101 interesting items

Homebrew and House Rules

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I was actually just thinking about posting something like this, and with the other 101 threads, why not make this one of them.

I always like giving out interesting but less than amazing items just to see what uses the party can figure out for them. Let's see how many we can come up with

1. The "Holoprojecter," an ancient artifact which gives unlimited use of a silent image spell, but everyone who sees it automatically disbelieves it.

2. The Blind Candle, a candle which when lit, gives off no light, and whose flame is invisible. However, anyone looking in the direction of the candle with their eyes closed can see the flame, even if it's on the other side of an obstacle, so long as it's within range (120ft).

3. Lonely Stones, a pair of teardrop shaped stones, which when placed on the ground, will always point to each other, no matter the distance. Great for following something or finding someone who is lost. Note: Does not rotate up and down to account for elevation.

4. Spider's Cup, an ordinary looking cup which when turned upside pours out water, up to 1d4 gallons per hour. The weird part, when the water hits the ground it flows uphill, not down. Drinking from the cup was a bad idea.

5. String of regeneration, a 50 ft spool of seemingly ordinary thread. When two ends are put together, they instantly fuse into one perfect piece. Cannot exceed 50 ft.

6. Lunch Bag, a small bag that three times a day, when opened, produces a tasty meal. (Halflings are known to carry 3 or 4 of these.)

Can't think of anything at this second posting to bump and dot lol will come back when I got something

The interesting artifacts I made, so far:

7. Morphing ball of arms (small, medium or large) - a small, hallow ball made of adamantium, the surfece is covered in various arcane symbols and runes. The ball is roughly 5, 7 or 9cm in diameter and it's weights some 4, 6 or 10 kg, depending on its size.
Once per day, with a verbal command and while touching the ball, the user can morph the ball into any masterwaork weapon, with which he is proficient. Small morphing ball morphs into light or small weapons, medium morphs into medium one-handed weapons, large ball morphs into large or two-handed weapons. The weapon is made of adamantium. Ranged weapons can also be made, but only those that have a solid structure, the ball doesn't morph into ammunition. The ball can be morphed into any weapon once every 24h, The ball stays in weapon form for 24h then morphs back into a ball. As a free action, while holding the ball and giving a verbal command, the weapon can be morphed back into a ball, but doing so doesn't reset the balls ability to morph into a weapon.

9. Radiance - a small pendant that is kept on the users body, once per day a player of a good alignment can summon a radiant blade of pure light. This blade can be banished as a free action. The sword is active for 3+1/2(character levels) of rounds on each use. Attacks with the blade are melee touch attacks. The blade deals 1d10 points of fire damage + 1 point per two character levels. Strength modifier does not apply to the damage. This blade is both magical and good aligned for purposes of damage reduction. Andy damage dealt to Evil-aligned or undead creatures is doubled.

10. The Protectoid - a large round, thick shield. As a full-round action, the shield can be activated to become a small, useful automaton that follows simple verbal commands.

As a shield it can be considered a heavy medium-sized shield, that grants +4 to Shield AC and has a hardness of adamantium.

As an automaton it has no attacks and cannot threaten spaces.
It's other stats are:
The Protectoid
Small construct (clockwork)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 25
hp 40;
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Immune construct traits
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Str 10, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk -; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats -
Skills Climb +10, Stealth +10; Disable device +10; for purposes of repairing items Craft Metal or Craft stone +10.
SQ lockpicking and repairing dendrites (it is considered to have appropriate tools for using craft and disable device skills); fast repair 1 (same as fast healing but self-repair).

11. The Unsinkable Stones – stones of various sizes and shapes that once fully submerged into any liquid will never sink in that liquid or be affected by that liquid. Resetting the stone requires Dispel magic being cast on it.

Keydan wrote:

The interesting artifacts I made, so far:

7. Morphing ball of arms

9. Radiance -

10. The Protectoid -

not to be rude but I think we forgot a number here

Or I missed if so i'm sorry

Edit: I like them though not sure what to use unsinkable stones for... Help?

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8. The Magic 8 Ball This simple device functions as an Augury spell.

11. Air Freshener This wooden pine tree silhouette is a quasi-intelligent item (int -- as a vermin) that casts prestidigitation (at will) to negate unpleasant odors. It is programmed to negate odors caused by decomposition, animals, and burning. This item also continuously produces a fresh pine scent that spreads over a 10' radius and will freshen up to a 100 cube room if left in it for an hour.

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Count Coltello wrote:

not to be rude but I think we forgot a number here

Or I missed if so i'm sorry

Edit: I like them though not sure what to use unsinkable stones for... Help?

Yeah, there was also a ball of morphing armor, but I decided to let it go... and forgot to change numbers. Can't edit it now, I ma afraid...

About the stones, it began as a gag I thought up on the go, a Janni was giving out small magical items as rewards for the quest, and one of the guys asked for something special, so, on the go, I created and gave him 2 unsinkable stones. Man, he cherished those, used them in various ways... just think, any liquid, try sinking it in liquid nitrogen and it will float, won't melt or sink in lava. Put several into the ships stern and sides it it can become very difficult to sink that ship. Dare drunk dwarfs to draw a pebble in beer or that you could skip a pebble across the river... imagination is the limit.

And another item I remembered on the go:

12. Mamas ol' Weed-whacker - a scythe that is enchanted to do all the hard lawn work. It gets +4 on sunder attempts against wood and auto-confirms criticals against plant enemies.

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13. Caltrop Swarm These caltrops are actually a swarm of fine sized contructs that move around the battlefield, positioning themselves in squares between their owner and his assailant. They take up two five-foot squares. They act like normal caltrops except a creature moving at half speed cannot avoid them (as they just roll under his foot).

14. Red Herring This red-stone carving of a Fish can be used to create a false, meandering path through a forest or other wooded area. A DC 20 Survival or Craft(Alchemy) check reveals the path to be false. After 24 hours, this false path fades away into the woods.

15. Screaming Scroll This cursed scroll appears to be a scroll of disguise self (or some other illusion spell) but when activated produces an incredibly loud alarm.

16. Trap-o-mug - an brilliant invention by dwarven sorcerers, this heavily ornate beer mug, that can hold roughly 1.5 pints of liquid, can be enchanted to hold up to 3 spells (no higher than level 5), that set of at anyone, who finishes it, with a humble exception of its dwarven master.

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17: Pauper's Purse - this plain worn purse seems to always have enough loose change in it for a warm bowl of stew and a cheap room. The Pauper's Purse generates 24 copper coins a day, appearing inside the purse, coins stop appearing if more than 24 copper of coinage is in the purse. The Purse is under a permanent magic aura effect, a knowledge history DC 20 Check reveals the coins to bear the face of a long dead king. Rumors exist of a Prince's Allowance purse.

Shadow Lodge

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how much would you price that pauper's purse

18. Betting Coin - This ordinary-looking silver piece will always, when dropped, land on its edge. Those who hold it must resist a DC-5 mind-affecting urge to make bets which hinge on which side of the coin will be facing up.

19. Scroll of Bad Mothering - This scroll, when read, does nothing but berate the reader about every bad thing they did as a child, eventually going as far as to make up things once it runs out of real events.

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Inspired by MagusJanus' Scroll of Bad Mothering:

20. Hole of the Haranguing Harridan

Created by an arch mage's resentful ex-wife, a mean witch (no pun admittedly intended) in her own right, it appears as an intricate pink doily, which when unfolded exposes the embroidered image of an attractive woman—attractive, that is, until she opens her mouth, at which time begins a flood of eloquent, insightful, vicious invective about the owner's character, fidelity, competence in bed, portfolio, etc. It never precisely lies about its charge, but so skews the interpretation that even saintly personages are exceedingly well-portrayed as scum of the earth. Any male hearing this must make a Will save DC 30 or cringe, while women, unless also saving, find themselves nodding and saying, "That bastard!" for the duration. One can fold the doily up before it's completed the castigation, but ... as half of us would expect, that only makes it worse the next time.

There is one rumored method to silencing the HHH ... but no man has ever had the nerve to try it.

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Lord Foul II wrote:
how much would you price that pauper's purse


Starting with the max wealth gain, 2.4 silver a day, this is financially equivalent to a 2.4 silver x 7 days / 5 days = 3.4 profession ranks.
By the guide this comes out to a 3.4^2 x 100g x 1.5 (slotless) = 1700g cost.
Because this provides no synergy with existing ranks and is relatively useless at higher levels , I've discounted it steeply.
Permanent magic aura must be applied at full price separately, no discounts for theft deterrents.

I would of course hesitate to include this in a game where the players will try to abuse it. It was intended as a way to not micromanage small expenses while still actually paying them or as a gear items for someone taking a long hobo hiatus.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Bucket of Buffalo Wings: This small cardboard bucket can hold a maximum of 4 chicken wings, which, over the course of 16 hours, become coated in an undeniably hot glazing. Any creature that eats one of these wings takes 2d4 fire damage. However, eating three of these buffalo wings in under 5 minutes causes all subsequent consumptions to deal a mere 1d4 fire damage. Eating 8 in under 10 minutes negates the damage of all subsequent damage altogether.

Drinking a glass of milk or beer while consuming the buffalo wings drops the die size down to d3s.

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This is something I created waaaay back in my early 1e days. I called it the Assassin's Helm, and it was a rather plain looking leather cap reinforced with iron studs with a 3 inch metal spike on top. When put on and the the chin strap fastened, the spike suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the inside buried in the skull of the wearer, attacking as a 20th level Assassin.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
This is something I created waaaay back in my early 1e days. I called it the Assassin's Helm, and it was a rather plain looking leather cap reinforced with iron studs with a 3 inch metal spike on top. When put on and the the chin strap fastened, the spike suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the inside buried in the skull of the wearer, attacking as a 20th level Assassin.

Charming. You must have been, what, nine? :D

This could use some work, but it's an idea I've been toying around with...

Skull of Treacherous Foresight: The remains of a member of some long-forgotten race, this appears to be the perfectly-preserved skull of a small humanoid creature, except that it lacks sockets for eyes. Once picked up, the skull cannot be disposed of by any nonmagical means—if it is thrown away or smashed, it reappears somewhere upon the possessor's person. If a remove curse spell is cast upon a skull of treacherous sight, the item may be discarded normally and no longer haunts the individual.

The skull immediately gains the benefits of the Detect Thoughts, Telepathic Bond and Foresight spells on its bearer, whether the bearer wishes it or not. The bearer receives no saving throw or spell resistance against these effects. Whenever the bearer of such a skull is in a potentially dangerous situation, the skull may communicate with the bearer. The skull may speak the truth, including partial and potentially misleading truths, indefinitely. Additionally, the skull may tell up to three lies; twenty-four hours after telling the third lie, the skull becomes inert until it finds a new bearer. Lies told by the skull cannot be discerned to be false by any means short of direct intervention by a deity, and the motivations of the skull always appear to be to genuinely help the bearer (i.e., sense motive provides no useful information). If the bearer dies while in possession of the skull, the skull and bearer are consumed in unholy fire and totally destroyed. Anyone killed in this way can only be restored through the use true resurrection or miracle.

Jaelithe wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
This is something I created waaaay back in my early 1e days. I called it the Assassin's Helm, and it was a rather plain looking leather cap reinforced with iron studs with a 3 inch metal spike on top. When put on and the the chin strap fastened, the spike suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the inside buried in the skull of the wearer, attacking as a 20th level Assassin.
Charming. You must have been, what, nine? :D

Nah, just a particularly cruel 22.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
This is something I created waaaay back in my early 1e days. I called it the Assassin's Helm, and it was a rather plain looking leather cap reinforced with iron studs with a 3 inch metal spike on top. When put on and the the chin strap fastened, the spike suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the inside buried in the skull of the wearer, attacking as a 20th level Assassin.

Wow. One of the first modules I played in, I think it was ToEE, room #2:

GM: you find some boots
Me: Cool, I try em on
GM: make a save
Me (rolls terribly): umm... 7?
GM: yellow mold; you're dead.

So, yeah... awesome.

Liberty's Edge

A rope that unties itself when you let it go.

Bowl of Hidden Fire - A stone bowl weighing roughly 4 pounds that, when a command work is spoken, produces flames the size of a small campfire from nothing. These flames are for all intents and purposes real, producing both light and heat, though it is smokeless unless it is used to burn some other material. Only creatures within a 15' radius can see the flames and the light they give off. Any creature outside the radius would only see an empty stone bowl in the natural light.

The purpose of this is to provide a source of light and heat (for comfort and cooking) that will not betray your camp and your location to outsiders.

basically you would get concealment bonuses at night over a regular camp.

perfectly legit other uses would be using the bowl of fire for potion making, distillation of spirits or poisons, and various other craft check, counting as a masterwork tool bonus.

If you get crafty, you could use it and a copper kettle to refine salt from seawater to get a little spending money on the side... you could probably refine a pound of salt in a day

27:(Yes I'm counting the moldy boots)Iron coffee pot. Found with a cloth bag of coffee beans stuffed inside. A copper coffee pot will be real treasure.

28. Scroll of Mother Summoning - This summons the PC's mother right beside them. The mother, if alive, immediately begins to harangue the PC about their life choices, causing them to become fatigued after one round. The mother stays around for 2d6 rounds and the fatigue lasts for 24 hours unless the party makes efforts to cheer the character up. If the mother is deceased, a ghost of her appears instead and acts as a normal hostile ghost until defeated in combat. The haranguing is a mind-affecting ability.

Goth Guru wrote:
27:(Yes I'm counting the moldy boots)Iron coffee pot. Found with a cloth bag of coffee beans stuffed inside. A copper coffee pot will be real treasure.

its not really good to make acidic foods in copper, though they wouldn't know it.

it leads to excessive copper levels in your body. copper toxicity is no fun, even if your eyes look cool. (for real, your body lays down a ring of copper on the outside of your cornea. Looks awesome, but is terrible for you)

a tin/pewter coffee pot would be fairly common. hopefully high enough quality not to have lead in it

29. Everblooms these exceedingly rare flowers come in a variety of types from roses to tulips to irises. They are grown and treated with a very special magic such that, so long as they are watered once per day and kept safe from any physical damage, they will continue to bloom under any light source and produce a lovely smell. Game effect possessing a working Everbloom exposed to light grants a +2 to saves versus inhaled hazards for 24 hours.

The song was written in the bad old days.
"All I want is a proper cup of coffee,
Made in a proper copper coffee pot."
And a chaser of antivenom.

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30. Druids Pot These large, if simple clay pots, roughly 20 gallons in size, greatly accelerate the growth of seedling trees. an acorn, placed within the pot, will reach nearly 5 years of growth in a single week. After a week, growth will drop off sharply as the tree must be removed and replanted. Most often given to lumberjacks who work in forests occupied by druids, these pots help ensure peaceful relations as the lumberjacks reforest the land they clear with trees large and developed enough to survive. Even after being removed from the pots, the trees will continue to grow at an accelerated pace, though only roughly twice that of unaltered trees, for several years.

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JTibbs wrote:
30. Druids Pot These large, if simple clay pots, roughly 20 gallons in size, greatly accelerate the growth of seedling trees. an acorn, placed within the pot, will reach nearly 5 years of growth in a single week. After a week, growth will drop off sharply as the tree must be removed and replanted. Most often given to lumberjacks who work in forests occupied by druids, these pots help ensure peaceful relations as the lumberjacks reforest the land they clear with trees large and developed enough to survive. Even after being removed from the pots, the trees will continue to grow at an accelerated pace, though only roughly twice that of unaltered trees, for several years.

Not where I thought you were going, with the name "Druids Pot".

On an unrelated note, have you ever really noticed how your tongue just sits there?

Tholomyes wrote:
On an unrelated note, have you ever really noticed how your tongue just sits there?

Maybe you need a more talented SO.

31. The Fatigue-u-lator worn for centuries by the rage-meisters of Yaunek, these crude stone amulets have a curious rune etched upon them combining elements of Chaos and Enervation. The device, once attuned to the wearer (requires constant use for 10 minutes before working) is capable of absorbing one instance of Fatigue. However the chaotic nature of the device inflicts the Fatigue back randomly upon the wearer for a duration double that which would normally have affected them.

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32. Cleansing Washbasin This fine porcelain bowl, when filled with water, is self cleaning and bestows upon the water within it the cleaning abilities of the prestidigitation spell. Used to wash hands and faces in upper class households, the Cleansing Washbasin can remove even the grimiest messes. Items placed within the water of the basin are also cleaned, but when cast upon the floor or put into another basin, the water looses its cleaning abilities.

Cost: 250 GP

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation

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JTibbs wrote:

32. Cleansing Washbasin This fine porcelain bowl, when filled with water, is self cleaning and bestows upon the water within it the cleaning abilities of the prestidigitation spell. Used to wash hands and faces in upper class households, the Cleansing Washbasin can remove even the grimiest messes. Items placed within the water of the basin are also cleaned, but when cast upon the floor or put into another basin, the water looses its cleaning abilities.

Cost: 250 GP

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation

But wait there's more...

You also get

Atarlost wrote:
11. Air Freshener This wooden pine tree silhouette is a quasi-intelligent item (int -- as a vermin) that casts prestidigitation (at will) to negate unpleasant odors. It is programmed to negate odors caused by decomposition, animals, and burning. This item also continuously produces a fresh pine scent that spreads over a 10' radius and will freshen up to a 100 cube room if left in it for an hour.

Order now and get two of each, you only pay the extra processing fee.*

*Processing fees are double the cost of the items.

33:The evicerator: This tactical flipknife is perfect for stabbing your so called friends in their sleep. "Is that staghorn?" "Yes, at these prices you would think it's the cheaper manticore horn!" Every night it casts suggestion to it's owner to try to kill a traveling companion in their sleep. It's easily concealed, but deploys as a standard dagger.

Silver Crusade

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34. Mask of Allurement This decorative mask grants the wearer a + 2 cosmetic bonus to charisma, and a +5 circumstantial bonus to bluff, and diplomacy checks made against members of the opposite sex. (This is language and race compatibility dependant.)

35. Arama Arcanum - an ancient artifact used by wizards of old. A large armored sash worn over the wizard robes, when infused with magical energy it will provide the user with arcane means of protection.

As a standard action, by spending a spell, the the user can activate the artifact and receive the following effects for a number of rounds, equal to spend spell level x 5:
Mage armor;
SR 10 + 1/2 users caster level;
DR 5/magic;
Resistance 10 to any one energy type;

After these effect expire, the user must wait 1d4 rounds for the artifact to cool down, before using it again.

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36. Arsonists Little Helper - When lit, this seemingly ordinary beeswax candle will burn normally for 1d3 hours. When that time expires, the nearest unattended flammable object of Fine size or smaller within 20 feet will burst into flame, as if it were the target of a Spark spell. If no flammable object is within range, the wax of the candle itself will melt into a pool, and then combust.

37. Poisoners Pillowcase - This seemingly innocent pillowcase hides a deadly (or at least unpleasant) secret. Up to three doses of poison may be applied to it without any visible change to the fabric, feel of wetness, or telltale scent. When the pillow has been in contact with a creature for one continuous hour, the poison is released into the victims skin. If the poison is not released into a victim, it loses it's potency after 24 hours. Rumors of even more wicked variations on this theme abound, including enspelled fabrics that will ensure that the victim remains asleep, and fabrics that can magically mimic their surroundings to conceal themselves. (Dry Clean Only)

38. Forgers Hammer
This ornate light hammer can be used as a masterwork weapon, but it's true use is forgery.
Every time a hammer strikes a copper or a silver coin - it turns into a gold coin though means of magic. This illusion will only last for 24h, after which the coin returns into its original form. Anyone who decides to check a coin for forgery can make a DC25 perception or appraise check to see though the illusion. While the spell is in effect - coins emit a faint magical aura of the Illusion school.

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39. Bookstrap of Kindlenook
The Loremasters of Kindlenook devised an ingenious way to lug their tomes around with them on the road and keep organized at the same time. This bandolier has buckles that fasten around up to 6 books weighing up to combined maximum of 100lbs. Once fastened the book and buckle fuse into a single leather icon along the strap. By tapping twice (or "double clicking" as the old wizards say) on the icon the book reappears for use. The title of the book appears under the icon so that they are easily identified and accessed (Swift action). The strap cannot be used to hold anything other than books in this manner, though they have mundane hooks so as to affix up to four scroll cases.

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40. scabbard of the squire's duty
Designed to fit a specific range of weapons, large blades, short blades, axes etc.
When a weapon is sheathed, the scabbard sharpens, oils and cleans it, restoring it to nearly new condition, this process takes 1 hour, and the scabbard must attune itself to a new weapon over a 24 hour period.
Broken condition weapons are also returned to nearly new condition, but the process takes 2 hours.

41.Dogcart of the weary Halfling
this dog-sized cart can hold the same amount that a standard sized wagon may carry, also the driver and draft doggie, benefit from endurance as the feat.

42.bullseye lantern of the sentry
this standard sized bull's-eye lantern consumes fuel at 1/2 the normal rate and emits light to a distance of 200', also at a command from its owner the lantern will shut or open, this has a range of up to 100'.

43.The Skillet of good starts
This medium sized cast iron skillet if left near a fire or placed flatly on a rocky surface will produce a hearty breakfast for up to 4 beings (consisting of eggs, sausages, and potatoes), the skillet will only do this once per day and within 1-3 hours of sunrise, any of the 4 beings dining on the fare, also will benefit from cure wounds effect of 12hp.

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44. The Advisors Staff
This ancient weathered staff is the sign of office of the King's advisor, a tradition that goes back to the founding of the nation and is rumored to extend farther back to the ancient empire whoms ruins gave birth to this nation. This staff is in every aspect a Staff of Divination, a DC 30 caster level check and DC 30 will save under close inspection will reveal that the crystal heading the staff is a separate item, a permanent magic jar protected by permanent non-detection and heightened magic aura magics.

I don't know this staff fell into your hands, but a sense of dread falls over you as an ancient mind reaches out of the magic jar to possess you. You fight for your mind in an intangible battlefield, and you win! You have fended off this ancient sorcerer, and in the process uncovered a conspiracy that dates back to the founding of your great nation. In exultation you turn to your companion and comrade of a thousand battles, only to see a stranger behind their eyes and the last motions of a silent maze spell...


45.Mechanical Hand
This thing made of white, lightweight, but strong metal is attached to a sleeve, that fits over a hoof, paw, or stump. It works like a normal hand, but radiates no magic. It recharges from the wearer's nervous energy while they sleep. It is most useful to someone waiting for a regeneration spell.

Goth Guru wrote:

45.Mechanical Hand

This thing made of white, lightweight, but strong metal is attached to a sleeve, that fits over a hoof, paw, or stump. It works like a normal hand, but radiates no magic. It recharges from the wearer's nervous energy while they sleep. It is most useful to someone waiting for a regeneration spell.

Fits over a paw or hoof right? You give one of these puppies to, say, a mundane familiar; can they use it like a hand? If so, HELOOO feat-saver! I don't like monkey familiars so I've had to go "improved" twice for past characters. If I can keep my kitty cat or owl and still have them using wands like champs, then where do I sign?

It radiates no magic, so it won't resize. Discuss with your GM if it would function if your owl tried to wear it as a hat.

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Makeitstop wrote:
3. Lonely Stones, a pair of teardrop shaped stones, which when placed on the ground, will always point to each other, no matter the distance. Great for following something or finding someone who is lost. Note: Does not rotate up and down to account for elevation.

These are great; will definitely use these. (Not sure about the name). (Wouldn't mind some in real life too).

DM Livgin wrote:
17: Pauper's Purse - this plain worn purse seems to always have enough loose change in it for a warm bowl of stew and a cheap room. The Pauper's Purse generates 24 copper coins a day, appearing inside the purse, coins stop appearing if more than 24 copper of coinage is in the purse. The Purse is under a permanent magic aura effect, a knowledge history DC 20 Check reveals the coins to bear the face of a long dead king. Rumors exist of a Prince's Allowance purse.

This is a favourite too.

Keep 'em coming.

46. Diurnals: Crystals that emit (coloured) light as a torch whilst the sun is in the sky over the place of their enchantment.

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