Best Fighting class for "Early Entry" Archer Eldritch Knight


Dark Archive

So here is the setup I am planning. This is a PFS character, so I want it "as good as possible" low levels (as well as high). I actually like the idea, since I will be 1 "spell level behind" (but with a trait, my caster level will actually be FULL).

Things that are not changing:
*I have to be a Scryer Diviner, as I do not want to be a Wis/Chr Aasimar (I appreciate you can make a Sorcerer, but getting 2nd level spells @ 5 is hard enough, I don't want to wait till 6).
*This is an archer build
*For the reasons above, I am only taking 1 level. I appreciate the possibilities a 2nd or 3rd level gives, but I want my caster level to be = my level.
*Spells are currently going to be primarily focused on self-buffing... most of my rounds will be shooting with a little utility.

So here are 2 stat blocks):

Str: 14 (Deadly aim, and I want to keep damage up).
Int: 14 (or 16 if Tiefling, which is an option)
Wis: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Chr: 7 (5 if tiefling)


Str: 13 (at least qualifies for deadly aim)
Int: 16 (18 Tiefling)
Wis: 7
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Chr: 7

Worse will saves / no perception variant that has more hp / better saves on spells / more skill points. Give-and-take.

Potential Classes (Setup "Choice Class 1" / Wizard (Scryer) 1 / Eldritch Knight X)

Fighter: The default. Would probably go tiefling, since I get the extra feat here. Would be Lore Warden just for the 2 extra skill points, since armor proficiency does me no good.

Magus: Arcana lets me enchant up the bow to +1; the few archtypes I would want take away full weapon proficiency. Would get 1 extra spell, but would lose 2 hp and a feat (and this is a feat-intensive build). 2 lost skill points.

And yes, I looked at the Merm. I didn't care for it; the Knight setup SEEMS better than this.

Urban Barbarian: Controlled Rage for Dex is flat-out awesome for a few rounds per day, gives 2 hp and +1 AC on fair occasion. Same skill points.

Divine Hunter: Smite evil 1/day (nearly worthless, as I'm probably not pumping Chr just for this), but gets the same extra feat (would pick up Precise @ 1 anyway). 2 less skill points.

Ranger (Battle Scout): 2 extra skill points, great class skill list, +2 to hit / damage once per day. +2 Reflex save. But loses the extra feat. Looking strong though; a human battle scout is where I'm leaning towards.

Sohei: Deflect Arrows is nice for archers, +2 to Will and Ref, threaten with unarmed strike, +1 AC (we'll assume the 12 Wis build here).

So feat plan for pally or fighter + human would be:

1) PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
3) Arcane Strike, Weapon focus(bow)
5) Weapon spec(bow)
7) Multishot, Deadly Aim
9) Improved Crit

With non-fighter (or Tiefling)

1) PBS, Precise Show
3) Arcane Strike, Rapid Shot
5) Deadly aim
7) Multi-shot (if available, would use retraining rules @ 8 to get this otherwise), Weapon Focus
9) Weapon Spec


What do people think

With Multishot you mean Manyshot right? I would probably go with Fighter + Human for having Rapid Shot early and for the weapon Specialization. The first stat block seems more appealing to me, as you will not use save-or-suck spells anyway.

Deadly Aim requires Dex 13, no Str requirement. Str is still good on an archer, and 14 is a good place to be.

Honestly I would go pally, who cares that you don't get the bonus to hit from cha (ok, its not good not to have a bonus...) you still get a huge bonus to damage on one evil target per day. It's worth more than 2 skill points over your entire career. I mean come on even a lesser smite evil is a smite evil.

You need Precise Shot to be an effective archer in PFS: You don't have a consistent group meaning you'll very often (who am I kidding, always) have people that don't understand "Don't stand in front of the archer." On top of that, encounter ranges are pretty close in the low levels, so your melee will almost always be engaged from the first round on. Taking the additional -4 to attack from not having Precise Shot will mean you will effectively be at -8 on your attack rolls all the time.

For that reason, and that reason alone, Fighter is the way to go on an archer who isn't getting bonus feats. Point Blank and Precise at first level, Rapid Shot at 3rd, Deadly Aim at 5th. If you wait until 3rd for Precise Shot, you will be VERY frustrated.

Shadow Lodge

personally i like the trapsmith ranger archetype for your one level dip.

one character 3 roles, casting (buffing/debuffing/area control), physical damage, and trap springing with access to spells that give massive bonuses
to your search and DD attempts.

Dark Archive

I didn't see the Trapper archtype; basically giving up nothing (a useless medium armor proficiency) for +1 Perception and +1 Disable device; and gainging trapsense. Good use for my high skill points.

Probably need human in that case.

Human Trapper Guide (I like the 1/day +2/+2 rather than choosing a favored enemy... think of it as "Boss Hunting")
Str: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Chr: 7

1) Point Blank, Precise
3) Rapid, Arcane Strike
5) Weapon Focus
7) ManyShot, Weapon Specialization
9) Deadly Aim

Should be plenty of damage, and be a good buffer, scout,and trap finder/springer. Going to avoid the "debuffing" with my lowish int.

Great Suggestion, this is what I am doing. Thanks!

Thalin wrote:

Probably need human in that case.

I am confused. So did you give up going early enty to EK or is there some way you can do this as a human

Dark Archive

Scryer sub school of Divination's 3+int ability counts as a 3rd level spell (claravoyance/claraudiance) for qualifying.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

i would strongly advise against neglecting perception. you range with a longbow is functionally only limited by geography and your perception checks. Divination is a great school for an archer (always acting in the surprise round should score you some extra chances to shoot targets that aren't in melee yet), but a high perception check means getting a chance to gain a surprise round before the enemies are aware or you, or before you're within their attack range.

i don't know how often it'll come up in society play (or in APs in general), but if you can spot a monster with no ranged attack while its 300+ feet away you might just kill it before it even gets to you...

Fighter, ONLY Fighter. Your EK/Fighter levels stack for selecting Fighter only feats, and Weapon Spec on an archer class is a pretty big deal given how often you'll get full attacks.

Dark Archive

I ended up actually picking Paladin (Divine Hunter).

1) For the archtype, it's mostly strictly better. Yes, it means that Weapon Spec can't happen until 7 (Deadly Aim is worse, but I'll want both by 7 anyway). Meanwhile, while Smite Evil doesn't do much (+1 damage), it gives the ability to bypass any DR; which is really good for an archer.

2) So basically I have to be LG (reasonable for this character), I lose 2 skill points @ level 1, and have to wait till 7 to get Weapon Spec. In exchange, I get the above smite attack 1/day, the ability to use healing/divine wands and spells, and Detect Evil

3) +2 Will save

4) Divine Wand Usage. This is really handy in PFS to be able to use the CLW wands and Divine Favor.

I'm probably going to use a trait for scouting as a class skill; which will make me really good at spying (I can throw my clarivoyance around and detect evil presences). Divine Hunter gains Precise Shot, so I get the same # of feats as the fighter.

So feats:

1) Point blank, Precise, Rapid
3) Arcane Strike, Deadly Aim
5) Weapon Focus (Longbow)
7) Manyshot, Weapon Spec (Longbow)
9) Improved Crit

I went with 12 Str / 10 Wis to bump Int to 16. Much as others seem to hate them, I like skill points... and there are the occasional ray spell I may throw out. 1 damage and -1 Will Save/Perception didn't seem too much to pay.

1st level (Firing a sling for 1 module till he gets 2 SP for his bow that will one day be his arcane bond):

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks smite evil (1/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin (Divine Hunter) Spells Prepared (CL 0):
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits Magical Knack (-Choose-), Tomb Raider (Perception)
Skills Diplomacy +2, Heal +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +5, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +7
Languages Celestial, Common, Osiriani, Ancient, Thassilonian
SQ aura of good
Other Gear 150 GP
Special Abilities
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Magical Knack (-Choose-) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +0 to hit, +1 to damage, +0 deflection bonus to AC when used.

I don't think you can use a wand of clw till paladin lvl 4 as you don't have a caster lvl till then. You should look this up

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