It's finally December… come on Hook Mountain Massacre deck - ship it, baby!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Well, we all made it to "early December" so that means that the Hook Mountain Massacre deck should be shippin' any day now, right? ;)

Boy I hope it's soon. Alas, we're at the mercy of the Paizo shipping pirates. Cruel thugs.

Please, please don't take two-plus weeks to get here! We wanna play! Anyone get a shipping notice yet? We haven't:(

Side Note: It is so, so odd that Paizo subscribers are always the LAST to get the product.

Ben (and Abby)

I remember reading somewhere that it was going to be available on the 17th, but now I'm unable to find the source of that information. I hope it's sooner myself.

I'm excited, too! But I think I'm even more excited about the upcoming playtest for the new set. Trying out the new classes and new versions of old characters and seeing how the card game is going to handle guns? Can't wait!

And no, I don't think subscribers are the last to get the product. I'm told that my local game store owner wasn't able to get Adventure 2 in stock until mid-November. Hope it doesn't take him that long to get Adventure 3....

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

For updates on the December shipment status, keep an eye on this thread in the Customer Service forum.

The retail release date for our December products is currently set for December 18.

You can also check the product schedule page to see our estimates for the next few months.

Also, our goal is for most domestic subscribers to receive their shipments right around the retail release date. We had significant issues in October that prevented us from hitting that goal, but that's not the norm.

Thanks for the note, Vic (and fellow gamers).

Sadly, that probably means the next deck won't be in our physical mail box before xmas break:(

Yeah, I saw the Dec. 18th date when I did my pre-order of this and picking up the Fantastic Four Legendary Expansion on CSI's site (It was 50% off which is why I ordered anything from Cool Stuff). Oh well, that will let me run a 3rd group of 3 through AP2 so I'll have 5 parties through AP2 (2 6's and 3 3's) before AP3 comes.

I too was thrilled about playtesting the new stuff, but that d*** snowstorm this weekend is going to kill that possibility as that was going to be my one chance to get it (I live in the middle of nowhere so it is 90 minutes one-way to the nearest pickup point which a person who was going to be there this Sat. could have gotten it for me). Stupid snow and ice storm. Here's hoping it misses Kentucky.

kysmartman wrote:

Yeah, I saw the Dec. 18th date when I did my pre-order of this and picking up the Fantastic Four Legendary Expansion on CSI's site (It was 50% off which is why I ordered anything from Cool Stuff). Oh well, that will let me run a 3rd group of 3 through AP2 so I'll have 5 parties through AP2 (2 6's and 3 3's) before AP3 comes.

I too was thrilled about playtesting the new stuff, but that d*** snowstorm this weekend is going to kill that possibility as that was going to be my one chance to get it (I live in the middle of nowhere so it is 90 minutes one-way to the nearest pickup point which a person who was going to be there this Sat. could have gotten it for me). Stupid snow and ice storm. Here's hoping it misses Kentucky.

Also looking to dodge snow this weekend. (Have to work Friday and Saturday, might get ugly.)

And my group still hasn't had a chance to go through Skinsaw yet. Holidays and busy work schedules abound. :(

Just like that actual Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, I missed it by one number.

It's torture waiting for these to come out lol!

Ughhhhhhhh - and now the shipping dates changed to 1/3. That's just in time for everyone to be back at work (and not get to play over any of the holiday break). How on earth is that considered "Early December?" Such a bummer.

Where did you get that date?

This thread is where I'd look, as a subscriber for spawning/shipping information.

The schedule of upcoming products page often gets glitchy around the period when subscription items stop being due next month but haven't yet been delivered last month.

Scarab Sages

While the immediate shipment may be something of a disappointment (we don't know whether they're giving themselves a buffer and hoping to pleasantly surprise everyone), my more longer-term concern is how they're going to manage these shipments when they happen every month instead of every other month.

Most of their product lines are monthly, so it shouldn't be a big deal. October was a weird confluence of technical glitches, not the usual state of play.

Steve: good point about glitchy stuff around shipment time.

I found the date on my PACG subscription page:

"Payment method authorized: Tuesday | Should ship by: January 3"

*that date USED to be 12/18.

It's still quite sad if everything got pushed a month:(

- Ben

Scarab Sages

If October wasn't the "usual state of play," one might think that the shipping date wouldn't have changed from 12/18/13 to 1/3/14. There's also been a note up for quite a few weeks regarding how the "Great Golem Sale" has caused customer service and shipments to be delayed. My concern is that Paizo's operations have systemic flaws, either in terms of glitchy software or a fulfillment department that doesn't or can't scale up when the volume of work increases, that might cause such "rare" occurrences to happen more frequently. It seems oddly incongruous that they repeatedly say regarding a PACG digital app or something that they're "not software developers," and yet they appear to do their own web & ERP development rather than outsourcing that, too, to an established platform (Magento, iAPPS, etc.) and / or developer.

Calthaer wrote:
If October wasn't the "usual state of play," one might think that the shipping date wouldn't have changed from 12/18/13 to 1/3/14. There's also been a note up for quite a few weeks regarding how the "Great Golem Sale" has caused customer service and shipments to be delayed. My concern is that Paizo's operations have systemic flaws, either in terms of glitchy software or a fulfillment department that doesn't or can't scale up when the volume of work increases, that might cause such "rare" occurrences to happen more frequently.

I'm basing my comments about it being unusual on data from the last four or five years (when I've had continuous subscriptions to a number of lines and made a few hundred additional, one-off orders). The August shipment often gets sluggish, but the rest of the time they're generally pretty smooth at shipping out whatever is available.

I share your concerns about the systemic problems - the new products coming out in the last couple of years (probably exacerbated by the growing popularity of their core products) have really thrown their fulfillment systems something of a curveball. I suspect the comics and miniatures subscriptions, plus the new card game have all proved either more popular or more convoluted than they anticipated. I hope that they adjust the street dates appropriately if subscription runs are now going to take three or four weeks as a matter of course. I dont expect things early as a subscriber, but it would be a weird thing if it became usual to receive products later than the stores.

I'm confident they'll work through them (it really doesnt make sense to allow potential direct sales to go elsewhere) although I realise it's going to take some time. Nonetheless, I think it's worth mentioning for those who are new subscribers to Paizo that the last few months have been out of the ordinary, not the usual state of play.

Now a slight change back on the date...

"Should ship by: December 31"

Come on, man! I'm fragile - don't tease me so ;)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yeah—we've made some revisions to the schedule, with an aim towards getting more subscribers stuff before the retail release date. We expect to have the vast majority of subs shipped within two weeks—that December 31 date is worst-case—and we've delayed the retail release until December 26.

I can't find the thumbs down/dislike/hate button. Ugh...that means that I won't get it or my Fantastic Four Marvel Legendary expansion before Christmas from CSI since this will still be a pre-order. I'm beginning to think Paizo is owned and run by George R.R. Martin. That last statement is a joke btw.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Yeah—we've made some revisions to the schedule, with an aim towards getting more subscribers stuff before the retail release date. We expect to have the vast majority of subs shipped within two weeks—that December 31 date is worst-case—and we've delayed the retail release until December 26.

Thanks, Vic. Who'd have guessed runaway success would bring such angst? :)

Vic Wertz wrote:

Yeah—we've made some revisions to the schedule, with an aim towards getting more subscribers stuff before the retail release date. We expect to have the vast majority of subs shipped within two weeks—that December 31 date is worst-case—and we've delayed the retail release until December 26.

Hip, hip...hooray! Thanks, Vic.

And I just got the "In the next week or so, we're expecting to ship" e-mail for the Hook Mountain Massacre expansion pack.

So it looks like there's an outside chance my daughter will have this goodie pack sitting under the xmas tree. She will flip out if she gets to open it (from Santa of course). Take that Barbie dolls!

I've had good and bad luck on these e-mails (the battle mats took 21 days to go from about to ship to shipped). Still, at least it's gone from no hope to an outside chance.

Much appreciated for your last update,

Ben (and Abby)

I was all excited when I got my shipping email today then I saw the end of December mention :( Sad panda, was hoping to have it for my Christmas vacation. OH well, common mail!

Got my shipping confirmation. :D Feelin' pretty good about that.

Got mine yesterday to ship by 26th but UK company selling it from stock.
I posted a queation on here about it yesterday but the post has been deleted !!!! The company have taken it off their new releases page but a quick search shows its still from stock. game-15064.aspx

I dont think it was deleted. It looks to me like Vic is sorting it out.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

halinar wrote:
I was all excited when I got my shipping email today then I saw the end of December mention :( Sad panda, was hoping to have it for my Christmas vacation. OH well, common mail!

The end of December is a worst-case date. Most subscribers should have their copies shipped out well ahead of that.

Can't complain either way. Going to have a family filled pathfinder Christmas week, if we have the 3rd box then all the better!

It looks like mine got adjusted to Friday... too bad I'm going to be flying on Friday and won't return until the new year anyway :(

But thanks for getting it out the door! I really appreciate it!

So I got my shipping email on the 13th, and estimated shipping date is the 23rd.

10 days isn't terribly long, I waited almost a month for the pathfinder player mats.

Sovereign Court

ilazul wrote:

So I got my shipping email on the 13th, and estimated shipping date is the 23rd.

10 days isn't terribly long, I waited almost a month for the pathfinder player mats.

Well glad to see shipping has started. Mine is still pending, even with the Priority Shipping, I don't see it getting here by Christmas... so sad

My estimated shipping date is the 20th!!!!

Hi Vic,

Our order just arrived in the mail!!! My daughter is going to be so surprised when she opens it (from Santa of course). I just wanted to express my sincere thanks and let you know that we promise to #PayItForward.

Happy holidays,

Ben (and Abby)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Cheez wrote:

Hi Vic,

Our order just arrived in the mail!!! My daughter is going to be so surprised when she opens it (from Santa of course). I just wanted to express my sincere thanks and let you know that we promise to #PayItForward.

Happy holidays,

Ben (and Abby)


Out of curiosity, did you get an actual shipping notification e-mail, or did you receive your deck while it still showed "Pending" on your account? If the latter, then there's hope for the rest of us to receive them really soon too :)

Uh, it looks like mine shipped via USPS on Monday. I got tracking and everything (projected date is 12/20). Since that's the case, I think I'll be able to see it this week... even though I won't be able to do any sessions with my friends until after the new year (unless I bring it with me on the plane).

Thanks guys!

Sovereign Court

Ok people shipping before me is one thing, of course I don't expect to be the first person shipped. I'm glad people have gotten theirs and all, but before subscribers have even all shipped?

cartmanbeck: I got the note last week that it was about to ship but nothing with an actual tracking number.

It does seem like a lot of us are going to get them before 12/31 though.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Cheez wrote:

Hi Vic,

Our order just arrived in the mail!!! My daughter is going to be so surprised when she opens it (from Santa of course). I just wanted to express my sincere thanks and let you know that we promise to #PayItForward.

Happy holidays,

Ben (and Abby)


Out of curiosity, did you get an actual shipping notification e-mail, or did you receive your deck while it still showed "Pending" on your account? If the latter, then there's hope for the rest of us to receive them really soon too :)

Mine still says "pending". The follow up item in my subscription has a estimated date though. Don't know if the pending is an error or it actually shipped.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yeah mine is also "pending" so i was hoping maybe Cheez's was also even though he already got it.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Yeah mine is also "pending" so i was hoping maybe Cheez's was also even though he already got it.

I got a shipping notification, and about a day (might have been two) after my paizo subscription changed from pending to shipped on Dec 13th (the original date I had, which switched to the 31st, then switched back to the 13th).

Right now it is at the post office in Spokane waiting to get sent out, so hopefully I will get it soon!

Andrew K wrote:
Ok people shipping before me is one thing, of course I don't expect to be the first person shipped. I'm glad people have gotten theirs and all, but before subscribers have even all shipped?

Mine was a subscription order.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Andrew K wrote:
Ok people shipping before me is one thing, of course I don't expect to be the first person shipped. I'm glad people have gotten theirs and all, but before subscribers have even all shipped?

It takes a full week to ship out an average subscription run, and some parcels take less than a week in transit. We do have systems in place that prioritize distance when possible, but the primary goal of our system is getting out as many sub orders as quickly as possible, and that goal trumps equalizing delivery times.

Sovereign Court

I guess what was really bugging me is that a friend who lives just blocks away from me is already on track to get it tomorrow (Friday) when mine is pending. Granted, I can play with friends for now, but my family and I have been having a blast and can't wait for it to get here. That and the fact that for it to get here before Christmas, it'd have to be shipped tomorrow, and USPS would have to get it here in the 2 day minimum for my Priority Shipping (at holiday time? Yea right :P)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

If it's any consolation, there will probably be times when your copy ships before your friend's!

Sovereign Court

After this shipment comes in, it almost makes more sense to just not do subscription and wait for the retail date and preorder from Amazon or something. It doesn't cost much more (really, with free shipping, it's the same price, probably even with release day delivery), and I'd rather have a guaranteed deadline than possibly not even have mine shipped by the time it's available in stores. It's hard to justify such a wide timeframe for shipping with nothing more than a promo card (or in this month's case, two) if it could just end up getting to me after the retail date -- in which case I'd just buy one locally anyways.

I've dealt with my fair share of online order issues, but after reluctantly subscribing after the October issues, and now having it take a week to ship out all the packages (I would think that making sure at least domestic buyers got it before Christmas knowing this was a December release would have been an obvious decision) it isn't a good experience as a first time buyer from the site.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Hey folks, while I try to scour the forums for customer service stuff, I don't always see threads like this and their updates.

Every month in the customer service forums I have a monthly New Release thread. If you are looking for information about the shipping status of a month's new releases as a whole, please check out that thread. If you click on the Customer Service forum, you should see it stickied at the top. Here is December's current thread n.

sara marie

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager


We're hoping that the majority of our domestic customers will be seeing their packages shipped soon. We've gotten a huge chunk out already and our warehouse is going full tilt to ship as much as possible. It's hard to say exactly when a particular order from the new release's will be shipped or arrive at its destination. We started shipping out December's new releases on Friday the 13th (stayed over the weekend and knocked out a lot of orders) and have been steadily shipping since. Depending on where each subscriber is located in we generally estimate about a 2-8 business day estimate for domestic transit times. Keep in mind with the holidays and winter weather, that range can definitely fluctuate.

We recognize that we've had some logistical issues getting subscriptions out. We've learned a lot over the last few months and have some new strategies to apply to future subscription shipments. has been growing by leaps and bounds and that definitely has been stretching our capabilities to their upper limits. We look forward to continuing to expanding our operations to handle the increase in customers.

Andrew, it could easily be worse. You could be the one of the many people who got intentionally hosed in October, quit the subscription service completely, and now see that Paizo actually start shipping the stuff to the point that a whole lot of people are going to get it before the delayed street date (after Christmas which was such a wonderful idea because obviously no one could possibly want it as a Christmas gift or bundle it with other games with another online retailer for Christmas).

So, yes Andrew, I do feel bad that you won't get yours before Christmas. The very disgruntled club meets weekly on Saturday nights. We're working on buying Paizo a clue. At the rate they're going, I figure the next release date will be the day before President's Day so it will not go out for a few extra days.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you want to bash us for not handling our subscriptions as well as we should have, that's completely fair; we've made mistakes and we've learned from them. I am genuinely sorry that many subscribers didn't receive their recent shipments before the retail release date for those products (even though "getting stuff early" is not a benefit we have ever promised with our subscriptions). Paizo is dedicated to solving the problems that prevented that from happening.

For example, delaying the street date of our December releases was something we did largely to ensure that domestic subscribers have a high likelihood of getting their subscription shipment before the street date. The fact that we chose to miss a pre-Christmas release so that we can do better for subscribers should demonstrate to any reasonable person that subscription shipping issues are a *very* big deal to us, and that we're willing to do what it takes to avoid the problems we've had in the past.

So criticizing us for "hosing subscribers" *and* for doing things to benefit subscribers in the very same post? That's a pretty unfair position.

I am super excited because I got mine today. I was expecting it in mid-January based off of feedback from Paizo, but man! What a surprise! The only downside to getting it now is the anticipation while I wait for my regular group of guys to return from holiday travels.

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