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Zarius wrote:
It most certainly does. The type of attack is irrelevant to whether or not you get sneak attack. If your target is valid for any kind of precision damage, they take it.

Yeah, I was thinking with a flanking buddy

And why havent I thought of this before now?

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I have most of this module on my hard drive. I spent 3 months converting it to Pathfinder lol

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

The same thing happened to me when I first connected tonight. Once I clicked on one of the forum paths though, then everything loaded just fine.

Not running anything, just Firefox

Ever since the forum came back up, all the subforums are empty to me.


thats all I see

Im looking to populate this for a group of 5 5th level players. Im just trying for a quest thatll give em a level, then they go into the main module.

What Im looking for is a hard fight, but not impossible. Also looking to fine tune the timing on the doors, or does it look good as is?

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mGA94T4Uv8uuXPgBNmFGpPujyxaD8bnGWEY0OnpDI Yg

Id be interested in anything Pathfinder

How does flying a mount in combat work? The DM was confused and has ruled that if youre on a flying mount, you dont make ride checks, that the flying creature has to make fly checks and you maker ride checks to stay on.

That makes very little sense to me as for one this is a Crusader class skill's bonded mount (the same DM let me tame and ride a giant eagle as a Crusader mount). For two; you dont have to use your horse's ride check when mounted, right?

Need to know how this is supposed to work as per RAW. The DM is fairly new, and we probably made a mistake in letting the flying mount in in the first place, but the rules he's looking at dont make sense either and I want to figure out where to point him to. If I cant have the flying mount, Im actually fine with that, I just dont want to screw it up later for those who CAN.

Is it essentially dead or what? I read an article about the devs firing all but three of their staff and if that isnt a death knell for a game I dont know what is.

What the hell happened O.o

Iziak wrote:
Hudax wrote:
Or don't. Better to be able to still have fond memories of a decent book. You will waste months of your life only to be profoundly disappointed by one of the worst endings of all time.
The story ends when Stephen King tells you to stop reading. I read the rest of it, but I consider it one of many possible endings.

I took that ending and made it my own by running a Werewolf game where the characters get essentially drawn into the story and Roland's world when the end happens (I dont wanna spoil it)

Trust me your not the only one. I thought a man with no name/ Roland char would be awesome. The only problem I can see is that these characters tend to be loners, and pathfinder is a cooperative game. I kill with my heart

Actually most of the books he has a group with him. Before the drawing of the three, its Jake, before that, its Alain etc

When youre on a mount and you charge to attack and have ride by, are YOU considered using the charge action or is the mount? And are you doing a full round action of attacking or how does that work?

Im playing a Cavalier and both the GM and I are kind of fuzzy on how this works exactly

Paladins have to be Lawful Good RAW. Does that mean gods that are not lawful Good dont have paladins? How is that supposed to work? Its never made sense to me that say a Paladin who follows Sarenrae would be lawful good when the god is neutral good.

Or does the paladin devote himself to following the rules of that god, in fact becoming lawful good as far as the tenets of the church of Sarenrae?

That just being an example, the same could be asked of Pharasma or does Pharasma not have Paladins?

My main reason for asking is we're running a Kingmaker game in the seven kingdoms and the area is really NOT lawful good in any way, and playing what the DM thinks is a traditional paladin will get me killed quickly as fighting everything bad would indeed be VERY bad as there are criminals we're having to ally ourselves with just to stay alive, but at the same time, a paladin would be incredibly useful to have in the game. Im trying to figure out a way to get that without having to be lawful stupid because tyhats what the class is "supposed" to be -.-

deinol wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:

This link may give you a better context of why the internal alchemist can select Extra Ki in place of a discovery.

And this one, too.

Here I was expecting a link to Full Metal Alchemy.

best post ever

Jeraa wrote:
Scroll down to the bottom.


I am running a dwarf Samurai, and am planning on going Battle Herald at some point by taking a bevel of Bard. I have grabbed up the Fortified Armor Training feat, and with my bard level will gain the mending spell, and I need to know how many HP Tatami-do armor has, as I cant seem to find out where that is, also the same for a large steel shield.

Can you sleight of hand with it to grab small objects off someone else?

A player asked and Im not finding anywhere where it says no.

I was going with a Cleric merciful healer so I could be a battlefield medic and not have AOOs while doing it lol

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So Ive been reading a few class guides for Cleric, and the one thing they agree on is that Cleric is NOT the healer class in Pathfinder. What is then?

ARE there any healer prestige classes?

The Cleric Im playing is a Merciful Healer. Ill include the stats and what not to help but I was wondering what would be the best Prestige class to aim for (or even to aim for one at all). He's built as a healer (obviously)

Human (Garundi) Cleric (Merciful Healer), lvl 1 Alternate racial trait Heart of the Sun (we're in a desert climate, Legacy of fire)

Domain: Restoration


Str: 12
Dex: 18 (This is because Im going Dance of the Dervish at third level and I know that weapon finesse is all but useless for the first two levels being that I use a scimitar but its required for Dervish)
Con: 10
Int: 14 (was for skill points and Combat Expertise later if I decide to go more defensive)
Wis: 15 (I figured I can pump it as I level)
Cha: 11


Craft: Alchemy (0 ranks, Ill put one in here at lvl 2 but its for detect poison and such spells)
Heal: 1 rank +8 modifier
Know: Religion: 1 rank +6 modifier
Perform: Dance 1 rank +1 modifier
Sense Motive: 1 rank +7 modifier
Spellcraft 1 rank +6 modifier


Weapon Finesse


Flame of the Dawnflower
Missionary (Sense Motive)

Any suggestions on the build as is would be appreciated as well

Is Hero Labs broken that it will let me dual wield Large sized Dwarven waraxes?

Ill take a look

But yeah, it was cool looking when I first saw it but the drawbacks are pretty terrible

CAN you dual wield 2h weapons with Titan Mauler?

Regular, your sized ones I mean.

Hero Labs only shows "both" as an option for greatswords even as a Titan Mauler

k, thanks

One more question, My natural strength is 24, I got a belt that brings it up to 26. When I rage, I hit 30, but when Bull's strength is cast (I have a friend who is playing a Sorc support character who tends to case Enlarge Person, Bull's strength and Haste to start a fight), Hero's Lab shows it at 32 - shouldnt it be 34?

Ricard the Daring wrote:
I seem to remember seeing a comment somewhere by one of the developers that they'd intended for the class to be able to wield large and larger two handed weapons, but the actual released version of the ability just reduces the penalty, but doesn't allow for the use of larger two handers, which is kind of gutting.

Yeah, I wasnt sure if it was a mistake by Hero Labs or was a limitation to the class.

Jotungrip says you can use 2h weapons as 1h weapons, but Massive Weapons says you can use weapons too large for you. Does that mean you can use two two handed Large weapons (assuming you are medium)?

Or can you just use one Large weapon and use two medium two handed weapons

Better yet CAN you dual wield 2h weapons at all? Im trying to build this in Hero Labs but it wont let me dual wield them

ryric wrote:

The biggest mistake in your argument is the assumption that Vital Strike is somehow meant to replace a full attack. It's not. Vital Strike is best used as a "consolation prize" attack when you have to move.

And ONLY usable IF you move if the argument from the Vital Strike thread I made is correct

One of these came up in a game, the other was just something I thought of.

If the wizard in the group casts light on the rogue's shirt (yeah he was that guy) and the rogue uses a oil of invisibility, what happens? What does invisible light look like?

The other was if you have a weapon thats 17-20 to crit, but you need an 18 to hit, what happens when you roll a 17?

Thaqts why I asked the question in the first place, so Id have a place to direct people to in the case of this coming up again. And given that the DM has figured out that the barbarian's main weakness is will, and the fact that our Sorcerer is trying to counter this by picking spells that mind control as well and our Oracle has Hold Person for that as well.

Matthew Downie wrote:
I suspect the most common Dominate command is 'kill your allies'...

Ironically enough, that command by what it says in the OGC would give you a new save.



Yeah; if you force a dominated creature to do something against its nature, it gets that new saving throw. If it makes that saving throw, it throws off the ENTIRE dominate effect and gets to go back to doing what they want.

As for what constitutes "against its nature," that varies from creature to creature. For a PC, I would say that forcing a PC to attack another PC would normally be against a PC's nature and would allow a new saving throw (unless, of course, that PC has already displayed a propensity for attacking other PCs). For most monsters, it would depend. A lot of monsters are just violent anyway and attacking others of their kind is normal. It's left vague deliberately so each time it comes up, the GM gets to interpret it as needed for the specific target in question.

Ravingdork wrote:

I can't believe that I am the first to post this.

Magic Chapter Excerpt wrote:
Multiple Mental Control Effects: Sometimes magical effects that establish mental control render each other irrelevant, such as spells that remove the subject's ability to act. Mental controls that don't remove the recipient's ability to act usually do not interfere with each other. If a creature is under the mental control of two or more creatures, it tends to obey each to the best of its ability, and to the extent of the control each effect allows. If the controlled creature receives conflicting orders simultaneously, the competing controllers must make opposed Charisma checks to determine which one the creature obeys.
You can find the relevant rules here.

You arent. Someone linked it up above, but the rules are fairly vague. If youre Dominate Personed against the party but someone casts charm person to try and stop you, should that work? Or should you have to use suggestion/hypnotize? The rules (the quoted block) dont really say, nor does that section say anything about what happens when the caster dies

Anyone else? Or is that RAW?

BBEG dies, spell ends?

Kyras Ausks wrote:

higher level spell override the lower is the rule of thumb as in light vs darkness or see invisible and detect magic vs invisibility

and i would say with no dominatrix (lol that's what spellcheck changed it to) the spell would end

I ask because the duration of Dominate Person for instance is in days per level. If you kill the BBEG shouldnt the spell still go out to its duration's end?

as it says in the spell description:
If you don't spend at least 1 round concentrating on the spell each day, the subject receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination.

so shouldnt it continue but you get to make new rolls for each day after it dies? Its a pretty nasty save or suck spell

A few questions about mind affecting spells.

Spells like Dominate Mind dont stop when the BBEG is killed right? It doesnt end until the spell expires or something stops the spell (Dispel)?

If someone is affected by a mind control type spell (like suggestion or dominate person) and then are affected by another mind affecting spell (like charm person or hypnotism) what happens? Does the higher level spell override the lower or what?

The DM threw things like this at us tonight, Im the barbarian (and the only melee character in the group really) and when I failed those will saves, the others in our group started trying to mind control me back (also being annoyed when Im doing my utmost to kill the party when I get commanded to do exactly that - which kind of annoyed me given that thats what I HAVE to do; thats what those spells do). I think our DM may not have known exactly how to handle it and I dont either so I figured Id ask.

dunelord3001 wrote:

Yes. Also, this sheet shows the PC as already having Gore Fiend, is that right? Also, you know you loose your shield bonus if you attack with a two handed weapon while wearing a buckler and that you have a negative one that doesn't seem to be in the math on your two handed weapons when you attack wearing a buckler? And it seems that your character is painfully skinny for someone of his huge height.

I kinda just went with a random weight lol whats more akin to that height anyways - Hero Labs doesnt seem to add in the negative one for the buckler, nor does it give the bonus for Furious Focus.

I didnt know you couldnt use a buckler and a two handed weapon, I missed that part. Getting a minus one to attack for no shield bonus; I think Ill be ridding myself of that then.
Well I have Gore Fiend till I decide whether or not Im deciding on adding a level of Fighter or going Barbarian this level. The feat if I go Barbarian will be Raging Vitality anyways.

The plus two to damage is correct, but those levels would probably be better spent getting you up to barbarian 11 so you can get Greater Rage (+1 to hit, +1 to damage, more rounds of rage, more skills, etc) and like Quandry said pluses to hit are often more important the pluses to damage. Your big problem as a barbarian fighter combo won't be low damage, so I'd suggest worrying about covering up whatever issues you are having. Thos will vary by game. Depending on the type of GM you have, ask them.

Yeah, I think Im gonna go barbarian till at least lvl 11 before I decide to do anything IF I decide to do anything else at all.

I kinda need something on the end towards not getting killed when I get KOed because Im quite literally the only damage sponge in a group of twelve. The DM has realized that he doesnt need to curb his hits when he hits me (I almost died after getting a 1 on a death by massive damage fort save as I got hit for 66 damage in one hit, but the DM said 'I didnt make you roll, so youre not dead' - mainly because HAD I died, the rest of the group likely would have as well.
I MADE the roll because a.) I kinda thought you had to and B.) because we'd been pointing out when they should be being used and it was only fair lol

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
You want to know what a half-Dwarf looks like? This is a half-dwarf. He just has giant as the other half.

man thats a harsh pairing if the mom's the dwarf

Well we're playing kingmaker and Ive been put into the role of the general. I dont know if this is a left over line of thinking from D&D or it was in Pathfinder of not but I swear I remember hearing that Fighters were the more tactical type of fighters as barbarians are the more wild, and thats more or less why I was thinking of dipping into fighter.
Its kind of looking right now as Im on the cusp of levelling that I have a choice between another level of barbarian (getting damage resist 1/, some more rage rounds, raging vitality, and some skill points) or a level of fighter (getting Gore fiend - so I have a way to recharge rage - Raging Vitality and some skill points)

I havent decided if Im going fighter or not yet, I HAD been thinking of doing it to get a few more feats and weapon specialization (but then noticed it adds a whole like +2 to damage - unless I'm wrong on that) for an investment of four levels

Guy Kilmore wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I don't think I've ever played a carbon copy character before. I've played a few that were CC's of CC's until you only have a vague impression of the original there.

The thing I've noticed in life is that you run into the same people the longer you live. They have different faces and names, but they're still the same person inside. So it is with characters, when you see one brutish barbarian you've seen them all. I don't begrudge a player running a copy character, unless he wants to play Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet and all that power at 1st level.


Point of fact, there really arent' THAT many 'original' characters. Most of the archtypes were obviously written with a literary character in mind... and many of the bonuses and penalties of core classes are terribly clichéd.

It seems like almost every character I hear can in 'some way' however tangentially be connected to some major well-known character. Sometimes the players WANT to go that route? Sometimes they don't even realize it till you bring their attention.

Sometimes players FIGHT the stereotype so often... the 'non-stereotype' actually starts to seem repetitive.

It all depends on how long you play the game... and how much 'other media' you immerse yourself in.

As a massive comic fan for two-three decades... Playing a 'marvel RPG' could be hilarious listening to what people thought were 'original ideas' ;)

If you take a wide enough lens to anything it starts looking the same.

We all have points of commonality, which can make us similar, but not the same.

Yes, which is why I said theres a difference between taking a theme and running with it and full out plagarizing all the important info :p

MrSin wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Heh... Apparently, humans, elves and orcs are not the only ones who like interracial breeding... ;)
Huh... Now I've got to wonder what half-dwarves look like and where they went in the world. Obviously they have glorious beards...

Arent they called mules or something lol

glorious beard

And as far as taking damage, our group is like 12 ppl; a paladin, an oracle, AND a Cleric. We have two dedicated healers. I can take the damage.

dunelord3001 wrote:

Also the file doesn't seem to want to download.

Cohen the barbarian

does that work?
Im short one feat as I guess I hadnt picked it yet, I went with Raging Vitality

IdleMind wrote:

I intend on use the slow progression from the pathfinder core-book. I want to make sure the party has multiple adventures at each level and a chance to use their new toys from each level up at LEAST once, hopefully more. (I also tend to do alot of downtime between adventures, a month usually, unless the flow of the adventure necessitates immediacy).


Slow? We're running Medium in our group and we've gone something like 8 or 9 sessions for one level. Then again we do have something like 12 ppl in the party :p

Undone wrote:

Human barbarian I agree is great, better than dwarf if you're going straight barbarian. And that is due to the save bonuses and heart of the field; one defensive ability and one "healing" ability.

Unless you have my GM who says anything that stops you from getting fatigued before 17 is breaking the game and not allowed

Kittenological wrote:
buddahcjcc wrote:

Dwarves have one of my favorite alternate racial abilities; Spell Resistance
Yeah, they're real tough when it comes down to spells. While I prefer the saving throw bonus myself, I do feel that even 5+HD SR is a lot better than nothing. In fact, getting a 15-25% chance to be unaffected by ANY spell at all (check my math if you would) is probably better than having a 10% better chance of saving against the ones that allow for it (and even then suffer partial effect).

Especially when if youre a caster yourself, the only other way to GET spell resistance is a 90 k gold (or something else really high) shoulder slot item


Marthkus wrote:

Now all you have to do is justify why a dwarf is a druid.

You name him Pikel Bouldershoulder


Here; found a pdf hosting site

Cohen the Barbarian

advice from this point forward would be appreciated. And rerolling isnt an option :p

And the reason the sorcerer isnt casting haste is because he's 6th lvl. He gets one 3rd level spell and that spell was fly

1) Hell Knights have that armor, and since they are all about law it doesn't make sense for a barbarian to have it, probably should just have normal full plate. It might be rules legal, but it shouldn't be. Also if a Hell Knight sees that it will likely be an unneeded hassle.

We found it on an enemy... I cant then equip it? Our DM dsoesnt have an issue with it is why I ask.

4)21 AC at 6th level isn't great for a melee character. Lots of the CR 7 creatures, large amounts of what you'll be fighting, have an attack bonus of +11 to +14, some as high as +17. So that means they'll only need to roll a 7 to a 10 to hit, sometimes a 4. That ain't Gangsta.

so how do I increase it? Im wearing Hellknight full plate +2, my dex is +1, I have beast totem, Im looking at as far as I can see; the best of what I can do. The only other two in our group that have a higher AC are the GM's fiancee and a friend who both got intelligent, talking, armors and have ACs of 28 and 32 (I think) respectively.

If there was a place you can make a character so I can show you what Im playing, then I could get advice :p My first barbarian and apparently Im doin it wrong :p

Atarlost wrote:

The command word rules are just plain bad. Talking is a free action. A GM may impose limits on length, but a single word is always going to be a free action unless it's something like supercalifragilisticexpialodocious.

But when something reacts to it it's suddenly a standard action. It's one of the dumbest most immersion breaking things in the rules. Worse than the peasant railgun even because it comes up all the time.

Ah; thats annoying... well thx for the reply

dunelord3001 wrote:

EDIT: Sorry, replied to the wrong post. My bad.

buddahcjcc wrote:
What other generally garbage melee feats should I keep away from? What other traps to avoid Id guess I should say
The Critical Focus feats.

So no Stunning Critical? I was thinking of going that way as Im running a Barbarian with a Keened Greatsword atm and Gore fiend so that when I DO get a crit; I can get rage back.

Why avoid Enlarge person?
When Im raging, and my sorcerer friend casts his two favorite spells for use on me (Bull's Strength and Enlarge Person) Im looking at +17/+10 doing 3D6+22 per hit with my 17-20 x2 crit my AC is even 21 even while raging and enlarged (because wearing +2 hellknight armor plus beast totem - I'm the heavy armor version of a barbarian.

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