Awesome stories from your PFS characters?

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Silver Crusade 5/5

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I haven't seen a thread like this for a good while, so I figured it would be neat to have a thread to share some memorable stories of our characters' deeds. This is mainly inspired by the session of The Waking Rune that I just played in today. There were many memorable moments, but my favorite was when my level 10 Rogue got to dispel Cloudkill with a wand, while blinded.

On a semi-related note, thank you to Kyle Baird for putting a high CL Dispel Magic wand in one of your scenarios, that probably saved some PC's today.

Anyone have any rad stories they'd like to share?

Silver Crusade 1/5

Cast all three of my breath of life spells at a paizocon special once, that was an interesting fight to say the least. :) brought them back everytime, one was way down. free empowered breath of life once a day for the win. :)

Edit: also airwalked my huge stegosaurus over the walls of the main lodge during another pfs special. Taldor, as he follows a Qadiran which is proper in a rightful world, carried many a pathfinder into the treacherous battle for the main lodge. And died facing off with a huge dragon at the climax. :( It is what is expected when you battle such things. A dragon is a good way to go as far as deaths in PFS are concerned, IMO.
Speaking of deaths, that same cleric used all three of his breath of lifes, 2 scrolls of res, all channels, quite a bit of expendables. good times. If not the best scenario, it was among them. Kyle Elliot ran an awesome show as he is well known for doing. The redmond and olympia pfs groups combining to save the lodge was epic as I have ever seen a game.

on a blooper note: :)
The only time I played with Mike Brock at the table, his fighter was dominated and I spent the fight admonishing myself for not prepping protection from evil, only to realize way to late that the reason I did not was the wand of it I had in a haversack. :(


My character is extremely distrustful of anything childlike(including Children). So the monsters (dolls in this case) were scripted to attack the party once they moved past them or if they spent time examining, the moment the box text read dolls I immediately attacked the closest one next to me and killed it. My paranoia saved us a surprise round and made what was supposed to be a relatively challenging fight into a two rounder.

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My level 11 Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan) Shoanti Barbarian Ahote Takoda upon seeing a colossal tornado coming his way thought it a 'Great Elder Wind Spirit', and that it was offering him a blessing. He jumped into the thing and survived a half minute of thrashing before being expelled about 60' off the ground... only to get back up and dive into again :)

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Storm Giants on Giant eagles attack the party at 8,000 feet.

My druid casts Dominate animal.

"What are you telling the eagle to do?"

"Loop de loops"

4/5 5/5

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My favorite character and baby, Skad the horrible multiclass mess (currently inquisitor of Lao Shu Po 5/rogue 3/shadowdancer 3), started out his career as a massive butt monkey. He had a habit of falling down holes and going unconscious - partially thanks to me making the horrible decision to roll a close-combat rogue that started out with Con 10, partially thanks to horrible luck.

One time I clearly remember was when he was level 2 and a +0 BaB wonder thanks to multiclassing into rogue at second level. He'd fallen into a pit of some sort after failing an Acrobatics roll, had dropped unconscious, and there was an ooze of some sort in the pit that the rest of the party had to rescue him from.

A year later, as an inq 5/rogue 2/shadowdancer 3 and in a module, the party's other rogue (a rogue 7/fighter 3, I think) falls into a pit. He then shouts at the rest of the party that there's an ooze in said pit. Skad immediately leaps down the ramp leading to the pit, rappels down the side using a rope, and draws the ooze's attention and attacks to himself while his ally escapes. He then proceeds to lay waste to it with his shadow companion. It was much sweeter a victory than it would have been without that second-level failure with the pit and the ooze.

4/5 ** Venture-Captain, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

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My fourth level fighter had a great time fighting an illusory dragon (failed a will save) while the rest of the party was taking pot shots at the actual bad guy. Did I mention the fighter had bull's strength and enlarge person active? Best/worst use of those potions ever.

Scarab Sages 5/5

My 11th level Alchemist with Poisoners gloves placed Detonate infusions in his gloves. After passing Protecion from extracts to the party members, striking himself with attacks from the gloves (in the same round) resulted in 20d6 damage to everything in a 30-ft.-radius spread...

Yeah, you can call me The Toaster.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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My tiefling melee cleric of Iomedae opened a door. Behind it was some kind of outsider with snake-hands with a readied action to shoot him with six laser beams, each dealing a different kind of damage and carrying a different type of save-or-suck.

One of them failed to affect him at all (and two more dealt reduced damage), and then he proceeded to make all five Fort saves. Thomas finished his turn not by closing the door, or healing, or whatever else. He just walked right up into the monster's face, sword in hand.

I can imagine the look on the enemy's face when he shoots the cleric in the face with six different rays and the cleric just keeps coming without so much as flinching. :)

Scarab Sages

My Cavalier rides a Camel (named Lot). We've twice overcome major obstacles by feeding Lot a potion of fly. We call it the Camel-Copter. My Cavalier is presently level 4, but being a member in good standing of the Order of the Tome, when he reaches level 8 he'll be able to use scrolls of fly (half the price of a potion, as you know) on his own.

My Zon-Kuthon-worshipping Monk visited Nidal with a hulking imbecile Barbarian, with whom she developed kind of a "Laurel and Hardy" relationship. The Barbarian became convinced at one point that doors were impossible to open after encountering one that was locked or something, so my Monk later succeeded on an opposed CMB check to grab his hand, place it around the doorknob, and make him turn it (the lesson didn't last, though - he found a hand of the mage and bought it, and now uses that on all doors). Anyways, after a couple of embarrassing shenanigans like that, they eventually visited a local temple of Zon-Kuthon (remember, we're in Nidal) to get ability damage and such we'd suffered healed. Kuthite temples offer healing for one of two payments: gold or pain. The Barbarian decided to pay in pain. My Monk, dutiful nun of the Midnight Lord that she happened to be, jumped at the chance to torture him (using a skill check)...on the temple's behalf, of course.

4/5 5/5

Jiggy wrote:

My tiefling melee cleric of Iomedae opened a door. Behind it was some kind of outsider with snake-hands with a readied action to shoot him with six laser beams, each dealing a different kind of damage and carrying a different type of save-or-suck.

One of them failed to affect him at all (and two more dealt reduced damage), and then he proceeded to make all five Fort saves. Thomas finished his turn not by closing the door, or healing, or whatever else. He just walked right up into the monster's face, sword in hand.

I can imagine the look on the enemy's face when he shoots the cleric in the face with six different rays and the cleric just keeps coming without so much as flinching. :)

I've run that encounter, and was very disappointed when the party cavalier succeeded at all of his saves and proceeded to gank the monster. :(

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

So, the group was skulking around in the basement of a prominent building in Absalom, in search of a missing archivist. Two scouts out in front [my elven rogue, the other an inquisitor of Asmodeus].

They entered a room & got surprised by a gibbering ooze. The surprise glob of poisonous spittle tags the inquisitor, who promptly loses 2 Con. While I'm relocating my archer over behind some convenient crates, the inquisitor gets pulls into melee. The other player asks "What does losing 2 Con mean?" Seeing how she's new to the game I fill her in on the details of hit point loss, reduction on Fort save, & a much greater threat of death due to the smaller margin afforded by a smaller Con.

She follows up with the next question: "So, dropping to a 6 Con is bad?"

We drop back to IC mode at that point. Having nearly choked on my soda, I manage to finally get a few words out. My PC yells to her's "You're gonna die! But we'll get you fixed."

Sure enough, dead the next round. The ooze lasted another couple rounds, but eventually succumbed to the many attacks of the party. We searched a bit & then opted to vacate the basement in search of the promised 'fix'. Since he'd made the promise, my rogue collected the inquisitor's mostly flesh-free bones, etched her emblem into the center of the skull's forehead, & went wandering through the Temple district of Absalom, in search of the right temple.

Many of then just turned the party away. Some offered to dispose of the remains. One offered to animate the bones [Nethys, I think]. Finally we arrive on the steps of the Law-Giver's temple - they check their records, noting that their inquisitor had enough karma banked to cover the Raise Dead.

A while later, the party headed back into the depths of the basement. From that point on however, whenever she called upon her infernal powers in the pursuit of Law, her forehead glowed in the shape of an inverted star. She also complained of headaches.

Good times....

Silver Crusade 5/5

Played in a party with a Wayang alchemist and four druids, one Nagaji and three level seven Lini pregens. The scenario took place in Nagajor and we had to teavel there, giving the three of us playing Lini a chance to prepare spells. We ended up fighting a Royal Naga that ambushed us, that proceeded to fail a suggestion on our nagaji, which initiated combat. Half the party went before it in regular initiative and by the time it got back to the Naga it was entangled, in an ice storm and either sickened or stunned, I forget which. Within the next turn, it was engulfed by three separate swarms; some Mad Monkeys, a rain of frogs, and a vomited up wasp swarm by the alchemist. In the following two rounds it had been hit by Flame Strike twice, had all sorts of lightning Called down on it. Needless to say, the poor thing didn't know what it was getting into.

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UndeadMitch wrote:
...either sickened or stunned, I forget which.

Dazed. He was dazed from the lightning that kept hitting him every two rounds. It was a good time. Could you have played the rogue who helped take down Krune? Probably. Could two of the other Linis been the barbarians who were also in the party? Most likely. Would that have been better than three Linis, three Droogamis, a Nagaji druid and his Bob, and that Wayang? No, not at all. The final encounter wasn't much different, either. They're dazed, they're stunned, and here's a Satyr just in case.

The Exchange

Though I've only played PFS once so far (I'm new) I did get the opportunity to feel sort of 'epic' in my first session.

We were playing 'The Confirmation' and I was playing Pfeiffer, Level 1 Gnome Barbarian. At the end of the adventure, the 'Big Bad' is on one side of a river and we are on another. I begin running over to engage and so does the monster, and we end up meeting on a rickety bridge.

One of the party blinds the bad guy, which forces him to fail his charge with the 50% chance to miss. Fortunately for me, his charge provokes an attack-of-opportunity, in-which I rolled a nat 20. (Huzzah!)

I confirmed the crit, and ended up doing like 26pts of damage and then rolling for my actual turn (the boss was last initiative, I was first). I swing again and kill the boss - feeling pretty dang satisfied.

I've played a lot of RPGs (D&D since I was kid, WoW, etc.) but it was nice being the lucky newbie for once!

5/5 5/55/55/5

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We need a drug dealer to testify against someone. This would obviously work better if they weren't a drug dealer.

My Gnome Ranger hops his kangaroo through the shop, dumping the good stuff into the pouch.

"What drugs?"

Dark Archive

Pissed off a couple hundred year old Shop Owner/Assassin. Lived to tell the tale :)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
My Cavalier rides a Camel (named Lot). We've twice overcome major obstacles by feeding Lot a potion of fly. We call it the Camel-Copter.

That's pretty funny. We had a situation a while back where the party came across a ravine where the bridge had fallen. While my rogue was pretty decent at climbing, that made one of us in the party. So, we decided to use the scroll of Spider Climb on the gnome cavalier's war pig (called Pork Chop!).

Pork Chop was then used to carry all of the PCs down and up the ravine, and from then on, we've renamed the spell to "Spider Pig".

Several of my characters (that have interacted with Zigzag, the cavalier) now carry potions or scrolls of "spider pig"!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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My Grippli Ninja was getting his butt handed to him by a spellcaster, so I ask the GM if the guy us using spell components. He says yes, so from 10 feet away I use my agile tongue to use the Steal combat maneuver to steal his spell component pouch. Probably saved a TPK.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Andrew Christian wrote:
My Grippli Ninja was getting his butt handed to him by a spellcaster, so I ask the GM if the guy us using spell components. He says yes, so from 10 feet away I use my agile tongue to use the Steal combat maneuver to steal his spell component pouch. Probably saved a TPK.

See, this is why all my spellcasters prep/learn pilfering hand! ;D

4/5 *

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Gerrard Dessedeux, my dhampir archer (level 3), dared to enter Bonekeep at PaizoCon, with a non-optimized group including 2 pre-gens. None of us were prepared physically or mentally for the experience, and it ended badly. The retreat call was given, but not followed by everyone, and several deaths occured. I survived because my unconscious-but-still-bleeding body was loaded onto a goat familiar (with ant haul, I think) and sent out of the dungeon. I continued to bleed out until 1 HP from death, when I used my reroll and happened to roll my "numerological gift" number on my re-roll. Can't recall if anyone else got out, frankly, but I know the owner of the goat didn't, so she explained her goat's backstory to me (a quite extensive one). I paid the 6gp to have a goat, and now I have a goat with a cool backstory.

But it doesn't end there: I haven't played this PC since the event, but before I do I have to level him to 4th first. I'm taking a level of arcane-blood sorcerer so I can have the goat as my familiar. I'll be going arcane archer now, because of the impact the event had on my character's life. Just too cool not to go with it!

4/5 ****

Andrew Christian wrote:
My Grippli Ninja was getting his butt handed to him by a spellcaster, so I ask the GM if the guy us using spell components. He says yes, so from 10 feet away I use my agile tongue to use the Steal combat maneuver to steal his spell component pouch. Probably saved a TPK.

What are you talking about, we totally had that. I had 6 whole HP left after my Aegis of Recovery went off. Just because I was dominated by a brain spider and had just dropped the inquisitor doesn't mean that our 5th level paladin and out of spells sorcerer couldn't have taken on the level 1vl 11 wizard who was hiding behind the scary shocking pillars.

Errr maybe you're right. Great move btw.

The Exchange 5/5

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this is kind of an old story, but it is of the same type as the other "ride an animal to escape" stories above.

During an ambush, a Dwarven Fighter jumped on a mule he had to move faster forward (and into the fight). Two arrow shots later (and a crit) he is bleeding out - but still in the saddle, and now headed past the fight and away. He stablized, but the rest of the PCs all died, and he was able to point out that the only thing preventing a TPK had been the speed of his a.... mule.

The Exchange 5/5

Not a story about my PC, but one of my wife's...
It's often kind of fun to take a stereotype and twist it a little ... make other players go, wha...?

SO my wife built herself an Aasamir Cleric... who is 5 months pregnant.

During on game the PCs rush up to the building where two Uthdan guards are outside "thinking" of rushing in to fight the BBG... the pregnant lady stops them, and talked them into waiting outside while her and her friends went in to "put them down".

"so, let me get this strait. We have 2 beefy Viking guards holding the door for the Pregnant Beermaid (Cayden Cleric) and her companions to charge into the fight? And they are just waiting outside till you're done? wow..."

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
My Grippli Ninja was getting his butt handed to him by a spellcaster, so I ask the GM if the guy us using spell components. He says yes, so from 10 feet away I use my agile tongue to use the Steal combat maneuver to steal his spell component pouch. Probably saved a TPK.

What are you talking about, we totally had that. I had 6 whole HP left after my Aegis of Recovery went off. Just because I was dominated by a brain spider and had just dropped the inquisitor doesn't mean that our 5th level paladin and out of spells sorcerer couldn't have taken on the level 1vl 11 wizard who was hiding behind the scary shocking pillars.

Errr maybe you're right. Great move btw.

That just gave me a hearty chuckle! That was an awesome table by the way. Had tons of fun with you, Derek and tge others.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

In a recent game, we got our second Prestige Point when my Fighter was the only one in the party who could identify the magic properties of a MacGuffin. Stupid spellcaster, making me do his job...

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

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I have an Aasimar life oracle with the blackened curse. She much prefers roasting things with her burning hands spells to healing people with her channels and cure spells. And she definitely does not like hitting things with weapons. She doesn't even carry a weapon, just a heavy wooden shield for the extra AC.

In one scenario, she ended up having both the highest AC and the highest HP, so she was the default meat shield as well as the healer. I went first into a room, and stumbled upon 3 skeletons. We quickly dispatched 2 of them, and the one that was left was a little banged up. Not wanting to waste a burning hands, I announced a shield bash. Before I rolled the die, I noted that I needed a nat 20 to hit due to a 7 Str and the blackened curse. Rolled the die, sure enough a 20 comes up. Rolled to confirm the crit, sweet another 20. Rolled my 2d4-4 damage and ended up with -1. Sweet, critted with a shield bash for 1 non-lethal damage.

Silver Crusade

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As I discovered in my very first run through First Steps, it turns out a first level paladin with a greatsword and Power Attack can one-shot an imp. =D I bombed initiative, and went after the rest of the (large) party flailing uselessly at it before calmly stepping up, activating Smite Evil, and cleaving the rat bastard skull to sternum. Damage reduction? What's that? :p

The Exchange 5/5

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

I have an Aasimar life oracle with the blackened curse. She much prefers roasting things with her burning hands spells to healing people with her channels and cure spells. And she definitely does not like hitting things with weapons. She doesn't even carry a weapon, just a heavy wooden shield for the extra AC.

In one scenario, she ended up having both the highest AC and the highest HP, so she was the default meat shield as well as the healer. I went first into a room, and stumbled upon 3 skeletons. We quickly dispatched 2 of them, and the one that was left was a little banged up. Not wanting to waste a burning hands, I announced a shield bash. Before I rolled the die, I noted that I needed a nat 20 to hit due to a 7 Str and the blackened curse. Rolled the die, sure enough a 20 comes up. Rolled to confirm the crit, sweet another 20. Rolled my 2d4-4 damage and ended up with -1. Sweet, critted with a shield bash for 1 non-lethal damage.

and on an undead - which doesn't cound non-lethal anyway!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Rukk, my meat-bag character, has faced countless threats and lived to tell the tale.

At level 9, his total damage taken tally (because I thought it would be fun to track it) is over 4000.

Some of his Herculean exploits that would have easily killed a lesser man

  • Swam through a river of lava laughing in the face of 20d6. This happened twice, in two different games
  • Soaked two full rounds of attacks from an ettin in gladiatorial combat
  • Trampled, crit, and outright mauled by a colossal, fiendish centipede
  • Jumped and attacked a flying demon before falling over 200 feet and cratering into the ground
  • Single handedly expended over a half-dozen healing wands
  • Scoffed at a disintegrate critical hit
  • Failed a will save and was forced to coup de grace himself, but not even he is strong enough to end his own life.
  • In a game with a negative channeling PC, he routinely included himself in the effect so he could be moved strategically with Channel Force.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

nosig wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:

I have an Aasimar life oracle with the blackened curse. She much prefers roasting things with her burning hands spells to healing people with her channels and cure spells. And she definitely does not like hitting things with weapons. She doesn't even carry a weapon, just a heavy wooden shield for the extra AC.

In one scenario, she ended up having both the highest AC and the highest HP, so she was the default meat shield as well as the healer. I went first into a room, and stumbled upon 3 skeletons. We quickly dispatched 2 of them, and the one that was left was a little banged up. Not wanting to waste a burning hands, I announced a shield bash. Before I rolled the die, I noted that I needed a nat 20 to hit due to a 7 Str and the blackened curse. Rolled the die, sure enough a 20 comes up. Rolled to confirm the crit, sweet another 20. Rolled my 2d4-4 damage and ended up with -1. Sweet, critted with a shield bash for 1 non-lethal damage.

and on an undead - which doesn't cound non-lethal anyway!

Yep, so the only time I've rolled back-to-back natural 20s it was to do 1 point of non-lethal damage to a creature that doesn't even take non-lethal damage.

The Exchange

King of Storval Stairs... Rolled max crit damage on a +4 horse hopper while enlarged and mutagened with a base str of 24 at level 11. This immediately followed a 1-point-off-max non crit roll on same target from a greater trip AAO. Our VC was running it, he was not amused, but the fresh level 7 who was playing his first 7-11 was pretty impressed (he was bleeding out at the time).

Alex's head shaking led to NOG's regional title of Demoralizer.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Walter Sheppard wrote:

Rukk, my meat-bag character, has faced countless threats and lived to tell the tale.

At level 9, his total damage taken tally (because I thought it would be fun to track it) is over 4000.

Some of his Herculean exploits that would have easily killed a lesser man

  • Swam through a river of lava laughing in the face of 20d6. This happened twice, in two different games
  • Soaked two full rounds of attacks from an ettin in gladiatorial combat
  • Trampled, crit, and outright mauled by a colossal, fiendish centipede
  • Jumped and attacked a flying demon before falling over 200 feet and cratering into the ground
  • Single handedly expended over a half-dozen healing wands
  • Scoffed at a disintegrate critical hit
  • Failed a will save and was forced to coup de grace himself, but not even he is strong enough to end his own life.
  • In a game with a negative channeling PC, he routinely included himself in the effect so he could be moved strategically with Channel Force.

I....I don't even.....HOW?!

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Walter Sheppard wrote:

Rukk, my meat-bag character, has faced countless threats and lived to tell the tale.

At level 9, his total damage taken tally (because I thought it would be fun to track it) is over 4000.

Some of his Herculean exploits that would have easily killed a lesser man

  • Swam through a river of lava laughing in the face of 20d6. This happened twice, in two different games
  • Soaked two full rounds of attacks from an ettin in gladiatorial combat
  • Trampled, crit, and outright mauled by a colossal, fiendish centipede
  • Jumped and attacked a flying demon before falling over 200 feet and cratering into the ground
  • Single handedly expended over a half-dozen healing wands
  • Scoffed at a disintegrate critical hit
  • Failed a will save and was forced to coup de grace himself, but not even he is strong enough to end his own life.
  • In a game with a negative channeling PC, he routinely included himself in the effect so he could be moved strategically with Channel Force.
I....I don't even.....HOW?!

It is how we do things in Eastern Washington.

5/5 5/55/55/5

A couple of very fast moving bad guys are playing keep away with the macguffin.

One runs past, my kitsune uses a trip attack to knock him on his butt. He moves to stand up combat reflexes lets him go for a second Aoo. Bites the macguffin out of the badguys hand and makes a break for it. Jumps into the water where we left a dead crocodile from the previous encounter, opens the mouth and stuff the macguffin inside it, then holds the crocodiles mouth shut while the party smacks down a split group of bad guys.

The first level Paladin is playing up. Charges in. Gets knocked down. Her dog rushes in, gets knocked down. Cleric channels. Dog gets up. Dog gets knocked down. Cleric channels, dog gets up, dog gets knocked down. Dog moves in, bites, gets knocked down. Cleric channels.

Chasing his own tail in pharasma's graveyard...

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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One thing I wanna recount. Might not be too awesome, but very memorable for yours truly!

It happened in Tamran, the capital of Nirmathas. Inside a cult headquarters, our intrepid Pathfinders find themselves facing a failed infiltration attempt. Fighting for their lives around a stairwell facing a huge statue of a stylized mask, some of them begin to realise that fighting the whole cult, including their guardian automaton and two hellhounds, in an all out brawl was a major bad idea.

Too late, however, as one by one the heroes start to fall. First Brin, a brave ranger, hits the ground in a bloody mess, then his friend, a freedom-loving Qadiran brave, is covered by a vile magical mask and turns against his allies.

In the end, there's only one Pathfinder left: Solveig the skald, Solveig whom they'd later name "Everpain". In a fit of craziness she picks both of her wands, one of healing and one of offense, and jumps 20 feet down the stairwell.

The cultists can't but stare, completely dumfounded, as the fair-haired warrior takes her own life.

After remembering Kitharodian Academy's early lessons about the importance of dramatic pauses, however, she foregoes dying, gets up and starts running. Still clutching the wands, and stopping only once to heal an arrow wound in her back, Solveig runs through the main gates of the compound, through the streets of Tamran and keeps on running. And as she does it, she wails for her lost friends.

Supposedly there's a sonnet for that floating around the cluttered shelves of the Grand Lodge. The Crying Bardess, perhaps? Or was it The Skald's Run? Written by a gnome, of all things.

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The party was assaulting a three leveled fortress on a hill.
-The Monk: Succeeds at a DC 100 jump check to jump on top of the fortress and work his way down from the top.
-My Sorcerer: Previously in the adventure possessed the body of a skeletal champion and walked in the front door, passed some bad guys who assumed he was one of them, went up to the second floor and triggered an encounter up there.
-The rest of the party: with shenanigans that involved criting with improvised thrown weapon (Dwarf) and other such non sense fought their way in through the front door.

Our poor DM, our local venture lieutenant, had to run four fights at once, madly flipping through the PDF, as the monk proceeded to agro every room on the top floor.

By the end of the fight I think I was the only one who took any damage, but thankfully, it was not my body anyways. My actual body was buried in a casket guarded by some dominated ogres.

Our DM, Jason Avery, took things very well and it is a pleasurable memory for all involved.

4/5 5/5

Muser's Solveig has gone on to become a legend in our local PFS. One of my characters even occasionally offers prayer to her as tribute, as if she were a demigoddess.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Solveig graciously offers the domains of Charm, Good and War.

I'd recount how she got the name "Everpain", but Mr Leinonen does it so much better.(spoilers for scenario #3-15)

Dark Archive *

OK, not been in PFS for long, but here comes the highlight thus far. It was funny when it happened, but thinking back it evolved in my mind to something more epic.

Technical background: We were running a party with my female cleric of Irori, a male paladin, a lame oracle, a weapon-crazy ranger, pregen gnome bard and an alchemist. Nobody moved faster than 20 normally, and then we faced a chase-scene. Some succeeded better, some worse, and then I and the paladin got stuck under a bridge, requiring 15 DC climb or swim. With -2 from speed and -4 from armor it was impossible for me to succeed, and the paladin in full-plate required a roll of 19. So, after scanning the rule book a bit I told: "OK, I can't make it, but removing armor is only 5 rounds with help. Let's get it off."

So, while rest of the party continued running, the modest priestess and honorable paladin start undressing, in the shadows of the bridge. The two young pathfinders had the blessings of their gods, Iomedae and Irori, on this mystical night as not even a tiny sting was felt in their minds. The distant clinging of battle was not disturbing their moment, as they were completely focused on each other. Their wet clothes were clinging to their young, beautiful, fit bodies as the strong arms of the paladin started to free the cleric's body from the bounds of garments, while she helped all she could with an eager look in her eyes...

The rest of the party fought bravely and won the final battle, and with courtesy, didn't mention anything when the members of the holy cast finally arrived on the victorious scene. Of course, it was clear why the charming red-headed half-elf maiden was now barely dressed, and why it had taken the two so long to catch the others.

I never understood how the rest of them succeeded concentrating on the task with this under-the-bridge romance folding out before their eyes.

A flash of what awaits in future for this miss wet T-shirt contest winner was in an earlier adventure, when there was a magical object in a pool. She, being the only one with detect magic, and only female, had to remove her armor and dive to retrieve it, while all the males, well, just watched and enjoyed.

The Exchange 5/5

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I had a judge for a game I was going to play send out the following in an email... and I found it very "Awesome!", so I thought I'd share it with my friends here (and the rest of you too!).

(in the email sent to all the players before the game):
I will remind you to be prepared for the basics.

Ability damage (potentially drain)
Invisible opponents
Incorporeal opponents
Extremes in temperature
Being grappled
Religious extremists who do not like you
Travel in an area where Pathfinders are not legal

Then you leave the venture captains office...

Yeah... made me laugh!

Sovereign Court 5/5

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I have a cleric of Calistria based on Gauis Baltar from the BSG remake. He's got max bluff and diplomacy and a high charisma. We're playing Eyes of the Ten and start the adventure and being the full-of-BS guy that he is, introduces himself to the first Pathfinder Society official.

"Hello, I'm Venture Captain Jorza Wood, and these are my assistants." <rolls a D20> " ... and that's a 42 bluff check."

The really ironic part was the boon from that adventure, which my character did indeed get.

a bit of spoiler on Eyes of the Ten NPCs, also a bit of adult humor:
Later that adventure we're in the "maze" and actually try diplomicizing with the Medusa. I tell the GM that Jorza starts to flirt with the Medusa, and the GM ... not even blinking ... says (as the Medusa), "come back later tonight with a blindfold and a dozen potions of cure poison."

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My Ifreet Gunslinger(Female) Decides it is time for a bath at the Inn they are staying at. So she takes one, stripping her clothes. I hear a scream from one of my partners, who is afraid of horses and saw one. I burst out of the bath naked, but a towel over the bottom part and run through the Inn screaming "IM COMMING" all the way through. I burst through the door and find? Nothing, he just saw a horse. The GM said "Thank God there where no kids playing with us"

The Exchange 5/5

in a Mod this last week-end I was running a "face" PC, and with some great rolls (and nice RP I like to think) I got one of the NCP combat encounters turned around so that the NPC was going to help us in the last fight.

The fight starts, and I'm half way expecting the NPC to back stab us when he actually moves up to go into combat beside our Barbarian (who was getting pounded). The BBE has reach, to gets an AOO on this guy - and sure enough hits. 3d6 rolled out in the open and 666 pop up. wow! max! but wait, now there's another 2d6 acid damage and sure enough another box-cars! so, this NPC just picked up 30 HP that would have gone into one of us! Heck! Best set of Diplomacy/Bluff rolls I have had in PFS in a long time!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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In a certain 10-12 tier module we were gifted an Arrow of Human Slaying, but nobody in the party really used a bow. So I turned to my trusty Quasit Familiar...

"Tik, get o'er here."
"Yes... yes... master??"
"Tha next 'ime we're fightin' humans, I wancha ta shove this 'ere pointy stick in their eye."
"Uh... okay master... with pleasure!"

We figured the arrow was akin to a two-handed spear for a Quasit. Next fight we faced off against 4 human bards. Tik charged at one, from Invisibility, crit, confirmed, and the bard failed his save. We were laughing our arses off.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Brevick Axeflail wrote:

In a certain 10-12 tier module we were gifted an Arrow of Human Slaying, but nobody in the party really used a bow. So I turned to my trusty Quasit Familiar...

"Tik, get o'er here."
"Yes... yes... master??"
"Tha next 'ime we're fightin' humans, I wancha ta shove this 'ere pointy stick in their eye."
"Uh... okay master... with pleasure!"

We figured the arrow was akin to a two-handed spear for a Quasit. Next fight we faced off against 4 human bards. Tik charged at one, from Invisibility, crit, confirmed, and the bard failed his save. We were laughing our arses off.

Crits from familiars are always hilarious. I've had a witch's non-combat owl familiar critically kill two people so far out of desperation.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Played The Waking Rune recently.

Waking Rune:
I was playing my Eldritch Knight. Since we were going up against a legendary wizard, I figured he probably had some important gear; I'm picturing a super-duper staff, probably a +6 headband, maybe some sweet ioun stones, and so forth.

So I prep three slots of pilfering hand. I figure if I can start dismantling his advantages from round 1, the party will have a much easier time beating him; probably better than if I just trade spells/attacks with him.

As a Foresight Diviner, I could even start each turn by pre-rolling a d20, giving me an extra chance at getting that high roll to make sure I succeed.

As luck would have it, we had a witch in our party who Fortune'd me, for a grand total of three d20 rolls per attempt. This is gonna be sweet.

And what do I see once Krune reveals himself? Not a staff like I was expecting, but that juicy, juicy rod of doing whatever the frick I want with my spells.

Target acquired.

I had to do something else round 1 I think; memory's a little fuzzy. But in any case, within a round or so, I'm ready to start taking this guy apart.

Three rounds and 9d20 later, I've failed to make any contribution to this fight whatsoever, because I couldn't roll anything higher than an 11, which wasn't enough to beat his CMD.

The ranger finished chopping Krune to pieces the round that I failed with my final pilfering hand.


EDIT: Crap! I think I was forgetting to add my INT bonus on those rolls! That's another +5; I probably would've succeeded the first time! Gaaaahhhh!!!!!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

My first character killed off the angel at the beginning of The Refuge of Time. He felt so bad about doing it as it was to defend his idiot party member who pissed the angel off.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Jiggy wrote:

Played The Waking Rune recently.

** spoiler omitted **

EDIT: Crap! I think I was forgetting to add my INT bonus on those rolls! That's another +5; I probably would've succeeded the first time! Gaaaahhhh!!!!!

This comic comes to mind: "Math is Fun".

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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I got the rare opportunity to play Thorne, my level 9 Alkenstar Shieldmarshal (the fastest draw in all of Absalom, he likes to say) in a higher level game a few days ago. He's got Quick Draw, and a handful of firearms that he switches between whenever one jams.

The first encounter involved a large construct and a smattering of smaller foes.

Sizing up one of the little monsters, Thorne drew his musket, beaded a shot, and fired! Natural 1 and the gun jams!

Not missing a beat, he continued his rapid shot by drawing a pepperbox, aiming, and firing! Natural 20! Confirmed! And the wee creature exploded in a shower of gore.

On to the third attack. Ready, aim, fire! Aaand another nat 1 for another jam!

Time to drop that pepperbox and whip out pepperbox #2! And he'd better use that hasted attack. Another nat 20?! Confirms!! And another kill!

His wild swings of luck continued throughout the night. At one point he had three back to back 20s. Luckily, the table was in need of some solid damage on that fight, and everybody cheered as the dice hit the table. It really helped too, because he isn't optimized for damage in the slightest, and adds a whopping 7 to his damage dice. That's not a lot at level 9, especially for a gunslinger. Lucky for us though, Desna was on our side and we prevailed!

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