why do we do what we do?


My char is a bard homebrew race with 4 arms (voxay) back story

Zattle home of the Voxay
Lost in the ages.
King sends his son away to make sure he lived son grows up (me) with nothing but the stories from his mentor

Mentor is other player a illusion necro trickster I am a bardic their i'm thinking based of story telling? Makes sense based off listening to mentors storys but why steal need concept for char why would he resort to char want some fluff

What is the fluffiest char you had


Friends dont let friends post drunk.
Lets see if this babblefish still works...

So we have 4 people...

  • The 4 armed voxay from zattle
  • The King
  • The king's son
  • The king's son's mentor the illusionist necromancer trickster

The King sends his son away to live with The 4 armed voxay and his mentor
All the kings son knows about his life/world/history is what the 2 others tell him
The mentor is an illusionist necro (fake death of the king?) trickster and
The 4 armed voxay is bardic thief (OP: 'bardic their')
Then whats a good excuse for the 4 armed voxay from zattle to be a thief?
Why would the kings son be sent away with a 'mentor' thats an illusionist necromancer, and a bard that either wants or needs to steal.
Why is the bard a bardic theif instead of just a bard...

If your mentor is an illusionist necromancer, then the father king seems to want his son to become an illusionist necromancer as well... Thats what mentor means...

Clearly the king is providing his son with access, however limited or accurate, to his own storyline/history/lineage by sending the mentor and a bard. But the bard also being a thief either implies that the king didnt know he was also a thief, or did know he was a theif and is perhaps counting on the thieving skill to help this excursion fund itself without the kings financial interaction....

So the OP's question(s) seem to be why would a king choose to (or what kind of a king would or what motivation would a king have to) send his son off into the world alone with a less than complete understanding of his own role, and only supply companions to his own precious boy that are illusionist necromancer tricksters and bard thieves...

Either that or the question is simply why (what cool interesting fluffy reasons would the bard also be a theif that makes sense given the story so far...)

Man, the OP should really clarify what he wanted to say... I mean, I saw unclear posts before, but this is just over the top.

Vincent's interpretation seems good to me, but I guess the phrase "What is the fluffiest char you had" could also imply "fluffiest" as most interesting and "char you had" as character youve made, so he could also be asking what's the most interesting character that we made.

If the question was Why would the bard also be a thief? (Coltello, please clarify! I'm quite curious about it to be honest) Than I say: he really liked the stories about thiefs and spies. It inspired him to learn to do the cool things they could and found he was good at it. He might want to make some stories of his own as well.

Sorry half asleep when I posted vincent is mostly right except there is only two players
Me and the illusion necro wizard
fluffy part referring to to concept (best back story yada yada yada) you've had with a character
The voxay is name of homebrew race and zattle is the long lost city
The mentor is kind like a bodyguard the king sent with the prince

So me the prince after hearing so many stories of the past want to go bard with stories telling but trying to think of back story on the stealing part since I like the idea of a bardic thief

And for some confusion about original post my phone puts what it thinks i'm writing not always right

Hope that helps clarify

Edit: had to edit 4 times stupid phone lol

Student orator (trying to learn to become an effective statesman) who, having grown up as the son of the biggest cheese around, doesn't quite fully grasp the concept of other people owning property?

Vincent Takeda wrote:

Friends dont let friends post drunk.

Best friends encourage drunk posting...

Something to laugh at later

Dark Archive

Count Coltello wrote:

My char is a bard homebrew race with 4 arms (voxay) back story

Zattle home of the Voxay
Lost in the ages.
King sends his son away to make sure he lived son grows up (me) with nothing but the stories from his mentor

Mentor is other player a illusion necro trickster I am a bardic their i'm thinking based of story telling? Makes sense based off listening to mentors storys but why steal need concept for char why would he resort to char want some fluff

What is the fluffiest char you had

I suspect a non-English speaker?

If that's the case, I can sympathize. You gotta get someone to help you with your translation though. This isn't really legible.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We do what we do because if we didn't do what we do than who would do what we do ? You do what you do and I do what I do and we do what we do, foo'.

Count Coltello wrote:


What is the fluffiest char you had

I take it this is a direct question to other forum users.

In that case, I present:

Kivon (kEE-vahn not kAI-vehn) Kross:
Kivon's father left home when Kivon was four. At sixteen, Kivon decided to leave his small farming community to find his father. After two years of dead-ends and red herrings, Kivon was just about out of hope; not only was he not any closer to finding his father, he was starving and out of money with nowhere to turn. Desperate, he spotted a seemingly well-off adventurer, tried to mug him, and failed spectacularly. However, rather than taking vengeance on the poor boy, this adventurer (a man called Tulus) took pity on him.

Tulus was a senior member of an adventurers' guild (called the Jacks' Men), and decided to take Kivon as an apprentice of sorts. He taught Kivon the swordsmanship of the Keleshite priests of Sarenrae, which Kivon took to like a duck to water. After some time with Tulus, the heads of The Jacks' Men began to take notice of Kivon and his quick mastery of the sword.

One night, Kivon and Tulus were called to the inner sanctum of the guild hall. There, they met a man, a woman, and a third individual who could not in any way be identified. Kivon had never met these individuals before, but it was clear to him that Tulus knew them and why they had called the meeting; it was also clear that Tulus was not at all pleased with them. The three individuals explained to Kivon that The Jacks' Men was, in fact, a front for a small but powerful assassins' guild, whose membership consisted of only four members, the three of them and Tulus.

Upon hearing this news, Kivon was shocked and turned to Tulus, whom the individuals had been calling "Clubs". Tulus looked at Kivon with the shame of revealed deception in his eyes. The shrouded individual, whom the others referred to as "Spades," then informed Kivon that he was to become the newest member of "The Jacks"; the only thing left for Kivon to do was to kill his mentor. Kivon was stunned. He would never dream of fighting his mentor in more than just a sparring match. He turnned to Tulus, who now had his sword drawn.

"So this is how I am to die" said Tulus in a low, grim voice. Kivon took a step back; was Tulus truly willing to fight him to the death? Suddenly Tulus shouted, "RUN!" as he lunged that the one called "Spades," and that's what Kivon did. He ran until daybreak and the way back to the guild hall was a mystery to him. Since that day, Kivon has continued adventuring, still hoping to one day find his father, but he will never forget the lessons of his fallen mentor.

Plot Twist(s):
Tulus is actually Kivon's father. Kivon didn't recognize him because it had been so long since they'd seen each other (and Tulus is an assumed name), but Tulus recognized Kivon right away, which is why he decided to take Kivon under his wing.

"Clubs" and "Spades" are code names used by members of The Jacks; the other members are "Hearts" (the man at the meeting) and "Diamonds" (the woman at the meeting.)

xn0o0cl3 wrote:
Count Coltello wrote:

My char is a bard homebrew race with 4 arms (voxay) back story

Zattle home of the Voxay
Lost in the ages.
King sends his son away to make sure he lived son grows up (me) with nothing but the stories from his mentor

Mentor is other player a illusion necro trickster I am a bardic their i'm thinking based of story telling? Makes sense based off listening to mentors storys but why steal need concept for char why would he resort to char want some fluff

What is the fluffiest char you had

I suspect a non-English speaker?

If that's the case, I can sympathize. You gotta get someone to help you with your translation though. This isn't really legible.

Lol definitely English speaker.

just needed to wait before I tried posting I'm fluent in English and incoherent babbling

Honorable Goblin wrote:
Count Coltello wrote:


What is the fluffiest char you had

I take it this is a direct question to other forum users.

In that case, I present:

** spoiler omitted **...

Yup what I was looking for so I could get inspiration on a back story for my bardic thief

Rynjin wrote:
We do what we do because if we didn't do what we do than who would do what we do ? You do what you do and I do what I do and we do what we do, foo'.

Say that ten times fast lol I tried I failed

Still, if you asked what were our most interesting characters (as I understanded the phrase "What is the fluffiest char you had") I think its a interesting thing to discuss, althought im not quite sure what my favorite characters would be. Too many that I like!

Little Skylark wrote:
If the question was Why would the bard also be a thief? (Coltello, please clarify! I'm quite curious about it to be honest) Than I say: he really liked the stories about thiefs and spies. It inspired him to learn to do the cool things they could and found he was good at it. He might want to make some stories of his own as well.

That was one of questions I sought answers to why would this bard go "what's mine is mine what's yours is mine. So is his and hers and thiers "

Razh wrote:
Still, if you asked what were our most interesting characters (as I understanded the phrase "What is the fluffiest char you had") I think its a interesting thing to discuss, althought im not quite sure what my favorite characters would be. Too many that I like!

I.like concepts and the rP.behind chars lol not just optimization and numbers so I was looking to see what some people do with third especially steally.bards

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

My fluffiest character is literally fluffy. She is a anthropomorphic cerberus magus that fights with multiple weapons using her four arms.

Remsia was born as a result of a botched gate ritual by three adventuring spellcasters who discovered an ancient library filled with forbidden secrets owned by a mysterious wizard known only as The Librarian, who disappeared centuries ago along with his actual name. The intruding spellcasters attempting to gate a extraplanar hound to do their bidding, the ritual not only claimed the lives of the three spellcasters, but also used their bodies to give birth to a three-headed, four-armed hybrid of a woman and dog. Learning the fate of the intruders that gave her life, Remsia dedicated her life to protecting the library from falling into mortal hands.

However, five adventurers proved too powerful for her. After besting her traps and fighting skills, they took some tomes and left her for dead. Following rehabilitation from her wounds, Remsia embarked on a journey to other lands to find the culprits only to discover the Librarian's spells have driven them mad into invoking dangerous arcana that could sunder the land and bring forth evil outsiders that seek to enslave the frontier. Along the way, Remsia has grown stronger, taking back her master's tomes one by one...

My favorite one was Orochimaru, a sorcerer with the serpent bloodline. Level 16 I was shapechanging into giant snakes and eating orcs. Too bad he got killed by a bunch of paladins before the campaign ended (yup, I was evil).

All of my characters have fairly elaborate backstories, so I don't think any one of them is more "fluffy" than another. Still, some of them turned out to be more interesting to roleplay. Probably my favourite one was a character named Nolan.

He was one of the few times I've played an evil character in a mixed alignment game. I designed him so that his alignment wouldn't put him at odds with the party. I researched Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a real world mental health condition and based his psychology on it.

He was completely lacking in any empathy or consideration for other people, however he very much wanted to be perceived as a hero because it was important to him that everyone admire him. Thus he would often do very 'good' things, especially when other people were watching. He tried to base himself off the other heroic characters in the group, using them for inspiration since he didn't really understand 'being good' naturally.

He also had the power to steal other people's magical abilities by killing them (Basically a sorcerer but the GM allowed me to leave my spell's known blank until I killed another person or creature with magical powers and then I could select appropriate spells to fill the slots in).

He worked for the mage's guild as their enforcer, hunting down rogue wizards. One personality quirk was that he refused to ever use any of his stolen powers for 'evil purposes' (at least as far as he was capable of interpreting that). It allowed him to justify to himself that he deserves those powers more than the people he killed.

Very fun character to play, and he slowly learned more and more what it takes to be a real hero even though it didn't come very naturally to him. His alignment had finally shifted from evil to something approaching good when the character died. (Don't critically fumble twice in a row when you're trying to defuse a bomb).


Merry Christmas.

Master of the Dark Triad wrote:


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you! I do know grammar, having been forced through years of it in school. Lol

I thank you for the concern, over my being able to use grammar correctly. However I assure you "I got this" I believe the kids say now a days

But all serious now If I'm not texting sleepy or drunk than I'm pretty decent and I think most of the time understandable l.

That being said (grabs the thunder-brew ale and starts to fall asleep) y'all haf. A nive. Dauy I sgakl sde yalk. Lader

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