Agents of Shield


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Scarab Sages

Thomas Seitz wrote:


They should TOTALLY get a new Blackheart and Mephisto as villains.



Not sure that's true since Mephisto has proven he can get beat up by mystical power houses...

Sovereign Court

Norman Osborne wrote:
Mephisto is a bit out of their weight class.

Yes. "Car Rider" is pretty much all they can deal with... assuming they deal with him with diplomacy.

Sovereign Court

Question: would you TRULY mind if they finished this season of Agents of SHIELD by wiping out the whole team, and come back next season with a brand new team, perhaps led by Dum Dum Duggan and Maria Hill (old age or unaged thanks to some kind of potion of youth?)


I'd kind of mind yes. Mostly because I think the current team is fairly decent.

Also I was suggesting Mestipho for "Car Rider" more than Agents.

Sovereign Court

Ok Thomas. We have completely different appreciations of this show. I'm wondering if I'm the only one who started hating this show past season 1...

Scarab Sages

If you've disliked it for several seasons, it's probably just not the show for you. While I acknowledge Agents has some issues, it remains engaging and fun to me, and I've been particularly enjoying this season as they've had to expand to tell stories not set up in the first couple of seasons.

Scarab Sages

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Yeah, getting rid of every cast member would be pretty epic-level dumbassery. Not everyone on the show is annoying. Coulson kicks ass. So do May and Mack. Fitz and Simmons are several levels of awesomeness.

Even the new director is kind of growing on me. He's usually like some Mr. Rogers version of an agent, but occasionally he lets loose with some no nonsense kick assness.

Sovereign Court

Dum Dum Duggan and Maria Hill though? No one really answered the question on if they'd TRULY mind that.

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I would mind.

Dark Archive

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Dum Dum Duggan and Maria Hill though? No one really answered the question on if they'd TRULY mind that.

Either I like a show, and I wouldn't want to see the entire cast wiped out and replaced with new people, or I don't like a show, and the showrunner firing the whole cast and rebooting it is unlikely to make me like it more (or trust that this mercurial showrunner isn't going to flip out and burn everything down again next year, and destroy anything I *do* like about their 'new direction').

While an actor might be recast from time to time, or cast members come and go for various in-story reasons and out-of-story reasons, I've never seen a show just fire their entire cast and then go on like nothing happened with new people.

All that would do is piss off the viewers they *do* have.

I would love for Palicki to come back as Bobbi Morse (and, fine, whatever, Hunter can come too, I guess), but that's about as much cast-drama as I want.

So, short answer, yeah, I'd mind that.

Sovereign Court

The thought of having a SHIELD show that actually acts like SHIELD by patrolling the skies in a helicarrier is probably too much to ask at this point, I know.

Coulson fandom is one thin (hey I like the guy too) but at this point they're just not even trying to have any semblance with the organisation as depicted in the comics.

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All I know is they need a way to bring back Palicki as Bobbi Morse if only because I want her to eventually start bringing in the street level Avengers.

Norman Osborne wrote:
Mephisto is a bit out of their weight class.

To be fair Mephisto is generally out of everone's weight class. That's kind of the point. You don't beat Mephisto using head on fight, you trick him

Scarab Sages

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Set wrote:
I would love for Palicki to come back as Bobbi Morse......

She does fill out that uniform very nicely.


Well unless you're Adam Warlock and you get promoted to second in command of everything aka The Living Tribunal.

Scarab Sages

Well, that was weird.

So, Eli turns out to be an evil douchebag, like he was in the comics. Only this time, it's probably from being corrupted by the book, and he's just a really smart engineer. Not sure where they're going with him having this ability to create matter (and God knows what else).

I liked the tie back to Isodyne and the Carter season 2 story, but it seemed to me like they were writing Fitz as not being familiar with dark force. He should be, since he was insturmental in taking out Marcus Daniels back in season 1.

I enjoyed the backstory of Robbie becoming Ghost Rider. I have to wonder if that was actually Mephisto (or some other) as the Ghost Rider Devil, or was that maybe Johnny Blaze with Zarathos popping out to spread some GR wealth, so to speak.

I'm guessing Simmons has been pimped out to that Senator chick to help whomever that was in the Terragenesis cocoon (her brother?).


I'm kind of glad he is kind of evil douchebag but now at least he's not a) a Satanist and b) possessing evil crap. It's all the Darkhold fault which makes TOTAL sense. As for his power, I'm assuming it's kind of related to Dark Force power but instead has ties to maybe other dimensions, including perhaps Ghost Rider.

SPEAKING of Ghost Rider Robbie, HOLY CRAP ON A STICK!!! I'm pretty sure that was Johnny Blaze OR at Danny Ketch we just saw. I don't think it was Mephisto but it proves Robbie's GR power is probably on par with Blaze's or Ketch's. If so, I'm not surprised he a) broke out and b) beat up Mace.

What I DO wonder is where the hell are Coulson, Robbie and Fitz.

As for why Fitz didn't remember, well he HAS had brain trauma. Maybe it affected his memory slightly. I mean we have apparently forgotten about Graviton, Blizzard and now apparently Blackout. So...

I truly loved this ep even if it did raise more questions than it answered. Plus mutherfing Darkhold!

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That was interesting.


That would interesting if that was Johnny Blaze granting Robbie powers.
I also like the call back to season 2 of Agent Carter.


It seemed that way to me too.

Scarab Sages

Dragon78 wrote:

That was interesting.

** spoiler omitted **

That's what I think makes the most sense....

.....especially if they go with Zarathos as being bonded to Blaze. He was pretty powerful on his own, and could be able to grant the powers. Or, it could actually be someone more powerful, like Mephisto, who made themselves appear as a Ghost Rider.

Considering they've already potentially tied Blaze in (via the poster in the basement of the house where the Darkhold was kept), I'd think that was him. And it might make sense that he pulled in the nephew of one of the people who had the book that was stolen from him.


It makes the most sense to me too. Mostly because maybe this will lead to something else down the road.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I was happy my guess from early in the season about

the tie to Agent Carter and Isodyne was correct. And that they did a decent job explaining the corporate connection rather than just saying "21st century tech company dug up 1940s tech stuff which was redacted in SHIELD files".

Makes me wonder if Madam Masque/Whitney Frost could come back. Sure she was left in an asylum back in the 40s, but who knows how her interaction with Zero Matter affected her aging, or if whatever is being done in the current experiments re-ignites her connection from back then.

Sovereign Court

Who's the new bad guy? Molecule Man?

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Who's the new bad guy? Molecule Man?

Well at the moment it is Eli, Robbie Reyes uncle (who in the comic was a satanist serial killer and the actual spirit lending his power to Robbie as Ghost Rider).

Scarab Sages

MMCJawa wrote:

Well at the moment it is Eli, Robbie Reyes uncle (who in the comic was a satanist serial killer and the actual spirit lending his power to Robbie as Ghost Rider).

An idea I dearly hope they jettison when the re-start the Ghost Rider comic.

Liberty's Edge

Another great episode. I'd say the storytelling this season has been 100% on point.

I'm more or less happy with what we've got as far as Robbie's origins are concerned. I kind of hope they avoid completely defining his powers as coming from Nicholas Cage.


There can be more than one actor playing Johnny Blaze. Especially now that the rights are in Marvel's court.


I'd say Eli's power is more Dark Dimension/Darkforce powered than Molecule Man powered. At least I HOPE so.


Well see when the comic comes out won't we?


I was happy to see/shocked to see Johnny Blaze myself. :)

Sovereign Court

Johnny Blaze gave me hope for that show again. The origin story for Car Rider was also cool. VERY well done, considering the crapola we've been dragged through with the entire previous inhuman season.

Sovereign Court

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OMG JOHNY BLAZE. I squeeked.

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Well it had the benefit of doing it better than the comics in some respects.


I sort did a double take but yeah. Squee was in my soul.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

So, back in 1992, Star Trek: Next Generation aired "Chain of Command", which gave us Captain Edward Jellico, played by Ronny Cox. We were supposed to dislike Jellico, because he didn't like Commander Riker and because he had a different command style than Picard.

But I thought that, given a very touchy first mission, with a First Officer who wouldn't obey straight-forward orders, he did a fine job. He was the reason Counselor Troi began wearing a standard uniform while on duty, which changed the character for the good.

I feel the same way about Director Jeffrey Mace this episode of Agents of Shield. Mace is supposed to come off as smarmy and untrustworthy, fine. We're supposed to root for Coulson, sure, but our Good Guys were two lanes out of true this episode, and Mace was absolutely in the right. In particular, Coulson chose to keep quiet *after* Mace explained that Reyes was a cold-blooded killer with powers. That was the point that Coulson should have nodded solemnly, pulled up the containment module, and explained his position.

"By wasting my time, you've wasted my good will." Damn straight.

Eh. I'm okay with him hiding that fact because they needed Ghost Rider/Robbie to kill Ghosts and probably handle the Darkhold.

But I do get why it's different from the others.

Also that episode of ST:TNG wasn't meant to take Patrick Stewart off so much as give us perspective of other captains of that time frame.

Plus the fact Jeffery Mace is more fallible than Jellico apparently thought he was.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Plus the fact Jeffery Mace is more fallible than Jellico apparently thought he was.

Perhaps, but is also coming across as a lot less fallible than Coulson. Fanboyism and him being the "good guy" aside, Coulson was a pretty crappy director.

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Ehhh Coulson didn't have much directing to do. Fury handed it to him while SHIELD was in ashes and there were just a handful of agents.

I actually think compared to the resources that Fury had... Coulson did a whole lot more, and better with less.

I mean... SHIELD was a disaster for sure... but the world wasn't destroyed, so that counts for something ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Coulson's biggest strengths are directing in the field. The the consummate unassuming badass. When he has the resources to leave the day to day ops to someone else, him being in charge works. But he's not the PR, generating goodwill, UN meetings type of leader Mace is or the imposing person who hangs up on the UN security council just because like Fury.

Ideally Coulson should have the smaller cell with autonomy to handle things beyond the scope of the average agents, while someone else handles the big picture but holds him in close regard as an adviser.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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Mark Thomas 66 wrote:

Ideally Coulson should have the smaller cell with autonomy to handle things beyond the scope of the average agents, while someone else handles the big picture but holds him in close regard as an adviser.

With luck, that'll be how things shake out. Coulson is too valuable to lock up in the brig for two years, and too much of a wild card to be a middle link in a chain of command.

Maybe they'll make him like a Field Director of Operations while Mace does the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. thing.

Regardless, Robbie Reyes of MCU has grown on me.

Liberty's Edge

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For the record, I also really like Jeffrey Mace. He's competent, usually pretty reasonable, and seems to have the best interests of everyone at heart.

He's certainly got several secrets, and seems a bit...insecure in regards to Coulson (splitting up the team being the big example), but that's understandable given that Coulson could've had his job. Almost anyone is gonna feel insecure in his situation.

I hope, and semi-expect, that he and Coulson will reach a detente before all this is over.


We'll just have to see when this season restarts in two weeks.

Scarab Sages

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Just got caught up. Hell yes Johnny Blaze! SO much better than the comic back story for Car Rider.

I also like that we are starting to really see the strengths and weaknesses of the Rider. Up close, GR can throw down with the Hulk. Of course the containment unit couldn't hold him.


Well apparently they designed the containment to HOLD the Hulk but I guess GR went a step above mildly upset Hulk to something closer to Worldbreaker perhaps.

But yeah, we know can see that Robbie's power set/power level is closer to Johnny's than to his comic version.

Never occurred to me, but are these the same containment cells that Thor was trapped in, for the Avenger's movie?

If so... What they were designed to do... and what they actually do is debatable. Thor Broke out... Hulk would've certaintly broken out too. I picture this like the old Silver age Hulk comics of 'CERTAINLY THIS cell will hold him... Oh C'MON!!!!!"

I'll certainly say that GR seems tougher then inhuman they've met yet though...

Also was REALLY looking forward to a new one this week... and STILL nothing...

This break is killing me.

Scarab Sages

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With GR in Shield and the Dr. Strange movie, I'd like to line out a pet theory of mine:

In the Marvel universe magic is mostly relies on powerful extra-planar entities to effect change in the caster's reality. This is why Strange is always invoking the Hosts of Hoggoth or Cyttorak, he is borrowing power from those beings to fuel the magic. Not content to act only through wizards and the like, many of those beings have proxy agents in the main reality (Earth-616) - Cyttorak has the Juggernaut, Dormamu has the Hood, Cthon has the Scarlet Witch, and so on. We see this with lesser powers too, (Master Pandamonium, Madelyne Pryor). So, it would make sense for Ghost Rider to be Zarthos's proxy. Mephisto has messed around with who gets to host Zarathos's power over the years, but lets be honest here, Mephisto messes with people for his own amusement. That is who and what he is.


Mephisto is basically the guy that enjoys screwing with people, even when it would make sense not too. But yeah I agree with your assessment.


They said September 29th when they went on break back in...god has it really been since October?!

Well that was different! I dunno about some of it, but it still at least kept the stuff I liked!

Really?! You're going to let a robot read the most evil and powerful book in Marvel existence and hope it doesn't go evil?! This is your best idea?! Oh man.

Also I wonder how long Robbie was really gone. I mean time probably has no meaning in Hell...if that's where they went.

Finally, I kept expecting Fitz to punch Mace in the face.

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Rider Mac was awesome and he and Robbie are going to be an interesting team up. It's one hell of a shared experience between them.

and the end Scene....oh god what is she good can come of this

Maybe I was just in a weird mood (hard to tell) but I thought the directing was a bit wobbly. Too many close-ups and odd angles and stuff, making it look messy and uncontrolled rather than - as I believe it was intended - visually conveying the disjointed stories.

Other than that, eh. May is rapidly descending from my 'Whatever' list to 'Dislike' list. Then letting the droid read from the not-Necronomicon....what could possibly go wrong?
I hope this blows spectacularly up in their faces.

Scarab Sages

That was weird, but kind of cool.

The jumping back and forth between folks in the real world, and Coulson and company was pretty well handled.

Loved Mack as Ghost Rider, but the spirit being able to jump from person to person was a new one. Interesting, but I'm not sure if I like it. All that stuff about Robbie helping the spirt to settle his debts makes me wonder if they're going to have it be Zarathos. Either way, I hope it's something they continue to explore.

All that s%!% with the LMD and reading the Darkhold will, of course, go bad. Seemed like she was designing a brain at the end. Maybe making a "partner" for herself. Or an improved that's more free-willed. Less bound by programming.

Still not sure I like this mix of techno-magic they're doing with the Darkhold.

All that build-up with the dude in the cocoon, and he comes out looking....pretty f$$@ing normal (at least in the face). They must have blown the FX before they filmed that part. I think it would have been more interesting if they'd not shown his face at all, just people's reactions to it. Something tells me the dude will develop some kind of obsession with Simmons.

And, after how many weeks off, the very next episode is the winter finale!?!


How could it not blow up in their faces?! Everyone in the comics that I'm aware of that read that damn books REALLY regrets or the people involved do for sure. Honestly while the camera work might seemed off to you, I liked it. I will agree May made a move that questions what the hell was she thinking. But at least Radcliffe redeemed himself by saying "No fing way!"


Rider Mac was pretty awesome. I'm also looking forward to seeing what kind of vengeance is on Mac's mind after looking at that photo.


I agree with the cuts back and forth between the two groups were well done.

As for whether or not it is Zarathos...maybe but then again we're unclear (in my mind) where that Dimensional hole led to. Darkforce Realm? Some Hell realm? Who the heck knows?

The techno-magic aspect is a little meh but it's better than what they did to Asgard and Thor. At least it was, in my mind anyway.

For me the Inhuman part of the story was the weak sauce.

I also think Aida might be making more of her self and/or possibly a new programming system using a modified brain. But who knows? I do know this: It's not going to end well.

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