Beast Shape I - Darkvision?

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

<---- Searching for enlightenment.

I played my 4th level druid for the very first time last night and ran into quite the problem: darkness. Having read Beast Shape I, I figured I was set: find a small or medium animal that has darkvision and I'm good to get back in the fight.

Nope. Couldn't find a single one. Am I missing something?

It turns you into an animal. Most animals do not have darkvision.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Well, I realize that NOW. But reading the spell, that ability is called out along with ubiquitous things such as swim, scent, fly and climb. Seems weird to grant access to an ability that doesn't exist. /-:

Edit: And, after having poked though a bunch of animals today, it seems that "most" is incorrect, as well. "None" seems to be a better summation of animals that have darkvision.

Yeah, seems like not even Owls have Darkvision. Weird.

Guess you'll just have to wait until you get Elemental forms.

But the reason it's there is just for bases covered and consistency with the others in the Polymorph line (like Alter Self).

And if they release an animal with Darkvision later, then they don't need to update the spell.

well I think technically you could turn into a dolphin/shark with blindsense (your move I think would be like 5 out of water)? This would just be a good way to get a laugh out of your party if nothing else :)

Cantip:light seems to be the popular way, diminutive bats also have blindsense later on in wildshape (but have a reach of 0), any of the scent animals can pinpoint if you are within one square (but enemies still get the miss chance for both scent and blindsense, you can just pin point their square). but after waiting until you get diminutive, you can elemental/plant shape anyways (which have plenty of darkvision choices)

Oh yeah, and the feat Aspect of the Beast will give you darkvision as a druid.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Blindsense gets granted by Beast Shape III. So, 8th level before a wildshaping druid gets it from any animal form.


Drogon wrote:

Blindsense gets granted by Beast Shape III. So, 8th level before a wildshaping druid gets it from any animal form.

Only if that Animal form has it, Yes. Just to clarify.

Sovereign Court

The one animal I found with Darkvision is the Tylosaurus. Not that a Gargantuan deep sea dinosaur is going to help you.

Shadow Lodge

Ah sooo much fun I couldn't control myself.

And bats are either too small or to large?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Seeing in the total absence of light is just not an ability real world critters possess.

Darkvision is pretty much inherently a fantastic proposition.

Shadow Lodge

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Yes, but seeing as there are huminoids in the gameworld with it an animal shouldn't be an anomoly.

It's pretty much answered. Low-Light vision isan option that would work fine for a druid, and you can also get Scent, which works in complete darkness. What kind of darkness did you get into? Darkness spell? That might even be too much for darkvision. Cave? Might still be some light source, even the cave opening.

If nothing else works, sniff them out and bite their testicles. Hey, you're a druid!

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Conman the Bardbarian wrote:

Ah sooo much fun I couldn't control myself.

And bats are either too small or to large?

Bats have blindsense and low-light vision. No darkvision.

And, yes, tiny or large for choices. No small or medium bats.

Friend of the Dork, that is ultimately what I did. It didn't quite play out that way (there was a retreat involved, along with some earth elementals getting summoned before we ultimately won the day), but if it had come down to it I would have just scented my way into combat and eaten the baddy.

RtrnofdMax, thanks for actually finding me an animal with darkvision. Makes me sad that I'll never be able to wildshape into one.

If you take planar wildshape you get the celestial template ehich gives you darkvision. That is how I do it.

The Exchange

yeah, dire bat at 6th? for their blindsense, or planar wild shape.
beast shape. or if you can get a way to cast Alter Self, you can take the shape of a dwarf or orc with darkvision.

hand of glory is ... handy... as well, lets you use a ring in your neck slot, but the nice thing is you can also use a see invis 1/day. which can be as much of a pain as darkness. though at least blindsense will pinpoint invisible creatures for you. Blindfighting ( or a +2 wis ioun stone slotted in a wayfinder , to give you blindfighting as a bonus feat ) can help out with that too.

thelemonache wrote:
Oh yeah, and the feat Aspect of the Beast will give you darkvision as a druid.

But according to another thread you would not retain it while wildshaping. Because even if it is a feat the community seems to think that the bonuses from aspect of the beast are benefits of your base form. And thus lost by wildshaping.

The Exchange

that would be weird.
you can also gain claws from aspect of the beast.
which i read as similar to abilities gained by other classes/feats that are usable in wild shape.
( like claws from a dragon blooded sorcerer, you can sprout those even if you're not in your base shape, like if you change into an orc or a cuddly teddybear . if you were high enough, you could gain 1d6 + 1d6 elemental damage claws, in whatever form you wild shape into.

do you have a link to that other thread?

Sorin of Nidal wrote:

that would be weird.

you can also gain claws from aspect of the beast. (...)
do you have a link to that other thread?

The other thread was about claws gained from aspect of the beast. Or at least partly about those.

The point some posters were making was that you gain the claws once you take the feat and then loose them when wildshaping because wildshape states that you loose natural weapons you had.


Scarab Sages

I did a quick query on my Nethys database for this. I found the following:

- The Goblin Dog and Giant Gecko both had darkvision when they were originally released in Pathfinder #1, but this was removed when they got updated in the Bestiary.
- Beyond that, the Tylosaurus is the only animal that has darkvision, from the Bestiary 2. However, it wouldn't work for Beast Shape I as it is Gargantuan.

This makes me wonder...

Why do they even bother to mention darkvision in Beast Shape I and Alter Self if it can't even be obtained? It's rather strange.

Alter Self darkvision can be easily obtained. It is Beast Shape I that does not (currently) have examples of animals that can obtain darkvision.

- Gauss

I had the same question and also came up with next to nothing.

Using the monsterdb from the d20pfsrd and selecting only where type = animal and senses = darkvision (had to download it and do my own search), we get:

Dragonfish (Small), Giant Moray Eel (Large), Tylosaurus (Gargantuan)

So, with only the 4th level Druid you'll need get a fishbowl to wear on the fighter's head like minion from Megamind and some way to communicate and you're all set.

Sovereign Court

Dragonfish are 3rd party and Giant Moray Eels have low-light vision and scent.

Grand Lodge

Well, if it didn't say you got Darkvision, then if you took this feat you wouldn't get the Darkvision the template applies.

I was baffled by this lack of darkvision animals of size small to medium too. I believe there should be a multitude of land or underdark animal types that should have it. Makes perfect sense for some of these types to fit that niche in nature. Dwarves and half-orcs are not "magical" creatures. Why the goblin dog got this ability taken away is beyond me. Makes sense for goblin dogs to have it. Perhaps Paizo needs to clarify this. Suggestion: revamp a few animals to have it or allow vermin to be included with Beast Shape. With Summon Nature's Ally it brings vermin type. Elementals are brought into the picture at 6th level with Elemental Body I. They are also allowed with Summon Nature's Ally.

Scarab Sages

Aesatchien wrote:

So, with only the 4th level Druid you'll need get a fishbowl to wear on the fighter's head like minion from Megamind and some way to communicate and you're all set.

This isn't correct. Wild Shape doesn't actually change your type to aquatic, so you can still breath air if you take the shape of an aquatic animal.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Drogon wrote:
Blindsense gets granted by Beast Shape III. So, 8th level before a wildshaping druid gets it from any animal form.

Beast Shape III is also the lowest level spell that lets you assume the form of a magical beast -- and magical beasts, unlike animals, almost invariably have darkvision.

But we are discussing a Druid's Wild Shape ability, which does not allow changing to a Magical Beast.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In that case -- a Druid can get darkvision at 6th level, when he can take the form of an elemental.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rynjin wrote:

Yeah, seems like not even Owls have Darkvision. Weird.

Not really. Owls, like elves, live and hunt in forests, not underground caves. Low-Light Vision is far more useful than having darkvision with it's usual limited range.

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