Alchemist (Beastmorph) into Dragon Disciple houserule?

Homebrew and House Rules

Basically looking to see if anyone thinks this combo is too good to allow. A beastmorph alchemist in my group would like to take levels in dragon disciple. Now, to be fair, he has been of a draconic bent in his mutagen usage since day one, using bits gathered from defeated dragons and purchased from trophy shops and arcane dealers.

His idea is to only go for 5 levels, because he doesn't actually want the Form of the Dragon ability acquired at 6th. He's even willing to have all the abilities except extracts be restricted to mutagen form.

So, does anyone think this would be a broken combination? Everything I see says its overall weaker than just staying in alchemist for the beastmorph increases, or going into Master Chymist for more mutagen options. Am I missing something?

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