Warpriest Discussion

Class Discussion

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LricRyuu.....IIRC, you can rebuild your character in PFS UNTIL you play him at 2nd level, so you should be able to re-stat him before your 4th scenario.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Craft Cheese wrote:
TBH the real problem is that for the Warpriest to work as a class it needs something, anything, to be attractive as an alternative for a Cleric. Sacred Weapon and combat feats aren't cutting it.

I think the above statement is a great summation for the warpriest. Why rely on the weapon of the deity? I believe what makes deities gather worshippers is what they represent; their domains and portfolio. Make the warpriest rely on power directly from the deity and not strength of arms.

I like the blessings and do not want to see them go away. Maybe expanding upon them could make the warpriest more unique; adding a medium power ability, granting 3 blessings instead of 2, or granting the domain powers in addition to the blessings?

Maybe play more with the channeling. Allow the use of both normal and variant channels, smaller channel that bursts at range, grant allies the use of low level domain powers, etc.

Additionally, what happens to ex-warpriests?

yeah, i've said before that i'd prefer if they were more channeling than casting oriented and their blessings modified their channeling into more combat effective buffs/damage/debuffs that could be used as swift actions.

Shadow Lodge

What happens to Ex-Clerics that switch deity's in which one of them has a weapon they are not normally proficient with? We have been waiting on that for PFS for a long while now.

I agree, though, I like Blessings. Some need some work, but I like that they are based off of the 1 Min duration rather than the Rounds/Level garbage. All in all, the powers do generally seem better than with Domains, too. There are exceptions, don't get me wrong, and a few read almost identical, but all in all, I like the abilities and the way they work over Domains. The Domain spells part is an issue though, as that is one of the main ways that a Cleric plays a little bit differently than most other generic Clerics. Same thing with the Warpriest, they need some way to have semi-unique spells.

I still hope that they ditch Channel Energy, or at least remove the Cha and healing aspects from it completely. I really don't want to see this class become another battlefield healer, or more to the point people expecting it to play as one in any way. For the most part, the entire point of playing a Cleric/Fighter is to divorce yourself from the perceived roll of being the healbot bandaid. At least in combat, or when there are other sorts of actions and powers they could do instead if its not an uncommon life/death situation.

DM Beckett wrote:
I still hope that they ditch Channel Energy, or at least remove the Cha and healing aspects from it completely. I really don't want to see this class become another battlefield healer, or more to the point people expecting it to play as one in any way. For the most part, the entire point of playing a Cleric/Fighter is to divorce yourself from the perceived roll of being the healbot bandaid. At least in combat, or when there are other sorts of actions and powers they could do instead if its not an uncommon life/death situation.

i don't want them to become a battlefield healer either, but i'd prefer they found a better way to utilize channeling energy (because it's kind of sad how useless it is for pretty much everyone). also, i think i'd rather they be more CHA than WIS based, but i guess either way is fine.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nicos wrote:
power attack have always worked with daggers.

Power Attack does not work with light weapons.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DM Beckett wrote:

What happens to Ex-Clerics that switch deity's in which one of them has a weapon they are not normally proficient with? We have been waiting on that for PFS for a long while now.

It's rather simple to me... You lose proficiency in one weapon and gain another. Switching gods in PFS though, that's another subject in and of itself.

LazarX wrote:
Nicos wrote:
power attack have always worked with daggers.
Power Attack does not work with light weapons.

Actually, it does..

Power Attack:

Power Attack (Combat)
You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.

Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.

When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.

You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

In my mind, warpriest should be a battlefield healer. I don't see it as a blasting class, and buffing and healing is what separates it from a fighter. A fighter-y guy who can do mass cures and swift cures seems pretty cool to me.

Sovereign Court


Actually I look at Oracles for Battlefield healing.

Look at Aasimars Fav Class Bonus then play a Life Oracle, with FCB in the Channel Revelation.

About the best Healer you can get, mebbe with a Lvl dip into Cleric of Sarenrae for the Sun & healing domains? Plus all the extra low level channels as well.

I'm looking at Warpriest as a Divine warrior along the lines similar (but different to) a Paladin. Just uses spells for self buffs & combat feats to seperate it from Paladins.

Also means that you can have a non-LG Paladin concept.

Bloodrager of Iomedae (Celestial Bloodline) at 1st lvl, then Warpriest straight on through.
Couple nice Traits that grant:
1) Free MW Longsword that can shed Light 1/Day, Light spells cast on it double the area.
2) When weapon affected by spell it does +1 damage.

So now you have a Paladin concept that can rage too?

Paul H

RJGrady wrote:
In my mind, warpriest should be a battlefield healer. I don't see it as a blasting class, and buffing and healing is what separates it from a fighter. A fighter-y guy who can do mass cures and swift cures seems pretty cool to me.

Battlefield healing is just about the least helpful thing you can be doing in combat. It's also just about the least interesting: There's a massive design space of what clerics can be. If you really want a healer class take a look at the Vitalist.

One thing I've found interesting while reading this thread is how many different conceptions people have for this class. When I saw this class listed for the ACG, I was hoping for a full BAB class with some fighter features who also had a pared-down spell list focused on healing and condition-removal and possibly some sort of swift-casting mechanic. Something that would throw a bone to those players who wanted to be able to mix it up in combat but played in a group that insists on battlefield healing. Others on the boards have had very different takes on the class, some of which I love, others of which I'm hesitant about.

The problem I have, and the problem which has led to much of the rancor in this thread IMO, is that I can't tell what Paizo intends for the class. Is the warpriest supposed to be the battlefield healer who can mix it up between heals, the front-line fighter who can toss off a few heals and condition removals when needed, a watered-down clericzilla 2.0, or some sort of divine weapon-fetishist? I don't know, but I really hope the upcoming rewrite picks a single concept and runs with it. I feel like the current implementation suffers from being a lot of nothing for trying to be a little of everything.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

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In anticipation of a revised version of the playtest document going live, this thread is locked. A new thread will be created to discuss the revised version of the class. Please refrain from carrying over existing discussions to the new thread to avoid confusion.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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