Ooze Companions?

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages

I'm just double-super-secret-checking: What's the status of the Ooze Companion feat from Dungeon Denizens Revisited for Organized Play?

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

As per Additional Resources, the following are all that are currently legal from that source:

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dungeon Denizens Revisited

Equipment: alkali flask, alkali salt, bulette bulwark (shield), delving (armor quality);

Feats: Indigestible, Ooze Whisperer;

Spell: flesh to ooze

Scarab Sages

I did see that; I was just kind of hoping that perhaps the information was dated or that maybe Ooze Whisperer's legality opened the way for Ooze Companion being legal since it's a prerequisite.

May I ask why it's illegal? I'd been hoping to make a Druid that made use of it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Ooo I hadn't noticed Ooze whisperer. That will make things a lot easier than multiclassing for my empathy focused druid.

I think I even HAVE that book in print somewhere from a con prize...

Liberty's Edge 4/5

To start, how would you stat it. We no longer use the old level tier thing. Maybe some time in the future, they will put out a new source.

Scarab Sages

Jeff Morse wrote:
We no longer use the old level tier thing.

What? You mean the Animal Companion progression chart in the Core Rulebook?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

Dark Archive 2/5

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Not going to lie; I'd love to see something like that happen. The sheer hilarity of having a little gelatinous cube skulking along behind a character in the middle of a town is worth any sort of attached wait.

Scarab Sages

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John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

That's great to hear, thanks!

@The Beard: If you like that, my character is meant to up the ante - a Human Druid with the Eye For Talent alternate racial ability, putting the +2 ability bonus into Intelligence...and then maybe another point or two of ability score increase, creating an Ooze with an Intelligence of 3 or 4. Linguistics rank, anyone?

Needless to say, this would be a Chaotic Neutral Druid who worships Yog-Sothoth.

4/5 5/5

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I would name one Terrine.

Rei wrote:
I would name one Terrine.

I see what you do their. :)

All I can personally think of is the remake of the Boy and his Blob game.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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And people freak out when they see a flower walking behind my Treesinger. I can only imagine what folks would say when I introduce my ooze friend....

Scarab Sages

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Ultimate Equipment mentions that a higher-end deck of playing cards can be made out of all kinds of materials, including metal sheets - I was thinking that were I really going to raise my ooze's Intelligence all the way to 4, I'd buy it a deck of metal cards or whatever other material its acid couldn't corrode (probably with braille indentations, since they don't have eyes as such), and teach it to play. Sure, it would never be very good...but it and I would always have fun together.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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Or give it a set of acid resistant harrow deck, and feed it to him.

Then do fortune telling by asking him to spit out a random card.

Scarab Sages

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A giant cube with primitive intelligence that I feed cards with raised bumps in order to predict the future...I might have to call it Eniac.

I'd been thinking Totem Guide Archetype going into this...but a Gelatinous Cube Racer would be...well. Res ipsa loquitur.

Dark Archive 2/5

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I believe the first challenge I would attempt to surmount is giving the little jello mold an actual AC. 'Cause they just sorta sit there and get hit. >_> Well, that and the thought of a gelatinous cube in fullplate barding is hilarious to me. It would just be a metal cube hopping along behind its druid master.

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I think I would go with a Hunter to have a ooze to team up with like in a wrestling match.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I did see that;

The definition of legal is if it is on there.

If something isn't on there it is not legal. Even if you found a thread that says "it is legal" it still isn't legal.

This feat isn't legal because it isn't able to be made rules-wise.
There is insufficient information to create the companion. This is because the feat was written as a 3.5 feat and doesn't conform to pathfinder rules for companions.

Edit: when I replied I guess I used a previously loaded page because John's reply and many others were not on the page.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

TBH, I think there are more than enough Companion choices now. I dont see the need to bring in Ooze's as companions.

As It is Im seeing Dinosaur Companions with little to no Storyline baseline of how a character could of possibly bonded with one whilst living in Suburban Egorian.

Dark Archive 2/5

... Yeah, I can't say much. I've got a civilized character riding around on a spinosaurus.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The Beard wrote:
... Yeah, I can't say much. I've got a civilized character riding around on a spinosaurus.

....Did you cut a hole out of the fin or something?

Or is it retractable and your saddle doubles as an ejector seat when the frill goes up?

I am going to guess he is riding closer to the neck of a spinosaurus.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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I shall call him 'Squishy,' and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy.

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For those with out of place animal companions or familiars, there is an oft unlocked upon ability that has cause untold amusement for me.
Share Spell is awesome, as you can Polymorph your companion into something else for the time in town. Anything from Alter Self to Vermin Shape.
Nothing says surprise than a tree turning into a Tiger, or a Halfling into an Eagle, or Butterfly into a Bear.
Be it from surprising bandits, smuggling a Bear into a ballroom or a cunning halfling/eagle swap in the middle of a neutral stronghold, it's an amazing and amusing ability.
Heck, I've even seen it be used to turn an Elemental Familiar into a skeleton along with it's master, so the fighter could (badly) impersonate a Necromancer.

Derailment aside though, an Ooze companion named Major Mucus is amusing. Much like my fascination with using an Awakened Goldfish Sorcerer as a villain in a dungeon.

Dark Archive 2/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Beard wrote:
... Yeah, I can't say much. I've got a civilized character riding around on a spinosaurus.

....Did you cut a hole out of the fin or something?

Or is it retractable and your saddle doubles as an ejector seat when the frill goes up?

Saddle is clearly an ejector seat. Things go south? The amazing flying halfling quickly enters orbit. It can also double as a means of attack! Step 1.) Grab lance. Step 2.) Get launched. Step 3.) Descend swiftly on the enemy lance first. Step 4.) Hope the spinosaurus doesn't mistake you for popcorn after you land in front of it.

Scarab Sages

John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

I do have one wish - if this were to be done, it would be nice if the prerequisites for the Ooze Companion feat could be liberalized in some manner in order to make it possible for Blight Druids to be able to acquire one, since it seems entirely in character.

Sovereign Court 5/5

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I believe one of our local venture LT's is playing a druid with a slug companion named "Slurm"

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5

James Risner wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I did see that;

The definition of legal is if it is on there.

If something isn't on there it is not legal. Even if you found a thread that says "it is legal" it still isn't legal.

This feat isn't legal because it isn't able to be made rules-wise.
There is insufficient information to create the companion. This is because the feat was written as a 3.5 feat and doesn't conform to pathfinder rules for companions.

Edit: when I replied I guess I used a previously loaded page because John's reply and many others were not on the page.

Or instead of edit you could have pressed 'Delete'

Scarab Sages

John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

Any news/progress on this front?

Grand Lodge

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If my PC gets turned into an Ooze, by Flesh to Ooze, and I make my Will save, do I get to play session to session, as an Ooze?

5/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

blackbloodtroll wrote:


If my PC gets turned into an Ooze, by Flesh to Ooze, and I make my Will save, do I get to play session to session, as an Ooze?

If the polymorph effect is not removed at the end of the scenario that it is gained. The character would be reported as dead and removed from play.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

tacks up "Oozes discrimination is just icky-Ooze rights now!" Union sign.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

Any news/progress on this front?


The Exchange 4/5 5/5

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

Any news/progress on this front?

If a Paizo product (Player Companion, Campaign Setting) was to release an updated version of the feat then the PFS leadership would approve it (or not). But they don't write or update feats specifically for PFS.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My ooze companion would look like a Blancmange and would have a taste for professional tennis players.


There's an ooze companion in PFS.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Tomos wrote:
My ooze companion would look like a Blancmange and would have a taste for professional tennis players.

The real problems begin when all the NPCs begin turning into Scotsmen and heading north...

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
Tomos wrote:
My ooze companion would look like a Blancmange and would have a taste for professional tennis players.
The real problems begin when all the NPCs begin turning into Scotsmen and heading north...

What about a Salmon Mousse Ooze companion? Horrifying!


The Beard wrote:
I believe the first challenge I would attempt to surmount is giving the little jello mold an actual AC. 'Cause they just sorta sit there and get hit. >_> Well, that and the thought of a gelatinous cube in fullplate barding is hilarious to me. It would just be a metal cube hopping along behind its druid master.

^^ Metal Slime!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kyle Baird wrote:
There's an ooze companion in PFS.

The stuff that comes out Garble Facechomper's nose does not count.

Grand Lodge

Kyle Baird wrote:
There's an ooze companion in PFS.


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tomos wrote:
My ooze companion would look like a Blancmange and would have a taste for professional tennis players.

Nice catch. I'll have to keep this under consideration....

Joshua Goudreau wrote:

The real problems begin when all the NPCs begin turning into Scotsmen and heading north...

Okay, Mr. Brock, you ready? Add something else to the wish-list: a flesh to Scot spell.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
John Compton wrote:

The Ooze Companion feat would require an update to present the oozes using the same animal companion format as is used in the Pathfinder rules system. At this time, Ooze Companion uses the 3.5 rules. Should that happen, I imagine Mike and I would take a good look at the feat/option/archetype/whatever and decide whether it were appropriate for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

We usually approve such new options.

I do have one wish - if this were to be done, it would be nice if the prerequisites for the Ooze Companion feat could be liberalized in some manner in order to make it possible for Blight Druids to be able to acquire one, since it seems entirely in character.

Also, cave druids. Seriously. They're all about oozes. Gimme my companion cube!

Scarab Sages

I don't suppose there are any updates to be found on this front? Still quietly rooting for Society-legal Ooze Companions over here....

5/5 5/55/55/5

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I don't suppose there are any updates to be found on this front? Still quietly rooting for Society-legal Ooze Companions over here....

You can try adventuring with a cave druid.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I don't suppose there are any updates to be found on this front? Still quietly rooting for Society-legal Ooze Companions over here....

This post is still representative of our stance, and I do not know of any product line that has an ooze companion feat in the works.

Grand Lodge 2/5

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Also, cave druids. Seriously. They're all about oozes. Gimme my companion cube!
John Compton wrote:
This post is still representative of our stance, and I do not know of any product line that has an ooze companion feat in the works.

There's always room for jello.

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