Surtyr wrote:
It doesn't work like that. The text of Furyborn says: "Each time the wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, its enhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks against that opponent (to a maximum total enhancement bonus of +5)." They use 'it'... aka, the weapon. If they were referring to the wielder, they would have said him/her (or other gender pronoun). Each time the weapon damages the target, the weapon's enhancement bonus increases. If you want to change the wording to "the wielder's enhancement bonus increases" with every attack, you have a property that does nothing: the wielder cannot have an enhancement bonus, however, a weapon can. Natural attacks, including Unarmed Strikes, are weapons. We also know that each natural attack is a separate weapon: if you have a claw/claw/bit, you would need 3 castings of a spell like Magic Fang to affect all 3. Therefore, the Furyborn property would be enchanting each natural weapon separately, just like every other weapon property on an AoMF does. If you have 'flaming' property, you can't make it affect only the bite; it is all attacks or none. Remember, the AoMF is not a weapon; it is a Wonderous Item that allows you to apply weapon properties to your natural attacks (including Unarmed strike). Just like Bracers of Armor can add Armor properties, the bracers themselves don't count as any armor type. For example, you cannot add Brawling property to BoA, because the bracers are not Light Armor. As to Constant vs activated magic items in wild shape... I recently learned (through my own lack of reading) that items like Corrosive property are ACTIVATED items. It takes a standard action to 'flame on' your sword, fists, or whatever with your flaming weapon/amulet ("Upon Command" = command word activated). http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems/weapons.html#_weapons-flaming Compare with Holy, which does [i]not[/] require an activation: holy is always active and cannot be shut off. My Animal Companion couldn't use the Corrosive Amulet (in PFS, ACs are only allowed to activate Ioun Stones, if their Int is 3+), so I bought him a Holy one. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems/weapons.html#_weapons-holy Speaking of lack of reading, I reverse my position on adding Keen to an AoMF. By RAW, you CAN put Keen on an AoMF. I just reread the entry and it says "Alternatively, this amulet can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks." Emphasis mine. In the "Unarmed attacks" section, it lists "armed" unarmed attacks include natural weapons. They can be slashing or piercing, so Keen is a legal option. Now, as to whether or not it would work with a blunt unarmed strike... I'd have to go with "no;" it would work fine with Tiger/Boar/Snake doing piercing or slashing damage. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#_unarmed-attacks ![]()
Tels wrote:
Ok... from my understanding, this is how it works: Overrun as a standard action during movement = move your speed, any direction, make overrun during the move. This allows you to move to a different position before you move for the overrun, like if you want to overrun a guy around a corner or you are moving through difficult terrain. Overrun as part of a charge: you move up to 2x your movement, in a straight line, follow normal charge rules (no difficult terrain, no hindered movement, 10' minimum move, closest square, etc),and you get +2 hit, which adds to your CMB, and -2 AC as you try and move through the guy in the way. The target of the 'charge' is the guy you use the Overrun on, but you don't make an attack roll (just the Overrun CMB). Basically, it lets you do the overrun in place of the attack (like a charging Trip/Sunder/Disarm). Overrun with Charge Through: This is what you're doing with your example above. Alain will overrun Lem as you move towards the crab; Alain follows normal charge rules, except he can overrun 1 guy in his way (Lem). Technically Lem can't avoid the overrun (since you need Improved Overrun to take Charge Through), but an easy House rule if you want Overrun to do this (Normally, you would want Dragon Style to charge through allies). If Alain succeeds on his Overrun, then he continues to move towards the crab and makes his attack against the Crab (+2 hit, -2 AC, and I'm assuming Lance and/or Spirited Charge bonus). Problem with Charge Through: both rider and mount may need to take it, but I'm not completely sure here. Many of the mounted feats are an ugly gray area. ![]()
PokeyCA wrote:
correct... the evolution adds simple, which can be upgraded to martial. You are better off simply spending a Feat to get proficiency in 1 weapon (like a light weapon) and using it in all hands. Just remember that lots of weapons will cost a lot of money, even if they are of low power (+1)... make sure you have a good mix of special materials present to bypass DR ![]()
Ipslore the Red wrote: Try an immovable rod. You could deactivate and reactivate it, or have your mount and character make the Str check to move it. That would be funny. Attach the rod to your armor with Sovereign glue. Only problem is... when activated, you don't move, plus its a move action to turn the rod on or off. Great idea, though. I'll have to remember this for my Dwarven Defender =D ![]()
Rudy2 wrote:
yeah... no. While I do play PFS, I like to mix RAI and some common sense with my RAW. Sovereign glue is basically taking advantage of a PFS mechanic (goes away at end of mod). If the Belt doesn't work against prone, then the Belt would need to be combined with something that provides flight (flying creatures can't be tripped), such as Celestial Armor + Celestial Shield.... but that is almost 60K gp... but kinda defeats the purpose of a flying mount. ![]()
Rudy2 wrote:
I'm just trying to find an easy way to avoid being dismounted, rather then spending most of my item slots for lots of (stacking) +2 bonuses to some CMDs ![]()
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt- earth-elemental The belt makes the wearer "immune to effects that would push, pull, or forcefully move the wearer." Is trip a form of forced movement? Would this be different if it was being worn while riding a mount? Being dismounted results in falling damage (1d6), which indicates movement is involved. ![]()
Mojorat wrote: I think your confusing what the restriction means. Uas are light melee weapons. Any weapon enchantment that can go on a light melee weapon or does not restrict it from applying to uas. This means furyborn works lead blades does not. ^^ This. An US counts as a blunt, light weapon. This means things like Impact (not for light weapons) and Keen (not for blunt weapons) cannot be applied to AoMF, but things like Disruption (blunt only) can be. ![]()
question on the War Wisps/Ancient WW... Their touch attack gets iterative attacks. Is this correct? I thought natural attacks do not get iterative attacks... is this a typo or a change, making their touch attacks count as weapons? If they gave them Multiattack, I could see this working. The box text (for high tier) says you encounter 1 Ancient WW and 3 regular WW, but the stat blocks indicate 2 of each. Which is correct? ![]()
Renegadeshepherd wrote:
Not necessarily. The character is already Wisdom focused, you get more then just Barkskin, you get Ki Pool. that means 2 +WisMod uses per day. for 1 Ki point, you can get: +1 attack when doing a FoB. This stacks with haste. More attacks = more win. Additionally, don't underestimate the +4 dodge AC; I've played with a ZAM and this has saved his butt numerous times when he became the party Tank. Dodge AC stacks with all other dodge modifiers AND it adds to CMD. You also get Barkskin, but with caster level 4, its only +2, which is nice for a while (saves money). As to the loss of Inquisitor abilities... I haven't played one, so can't advise if its worth it. I do agree with Grumpf that 6 levels of ZAM is great for Improved Precise Shot. Awesome feat and allows you to dump Dex to 13, which is all you need for Deadly Aim. ![]()
After reading through the message boards for Feast of Sigils, I came across this question regarding the boon at the end of the module: Spoiler:
Someone asked if an animal companion could eat the wafer to get the stat bonus. The reply was YES, but would count as an additional evil act by the PC. 1 atonement still fixes both evil acts. Both the PC and the AC could get the boon, since there were multiple Sigil wafers available. With there being only 1 stone, can an Animal Companion (with Int 3+) or Eidolon gain the benefit of the Ioun Stone as well as the PC? Can it gain the bonus feat instead of the PC? Would both the PC and the pet change alignment (and require atonement as necessary)? I also noticed the Angel has an aura that makes animals not attack him; if an Animal Companion has the Celestial Template (magical beast), does this allow it to bypass the protection? ![]()
thorin001 wrote: RAW wise it is a gray area which is why I said not to expect it to work. Some GMs will be fine with it, and some will not. And many mounted players will scream bloody murder if it is that easy to shut down their character. Its easy to shut down any character, but there is usually a solution. In this case, increase CMD. If you rely on a strategy, learn its weaknesses and how to mitigate them. My main PFS is a mounted Paladin/Monk/Oracle - and being knocked off my Griffon sucks ![]()
I'm surprised nobody brought up the Titan Mauler's level 2 ability (Jotungrip). http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/archetypes/paizo---b arbarian-archetypes/titan-mauler So... Barbarian (Titan Mauler): Level 2, any
Plus, you can use a small sized 2-hander in 1 hand (-2 penalty). ![]()
Diego Rossi wrote:
Thread link please! Not that it matters for RAW, but certainly helps with RAI. Thanks to this post: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2prmb&page=3?Vital-Strike#102 ![]()
maouse wrote:
In practice/RAI, i agree with you completely. In my home games, Fast healing = stabilize. Same with regeneration UMR (regenerate spell actually heals damage, so would count as ending bleed). I agree with your logic 100%. The problem is, RAW and PFS, the way they are worded... not so much. A spell that grants Fast Healing still doesn't stop bleed effects; the spell itself doesn't grant any healing, but instead gives a fast healing effect. ![]()
wraithstrike wrote:
No, I'm not asking about every day alignment change. Just saying that is a potential issue of it changes with alignment. I assumed the initial choice is permanent (as the rule says), but my opinion is not the only viable one. RAW does support. As far as alignment change... if Deity is Lawful-Neutral, for example, their worshipers can be LG, LN, LE, or TN. Cleric starts out LN, chooses Negative channeling, then later becomes LG. Alignment is still in zone allowed by deity, so cleric still retains divine power granted by this same deity. The question is... what happens to their Channel Energy class feature? Does it continue to work as originally chosen: or would it no longer function (like having a feat that you no longer qualify for, since you are no longer Neutral worshiping a Neutral deity)? [this is assuming the character is good and wants to keep channel negative, not retraining it, for Variant Channeling ability] ![]()
Static Hamster wrote:
To OP: for order of operations, check the wording for each ability. As an an example, none of dying, poison, or fast healing, stipulate when during your turn they take effect, therefore, the order is up to the player. Many DMs like to do poison saves at the start of the turn, but there is no rule saying it must be done then (except per wording on an individual poison ability). If the ability that damaged your Con specified that it was 'at start of turn,' then the ability damage would take place, and your Fast Healing later. If not, then you can take your Con improved Fast Healing before the Con Damage Likewise, for the stability check, you can get Fast Healing first. If you are at 0 or above, no check needed. If under 0, since Fast Healing is "natural" instead of Magical healing, by the Stable rule, it isn't clear if this makes you Stable. IMO, if you are naturally healing (via Fast Healing), you should automatically Stabilize, but I've seen most DMs rule otherwise. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dying
To Maouse: RAW, Fast healing would not negate a bleed effect. Fast Healing counts as Natural Healing; bleed is stopped by a heal check or magical healing. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Bleed ![]()
At level 1, a Neutral cleric of a Neutral Deity can choose to channel either positive or negative energy, and the choice cannot be changed. What happens if the cleric changes alignment? Channeling energy is not defined as a good or evil act (and this is supported by healing and inflict spells not having either the good or evil descriptor). Assuming a cleric continues to worship the same Neutral Deity, if a cleric chooses to channel negative energy, then becomes good, what happens? Core Rulebook, pg 40 wrote: A neutral cleric of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the cleric can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting). Do they loose access to the class feature, since they no longer meet the requirements, or do they continue to channel negative energy? If they change channeled type (to positive), this could create a slippery slope where alignment flops back and forth depending on what they expect to face (I'm neutral today, I'm good today), etc. ![]()
Nefreet wrote:
to Golgathander: ^^ This. You only get to add Augment Summoning if you Summon the Eidolon with Summon Eidolon spell.. As for multiple attacks and all that jazz... weapon attacks are considered separate from natural attacks. Claws/Pincers are probably the cheapest way to get multiple extra attacks. That said, they take the penalty for secondary attacks when using a weapon, which is -5 hit, until you're level 9 and they get multiattack (reduce penalty to -2), plus 1/2 strength damage. So if the Eidolon has 16 str, at level 1, and you take extra limbs (arms) and a 1 point evolution (assume you take a weapon feat, like short sword, for its first feat): shortsword (+4, 1d6+3), 2 claws (-1, 1d4+1) vs standard Eidolon: 2 claws (+4, 1d4+3) melee weapon eidolons builds don't really open up until higher level. Double check with DM to see if multi-weapon fighting is allowed; in PFS, as far as I know, there is no additional resource that grants it to Eidolons. Additionally, in a non-PFS game, see if your DM will allow you to retrain Eidolon Feats (Ultimate Campaign); if so, take multiattack at an early level, then retrain it at 9th. ![]()
thorin001 wrote:
Unseat is not the be-all-end-all of dismounting a rider. Unseat works sorta like Grab, aka, you do your melee attack and then get a free bull rush (like Grab lets you do a melee attack and get a free grapple without AoO). Trip says the target is prone; prone says the target is on the ground. Nothing in the rules (as far as I've seen) make riders immune to trip. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. From reading the descriptions of Bull Rush and Grapple (after standard to maintain, then using the move action), either can take a rider off their mount. The grapple move should allow the rider a free grapple check to break, as moving them off the mount puts them in a hazardous location (fall damage). Drag and Reposition are iffy... technically, the rider would be put in a hazardous location due to taking falling damage (d6, more if flying), which would rule out Reposition; with Drag, you move the rider through the mount's space (which the rider shares), so also questionable. To the OP... with the errata to Mounted Charge, it is up to the DM how they want to interpret it. Previously, the language was clear: only the charge attack would deal the extra hit/damage. Now, it says "first attack." I'm pretty sure this is meant to only apply to the iterative attacks a rider makes (with pounce) and NOT to AoO, but your DM may interpret it differently. FYI, there are THREE questions on Charging on that FAQ. Regardless, only 1 attack the rider makes has the hit/damage bonus from a lance charge, so if he gets the bonus damage on you, he won't get it on the wizard. http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9ru6 ![]()
Imbicatus wrote: Contradicting rules text in the feat. That's about right. FAQing for clarification. Ugh. More editing issues. The intro does indeed say spells, however the second line, which describes what the rule does, reads `spells and effects. While it is unclear, I would go with the `spells and effects` until clarified. At PFS tables, YMMV. ![]()
It gives more tactical options in a bad situation. If you fall prone, you will probably provoke an AoO when you stand up. If the PC is low on HP, dropping the weapon may be a good idea. You may also be facing enemies that do REALLY nasty things when you fall prone... or be facing one with Vicious Strike. The game is too varied to name every possible contingency any given player my face, but it does keep your options open. It is not a great property, but there are situations when dropping your +4 uber weapon of worldslaying is a better option then falling prone, especially when you can draw your backup, the +2 almost uber weapon of continent slaying. Remember that if you have quickdraw (or you still have a move action that turn), you can grab your back up and full attack next round ![]()
Ishpumalibu wrote:
Combined with Zen, this is awesome. 16 Str = damage for bow. Unless DM allows the "guided" enchantment on a bow. If so, only put this as high as you need for Feats.
If you can drop Int and Cha for more Wis/Str/Con, may be a good idea. Otherwise, Dex, Int, and Cha are not that important. Combining Zen and Serenity means he only has to focus on 2 stats. Wisdom is primary (headband), and Strength secondary (belt). can also add Con to the belt for more damage. Makes a MAD combo very easy to pull off with only 2 main stats. ![]()
Smite Makes Right wrote:
awesome... basically, they looked at the title and assumed what they wrote already covered it (since the item's name was in the FAQ). There is nothing in the errata, but there is in the FAQ. I think they refer to : http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fn#v5748eaic9ni3 It doesn't answer the question at all, but rather stipulates what they apply to. ![]()
blackbloodtroll wrote:
actually, thats what they decided on a while back when they declared that AC levels dont't stack unless they're on the same list. I'd prefer it wasn't that way, and so would a lot of players. In PFS, that also means you can only 'use' one of them at a time, which is a wasted class feature ![]()
since Tongues is the prerequisite spell for Gold Nodule, would that qualify as giving them the ability to do so? Andrew Christian wrote:
What would qualify something as "specifically gives them the ability" to speak? are we talking about spells like tongues? http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/tongues.html#_tongues how about items like the Gold Nodule Ioun stone, made from tongues http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/ioun- stones/gold-nodule "This stone grants you the ability to comprehend, speak, read, and write a single language (chosen by the ioun stone's creator)" or are we talking things that specifically say an animal can talk, like: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrou s-items/alluria-publishing/collar-of-beast-speech (yes, I realize this item is not PFS legal) ![]()
Acedio wrote:
Actually, these are specifically allowed in the PFS FAQ, so their ability to be used is not at issue. http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fq#v5748eaic9p51 one question that is worth asking... does "activating" an Ioun Stone mean just turning it on (floating around your head or slotting in a wayfinder) ... or does it also allow them to use ones that cast spells, like Vibrant Purple Prism (I think probably not). **edit: lol, ninja'ed** ![]()
This is for PFS... My Paladin recently acquired a divine bond Animal Companion and I wanted to give it a bonus to the Fly skill. With limited options, I opted for a +2 intelligence Ioun stone. In addition to the skill ranks and +2 intelligence, it granted the beast an additional language. This got me to wondering. The ioun stone grants it an additional lanaguage known. It obviously understand, but can it speak? Due to PFS ruling on animal companions and speach, I'd initially think
What about other items like the Gold Nodule Ioun stone, which specifically grant an additional language? For reference, the divine Bond is a Griffon (Monsterous mount feat), which is a Magical Beast. Plus, the character has the Celestial Servant feat (still a Magical Beast). By default, it can understand Common, but not speak it. Or is "speak with animals" still the only way to communicate with an AC, no matter what? ![]()
Nefreet wrote:
good question. It doesn't state the healing is positive energy, but the base spell is CLW. For cost, 9000k is a bargain if you compare it to a cure light wounds potion. caster level x spell level x 50 gp = 250 gp each. x3/day = 750 gp. pays for itself in 36 days, plus the cost of the 'ammo.' By price... still a bargain. Use activated = spell level x caster level x2000. assuming CLW = 10000. because its uses per day, x3/5 = 6000, then x2 for slotless = 12000. and you get the +2 enhancement stuff for when you really need a +7 against poison. a 3/day cure light wound item (level 1) would be 2400, so just 3.75 x price for that. ![]()
thorin001 wrote:
Not correct. With Wildblooded, you must swap out each option. In all cases, this changes the blooline arcana. With Crossblooded, you gain the bloodline arcana of both bloodlines. Both of these archetypes modify the bloodline arcana. You cannot take an archetype that modifies the same ability. This is a general rule that applies UNLESS another rule/FAQ specifically breaks the rule (like the Quiggong you mentioned). The remainder of the FAQ describes how a DM should handle the combination if they house rule the combination into their game - which, in essence, then follows the general rules for the Quiggong archetype (choice of abilities at each level). In the case of the Quiggong, it does not force the character to swap out ANY monk abilities. A monk could be a quiggong and swap NONE of the abilities. Do to this, Paizo has ruled a specific exception to the general rule to allow Quiggong to combine with other archetypes, with the caveat that they cannot choose to swap out abilities gained by their other archetypes, as these abilities are forced changes by the other archetypes, AND that the character cannot choose to gain back any standard monk ability swapped out by these archetypes. By issuing the FAQ, Paizo simply confirmed that neither Wildblooded nor Crossblooded would gain the exception that Quiggong was allowed. While I'm not familiar with every single archetype in the game, there are a handful of other exemptions, either stated directly or indirectly. A Monk may take multiple Vows (they all replace Still Mind). An Oathbound Paladin may make multiple Oaths, as long as their only overlap is Code of Conduct and Spells (since that is part of the base archetype); they are still not allowed to overlap any other class feature, either with multiple Oaths or any other archetype. For both of these, this is stated directly in the Archetype. Arcane Discoveries are not an Archetype in itself, but alternate feat replacement options. ![]()
Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
With that logic, any sorcerer can access Wildblooded bloodlines without taking the archetype. FAQ with Wildblooded + Crossblooded is pretty clear this doesn't work. The only way to get access to the wildblooded is through the archetype. Only the wildblooded archetype gives access to the "mutated version" of a bloodline. They don't exist in the rules outside of the archetype. It is like arguing that if you get a class feature with a similar name from class A, you can swap it with an archetype feature of Class B. Example, Sohei monk (archetype) gets weapon training at level 6. So... I can swap that with... Armored Defense from the Fighter Armor Master. ![]()
Nicos wrote:
Nobody is disputing that the FAQ does not specifically address Eldritch Heritage. The FAQ clarifies that Wildblooded is an archetype, not a bloodline. Sylvan bloodline is a Wildblooded archetype of the Fey bloodline. Where does Eldritch heritage allow you to take a class archetype? Eldrich Heritage gives access to a level 1 bloodline power, it does not give you the bloodline. ![]()
Janet Kuhlmann wrote:
the easiest way to do this is look at the number of spells known at your current caster levels. now subtract one off each spell level. for example: Level 1: 4, 2 ............. becomes 3, 1 level 4: 6, 3, 1............ becomes 5, 2, 0 Level 6: 7, 4, 2, 1 ....... becomes 6, 3, 1, 0 level 10: 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... becomes 8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Spells are lost at 'static intervals': at the earliest opportunity. ![]()
James Risner wrote:
I haven't seen people using it to cast below the level of the spell. Most ruling on effects apply to things that are similar, so I haven't seen that. Taking both traits on 1 spell to apply a +2 metamagic feat to keep it as a level 1 spell. Like an Intensified, Elemental (acid) shocking grasp (level 1), an Empowered Fireball (level 3), or an Intensified, Empowered Fireball (level 4). Things like that. ![]()
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:
The coordinator said that was the agreement they made last year with Paizo for e-boons. I have some boons from other online Cons, but they didn't need that info (They just have my PFS # on it). Unfortunately for me, Mounted Tradition also requires a race boon to go with it, which I don't have; all of them are older and I'm unlikely to get one. Only usable option for me on it is a Tengu with an axe beak - and I already have an unassigned character that has that from DM credits and a certain quest chain. I am looking for opinions since I don't want to get it, trade it, then screw the person that wanted it. ![]()
Kyle Baird wrote:
mehaheha. Would love a goblin! Better then huge bluff halfling pretending to be goblin! ![]()
The Beard wrote: I believe the first challenge I would attempt to surmount is giving the little jello mold an actual AC. 'Cause they just sorta sit there and get hit. >_> Well, that and the thought of a gelatinous cube in fullplate barding is hilarious to me. It would just be a metal cube hopping along behind its druid master. ^^ Metal Slime! ![]()
First off, this is primarily for PFS; I'm posting in both the rules forum as well as the PFS forum, so as to hopefully get more Dev input. Both allow you to apply a metamagic feat to a specific spell and reduce the total level by 1. Neither indicates that it is a trait bonus. Do they work together on the same spell? I don't think they should, but I'm not sure there's RAW to support it and I'm starting to see it on more and more characters. *FYI, Wayang Spellhunter is the Pathfinder name of the feat; Metamagic Master is what it has been renamed to in the SRD* http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/advancedNewRules.html#_magical- lineage http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/regional-traits/wayang-spellhunter-minata Thoughts? ![]()
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Here is the wording in the feat: "Prerequisite(s): Handle Animal 4 ranks; Ride 4 ranks; divine bond (mount), hunter's bond (animal companion), or mount class feature with an effective druid level of 4." Each class has a different, named ability that grants them an animal companion. Paladin's gain a "divine bond," Rangers gain a "hunter's bond," and Cavaliers gain a "mount." The feat adds the selected Beast to each of these classes' list of companions. Druids gain a "Nature Bond (animal companion)." Nature Oracles gain a "Divine Mount." Lunar Oracles gain a "Primal Companion." These all have different names then those referenced in the feat, so the Magical Beast is not added to their list. If the feat referred to an "Animal Companion with an effective druid level of 4," then any of the above could take the feat. However, the feat specifically calls out 3 types of class features. As always, in your home game, you can do whatever you like. ![]()
reyyvin wrote:
Nicos wrote:
Nicos wrote:
In your version, for 2 feats, you either get a weak AC at class level -3 OR a choice of any AC at class level -5. Easy choice to make, since your next feat (in either case) is Boon Companion. Either that, or you're already a druid and trying to combine the levels. In that case, 2x(class level)-5 is completely broken for something deadly like a tiger or allosaurus. Having a Horse or dog with 2x(class levels)-5... still underwhelming. I pointed out the RAW in my above posts. scroll up a bit and refute it. If you can show me any place in the rules that allows you to take a class archetype without being a member of that class, then I'll change my opinion. The FAQ and Wildblooded are very clear that Wild-blooded is a class archetype that modifies a bloodline, not a bloodline in itself. ![]()
Dylos wrote:
I would think not. This will allow the Griffon (or whatever you choose) to be on the Cavalier list, but not on the Druid list. If you had 2 classes that granted "divine bond (mount), hunter's bond (animal companion), or mount class feature" then all the levels should stack. So, for example, a Paladin 5/Cavalier 1 should stack all levels. Some may argue that you would need Paladin 5/Cavalier 4 (for the "effective druid level of 4"), but since the Paladin and Cavalier have the same list, their levels would add together to form 1 level 6 mount (with 5 paladin/1 cavalier). An archetype, like the Cavalier Beast Rider, may not combine;it trades "mount" for "exotic mount." Sadly, it also does not work with a Nature Oracle's "Bonded Mount," which is somewhere in between a Ranger's mount and a Paladin's mount in power. ![]()
Nicos wrote: You can totally take the Animal companion with just two feats though (animal ally), not sure what would be the problem with taking it using eldrith heritage. a) We're talking about RAW. It doesn't work. b) when we talk about balance, Animal Ally is nothing close to a full selection animal companion. If you just want a horse, take Animal Ally. The other options are also pretty weak. Sylvan bloodline gives you access to the full druid range of animal companions - which are generally a MUCH more powerful option. Melee on Warhorse: better mobility for rider and some damage.
There's a reason that classes granting AC levels only stack for options shared by both lists: some are more powerful then others. ![]()
Samasboy1 wrote:
Sadly, I also have to agree with this. There is precedent for FAQ disagreeing with designer intent. Check out the Sohei Monk. The 'unofficial errata' listed in the pfsrd indicates that the original author's intention was that Flurry of Blows NOT work while wearing armor. However, the official FAQ allows armor to be worn. After the designer submits his work, a small team of gremlins/goblins attacks it (the stories change), often altering it before it reaches publication. True story. ![]()
Nefreet wrote:
No worries Nef. Please forward this to your friend. That FAQ does not concern multi-classing. It concerns taking multiple archetypes together at the same time. Here is the FAQ: "No, because the archetype rules say none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the class as another alternate class feature. Because the crossblooded and wildblooded sorcerer archetypes both alter the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers, they aren't compatible archetypes." This clearly spells out that both Crossblooded and Wildblooded are archetypes. This is where the problem is. Where does it allow you to take an archetype of a class you have not selected? Second, for the Eldrich Heritage Feat, please read the entire feat. "Benefit: Select one sorcerer bloodline. You must have Skill focus in the class skill that bloodline grants to a sorcerer at 1st level (for example, Heal for the celestial bloodline). This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have. You gain the first-level bloodline power for the selected bloodline. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities." It does not give you levels in sorcerer or ANY other bloodline abilities. It only gives you what it says: a level 1 bloodline power. Please read the text for the Sylvan bloodline: "Bloodline Arcana: See bloodline powers. Bloodline Powers: Your magic shows a kinship to that of the beast-talkers and shapechanger fey. Animal Companion (Ex): You gain an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this ability is equal to your sorcerer level – 3 (minimum 1st). This bloodline power counts as your bloodline arcana and also replaces laughing touch." The Animal Companion ability replaces BOTH the bloodline arcana as well as the level 1 bloodline power. Even if Wildblooded were not an archetype, you still could not gain this with Eldrich Heritage since you do not have a Fey bloodline arcana to swap out. ---- The rest of the FAQ talks about how it would be allowed by DM prerogative. For PFS, that isn't allowed, but in a home game, go for it. As a DM, I WOULD allow Wildblooded to not count as an archetype in my home game, since I personally do not believe it should be an archetype. That said, I would NOT allow Sylvan for Eldrich Heritage since the animal companion itself replaces both the level 1 bloodline power as well as the arcana. I would house rule it taking a 2 feats, since it is clearly a more powerful option (1 for the arcana and 1 for the bloodline power). I have several characters with pets... action economy alone is almost like having 2 characters, albeit one with more limited options Sign in to create or edit a product review. |