On one hand, neat! I've already brewed up a Kitsune fighter aimed at the full nine-tailed experience. Still haven't found anything interesting to do with Nagaji or Wayang, but, hey, I didn't even know the whole nine-tailed feat even existed until now. A net win, in my book. My first PFS character was an Aasimar Inquisitor. He was beaten to death by a giant druid after getting a log through the chest. Now I've got a Tiefling waiting in the wings, soaking up GM credit. My half-elf ranger/sorcerer is level six. (Though I'm not sure how much farther she'll make it, considering she's a right mess, build-wise.) Good on you, opening up some new races. Gives me hope that one day I'll have a Sky Druid after all. ![]()
I actually did build her as an Unarmed Fighter first, but the Unarmed Fighter archetype is so boring. So she's a Lore Warden now. TBH the main reasons she's not a full monk is because I've already done a Master of Many Styles, I like how many feats Fighters get, and at some point I want her to light herself on fire and bust through a wall Kool-Aid Man style and that doesn't sound very Lawful. ![]()
I just spent like three hours reading /tg/ storytimes and having a good time. Then I spent three minutes browsing a thread about heteronormativity and sexualization in Pathfinder and now I just kind of want to punch people except not really. I don't want to end my day like this, Paizo. Tell me a bed time story. ![]()
Encouraging words all. Thank you! I just noticed only the third act of the Wormwood Mutiny is PFS legal, so I feel more confident I'll be able to do it in an evening. I'll ask my players if they'd prefer it split, I guess. I'll have to tie it all into the Pathfinder Society, right? Start out shipwrecked on the way to Bloodcove or something rather than pressganged swabbies. ![]()
Taja the Barbarian wrote:
That's perfect! TBH it would be Dragonhide for the flavor, but I just really dislike penalties. Heck, it might still be Dragonhide. Dragonhide Shirt, maybe? I don't know, I don't even know when I'll get a chance to play this lady. Smite Makes Right wrote: A brooch has a variable price with no lower or upper limit. I always assume one is included in outfits (but I always take the explorer's outfit). Perhaps if we knew what you were looking for in a brooch, we could be of more help. Mostly I just want to be able to add "Lamplighter Brooch" to her inventory and not be asked things like "Did you pay for that?" or "What book is that from?" Eh, I'll just put it in there. It's not like anyone but me will ever notice. ![]()
Hello, community! Newbie GM here! I'm going to be running something next Sunday, and I'm looking at Modules and Adventure Paths. I've got some questions. On one hand, marathon sessions are exhausting. On the other hand, locking a character up for however long it takes to do enough sessions to get the Chronicle doesn't sound fun for anyone involved either. What's the best way to organize these things? How long can I expect something like, say, The Wormwood Mutiny to take? Does one part of an Adventure Path count as a module? Are the EXP/PP rewards the same? ![]()
Alex McGuire wrote:
No cloaks on my chronicles, alas. She's Dex 11 right now, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to at least put the 4th level stat point towards bringing it up to 12 for the modifier. It could be argued that I'm shooting myself in the foot by giving up Medium and Heavy armor proficiency just to get Feral Combat Training one level sooner, but I've never claimed to be good at this game. GM Lamplighter wrote: You can't upgrade to special materials, you have to buy them new. So, you'll have to sell the MW chain shirt and by a adamantine one. I haven't played her yet, so that's not a problem. C: BTW y'all wouldn't happen to know the price of a brooch, would you? ![]()
Smite Makes Right wrote: If you are committing to a chain shirt, are there any special materials you want? For example, mithral would be +1,000 and include the masterwork cost so if you already paid for masterwork, it's actually on +850 gp. (I assume you have already paid the +150 for the masterwork version if you are considering enchanting it with 1,033 gp.) That is perfect! I hadn't even considered that. Goodbye, armor check penalty! ![]()
Thanks to GM credit, my Natural Weapons Unarmed Fighter gets to start with a whole heap of gold and 6 fame at level 2. I've spent a bunch of it on general equipment, but I'm left with a lump sum of 1033GP that I'm not entirely sure how to spend. I've got two options in mind so far: 1. I could upgrade her Chain Shirt to a +1 Chain Shirt. 2. I could buy a heap of cracked Ioun Stones to help compensate for her tiny baby Fighter skillset with a bunch of tiny baby Competence bonuses. Choosing is hard. Any tips? ![]()
Yeah, Alchemist is another option. Lots of extra limbs, but mutagens seem to be basically 1/scenario powers. Mostly I'm a big dumb picky baby. Fighter is the most consistent option, considering I can't actually decide on anything. Starting to think you're right about Unarmed Fighter, though. I guess it comes down to if I'll be able to apply those two GM credits I forgot to report (and forgot when they happened, and who was there) so she can start with the Monk dip. Otherwise Unarmed Fighter means I don't have to dip into Monk at all. idk I'm bad at this game and I've never made a natural weapons character before ![]()
Arachnofiend wrote:
Mostly because of how late Dragon Totem comes into it. I don't like the thought of having to survive 18 sessions just to start having fun. ![]()
It's an efficiency thing, mostly. Fighters get more feats faster so there's more flexibility etc which is good for PFS. I'll probably dip into Rogue or Ranger or Bloodrager or something for more class skills + a spell list + an excuse to get magic tattoos. Mostly it's just the dragon-y natural weapons frontliner core concept I'm going for. Then again, I could also dip into Master of Many Styles. Damn, I hadn't thought of that. argh so many choices ![]()
I'm getting back into PFS with a Natural Weapons Barbarian, but I'm running into the problem where I just have too many options! Right now I'm looking at Maw-and-Claw Tiefling Invulnerable Rager Urban Barbarian going into the Dragon Totem tree, but Fighters get more feats, so a Natural Weapons Fighter could get better, faster? But they get so few skill points! (That, and they don't get DR, I guess, but there's probably ways around that). But I also like magic, and the Tattooed Sorcerer is basically the coolest possible class archetype IMHO. So many options! Cool tattoos! Mostly the tattoos, really. I guess Lore Warden is a thing. Natural Weapons Lore Warden? Or I could just be a Ranger in denial. Feral Combat Training is a definite must. Opens up Style feats, which are awesome. Then there's the part where Natural Weapons don't get iterative attacks. How do you even get more limbs in PFS? You see my problem. So much to do so much to see so much to cram into two four-hour sessions a month. What are some cool ways to do Natural Weapons characters? ![]()
I'm coming back to PFS after a long absence, and I'm having a bit of an existential problem. With different players, different DMs, and different adventures every time you sit down, how do you keep a consistent character? What are some tips and tricks to making PFS more than just sitting down with strangers and tossing some dice? How do you keep a coherent narrative over incoherent play if nothing can carry over from one session to the next? ![]()
For a gishy sorcerer/ranger, which would be a better investment for magic natural weapons - Amulet of Mighty Fists or feats like Arcane Strike, Eldritch Claws, etc? Probably depends on what you want more, right? More feats or more gold? Problem with the Amulet is that it's all kinds of hella expensive. Maybe a mix of the two would work? ![]()
Finlanderboy wrote:
You wouldn't happen to have a Sylph, would you? ![]()
Tactical Monkey wrote: -snip- YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Yeah I could get behind this. Or at least parts of this. I get that race boons have a big bragging rights thing behind them. Though something else could be cooked up for convention boons, maybe. Or have some races in rotation and some of them boon-only. Exclusivity would take care of the rest. ![]()
Jeffrey Fox wrote:
I live in Iceland. No conventions here, and no boons to trade. :( Though at this rate I'll end up going to GenCon or something like it in the hope of getting one. RE Age Count: 20 ![]()
Current build: Half Elf Rogue 2/Linnorm Tattooed Sorcerer 3 STR 12
AC 16 (10 + Dex + 1 Natural Armor + 2 Enchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor) Feats:
Started out going for a sniper rogue, changed my mind. Going to start by retraining the rogue levels into ranger for Aspect of the Beast. That'll give me claws, and use up pretty much all the Prestige I have. From there I intend to pick up levels in Tattooed Mystic until Blistering Bands turn out to be not as useful as I hope they are or a spectacularly bad idea like they probably are, interspersed with a few levels of Dragon Disciple. Now, given that I'm the kind of person who will shoot himself in the foot for the sake of flavor (Bladebound Kapenia Dancer, anyone? Diminished Spellcasting AND late arcana!) and I also get unreasonably invested in things (250$ illustration of a character that's a mechanical mess just crossing into high tier play), I figured I'd look into proper gishing. Unfortunately all I can find falls into either "Take 10 levels of Eldritch Knight" or "Play a Magus". I want to stick to the tattooed sorcerer thing and also the dragon thing. I figure I can deliver touch spells with the natural attacks as a kind of jury-rigged spellstrike. Any tips, community? Feats I should take? Levels I should dip? Spells I should go for? Items I should buy? ![]()
So I'm looking into a Tiefling Tactician/(Sorcerer or Cleric) centered around Nightmare Fist and natural weapons. It occurs to me that Walking around with 20 feet of darkness on all sides might mess some stuff up for the rest of the party. Any advice on how to alleviate this? Some way of granting communal darkvision or blindfighting? Marking enemies in the darkness, maybe? ![]()
Personally I tend to lean towards things outside the box, things that have impressive effects, things that are mechanically flavorful, or some combination of the three. Straight up summoners are boring. Blackfire Adept sounds like something you could spraypaint on the side of a van or see on a heavy metal album cover. Everyone and their grandmother has a barbarian. A barbarian who can consistently use that one rage power to hit people with other people is right up my alley. Druids are sorta interesting, but I can't play Sky Druid and Dragon Shaman is only tangentially related to actual dragons, so... I've got a Bladebound Kapenia Dancer Magus brewing, waiting on enough GM credit to start playing at level 3. Got some good fluff in mind for a cleric of Zon Kuthon, just not entirely sure what to build her crunch around. Would probably enjoy playing some kind of Batman/007 type thing but all the neat wondrous items are prohibitively expensive and being primarily consumable-based would probably send the complexity out the wazoo even for me. :( ![]()
I'm looking to make some new characters for PFS. Problem is, everything looks dull and straightforward. Anything else (Blackfire Adept caught my eye) is banned. So I come to the community. Anybody got some juicy builds? Fun concepts? Neat spells? Some obscure or rare bit of trickery? Something that doesn't take 8 levels to get interesting, maybe? ![]()
Hrm. A Bag of Holding would be very cool, but I keep coming back to Hat of Disguise. Anybody got any opinions on which is the better investment? My spell DC is kinda crappy (12 for level 1 spells), so Hat of Disguise might not work so often. But with the amount of equipment I have I'm three pounds away from lugging around a heavy load.