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![]() Screw that...I'm mixing everything together! At some point I'll have to take out some cards. I'm not going to want 50 cure spells and some cards I probably won't use because they're set specific. I seen somewhere a class ability that uses plunder and in the long run I don't think plunder will be used beyond S&S so I doubt I'll be using that class. I've worked on a few homemade adventure paths so the more options available the better. ![]()
![]() I almost took the Guardian, but didn't because I didn't have any armors that worked with his ability and I like all my magical armor I have now that lets me recharge them if I don't need them. I can't imagine there will be future magical armor that will make me give up my recharging armor that reduces damage to 0 if needed. I also use one shield and all my weapons are one handed. The two handed weapons we let the barbarian have. I like recharging weapons for extra damage instead of recharging on a miss. I do lots or recycling. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: Monsters, barriers, and boons other than loot could easily be used with either set. (You could *use* loot with either set, but technically, you'd never be given the opportunity to *earn* it outside of its original set. Same thing with villains, henchmen, and locations—mechanically, they would work, but they'd never actually be called for by a scenario.) Which is good news for those who like to create our own scenarios and adventures. ![]()
![]() Calthaer wrote: Keep playing; you'll face her eventually! Well we finally encountered her. Four times in one game! My buddy ran into her at the Mill and didn't have the ability to refuse her charm. Mostly because he had no way to. He reshuffled the deck and on his very next turn, he drew her again and again he couldn't refuse her. He reshuffled the deck and I moved over the the Mill and I drew her on the very next turn (apparently my buddy does not know how to shuffle). I misused a potion of gaseous form to evade her. A few turns later I ran into her again. This time I gave her my masterwork tools and she left happy. She must have really enjoyed the tools since we have never seen her again and my honor is still intact. ![]()
![]() Red Harvester wrote:
My group has yet to encounter the shopkeeper's daughter. She's been in a few places we closed out, but apparently she doesn't like to hang with us ugly guys. ![]()
![]() Thanks Vic for clearing up most of everything, still have one question here; If the card is face up on top of the deck and it is still considered part of the location deck, when you examine the top cards of a location deck with say spyglass (or augury) and you put the cards back in any order, can you not put the collapsed ceiling on the top face up? Or do you not even look at collapsed ceiling and instead look at the next two cards. In the case of augury, can you name barriers and move the card? ![]()
![]() A3) I remember reading about this in another thread. If I remember correctly, the location you are at is not closed if the villain is there (the villain becomes the entirety of the location instead) and since you did not defeat it, it stays in the open location and you have to try again later. Not sure about the other questions. ![]()
![]() We ran into our first collapsed ceiling on Monday and had ourselves a situation. My buddy had gotten stuck by the collapsed ceiling and I was at another location. On my turn I flipped over the villain. My buddy failed to temp close his location and I failed to defeat the villain. We didn't know if we were suppose to shuffle the collapsed ceiling back into the deck or leave it face up on top. Then we discussed what would happen if he cast augury and named barriers? We left the collapsed ceiling face up on top of the deck as we shuffled blessings and the villain into the open locations. We didn't actually have augury at the time to make our own ruling on it. ![]()
![]() I got confused in the beginning because they say if you don't have the skill you get a d4, but then there are some skills listed on my character card that has the d4 listed. I'm thinking why only have some skills listed as d4 and not others? Then I figured that the listed skills with the d4 must be a basic skill that other skills are based off of or something. ![]()
![]() I must be doing something wrong then, because I cycle through his deck like crazy. I'm always recharging weapons and drawing new cards every turn. I never keep more than one armor in my hand (though I don't think I have every needed it yet) and I discard extra armors during my reset. If I have the dagger, I always recharge it for the extra d4 and an extra draw from my deck. Out of the three characters I use, he cycles through his deck the fastest. ![]()
![]() hfm wrote:
Thanks for the response. I had a great time just watching other people on youtube play. If we didn’t already start our game, I’d be tempted to record our game. We played again tonight, which I may post another play experience with tomorrow. In response to your response about the villain encounter. I believe you missed the part where I mentioned that the rogue had the final turn. I probably didn’t make it clear enough in the post, but basically we were on our last blessing for the blessing deck and if we didn’t defeat the villain, we would have no more turns left and would have lost when the villain escaped because we forgot to temporary close the location, which, if I remember correctly, was summon a random monster and defeat it, which could have went either direction at this point. We learned from our mistake and haven’t made the same mistake again. Vic Wertz wrote: You didn't already recharge it—it says recharge it for the smaller number *or* discard it for the larger number. Well, here was my thought process when I encountered the power. Take note that this is coming from a new player of the game who had to teach himself how to play. I looked at the card and saw two numbers that are the same, recharge for 1d6 or discard for 1d6. And I thought to myself, what’s the difference? There must be something in the game that is beneficial to being able to choose if you recharge or discard and the rogue has the ability to choose which one she can do to gain the 1d6. Then I notice the word additional. Well what does that mean? Additional 1d6 to the damage I’m already doing? If that was the case then why isn’t the word additional used for the recharge part? Is the word additional even important or am I reading too much into it? I don’t see anything in the rulebook that says the word additional is important, so I must be just reading too much into the word. So I look through the starting rogue deck and don’t see anything that stands out as a defining reason why the rogue would gain any benefit between choosing to recharge or discard and that recharging would be the optimal choice in any case. So there has to be some reason why discarding is an important option. So maybe it in an additional 1d6 to the 1d6 I would get for recharging the card. So how do you recharge a card to get the 1d6 and then discard it to get the additional 1d6? I was stuck on this part for a long time. Wait a minute, there is a comma in the sentence. This power’s wording isn’t set up like other powers, like blessings. Blessings have discard to do something, space, discard to do something. This power has a comma. So maybe it really is discard to add 1d6 to the 1d6, for a 2d6. So that’s how we decided to do it, discard for 2d6. Then I said if I post a play report, I’ll question the decision, just in case because I’m sure someone will lead me in the right direction. So I did figure it out, and I was letting h4ppy know a shorthand version of my thought process with the card. ![]()
![]() h4ppy wrote: One thing I suggest to mix up your experience a bit is to try playing 2-3 characters each. The game is a very different experience with 2 compared to 6 characters - you'll find more time pressure and less time for sight-seeing with six, but more flexibility to deal with whatever you find. If we had it our way, we’d each just stick to one character throughout the entire adventure path, however we don’t want to get to the point where we’ve finished the currently released adventures and now are just sitting around waiting for the new release. Our plan to play multiple characters is really just to slow us down from playing all the released adventures too fast. Playing multiple characters defeats this purpose. However, once we’ve finished everything, playing with multiple character through the entire adventure path could be a good idea while we wait for Skull & Shackles to be released. h4ppy wrote: [The rogue] can always evade any card she encounters, so you could have evaded the monster which Ambushed you and just considered it a great scouting opportunity. Nice. I didn’t realize it was any card, I was thinking it was only monster encounters. h4ppy wrote: Yes, if [the rogue] discards a card she gets to add 2d6. My confusion on this is because I had a tough time trying to figure out that if you recharge a card you get 1d6 but then how do you discard a card that you already recharged in order to get the additional 1d6? Anyway, thanks everyone for the response. Our next scheduled game is for Monday. I can’t wait, seriously, I’ve watched every video on youtube about this game during the week while trying to wait for our scheduled game. Which made me realize that I’m not the only person who also hates the bunyip. ![]()
![]() My buddy and I finally played our first adventure (3 scenarios). He was the sorcerer and I was the rogue. We changed our names and character pics to protect the innocent. Our starting deck was also built using the suggested cards from the rulebook as we didn’t want to spoil any surprises by reading all the cards first. The first scenario had my buddy’s sorcerer wiping out monsters easily by discarding cards (turning them into spells) while I sat at another location evading monsters and henchmen trying to get all the boons. After a while we realized this was a terrible plan as my buddy’s sorcerer was now almost dead and we were running out of blessing cards with no idea where the villain was. Not to mention that any encounter I was involved in I couldn’t roll higher than a 3 on the dice (the dice gods hate me). Speaking of which, I (as the rogue) was a victim of the Ambush and I failed my check to avoid it, so I assumed that I couldn’t evade the monster that appeared because of the failed check? Anyway, through some crazy miracle, we were able to close two location and with each of us hanging out at the remaining two locations. The remaining two locations had one with no cards that we failed to close and the other location with a deck that was untouched (but through the process of elimination we knew the villain was there, somewhere)…needless to say we figured we had lost. My rogue had the final turn and we were just going through the motions to end the game when I drew a spyglass. After easily acquiring the spyglass I used it to look at the next two cards and was shocked to see the villain as the second card. I quickly put the villain on the top of the deck and my buddy and I went from a low (losing the game) to a high (we’re going to win the game). I used an ally to explore a second time and, to my lack of surprise, I found the villain. This time, unlike so many other times during this scenario, I remembered that I could add dice to my combat check as a rogue. We were unsure how many dice I can get. Recharge to add 1d6 or discard it to add an additional 1d6. So is that 2d6 for discarding? We went with 2d6, though it didn’t matter since I rolled max on every one of the dice and slaughtered the villain (the dice gods love me). We won and celebrated like mad men. Now remember how I said we went from a low to a high? Well apparently we got so high that halfway through the second scenario we recalled that we didn’t close out the other location because we were so focused on killing the villain, so technically we lost that game. However, since we were already halfway through the second scenario and we figured closing the location would have been easy, we chalked it up as a beginner mistake and accepted it as a win while preparing ourselves to never forget that again. The second scenario was much easier, especially as a rogue with thieves’ tools. I had no problem finding and disabling all the traps myself, leaving mostly harmless areas for me and my buddy to take all the cards since we found the traps early and decided to not close the locations until we took as many cards as possible from them. We were a little confused on if the check for the ally was more difficult or easier, we assumed that it only made story since if it was easier to gain allies in the city and went with that. My buddy got a dog that he absolutely loves for some reason, I don’t see the coolness of the dog, but to each their own I suppose. We did discover another question at this time that we couldn’t figure out. The dog gives a bonus to a perception check, but his sorcerer doesn’t have perception so when a card came up that he wanted that required a wisdom perception check does he roll d6 for the wisdom plus the dog’s bonus, or does he roll a d4 since he doesn’t have perception skill, and then adds the dog’s bonus? We never answered this question ourselves as we then noticed that he had a potion of visibility that he used to automatically pass the perception roll. Anyway, everything was going good, we were watching our time, using the one closed location ability to stack our hand, and we set the last open location’s deck up to the point that we knew the next card was the villain. Everything was going our way, right? Wrong. Our plan was this; with two turns left in the blessing deck, I would make the first attempt to kill the villain since I had plenty of ways to reduce damage if I screwed up and if I didn’t succeed in killing him, my buddy would finish the job next turn. Except we found out by reading the card that his attacks are poison attacks and we can’t reduce damage! In addition, I couldn’t stack my hand with the dagger I wanted and was stuck with some kind of bow that I wasn’t proficient with. We then got confused again. Not being proficient means we increase the difficulty by 4, but does that mean if we fail the roll, we take damage based off the new difficulty or off the villain’s printed difficulty? The logic being that our lack of bow skills doesn’t mean the villain hits us harder. We ruled in our favor again, not increasing the damage dealt. Now that I’m thinking about this, I think it may have been a bad ruling. This turns out to be a crucial decision, since I failed the roll and had to take damage. If we ruled in my favor I would live, if we ruled in the villain’s favor I would not be able to draw my hand size and would die. Since we ruled earlier that I would live, I lived and my buddy went up and zapped the villain with a bunch of magic, blessings, and hocus pocus stuff to kill the villain. The third scenario was pretty quick, at this point my buddy has a spell that allows him to name a card type and check the top three cards of the deck for the card type and place those cards on the top or bottom of the deck, he named villain and found the villain quickly. We then pillaged the temple for all its boons and quickly closed out the remaining two locations after killing the henchmen. Killing the dragon was easy for me, I walked up to it by myself, used a dagger 2d4, class power 2d6, and used my blessing of the gods to copy a blessing that gave me 2 dice to my dexterity based combat attack for 3d12, and the dragon had no chance. Though there was a slight scare right before when I lost three cards from my hand due to a breath weapon attack, but ultimately the dragon was toast. We figured that at the slow rate in which the new adventures are released, that we would quickly fly through the adventures and then have to wait forever to continue the story. So instead we are setting our characters to the side and taking two different characters through the same 3 scenarios next week. He’s taking the barbarian and I’ll step out of my comfort zone and play the druid. Then the next week we will take two more characters through the adventure, he’s taking the bard, and I’ll be the fighter. This will slow down how quick we go through the adventure, hoping the complete path will be released by the time we get all three set of characters advancing through the campaign at the same time. During the points in the adventure when everyone has done the same adventures, we can interchange characters, and if a character dies, we will quickly have a back up to use to continue the game. Having lots of fun. |