Agents of Shield


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Considering it usually takes minutes for a person to finish their transformation into a full on inhuman but it took that guy several months. Unless he was just too afraid to come out for most of that time:) I am really curious what his powers will be.

I did really like the cuts back and forth between groups.


It might have been a side effect or part of his terrigenesis status.

1) As for the demon switching hosts.... I liked it! It really gave the old school 'Zarathos' feel to it. Ever since ketch and the medallion of power and then the angel aspects... the origins of the powers has been all over the place. I really liked this 'One Demon' kind of feel to it... Even though it would hurt any kind of a Ghost Rider Netflix/movie series... They could change things up... but for now I liked it.

2) I think I might be the only one who LOVED the robot reading the Darkhold. first of all... the Agents don't know what we know about the Darkhold. Second... Knowing what I DO know about the Darkhold... I STILL think it was a great idea. The whole concept/drawback of the Darkhold... was that whoever reads from it forfeits their soul. I was going to be REALLY annoyed if Coulson or May had read from it and been ok. Handing it to a robot who is by definition 'Soulless'?? OOHHH yeah! That was a great workaround!!

Yeah... something going on, but desperate times and what not. They SHOULD have wiped her programing as a failsafe afterwards... but that's a whole other issue ;)


It's still unclear which power source (demonic, angelic, Hand of God) the Spirit of Vengeance derives its power from. Clearly it's not something meant for mere mortals to hold on to, as evidenced by Mac's Ghost Rider encounter. It still could be that Johnny Blaze has GR power, but merely shifted some of that to Robbie. It's unknown at this time. I do think a Netflix thing would be the best way to go with GR until such time as we can get something like "New Defenders" or "Midnight Sons" kind of movie.

As for 2, my thing had less to do with who has a soul or not. It's just bad stuff that comes from reading it, regardless of the source. Let's not forget VAMPIRES can read the bloody thing and we all saw how that turned out... But I get why you're less annoyed in terms of "We knew it was a bad idea!" But it doesn't make it less of an annoyance for me.

Also remember that, outside of Mac, the team has been very skeptical of the supernatural at any level, with the scientists being the most skeptical. To them, the book just held to much science that's too advanced for the present-day human mind to contain, not that it was an evil spellbook of evil.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Well unless you're Adam Warlock and you get promoted to second in command of everything aka The Living Tribunal.

Actually Adam Warlock was the Big Guy In Charge until the Tribunal sent him a Cease and Desist followed by a cosmic injunction against the stones ever working together in concert again.


Yeah but now after Secret Wars (2015), he got the new posting as the Living Tribunal.


Maybe but you'd think they'd all know better if Nick Fury (the guy that doesn't fear gods) hesitates around that thing.

Scarab Sages

That was interesting, weird, and a little "WFT"....

I'm still not completely sure what Eli's plan was, other than nuking the city while working his way up the power food chain from creating elements to molecules and beyond.

And I'm not entirely clear on what they did to stop him, other than seemingly banish both Eli and Robbie to another dimension. Maybe they explained it during all that dialogue and I just missed it.

Loved the new director showing off his mad skills and appearing in uniform.

You go, Mack! Grab the girl and kiss her! That's what the Duke would have done.

Sooooo....if the robo-chick was only turned bad by interacting with the Darkhold, when did she have time to replace May with duplicate? Maybe that's the brain pattern she was working on at the end of the previous episode, based on data they acquired from May while Radcliffe was trying to ssave her life. Either way, it looks like the LMDs are going to do battle with SHIELD. That coud be interesting, as anyone can be replaced, only to be revealed at a later time. Could lead to some fun acting scenarios.

May was sent to pick her up earlier in the episode. May went alone to pick her up, then she and May joined the rest of the team on site.

Well, yes, but it didn't seem like a lot of time passed between reading the Darkhold and making that swap. She apparently constructed May's LMD very quickly, and using resources her own builder didn't notice missing.

Damon Griffin wrote:
Well, yes, but it didn't seem like a lot of time passed between reading the Darkhold and making that swap. She apparently constructed May's LMD very quickly, and using resources her own builder didn't notice missing.

unless she got him first?

oh the 2nd half of this season is going to be fun isn't it.

and you know what the weird thing is,I bet she is thinking she's helping. After all what better way to protect ALL the Agents


I agree. This is a case of that ole Batman the Animated Series two parter about AI and people being replaced.


As for what happened: I think it was a case of them using the EMP to generate enough power to open a rift so that they could contain the blast. The idea wasn't to make Eli go in, so much as make the box disappear.

As for Eli's plan; I think it's kind of a Jesus thing; He dies, he comes back, and he's worshipped as a god. Of course if the bomb takes a few million or whatever, then so be it.

Regarding's iffy but it's still probable that the combined programming to save ALL the agents coupled with the Darkhold...made that much more likely she'd try something like this. Maybe. Still unclear on that bit.

I will miss Robbie. I hope he comes back.

Liberty's Edge

I really didn't think Cisco would fall for that b!~*&~#*. He's too genre-saavy.


That may be but it's his brother man. I get it.

Liberty's Edge

Oops. Wrong thread.

Scarab Sages

Greylurker wrote:

May was sent to pick her up earlier in the episode. May went alone to pick her up, then she and May joined the rest of the team on site.

Ah yes! I recall now, hazy though the memory is.

Scarab Sages

Damon Griffin wrote:
Well, yes, but it didn't seem like a lot of time passed between reading the Darkhold and making that swap. She apparently constructed May's LMD very quickly, and using resources her own builder didn't notice missing.

Yeah, this. Maybe there was an unspecified time-jump between this episode and the previous one, and the digital brain plan we saw Robo-chick working on was the one she would eventually use for May-bot.

So, did director Mace get approval from the special UN council? Or can the Director of SHIELD deploy Registered Enhanced Individuals on US soil without oversight?

If that is the case, then what was Daisy's problem with the Sokovia Accords in the first place?

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:

So, did director Mace get approval from the special UN council? Or can the Director of SHIELD deploy Registered Enhanced Individuals on US soil without oversight?

If that is the case, then what was Daisy's problem with the Sokovia Accords in the first place?

I don't think Daisy had a major problem with the accords, I think her whole time on the run was a self-punishing guilt trip because she felt like she betrayed the whole team after the Hive thing.

She still hasn't actually addressed that either, and she really needs to tell someone about it....they need a new shrink on the team. I suggest Doc. Samson


They do need Doc Samson. But I'm not convinced he's shown up yet.

As for whether or not the approval process goes through the Director or not, it's unclear.

BTW! Did any one else catch that Easter Egg from the Daisy being director of S.H.I.E.L.D. comics thingie or not?

Thomas Seitz wrote:


They do need Doc Samson. But I'm not convinced he's shown up yet.

As for whether or not the approval process goes through the Director or not, it's unclear.

BTW! Did any one else catch that Easter Egg from the Daisy being director of S.H.I.E.L.D. comics thingie or not?

I caught it. In the comics I know her father was a former director - and Coulson is a father figure/former director. Has she been made director herself more recently?

Personally, I was hoping Robbie Reyes would have the comic origin, tied to Mr. Hyde - that would have made for a good connection to Daisy.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


They do need Doc Samson. But I'm not convinced he's shown up yet.

As for whether or not the approval process goes through the Director or not, it's unclear.

BTW! Did any one else catch that Easter Egg from the Daisy being director of S.H.I.E.L.D. comics thingie or not?

Doc Samson was in the Incredible Hulk (as the "other man"), so he's in the MCU already. Problem for him is that his actor is currently in another TV series (Modern Family, as the Fun Dad character), so SHIELD would either borrow him or recast.

Green Dragon,

Her father wasn't a former director. He's the super criminal Calvin Zabo aka Mister Hyda.

No she got the directorship from working with Old Nick Fury and ran it for a while before getting the boot. I forget the exact circumstances of how she got it, but then Maria Hill took over...and has kind of run it into the ground.


Dammit! I forgot all about that...

So apparently AIDA acting independently was a grand ruse, the Senator's brother is probably turning into Mister Miracle or something, and no matter what we learn, we all know DARKHOLD BAD!!!

Scarab Sages

Color me curious - who is the agent they were going to transfer the Darkhold to, the one who "specializes in making things like this disappear"?

Do they have Stephen Strange on retainer?

Otherwise, an awesome episode.

Yeah, some interesting twist for this one.

Only one twist? I thought the fact the Watchdogs have a higher up that might no longer be Titus Welliver aka former agent Felix Blake, makes me wonder who's really running the show. Because it's clearly not Senator Nadeer.

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Senator Nadeer doesn't understand how genetics work. Terrigenesis only works if you have the Kree modified DNA. If her brother has it, so does she.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm not super familiar with Inhumans in the comics. Is whatever gene makes you eligible for terrigenesis super dominant? Is it possible to have one sibling that goes through it and another that cannot?

I liked the twist that Radcliffe was behind Ada's transformation. I'm pretty tired of 'All AI is Evil' trope. I'm hoping for a second twist later on where Ada somehow achieves self-awareness enough to oppose Radcliffe's machinations because they fly in the face of her original programming.

Liberty's Edge

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Senator Nadeer doesn't understand how genetics work. Terrigenesis only works if you have the Kree modified DNA. If her brother has it, so does she.

Maybe. It depends on how many genes are involved.

If it is a single dominant gene held by one parent then each child would have only a 25% chance of inheriting it.

If it is a complete rewrite then each descendant would have some alterations even dozens of generations down the line.

So, anywhere from a 25% to 100% chance that she has inhuman DNA.

Glad Vijay's not dead, his powers looked really cool.


While it's not a focus for me, there are examples of Inhumans that might have the gene but never undergo Terrigenesis. *cites Karnak* Is it possible for one sibling to have it and the other not? Possible but unlikely.

CB is correct in that we aren't 100% HOW much of the human genome in Marvel comics is affected by Kree manipulations. Any more than we can figure out how much of the population that ISN'T mutants but still have enhanced/excessively susceptible to being altered by outside forces. *cite Fantastic Four, Spider-man, couple dozen others*

What is known (at least for MCU) is that we can have Inhumans even if apparently they don't know what the outcome is.

And yes Sun, I'm glad Vijay is not dead. But I do think we might see him in a different form. Perhaps even a Squadron form?! ;)

I'm assuming that's a reference, but I've never heard of him. I'm a casual comics follower and my Marvel knowledge is significantly more limited than my DC knowledge in many ways (mostly because I've watched more DC cartoons, since they're usually better).

Sun, what reference?

Probably Karnak. He's pretty obscure if your a casual comic fan.

As for the siblings... lets not forget the whole tired trope of adoptions and parents having affairs... There could be a few reasons for her to not have the gene and him to have it. Unless they are twins, there's a little wiggle room for a 'surprise twist'.

Also I LOOOOVE that Radcliffe is still evil. He was such a JERK in the last season, and while I enjoy the actor that complete turnaround this season felt weak at best. Still after 10 episodes I figured it was legit. O.O

Actually I am disappointed Radcliffe is evil, I actually liked his character.

Does anyone have any theories who/what Vijay's might actually be if he is a named character from the comics?


I dunno if he's got a named character YET! but I keep thinking with AIDA being mentioned Squadron.


Ah! Thanks. I thought Karnak was well known. I mean he DID get his own comic book by Warren Ellis for goodness sake.

As for Radcliffe turning evil again, once more it's the muther Fing Darkhold. That book man.

If you know the Inhumans... you know Karnak. He's a staple in the royal family since forever...

however despite Marvel's insistence... the inhumans are NOT and NEVER were that popular. 90% of their history has been special guest spots where the whole gang shows up... and at least half of them stand around doing nothing while the others save the day as some Deus ex Machina... If you aren't a fan of Fantastic Four... your exposure plummets drastically. In all my 30+ years of collecting, I think I have about 7 issues where the inhumans actually show up... and that was in X-factor and Daredevil runs... and they weren't that impressive :D

Black Bolt and Medusa and Lockjaw are the A-list Inhumans that are gaining the most popularity... but Karnak and Maximus and ummm... ughhhhh >.< Thunderhoof? are still pretty much background players.

Undoubtedly that will change soon with movies and shows and the IvX story... but the past 60 years? Ehhh not so much they were easy to miss if you didn't already care about them.


Thanks for clarifying that. I guess since I've read Marvel for like...since I was 8, that makes feel a little more informed...or something.

Phantom, you forgot Medusa's sister Crystal - Pietro's wife, and a prime example of how Mutants and Inhumans "can't possibly coexist" (so long as FOX holds the rights.)

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Phantom, you forgot Medusa's sister Crystal - Pietro's wife, and a prime example of how Mutants and Inhumans "can't possibly coexist" (so long as FOX holds the rights.)

OH yeah... I used to forget she was inhuman. I just think of her as an Avenger in the 90's. She would be A-list Inhuman as she married Quicksilver, Dated Johnny Storm, joined the Avengers and was related to the royal family. She was all over the place for a while.

And, like her sister, filled in for the Invisible Girl while she was pregnant.

Radcliffe being evil is a huge let-down. I liked him.
As for Nadeer not knowing how genetics work: how common knowledge is it that the Inhumans have Kree modified genes from days or yore rather than it being a plague brought by the recent invading aliens? And even if this is known to her (as it should be), it would hardly be the first time politicians have ignored uncomfortable truths in favor of some stupid s@+# that better fits their worldview. "It's a plague introduced by outsiders" is far more palatable than "it's an innate potential passed down by our ancestors".

@ T. Seitz: Mister Miracle is DC...


Doh. I meant Mister Immortal. :p

On the subject of Vijay, I kinda wished he'd stayed dead. Not that I didn't like the character (what little we saw) or would have wanted him to survive by making the right choice, but it really devalues the tragedy of the situation by having him survive it.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Radcliffe being evil is a huge let-down. I liked him.

As for Nadeer not knowing how genetics work: how common knowledge is it that the Inhumans have Kree modified genes from days or yore rather than it being a plague brought by the recent invading aliens? And even if this is known to her (as it should be), it would hardly be the first time politicians have ignored uncomfortable truths in favor of some stupid s!*~ that better fits their worldview. "It's a plague introduced by outsiders" is far more palatable than "it's an innate potential passed down by our ancestors".

@ T. Seitz: Mister Miracle is DC...

SHIELD knows it, and she is a senator, with oversight over SHIELD. So she has clearance.


Not sure she's got THAT much oversight but I'm sure she's got clearance, yes.


Not sure him surviving does detract from it as much as it confirms what I already suspected: His sister is a big selfish jerk.

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Clearance is not the same thing as access. Says the former Operations Office/Top Secret Control Officer

Sovereign Court

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Radcliffe being evil is a huge let-down. I liked him.

As for Nadeer not knowing how genetics work: how common knowledge is it that the Inhumans have Kree modified genes from days or yore rather than it being a plague brought by the recent invading aliens? And even if this is known to her (as it should be), it would hardly be the first time politicians have ignored uncomfortable truths in favor of some stupid s!~@ that better fits their worldview. "It's a plague introduced by outsiders" is far more palatable than "it's an innate potential passed down by our ancestors".

@ T. Seitz: Mister Miracle is DC...

He looked at the Darkhold. Soul said bye bye.

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