Things I hope are NOT in the Bestiary 5

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thenobledrake wrote:
I really get a kick out of seeing people say "no more wiggy names" when they are talking about names that actually come from real-world myths and folk lore - but everybody just accepts a bunch of names which are 100% made up (the name of basically every demon and devil, for example, or the otyugh)

Just because the monster came from a real world reference doesn't mean it should keep the real world name. How did that transfer over to a fantasy environ? Usually the names can be broken down into the Latin/greek/whatever bases and you can see the origin of the critter's name. How did a fantasy world make a creature with a name that has it's name origin coming from real-world dead languages? A fantasy world would have it's own name for things, not use ours.

Make a good pronouncable name, with a couple nick-names and toss in a "inspired by Flagalnotzic of Polynesia" in the description.

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You can rename every creature if you want but for those of us who like mythology I am fine with keeping the creatures' original names.

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Fake Healer wrote:
thenobledrake wrote:
I really get a kick out of seeing people say "no more wiggy names" when they are talking about names that actually come from real-world myths and folk lore - but everybody just accepts a bunch of names which are 100% made up (the name of basically every demon and devil, for example, or the otyugh)

Just because the monster came from a real world reference doesn't mean it should keep the real world name. How did that transfer over to a fantasy environ? Usually the names can be broken down into the Latin/greek/whatever bases and you can see the origin of the critter's name. How did a fantasy world make a creature with a name that has it's name origin coming from real-world dead languages? A fantasy world would have it's own name for things, not use ours.

Make a good pronouncable name, with a couple nick-names and toss in a "inspired by Flagalnotzic of Polynesia" in the description.

I absolutely, positively HATE this argument. It makes no sense, especially since we allow so many other words from Latin/Greek origin into the game. If we were to use this argument for everything, then we might as well change all the names of the weapons we have. Why call a katana a katana if there is no Japan in Golarion? Just call it a longsword. In fact, might as well change the name of the longsword to something else since Golarion clearly won't have English. Hell, we better get rid of the word sword since the Old English term, sweord, wouldn't exist in Golarion.

And what about the animals and other monsters? Surely we shouldn't have minotaurs since there is no King Minos or Greek in Golarion. Dryads? Nope, Greek too. Platypus? Latinization of a Greek word for flat-footed, so that's out. Tigers? Sorry, but that's from the Latin word tigris. Tyrannosaurus? Nope, might as well ditch it like Eberron did and come up with some idiotic better name. And hey, may as well do it with class names too. The term "barbarian" is Greek and well, there is no Greece in Golarion. Clergy (and thus cleric) is also Greek, and paladin is Middle French. As I last checked, Middle French is no longer spoken and not in Golarion.

So, ranting hyperbole aside, you can see that the issue with using the "Latin/Greek/X_Language doesn't exist in fantasy environs, so change everything" is that so much of our language exists because of these languages. If you want to go around a called an ankylosaur a macetail behemoth, then we might as well call sword "stabbity bars", tigers "Striped sabercats", and rabbits are now smeerps. Except I'm sure 'striped' and 'cat' are also Latin, so I guess we can't use that.

Not to mention it's still a disservice to the original folklore that the monster is based off of. I just think it's silly that in the Internet Age, where you can google pronunciations of words with ease, people can't take five seconds to look it up and instead need a company to pull some half-brained absolutely brilliant idea on just changing the names of everything. No thanks.

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Fake Healer wrote:
thenobledrake wrote:
I really get a kick out of seeing people say "no more wiggy names" when they are talking about names that actually come from real-world myths and folk lore - but everybody just accepts a bunch of names which are 100% made up (the name of basically every demon and devil, for example, or the otyugh)

Just because the monster came from a real world reference doesn't mean it should keep the real world name. How did that transfer over to a fantasy environ? Usually the names can be broken down into the Latin/greek/whatever bases and you can see the origin of the critter's name. How did a fantasy world make a creature with a name that has it's name origin coming from real-world dead languages? A fantasy world would have it's own name for things, not use ours.

Make a good pronouncable name, with a couple nick-names and toss in a "inspired by Flagalnotzic of Polynesia" in the description.

Better call Cthulhu "big squid face" and the star spawn "less big squid faces".

Silver Crusade

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Gotta vote for keeping original names of creatures from real world cultures intact.

(this also helps prevent stuff like Legion being renamed Granfalloon)

I don't know, 'squid' is probably a Latin word for something. Or Old English. Gotta come up with our original, do-not-steal term for Cthulhu ;)

Mikaze wrote:

Gotta vote for keeping original names of creatures from real world cultures intact.

(this also helps prevent stuff like Legion being renamed Granfalloon)

On a side note, I would love to see Legion (in the biblical sense) and a Castlevania Legion/Granfaloon-like monster. Why don't we have one?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.

That sounds like someone's WoW login. Only missing the reference to some anime and the x's surrounding it.



Silver Crusade

Odraude wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.

That sounds like someone's WoW login. Only missing the reference to some anime and the x's surrounding it.



Don't forgot the 666 or 0.

Silver Crusade

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Albatoonoe wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Gotta vote for keeping original names of creatures from real world cultures intact.

(this also helps prevent stuff like Legion being renamed Granfalloon)

On a side note, I would love to see Legion (in the biblical sense) and a Castlevania Legion/Granfaloon-like monster. Why don't we have one?

I'd love to see a straight Castlevania Legion as something that could be fought and fought on. :) We do have a number of creatures that are close though.

Hmmm...maybe a Mythic Corpse Orgy?

It's like I'm playing League of Legends again!

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Mikaze wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Gotta vote for keeping original names of creatures from real world cultures intact.

(this also helps prevent stuff like Legion being renamed Granfalloon)

On a side note, I would love to see Legion (in the biblical sense) and a Castlevania Legion/Granfaloon-like monster. Why don't we have one?

I'd love to see a straight Castlevania Legion as something that could be fought and fought on. :) We do have a number of creatures that are close though.

Hmmm...maybe a Mythic Corpse Orgy?

I liked the Warsworn from Kingmaker. Was a tidal wave of dead soldiers. Pretty metal.

Odraude wrote:
I don't know, 'squid' is probably a Latin word for something. Or Old English. Gotta come up with our original, do-not-steal term for Cthulhu ;)

According to Merriam-Webster the origin of 'squid' is unknown.

Gorbacz wrote:
Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.

But the Germans will be happy.

Vod Canockers wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I don't know, 'squid' is probably a Latin word for something. Or Old English. Gotta come up with our original, do-not-steal term for Cthulhu ;)

According to Merriam-Webster the origin of 'squid' is unknown.

Gorbacz wrote:
Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.
But the Germans will be happy.

Unknown, or that which mortal ken was not meant to know!?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Odraude wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I don't know, 'squid' is probably a Latin word for something. Or Old English. Gotta come up with our original, do-not-steal term for Cthulhu ;)

According to Merriam-Webster the origin of 'squid' is unknown.

Gorbacz wrote:
Not to nention if you, for example, rename 'rusalka' into WaterDarkFeyDoomShadow, a loud groan will be heard from this part of the world.
But the Germans will be happy.
Unknown, or that which mortal ken was not meant to know!?!

Big Squid Face says, "Stop asking questions that are not supposed to be asked."

I think that Big Squid Face should be called Big Octopus Face because if it was a Squid he would look like he was wearing a hat.
Same goes for the little ones clearly.

And to the subject at hand i dont know that i need another Bestiary but if(and when)it comes i hope not to see short discriptions of monsters that leaves you with somthing that is only seme usefull.

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Fake Healer wrote:
Make a good pronouncable name, with a couple nick-names and toss in a "inspired by Flagalnotzic of Polynesia" in the description.

Not really a fan of this approach, but I quite liked JiCi's idea of including alternate names in the creature's description, such as it might be known by locals in whatever region it inhabits.

What part of SOME didn't you understand?

I just don't like creatures with mutliple x's and y's in the name that are impossible for all people to pronounce.

The more famous asian monsters don't have this problem, but some of the less known have tons of - in their names and other such stuff.

I'm not a fan of creatures with name like these: You Hun Ye Gui, Yamata no Orochi, Yagyō-san and Xecotcovach. But I do like the names of Gashadokuro, Bakekujira, Yuki-Onna, Nekomata, Manananggal and Rokurokubi.

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Cap. Darling wrote:

I think that Big Squid Face should be called Big Octopus Face because if it was a Squid he would look like he was wearing a hat.

Same goes for the little ones clearly.

And to the subject at hand i dont know that i need another Bestiary but if(and when)it comes i hope not to see short discriptions of monsters that leaves you with somthing that is only seme usefull.

He's wearing his Pope hat. :)

Odraude wrote:
I liked the Warsworn from Kingmaker. Was a tidal wave of dead soldiers. Pretty metal.

That guy made it into Bestiary 4. When I saw him in there, I was so very, very happy because he is awesome(and brutal).

As a sidenote, I have never played Kingmaker and hadn't seen him before, so it was even more awesome(and brutal).


And on the topic of something I don't want to see in Bestiary 5? I have to agree that I'm sick of demons/devils/daemons at this point. I'm not really against new ones, it's just there's so many already. I'm always up for more undead though. The weirder, the better.

Oh, and give me more templates!

Unruly wrote:
Odraude wrote:
I liked the Warsworn from Kingmaker. Was a tidal wave of dead soldiers. Pretty metal.

That guy made it into Bestiary 4. When I saw him in there, I was so very, very happy because he is awesome(and brutal).

As a sidenote, I have never played Kingmaker and hadn't seen him before, so it was even more awesome(and brutal).

My Kingmaker players just got through with a monster-fighting tournament where this thing came up twice. It took the one player who got it a good time to deal with, and the NPC who rolled it the second time got curb-stomped.

Michael Gentry wrote:
More giants. I kind of feel like giants are all done. We have a giant for every major biome. Now we're starting to make giants for specific professions. I don't particularly need to see Flood Plain Giant, Temperate Grassland Giant, Suburban Strip Mall Giant, and Laundromat Giant in the next Bestiary.

How about a New York Giant?

The Exchange

Ba Dum Tish!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Carry on Up the Jungle now, with not wanting to see an oozalum bird!

Grand Lodge

The B-Hole.

I don't know who thought it would be cool to include this poorly named monster to the Shattered Star Adventure Path or what designer tried to justify it by saying it is from Leng and is a Lovecraft special.

Butt really, not to sound like a butt-hole or anything, but the B-Hole in Pathfinder is stupid:

DM: Alright guys, you see a B-Hole coming out of the giant rift of peril; roll initiative.

Player: That's the monster from the Great Beyond right -- the place in the Golarion solar system like Uranus?!!

Well for one thing the hyphen isn't there, so it wouldn't be pronounced that way - probably closer to "bole" or "boll" (like the weevil).

Secondly, wonder why they changed it in the first place, I'd always seen it spelled Dhole and that was less confusing (unless your players are juvenile minded, I suppose...).

Grand Lodge


DM: Alright guys, you see a Bhole coming out of the giant rift of peril; roll initiative.

Player: A B-Hole? That's the monster from the Great Beyond right -- the place in the Golarion solar system like Uranus?!!

I guess my players are just not immature enough to expect responses like that.

Sorry to bring this news to you Werry, but your B-Hole A.K.A bhole is already in bestiary 4, so you are too late with this :-p

Dark Archive

Gancanagh wrote:
Sorry to bring this news to you Werry, but your B-Hole A.K.A bhole is already in bestiary 4, so you are too late with this :-p

don't rib Werry too much about his bhole

Grand Lodge

At the very least, the B-Hole's inclusion in the B4 will give us decades of great opportunities for Uranus jokes.

Butt seriously, how could they have thought it was a good idea for Shattered Star -- and even more outrageous -- the B4 (which I obviously haven't yet purchased)?

Dark Archive

Green Ronin kinda announced a big template book, so I think that Paizo will not go that way in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, I'd like to see "thematic" bestiaries tied to Distant Worlds, Numeria and other parts of Golarion, as someone mentioned before.

Digital Products Assistant

Removed some posts. Please revisit the messageboard rules.

The bhole's a Lovecraft monster - from "Beyond the Silver Gate" if I remember my titles right. I was surprised it was only CR 17; I would've expected it to be much stronger, possibly on par with a lower-end kaiju.

Edit: Though being written for Shattered Star's Bestiary explains the lower CR, especially if the PCs in an AP have to kill one.

Link for relevance.

Close, Zhangar - it's Through the Gates of the Silver Key. They also get a passing reference in Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Removed some posts. Please revisit the messageboard rules.

What was wrong with my long post? There wasn't anything in it that was against the rules in there at all.

Anyway because it was removed for some reason:

I don't want more:

Landscape Giant, Elemental Drakes, Anything that looks or smells like the Dragonspawn from D&D, Templates, Real world animals, Aliens and Demon Lords in their own books/tomes/manuals.
No more Rakshasa, Pretty Girl monsters, pretty winged humanoids angels, Aeons, Humanoid Undead, demons with impossible names, rainbow dragons and Kami.

W E Ray wrote:

At the very least, the B-Hole's inclusion in the B4 will give us decades of great opportunities for Uranus jokes.

Butt seriously, how could they have thought it was a good idea for Shattered Star -- and even more outrageous -- the B4 (which I obviously haven't yet purchased)?

Because it's a monster from Lovecraftian fiction?

Because I have never read that monsters name as B-hole, but always as Bhole (rhymes with roll/role)

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Gancanagh wrote:

What part of SOME didn't you understand?

I just don't like creatures with mutliple x's and y's in the name that are impossible for all people to pronounce.

The more famous asian monsters don't have this problem, but some of the less known have tons of - in their names and other such stuff.

I'm not a fan of creatures with name like these: You Hun Ye Gui, Yamata no Orochi, Yagyō-san and Xecotcovach. But I do like the names of Gashadokuro, Bakekujira, Yuki-Onna, Nekomata, Manananggal and Rokurokubi.

If a person is too lazy to google a pronunciation in the year 2013, that's their fault and not Paizo's. Hell, they can take the time they would normally use to complain about it and just look it up. That's what I do.

I'd rather the onus be on us, the players, to look this up, rather than Paizo to change a name and pretty much spit in the face of the folklore.

some of the less known have tons of - in their names and other such stuff.

Those are grammatical marks. No different than tildes in Spanish or umlauts in Scandinavian languages.

Odraude wrote:
Gancanagh wrote:

What part of SOME didn't you understand?

I just don't like creatures with mutliple x's and y's in the name that are impossible for all people to pronounce.

The more famous asian monsters don't have this problem, but some of the less known have tons of - in their names and other such stuff.

I'm not a fan of creatures with name like these: You Hun Ye Gui, Yamata no Orochi, Yagyō-san and Xecotcovach. But I do like the names of Gashadokuro, Bakekujira, Yuki-Onna, Nekomata, Manananggal and Rokurokubi.

If a person is too lazy to google a pronunciation in the year 2013, that's their fault and not Paizo's. Hell, they can take the time they would normally use to complain about it and just look it up. That's what I do.

I'd rather the onus be on us, the players, to look this up, rather than Paizo to change a name and pretty much spit in the face of the folklore.

YOu missed the entire conversation because it was removed, so saying stuff on that remaining post that stands on its own isn't really helping at all.

And i'm not even against the impossibility of the name, but more against the extremly use of grammatical marks in a name, I don't mind one -, but more of them in one name are kinda bleh to me, same goes to creature with more than 3 spaces, I just don't like names like You Hun Ye Gui at all, sorry can't help it, sounds silly to me and its a creature that can easily be replaced by a Greek Shade which has a much better name if you ask me...

If you want it so badly, why don't you wish for it in the wish topic?

I have nothing against ANYTHING that made it into the paizo bestiaries this far (going on names only), only some Demon Names are horrid to me, none of the real world myth-creatures which names I dislike have been converted yet in a paizo book and I am really suprised if they ever did such creatures cuz most have silly names and have counterparts in other myths with much better and easier names.

Sometimes people aren't lazy, they just forget how to pronounce words that aren't regularly used. Integrating words into your vocabulary from languages drastically different from your own takes time. You gotta feel 'em out first and sometimes that process can take a while. Most of us aren't linguists, after all.

Hell, I've been mispronouncing "otyugh" for years.

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What sounds "silly" is relative, Gancanagh :P

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