andreww |
I'd just like to link this too:
[url=http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2n4ml&page=1?AM-BARBARIAN-Build]I don't know if everyone discussing here was around back when AM BARBARIAN had his glory days, but it's very worth to read.
AM Barbarian lives in the same conceptual space as Simulacrum Army and Chain Planar Binding Efreeti for Wishes and is about as relevant to the discussion.

andreww |
Anzyr wrote:How do you find them if they are invisible? How do you grapple them when they can dispel your carpet out from under you? How do you avoid no save spells?Just like you never expect the Spanish Inquisition-you can never find Schrödinger's Wizard!
I can do exactly the same with a Sorcerer and have posted several such in the past. No schroedinger required.

CWheezy |
That post there is called a Strawman Argument. It is where you create an opponent for you to argue against, the Strawman, and then post your arguments relating to that person.
This is a fallacy, because no one in this thread is that strawman. Also, you used pretty insulting language to describe other people! Please refrain from making up opponents for you to argue against, and instead argue against what they actually say.
I am going to come back to scry and teleport. Your entire claim that you cannot actually do that even though the rules say you can seems pretty flimsy? It seems like it was listing a possible example of how to have a place be viewed once.
It is ok if you don't like how it works, but I think it is not ok to intentionally read something incorrectly and posit your reading as the only correct way

Rynjin |

Oh, so you're also removing all creatures that have SLA's?
So now we're down to comparing:
Removing two specific classes
- Removing two-thirds of the classes (and heck, rogue has to go too)
- Removing all magic items
- Removing about half of the playable races and half of the bestiaryWhat more would you like to add to make this an even more meaningful comparision?
You're determined to nitpick and argue semantics instead of adding anything to this discussion, aren't you?

Anzyr |

Anzyr wrote:No the rules specifically allow both tactics, I avoid making of use the tactics at are not RAW so the only circumstances where they would not work is if a GM houserules against it working a scenario that is irrelevant to this discussion regardless how likely a scenario that is or isn't.No, they don't.
As I said before:
I have made a poll and read many posts and it seems those screaming the loudest play a different style. The do rocket tag, which encounters lasting only 2 rounds or so, then heal with wands (if needed) with resting every two encounters or so. If you run hyper-optimized characters, with every magic item, high point buy, dumping like crazy, and every sourcebook VS standard vanilla AP encounters, yes, this is to be expected. If you allow spellcasters to Nova and rest, then yes, they will have a advantage even earlier.I am not condemning this playstyle. But it's not what the Devs counted on when designing the Ap's. Most folks don't play like that, altho it is apparently moderately common. But you can't expect them to re-write the entire game to support a minority playstyle.
I don't play rocket style because I loved playing it on Perfect Dark (N64 only of course), but because that's what high level play in 3.5 and by extension PF lends itself it to. Also my casters don't really nova and do only 2 encounters and extended day of 8 encounters is not a problem, with only 10 or more encounters of CR appropriate enemies potentially even beginning to dent stocked resources.
Anzyr wrote:How do you find them if they are invisible? How do you grapple them when they can dispel your carpet out from under you? How do you avoid no save spells?Just like you never expect the Spanish Inquisition-you can never find Schrödinger's Wizard!
You missed it then so I'll link you: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q8f3?Standard-Level-20-Wizard

Caedwyr |
Anzyr wrote:How do you find them if they are invisible? How do you grapple them when they can dispel your carpet out from under you? How do you avoid no save spells?Just like you never expect the Spanish Inquisition-you can never find Schrödinger's Wizard!
This is pretty rich when Anzyr/Chwheezy have posted a wizard build and you have yet to post a fighter.

Peter Stewart |

It is not even remotely a 'judgment call'.
It's a flat-out change of the rules.
It's a good change, which removes some of the unutterable silliness of having people hurling themselves into places they've never been, but it is a change. Saying it 'isn’t strictly spelled out within the rules either way' is utterly false.
The Teleport text reads, '“Viewed once” is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic such as scrying.' .
You can this however you want, but per the rules as written that people here are clinging to there is no certainty that scrying a location allows you to teleport. Per RAI you've got designers who have chimed in to support the position opposite of yours. In neither case is your argument on perfectly solid ground.
I'll grant you can read teleport and scrying either way - hence my 'judgement call' comment. Neither is wrong or right.
Peter Stewart wrote:Right, so what divination spell lets you look in on a far off place you’ve never seen before?Ummm...Scrying?
Ummm... no? Scrying lets you observe a specific individual you know or have a tie to. It does not let you simply observe a location.