>>Apologize to *Chris Lambertz* for ALL your Misdeeds Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sorry people forgot about this again.

Sorry about making fun of you guys and your fixation with the rules-related subforums on the fun thread about genocide.


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You know those furniture strips.... the ones that say "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law". I clipped mine off. I'm sorry.

You what? Holy shit, everyone in the minivan!

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

LazarX, you do realize that Chris Lambertz does not have to keep confidence in her confessional the way Catholic priests do right? You better run for Mexico and freedom!

Liberty's Edge

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I'm sorry I caused all that cancer.

I didn't realize it was such a hideous disease.

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I apologize that I give Cosmo too much attention and praises.

I apologize for taking the bait, losing my temper (even politely), and for another thread being locked.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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For Chris

I am sorry I posted to the "Cheesy Mage Pick-up Lines" thread.

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I'm sorry I didn't read this thread sooner.

The Exchange

I'm sorry that your duties here sometimes make you feel like you're running a kindergarten.

I am sorry that Lincoln overestimates us.

The Exchange

(Good one, man!)

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I'm sorry for all the weird things I say.

I'm sorry if all the weird things we say broke Dr. Mr. PMG, Sr. III.

I'm sorry I am an offensive person.

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There is a black magic spcialist that should be sorry.

i am sorry that i killed a person in the game.i didn't mean it.
don't want to kill anyone at all

I apologize for wanting to compose a parody of Me and Babbi McJi.

♪ ♫ "Spamming's just another word for nothin' left to lose..."

I apologise for being the real King of Walrus Love.

"Too much of B*** J* is not gooood for Paizo, babeh"

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Freehold DM wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Also, I apologize for thinking you were a guy until now, Chris. When there's a gender-neutral name and a female avatar, I usually at least bother to check. I think I'm just too used to having my brilliant sense of humor quashed by dudes like Gary Teter and Vic Wertz, so I subconsciously assumed.
No worries :)
I thought you were a man too, once.

Go on....

I apologize for my part in this. Mostly, I wanted any negative attention or response (if any materialized) to be directed toward me, who was actually the one who did the flagging first (instead of blaming anyone else) as I was not involved previously. I believe the second posting was informing me of the correct procedure. Thank you for all you do.

I'm sorry for risking the creation a space-time rupture large enough to swallow the planet today.

I'm designing an XML schema for storing XML that itself describes an XML structure for further XML data, along with another layer of XML designed as a CSS/XSL analog for presenting the aforementioned data in different ways. I may at one point have hit an infinite recursion factor whereupon reality itself was threatening to fold in upon itself and disappear. I shall do my best to avoid any repetition of this in the future. Or, indeed, in the past.

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I'm sorry that every time I see you post, I assume it's to chastise us lesser beings. Sometimes, you're just being sociable!

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I'm sorry that I find your avatar disturbingly attractive.

There. I've said it. I feel better.

NobodysHome wrote:

I'm sorry that I find your avatar disturbingly attractive.

There. I've said it. I feel better.

Welcome to the club!

Sorry for the threadjack.

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I apologize for trying to consume the whole world in a rasping pit of sin and destruction :(

Silver Crusade

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Deskari,Lord of the Locust Host wrote:
I apologize for trying to consume the whole world in a rasping pit of sin and destruction :(

You should also probably apologize for the crotch locusts.

Poor Areelu...

I ain't sorry fer nuthin'!

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Hograth Graul wrote:
I ain't sorry fer nuthin'!

Double negation.

I give my apologies to Chris for my thread on Rogue's getting so out of hand. Reading over it I was so disgusted with it I was trying to figure out how to close the thread... only to find you beat me to it. I don't know if you read this thread often, but I am grateful that you put a stop to that. I tried to PM you my thanks, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. Either way, I just wanted to say thank you for putting to stop to that thread, and apologize for my role in starting that mess.

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How to use PMs:
> Click on the Name/Avatar of the person you want to send PM to, which opens their profile.
> At the top, under their name, should be a link saying "Send Private Message". Click that, write, and send.

Welcome to the boards, and sorry you had the misfortune of starting on a sour note by stumbling into a hot-button issue.

Orthos wrote:

How to use PMs:

> Click on the Name/Avatar of the person you want to send PM to, which opens their profile.
> At the top, under their name, should be a link saying "Send Private Message". Click that, write, and send.

Welcome to the boards, and sorry you had the misfortune of starting on a sour note by stumbling into a hot-button issue.

She has disabled people ability to PM her.

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Guy St-Amant wrote:
Orthos wrote:

How to use PMs:

> Click on the Name/Avatar of the person you want to send PM to, which opens their profile.
> At the top, under their name, should be a link saying "Send Private Message". Click that, write, and send.

Welcome to the boards, and sorry you had the misfortune of starting on a sour note by stumbling into a hot-button issue.

She has disabled people ability to PM her.

That was totally my bad. I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry that I didn't defend your honour when James Jacobs said those things about you. True, it may have been on a different plane of existence or even in my mind, but what he said, that...... that was unacceptable in polite society.

*looks around for impending retribution from the higher powers, then quietly casts Summon Tyrannosaurus Rex*

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I'm sorry I pointed out how terrible a person was acting instead of just reporting it. I sometimes get the mistaken notion that people on the Internet are rational beings and will realize their mistakes if you just take the time to calmly point out how just how much of a jerk they're being to people while still trying to claim some sort of moral high ground.

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chris lambertz I am sorry that peeps use this thread to bring up things that happened in their threads instead of just giving you free offers to punch them at cons

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I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.



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I'm sorry I don't have a face to empunchen.

(He takes off the mask... And there's nothing behind it! Agh! Agh!)

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I'm sorry punching the face of my dragon-head would cause more pain to the puncher than the punched.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.

I'm literally the least intimidating human in person. Especially at PaizoCon.

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.
I'm literally the least intimidating human in person. Especially at PaizoCon.

Oh, Chris, you intimidate us all! *Dreamy Sigh*

EDIT: Seriously, though, if I ever do get up to Seattle for PaizoCon (both brothers live there, so it's not impossible), I'll freely let you beat on me to up your "ruthless" cred. My *sole* claim to fame in the fighting world is that I made our national collegiate tae kwon do team not based on skill, but based on the fact that I could take a beating like nobody's business, and I could tire out the entire opposing team letting them beat on me.

Hey... it was a job... kind of...

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.
I'm literally the least intimidating human in person. Especially at PaizoCon.

Hee, I was just riffing off Lamontius' comment above. You've always seemed like an incredibly calm, exceptionally nice person on the boards. Even when you have to step in because a bunch of posters are acting like irritating buttheads to each other.

And for all my logorrheic goofiness online, I am quite meek and shy in person.

Liberty's Edge

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I thought Chris was intimidating! I'm sorry!

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am sorry I don't go to cons, and therefore cannot receive my needed face-empunchening from Chris.
I'm literally the least intimidating human in person. Especially at PaizoCon.

I don't know. Are you less intimidating than a baby snuggling with a puppy?

I'm also sorry for that thing I totally didn't do to Mikaze.

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And I'm sorry that Cap, Tangent, and I can get very silly on someone else's thread on a Friday...

EDIT: Deleted the link. Realized that linking this thread to that one is unlikely to reduce the amount of silliness on the OP's thread...

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Chris Lambertz, I am sorry that the state of the internet is such that your position is necessary. We salute you.

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