Algon the Ever-Seeking

Silverhelm's page

39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


skizzerz wrote:
Silverhelm wrote:
Can you use this with base set Rise of the Rune Lords? Don't see why it would be any different then a class set character.
Largely, no, you can't. Only the character cards themselves would fit in RotR, the remainder of the boons and banes are specific to MM. Even then, the characters are tailored towards MM, unlike the general-purpose characters found in the class decks. They may have trouble in RotR due to having worthless powers that are specific to MM's challenges, or require card support from MM cards (which if you mix into RotR will cause the flavor of your set to be horribly conflicted, if that is something you care about).

Yeah, that's true.

Can you use this with base set Rise of the Rune Lords? Don't see why it would be any different then a class set character.

As subject states. Need my pathfinder adventure card game subscription canceled.

Understand that was trying to keep this post from getting buried.

Silverhelm wrote:
Trying to cancel my subscription. Can you please do it from here I've tried calling and emailing. Thank you.


Trying to cancel my subscription. Can you please do it from here I've tried calling and emailing. Thank you.

delslow wrote:

I can't seem to locate the previous thread on game difficulty, and a new thread to discuss the "difficulty" of the game seemed appropriate.

I find that our normal group of 4 or 5 people tear through the game because of three main factors:

1) Each character is able to close a location on their first or second turns pretty consistently (except for the fighter, that is). We even poke fun of each other if we fail to close a location on our turn. There needs to be a mechanic to place henchmen and villains closer to the bottom of the deck (maybe a Pandemic type system).

2) Our players NEVER fail a monster check (1 fail per 3 play sessions). Monsters' checks should be higher and they should scale with the number of players in the game. Most monsters should always do some combat damage making armor much more valuable.

3) Blessings make encounters trivial. Here are some suggestions on how to curtail some of their usefulness:
- Blessings always add a D4.
- Blessings can only be used by players in the same location. (?unless you have the divine skill?)
- Only one blessing may be played per check by anyone.
- Blessings played by players in other locations are always buried. (?unless divine skill?)

I know you don't want to over complicate an already complicated game, but I find our play group quickly losing interest in the game because it is waaaaay too easy. I told them A4 would be harder, but the first two scenarios might have been even easier than the previous adventures.


Shuffle better?

Pixel Hunter wrote:
For future boxes, why not just add the verbiage to increase the difficulty of these "basic" staples (pit traps, etc.) by the adventure deck number. Other banes have this to keep them relevant as you progress.

That's a pretty good idea!

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

I think its always been in there, but I don't have the original rulebook with me to say for sure. I know it was in the November (v2) update.

Its something easy to forget since you never actually practice dying. There are way more relevant rules to remember than one you hope to never have to employ.

So true

Then not evadable. Since there will more then likely be more skills like evade why not at the bottom just say.

Keyword: Evade (or not evadable)
Skill #2 unusable unless blah blah
Skill #3 usable unless blah blah and so on.

This will avoid lengthily typing that sometimes leads to confusion. Simple and to the point.

All they probably need to do in future base sets is put key word Evadable at the bottom of each card. If it isn't their then you can't evade it.

One thing I'd like to point out. There is a lot of customizable options you can do with this game to make it harder or easier.

If your one of those people who think the game is easy from beginning to mid. point then you can make it harder by changing some text around to do so. For example Burglar if you want these cards to be a early annoyance you can by house ruling/changing its text to your desire. Personally I think Burglar should be a nasty card if you don't alley with him or helpful if you do. Make it impossible to evade this guy, forces you to deal with him. After all he is a burglar he probably knows all about evading himself anyway.

I relies card(s) should say weather it's evadable or not but it really isn't game breaking. Still I'd like to know what they come up with.

That would be cool too.

Yeah. I hope this card is a little more hostile though if you don't acquire it. Early game annoyance is good.

Silverhelm wrote:


Evade ignores the entire card except for anything that says anything about evading or things that might let you evade.

I found this. Looks like csouth154 is right.

Copy and paste didn't work the way I hope it would. That was written by Mike Selinker in a Evade thread.


Evade ignores the entire card except for anything that says anything about evading or things that might let you evade.

I found this. Looks like csouth154 is right.

Don't you need to encounter something to evade it? To me you encountered, evaded then failed to acquire. But you might be right I'd liked to know who is.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

I've never given the burglar much though before, but since we've started removing basic cards, its raised two questions for me about the burglar. I have my opinion on what the answers are, but I'd like some confirmation, even if only from other players, that I'm correct.

This may have been asked before, but the forum search function is acting buggy right now, so I didn't find anything in a search (even tried a site specific Google search and got nothing). So here goes:

Burglar wrote:
If you do not acquire this card, discard 1 weapon or item.

So, here are my two questions:

1. What happens if you evade the burglar?
2. What happens if you don't attempt to acquire him?

I think that in both cases you discard 1 weapon or item. For Q2 this seems more obvious, since his power doesn't say "If you fail a check to acquire..." It just says if you do not acquire him, and not attempting is still not acquiring.

Q1, I still think I'm right, but I guess what has me second guessing myself is that his Powers don't say "If you encounter this card" like a Blessing of the Gods and they don't say "After the encounter" either, so he's kind of unique (at least as far as I can think). But I think the "Cards do what they say rule" covers this:

Rulebook v3 p22 wrote:
Cards Do What They Say. Read any card as it is encountered or played, and do whatever it says as soon as it makes sense to do so.

So it makes sense that his Power applies when he is encountered and that evading or not attempting to acquire him doesn't change that.

That makes it interesting for those deciding they don't want to attempt to acquire him so they can remove him as a basic card. Assuming my instincts are right.

So anyway, some confirmation or other opinions on that would be nice. Thanks everyone.

I'd play it as he's sneaky enough to take some goods even if you evade. Better to try to acquire him unless you have something you don't mind discarding.

Lol fair enough.

I got to ask about one thing about this adventure path (and I understand if you can't)(spoilers ect.). Is there going to be a lot of dragons in this one? Or is it another dragon villain or better both? Cover has a dragon on it.

Calthaer wrote:

Yes: nd-Shackles#53

Ahh nice Ty

Will there be a symbol or icon showing which set the cards come from for quicker clean up? Incase we do mix them a bit.

Burglar. Since we started playing with Merisiel and she died in black fangs dungeon. We quickly figured out we had no good way to deal with barriers (new character is Kyra). When the ally Burglar came up that helped a lot it's been in Kyra's deck ever since and probably would only replace it with something better and similar to it.

I'll probably replace my Merchant with one if I run into one again for my Seelah that way we have two.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

What you do in Foul Misgivings is this:

1. When you encounter a haunt, you automatically place it in front of the encountering character's card.
2. Count how many haunts in total are displayed in front of all characters. Roll d6. Add the counted number of haunts to the result of the roll. So if that was your first haunt and you rolled a 2 it would be 1+2 = 3. If you had 3 haunts encountered and displayed already it would be 3 + 2 = 5.
3. If the result of that math problem is 5 or more, you summmon Iesha from the box and encounter her.
4. After the encounter, Iesha, as a summoned monster, goes back into the box, where she is defeated or undefeated, or neither.

The only one that can defeat Iesha is Kyra. She can add 1d8 to any check to defeat a bane with the undead trait. Other characters can succeed at the check, but Iesha will still be undefeated. Even a Divine check in and of itself does not have the magic trait in it.

To add a trait from a card to the check, the card has to be played during the "Determine What Die You're Using" step of the Attempting a Check Sequence. Crown of Charisma, which has the magic trait on it, is not played during this step, because Crown of Charimsa does not determine the die/skill. The Crown of Charisma is played during the "Play Cards and Use Powers to Add to the Check" step. And in that step, cards do not give their traits to the check.

Rulebook v2 p11 wrote:

Determine Which Die You’re Using...

Some cards may allow you to replace the required skill for a check with a different one; as part of this action, you may play only 1 card or use only 1 power that changes the skill you are going to use. When you play a card that does this, add that card’s traits to the check; for example, revealing the weapon Longsword +1 for your combat check adds the Sword, Melee, Slashing, and Magic traits to the check.

Play Cards and Use Powers That Affect the Check (Optional).
Players may now play cards or use powers that affect the check. Players may not


Ok I did all of that right except banishing Iesha back to box. And yeah I don't know why I said anything about divine doesn't count as magic trait anyway. Derp. Brain fart. Sucked how I summoned her every time I encountered a haunt because I rolled like a pro on them! Couldn't roll under a 5 to save my life. I had two haunts with me almost the entire game. And if I remember correctly they make all checks even harder while their with you. I'm just glad my character didn't die.

In that scenario says to roll for each haunt 5 or higher when you encounter one. Then she comes out to haunt you next. I failed that every time.

Wow how did I miss that? No divine? Says divine on mine. Which I still failed.

Ok so all summoned no matter what goes to box got it, thanks. At least I played all other summons right.

On Iesha I just plain failed to defeat her. Don't think I had a weapon on me so I moved on to new location so I can deal with her later. I figured since she could be undefeated if you don't have magic trait then I treated her like a normal monster. (Which I see was a mistake)

Let me just say rolling bad against haunts sucks lol. It managed to end my timer down. I failed every roll on the haunts. Then couldn't defeat the Skinsaw man because the haunts kept following me (because they stay with you). But I had a blast getting my butt kicked like that!

Never had so much bad rolls and constant bad hands since I've played this game. If your waiting to play the next adventure risking your main character might be a bad idea at this stage of the game for kicks and giggles. This scenario can be really nasty if things don't go your way!

Was playing this scenario today and ran into something a little confusing. You roll a d6 after you encounter a haunt if you roll a 5 or more you summon Iesha Foxglove. My confusion is Iesha Foxglove says "if you don't have a magic trait she is undefeated". I took that as this summoned card goes into the location deck if undefeated.

After failing against her the first time I moved to a new location on my next turn only to find another haunt and failed! My problem is I always played summoned creatures don't go into the location deck but this one says no magic trait,no defeat. Second confusion is if I played it right how in the world do you summon a card that is in a location deck?

Or should I take that as she is defeated but you don't get to summon Skinsaw man? Last time we played this we defeated her and it wasn't confusing. But I went back for kicks and giggles and ran into this defeat.

fuzzyfoot88 wrote:

The Adventure Packs follow the RPG books from the same Adventure Paths. There were 6 books chronicling the complete story of RotR, so there should be 6 Adventure Packs, one for each book.

Paizo said they aren't against making high level Adventures later, but aren't going to do so yet. That being said, I think they absolutely will release a high level Adventure at some point because if they didn't, the Adventure Path reward you get for completing all 6 APs is pointless.

Hope they do. Thanks for explaining that.

csouth154 wrote:
Not that it matters because I'm sure everyone understands your question, but your terminology is a bit off. All of the adventures (1-6) make up one adventure path. A path is made up of multiple adventures, which in turn are made up of multiple scenarios.

Yeah figured I worded that wrong.

Hope this hasn't been mentioned if so sorry in advance. Was thinking once you finished with path 6 I was wondering if Rise of the Runelords could have a path 7 in the lore of it all? Once my character is past 6 I would love just one more challenging path for my high level hero. I have no problem tossing the character box to make room for a path 7. Don't really need that box anyway once opened. I know I could make my own if I wanted but I want an official path 7.

Might as well do it for shackles too that would be cool.

(Wife's character)

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Healer
Skill Feats: Str +2 Wis +2
Power Feats: Hand Size +1, Weapon proficiency, Heal 1d4 +2, +2 to acquire
Card Feats: +2 Blessing, +1 Spells
Weapons: Impaler of Thrones, Longsword +2
Spells: Holy Light, Major Cure, Inflict, Cure
Armors: Snake Skin Tunic, Elven Breastplate
Items: Holy Candle
Allies: Burglar
Blessings: Gorum x2, Lamashtu, Irori, Gods x4

Wife died with her first character Merisiel somewhere in black fangs dungeon. So I back tracked to the beginning to help catch her new character up with my Seelah which I showed above.

Character name: Seelah
Role Card: Crusader
Skill Feats: Str +2,Wis +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, or spell,1d6 +1,or end
Card Feats: Spells +2, blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming mace +1, Warhammer +1, Icy longspear +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Augury
Armors: Hide armor of fire resistance, Half-plate, Shield of fire resistance
Items: -
Allies: Merchant, Father Zantus
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods x3, Desna x2, Lamashu, Gorum

Kthulhu wrote:
Fox owns Fantastic Four film rights, so they will obviously not be integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is rumored that they will mesh the F4 and the X-Men, however. Too bad Days of Future Past is looking to be such an absolute clusterf--k, that would be a very good way to start that, by having Franklin in the future.

Love Marvel to bad they sold the rights to others like Sony and Fox! Would love to see an improved FF4 with Galactus. Or Siderman and Wolverine with avengers.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Cheez wrote:

Hi Vic,

Our order just arrived in the mail!!! My daughter is going to be so surprised when she opens it (from Santa of course). I just wanted to express my sincere thanks and let you know that we promise to #PayItForward.

Happy holidays,

Ben (and Abby)


Out of curiosity, did you get an actual shipping notification e-mail, or did you receive your deck while it still showed "Pending" on your account? If the latter, then there's hope for the rest of us to receive them really soon too :)

Mine still says "pending". The follow up item in my subscription has a estimated date though. Don't know if the pending is an error or it actually shipped.

Lord Snow wrote:
I wonder if high level Pathfinder Adventure Card Game feels different from low levels.

Was wondering same thing. Was also wondering why there is a reward after you finish with Rise of the Runelords? Wouldn't you just want to start a new character? I guess you could farm still.

It's torture waiting for these to come out lol!