PFS Tattoos



So instead of going Rogue X/Sorcerer 3 today I decided my character would be going Sorcerer X/Rogue 3 because SWEET TATS

Now, I know about Reservoir Tattoos, Spell Tattoos, Caster Tattoos, and the Potion-to-Tattoo spell, and I'm planning on grabbing a bunch of levels in Tattooed Mystic.

Am I missing anything? Has to be PFS-legal, btw.

False Focus with a tattoo holy symbol?



Tattooed Sorcerer does not get Eschew Materials.

You have just given me a way to get Eschew Materials as a tattoo.

TimD, you are my favorite.

Thanks much :)

Also, not sure if you're going for just tattoos or ritual scars as well, but if ritual scars fit as well... thematically & mechanically Tribal Scars (especially Raptorscale) is an awesome Feat.


Shadow Lodge

Cultist's Kiss scenario has a brand you can get, counts as a tattoo. Also, if your race has fire resistance, an extra 10 gold for a Fire Ink tattoo (Ifrit mundane item) is pretty tiefling has a fire ink holy symbol of Sarenrae on his palm.


I've never heard of or considered Tribal Scars but now that I know of it I must have it. I'm sure I can work it in for a half elf Galtish rogue. Perhaps she was adopted over her stay in the north after Shades of Ice. There are ways. I love you, TimD. You're the best.

@Ninjaxenomorph: Well, I don't have Fire Resistance, but I do have the Linnorm bloodline and newly minted Retraining rules. I can retrain into a third Sorcerer level, get fire resistance, and a flaming gosh-darned tattoo. I wasn't using that rogue talent anyway.

I love you guys.

Too bad Transfer Tattoo requires the target be a MAGICAL tatoo.

I don't think any normal GM would care in the slightest that you are blowing a spell slot to gain a mundane item you can't sell or use in any way, but PFS...

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