while since I've read the comment but I believe the writer said it was specifically taken out because the devs thought it was overpowered.

Grand Lodge

Best use of Titan Mauler I've seen so far is to use a greatsword in one hand and a glaive in the other. The trick is to not try to do two-weapon fighting. The sword is for doing good damage, the glaive is for attacks of opportunity and reach.

The best use of titan mauler I've seen was my friend using Titan Mauler 2/Two-Weapon Warrior(Fighter) 11 to dual wield scythes at a -2/-2.
Mechanically optimized? Absolutely not. Coolest thing ever? Hell yes. His damage was so good even the party was scared of him.

Charrend wrote:

The best use of titan mauler I've seen was my friend using Titan Mauler 2/Two-Weapon Warrior(Fighter) 11 to dual wield scythes at a -2/-2.

Mechanically optimized? Absolutely not. Coolest thing ever? Hell yes. His damage was so good even the party was scared of him.

If I am doing the math correctly, they should be swinging at -4/-4.

Jotungrip (Titan Mauler) allows you to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand with a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Improved Balance (Two-Weapon Warrior) allows you to treat a one-handed weapon in your off-hand "as if it were a light weapon with the normal light weapon penalties." The normal light weapon penalties, assuming you have the two-weapon fighting feat, are -2/-2. You then have to apply the penalty from Jotungrip, making the attacks -4/-4.

Umbranus wrote:

That's right. But apparently someone else at paizo thought it was better to not allow oversized two-handed weapons. And I think this was the right decision.

Still the ability is not as useless as others. It just doesn't do what it is expected to do.

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

It's been a while since I've read the comment but I believe the writer said it was specifically taken out because the devs thought it was overpowered.

Nope, the writer messed up: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2n3tb?Titan-Mauler-what-can-and-cant-it-wield#7

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