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Lorelei is Amora the Enchantress' younger sister. She's not the spellcaster her older sibling is, but has the same MO. I don't think her appearance is due to the GH325. She's an Asgardian and is probably on the run from their justice, which would explain why Sif was sent to bring her back (Lorelei's tricks don't work on women, if memory serves).

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Ok... GH325... let's talk!
- were they "growing" that body in the Guest House, or was that the remaining half of a previously full body?
- I can't help noticing that half body looked like half of Deadpool...
- is the G.H. for "growth hormone" i.e. MGH "mutant growth hormone" from the comics? (invented by Beast?)
- is the Asgardian chick "Lorelei" the Enchantress or something similar? and is she showing up due to GH325?
- why is Fury ignoring Coulson? weird...
- Bill Paxton. What the hell. Quinn/Clairvoyant. What gives? (and why were the SHIELD agents just talking all these secret things in front of him???)
1. Dunno, interesting.
2. Didn't really look like deadpool, plus he has a healing factor being a mutate and all.3. Could be. Or probably extracted from deadpool if that was who it was.
4. Yep. Lorelei.

Greylurker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Lorelei is Amora the Enchantress' younger sister. She's not the spellcaster her older sibling is, but has the same MO. I don't think her appearance is due to the GH325. She's an Asgardian and is probably on the run from their justice, which would explain why Sif was sent to bring her back (Lorelei's tricks don't work on women, if memory serves).
She probably escaped during the big prison break from the Thor movie, looking to lie low on Earth

Greylurker |
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son of a.....
I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner
What is Clairvoyance - The power to see things remotely
Clairvoyance is sight
sight is vision
The Clairvoyant is The Vision
If the Clairvoyant was a psychic he would have already plucked the info he needs out of people's heads. Not simply Coulson but anyone who worked on that project. He hasn't been able to do that which means his power is more mundane.
How would you be clairvoyant in the modern age, by being tapped into every computer system there is, every security camera, web cam, cellphone camera, etc... The only way to avoid detection would be something completely off the grid like our mysterious self contained mountain facility.
Our man even takes it a step farther with the eye implants
combine with the Deathlok stuff and it's all tech based.
More importantly Deathlok is about converting humans into cyborgs. a step towards replacing humans with robots and the tech needed to create a synthezoid
which The Vision is supposed to be
This whole plotline might be leading up to the creation of the Vision's body right before Avengers 2

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The Clairvoyant is The Vision
Our man even takes it a step farther with the eye implants
combine with the Deathlok stuff and it's all tech based.More importantly Deathlok is about converting humans into cyborgs. a step towards replacing humans with robots and the tech needed to create a synthezoid
which The Vision is supposed to be
This whole plotline might be leading up to the creation of the Vision's body right before Avengers 2
if they stick to canon, then it's probably the early form of Ultron starting to act up a-la-Skynet as he does not have a body yet... maybe this is Ultron's attempt to create a body. Remember Vision is more advanced than Ultron, having been created by Ultron after Ultron took sentience (Vision can phase / alter density... wayyyyyyy beyond simple Deathlok B.S. tech...)
Also, if you follow canon, Hank Pym is the creator of Ultron (played by Michael Douglas in the upcoming Ant-Man movie). Wouldn't that be a hoot if S.H.I.E.L.D. traces the Clairvoyant to be some rogue A.I. operating from a server in Hank Pym's office? :)

MMCJawa |

son of a.....
I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner
What is Clairvoyance - The power to see things remotely
Clairvoyance is sight
sight is visionThe Clairvoyant is The Vision
If the Clairvoyant was a psychic he would have already plucked the info he needs out of people's heads. Not simply Coulson but anyone who worked on that project. He hasn't been able to do that which means his power is more mundane.
How would you be clairvoyant in the modern age, by being tapped into every computer system there is, every security camera, web cam, cellphone camera, etc... The only way to avoid detection would be something completely off the grid like our mysterious self contained mountain facility.
Our man even takes it a step farther with the eye implants
combine with the Deathlok stuff and it's all tech based.More importantly Deathlok is about converting humans into cyborgs. a step towards replacing humans with robots and the tech needed to create a synthezoid
which The Vision is supposed to be
This whole plotline might be leading up to the creation of the Vision's body right before Avengers 2
For what it's worth, Vision has been cast for Age of Ultron and is being played by Paul Bettany (who is also the voice of Jarvis, so they are probably connected).
While I think the Clairovoyant could very well be AI, I don't foresee Vision showing up before Avengers. I have wondered if it might be connected to Ultron, given that we have gotten no hint of Ultron yet in any marvel movies, and I feel they would want to foreshadow him (at least more than Vision).

Ambrosia Slaad |

Part of me is thinking that body might be a Kree, maybe we are setting Skye up for Ms Marvel.
No. Please no. Just no. No, no, no, no, no, no...
thinking about it if it is a Kree that provides a bit of a link to Guardians of the Galaxy film that's coming up. I gather the Kree are pretty big in that

Kalshane |
I doubt they're setting up Skye for Ms. Marvel. That's a character they want to save for the movies. There's been talk of a Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel movie for awhile.
On another site I floated a theory on those lines, where if they're planning on going straight to Carol as Captain Marvel in the cinematic universe, maybe the thing in the tank is all that's left of Mar'vell in this universe. Thought I imagine that would cause a whole lot of fan outrage if that was the case.

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I doubt they'll ever do Captain Marvel movie... ever. The Marvel Studios universe is more "gritty" and "realistic" than the typical Superman/Krypton feel... Captain Marvel is a little too "super" in her powers compared to Cap, Iron Man, etc. Even Thor in the Marvel Studios universe is comparable to Iron Man (when they fight in the woods it was pretty evenly matched) i.e. Asgardians are strong aliens / magic is science blah blah but not really unbeatable anymore...
I suspect Guardians of the Galaxy could change that, but my gut tells me that it will lean less on the fantastic/fantasy and more on the technology/alien superiority, etc.

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I doubt they'll ever do Captain Marvel movie... ever. The Marvel Studios universe is more "gritty" and "realistic" than the typical Superman/Krypton feel... Captain Marvel is a little too "super" in her powers compared to Cap, Iron Man, etc. Even Thor in the Marvel Studios universe is comparable to Iron Man (when they fight in the woods it was pretty evenly matched) i.e. Asgardians are strong aliens / magic is science blah blah but not really unbeatable anymore...
I suspect Guardians of the Galaxy could change that, but my gut tells me that it will lean less on the fantastic/fantasy and more on the technology/alien superiority, etc.
Why not? Just like you said Guardians of the Galaxy look so outlandish, it could easily pave the way to Dr. Strange, And all that fantastic-y stuff.
Also. Thor is not nearly evenly matched with Iron Man. He could take him apart if he wanted to. But he didn't want to kill him. He took an overcharged (200+ percent) unibeam to the chest and immediately got up.

GregH |
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Skye as Ms Marvel? That would be an odd play. I doubt that is what they intend. Remember Coulson got the same body fluids and he isn't a now a superhero.
Except Coulson was normal before he was "killed". We don't know what Skye is or what made her so special in the first place. I think they are different starting points.

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Also. Thor is not nearly evenly matched with Iron Man. He could take him apart if he wanted to. But he didn't want to kill him. He took an overcharged (200+ percent) unibeam to the chest and immediately got up.
And look at what Hulk did to Loki, and how very little it actually hurt him. Asgardians are incredibly powerful.

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Why not? Just like you said Guardians of the Galaxy look so outlandish, it could easily pave the way to Dr. Strange, And all that fantastic-y stuff.
Also. Thor is not nearly evenly matched with Iron Man. He could take him apart if he wanted to. But he didn't want to kill him. He took an overcharged (200+ percent) unibeam to the chest and immediately got up.
True... and the armor was nearly destroyed too... but still doesn't add up to the Thor of comics who can wield spells that could blow up half the hemisphere (Uncanny Avengers when he's about to blow the Peak station as it's falling on Rio, only to be interrupted by Sunfire who does it more safely i.e. small nuke instead of big nuke)

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They have given us no clues about what or who Skye really is... so it's sort of moot to consider it, until they reveal more. So far she is just human with an exceptional ability to crack code
not exactly true... they have confirmed in the show she's a "zero eighty two" or something like that (i.e. from another world) and did a whole show on how her adopted parents (Shield agents retired) almost died trying to hide her...

GregH |

Aranna wrote:They have given us no clues about what or who Skye really is... so it's sort of moot to consider it, until they reveal more. So far she is just human with an exceptional ability to crack codenot exactly true... they have confirmed in the show she's a "zero eighty two" or something like that (i.e. from another world) and did a whole show on how her adopted parents (Shield agents retired) almost died trying to hide her...
And this was when she was a baby, so its probably more than just her affinity for computers. (Although I thought the designation just meant extremely dangerous - not necessarily extraterrestrial.)

Spiral_Ninja |

Hama wrote:And look at what Hulk did to Loki, and how very little it actually hurt him. Asgardians are incredibly powerful.
Also. Thor is not nearly evenly matched with Iron Man. He could take him apart if he wanted to. But he didn't want to kill him. He took an overcharged (200+ percent) unibeam to the chest and immediately got up.
"I'm a GOD!"
"Puny god."
My favorite scene.

MMCJawa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I doubt they'll ever do Captain Marvel movie... ever. The Marvel Studios universe is more "gritty" and "realistic" than the typical Superman/Krypton feel... Captain Marvel is a little too "super" in her powers compared to Cap, Iron Man, etc. Even Thor in the Marvel Studios universe is comparable to Iron Man (when they fight in the woods it was pretty evenly matched) i.e. Asgardians are strong aliens / magic is science blah blah but not really unbeatable anymore...
I suspect Guardians of the Galaxy could change that, but my gut tells me that it will lean less on the fantastic/fantasy and more on the technology/alien superiority, etc.
Guardians of the Galaxy is about as obscure as Captain Marvel, and Captain Marvel is probably the most significant woman with super powers. And Captain Marvel really isn't all that powerful compared to The Hulk or Thor.
Honestly, all bets are off once you introduce as a major character a raccoon with a machine gun.

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Also. Thor is not nearly evenly matched with Iron Man. He could take him apart if he wanted to. But he didn't want to kill him. He took an overcharged (200+ percent) unibeam to the chest and immediately got up.
In the comics, Stark once built a Thor-Buster armor before fighting Thor. Thor ripped through it like it was made of paper. Yeah, Stark built a special armor specifically designed to fight Thor...and he might as well have simply been naked.
Then again, anytime Stark builds an armor specifically to fight one specific individual, it's always massively ineffectual. Admittedly, it's usually to fight the Hulk....

Matthew Koelbl |
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I don't really have anything against Skye. I'm actually rather excited about more Asgardian interaction coming up. But, man, it is awfully hard to root for a team who are suddenly both incompetent and evil.
-You are a team of agents involved in military/covert operations. Injuries and death are part of the job. It is one thing to grieve over the loss of a teammate and want to make it right, but completely falling apart and throwing everything out the window when it happens? Shows these guys aren't remotely qualified for their position, and it is criminally dangerous to empower them to act in the field.
-Speaking of which, if a teammate is injured in the capture of an incredibly important enemy asset, one should probably try and not waste that sacrifice. Ways to do this include delivering the enemy to a properly secured facility for interrogation and trial. Not, say, flying him around the world and threatening to pointlessly kill him. While engaging in some light torture on the side, just for fun. When he reveals that getting you to visit a secret research base was part of the plan all along, at the minimum, you should probably not bring him to that base. The fact that this didn't backfire even more doesn't justify the risk they took.
-Speaking of secret research bases. Murdering the guards and blowing up the facility, whether intentional or not, is straight up villainry. The second you decide that your friend's life is more important than any innocents you have to hurt to save her? That's when you become the bad guys.
Agents of SHIELD was supposed to be about a team who are part of the superhero world despite not having the powers. But the part they really seem to be missing is the 'hero' side of the equation. Being a hero means being willing to go into the line of fire in order to save the innocent. Instead, the show has repeatedly emphasized that the team's most important priority is each other. They are a family, they break rules to help each other, the most important thing on the agenda is keeping each other safe. And while I get that and can appreciate the vibe they are going for, it ultimately undercuts their moral ground. Especially the further we see them willing to go - and not in pursuit of the greater good, but in pursuit of their own self-interest.
It is possible they are going down this road intentionally, and we are supposed to view them as morally ambigious secret agents who are simply protagonists rather than good guys, and whose moral conflicts with the law and society will be a topic for serious questions and thought. But in an episode like this, which featured a remarkable amount of good natured joking and lightheartedness amidst the scenes of torture and murder, I'm rather doubtful this is the case.

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Remember that saving Skye is not the team's only motivation - by this point they all know that Coulson was revived in secret and probably devious ways, and for a reason SHIELD is hiding from them. Under such circumstances, it's more acceptable for them to go rouge.
I do agree that killing the two security guards was an evil act. I mean, one of the guards devoted his dying breath to warn the people who killed him of an imminent explosion, so he was probably a pretty decent guy...

GregH |

I do agree that killing the two security guards was an evil act. I mean, one of the guards devoted his dying breath to warn the people who killed him of an imminent explosion, so he was probably a pretty decent guy...
I don't know about evil. The security guards did open fire first. And were not interested in any sort of dialogue. One could argue that breaking in was questionable, but after that, it was pretty much self defense. It didn't even seem like the guards would've allowed a surrender (although that's debatable).
Not "good" for sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say evil.

Matthew Koelbl |
Lord Snow wrote:I do agree that killing the two security guards was an evil act. I mean, one of the guards devoted his dying breath to warn the people who killed him of an imminent explosion, so he was probably a pretty decent guy...I don't know about evil. The security guards did open fire first. And were not interested in any sort of dialogue. One could argue that breaking in was questionable, but after that, it was pretty much self defense. It didn't even seem like the guards would've allowed a surrender (although that's debatable).
Not "good" for sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say evil.
If you break into a locked facility - while visibly armed, hacking through security devices and shooting out cameras on the way in - I don't think you get to claim self-defense. Those deaths are on them.
If they had shown any real remorse over it, maybe I could consider it as simply something that got out of hand. But they put the facility's guards down hard, didn't even bother trying non-lethal weaponry (like the night-night guns they've got access to), and didn't show any sign of feeling bad over what they had done.
I do like the theory that Skye's superpower is to make others feel the need to protect her. That... actually fits remarkably well with her backstory. I'd honestly find that a much more acceptable explanation for all this.

Aranna |

I guess the legality of their breaking in depends entirely on whether or not SHIELD has the authority to enter and seize the drug they came for. It has been shown already that SHIELD trumps local police and military forces. Coulson did identify to the guards that he was operating with the authority of a SHIELD agent. But since we know nothing about this base and have only circumstantial evidence of SHIELD's authority here we can only assume that since both SHIELD teams cooperated in this that SHIELD did have such authority. And if they DID have the authority then the crime here was done by the guards for resisting with lethal force.

Aranna |

Actually that episode convinced me that either Quinn or one of the other SHIELD team people has one of the occular implants. Why else would the clairvoyant set this all up? The clairvoyant can clearly track his own implants so he was counting on using this to get someone with an implant to the secret location and revealing it.

Shadowborn |

Actually that episode convinced me that either Quinn or one of the other SHIELD team people has one of the occular implants. Why else would the clairvoyant set this all up? The clairvoyant can clearly track his own implants so he was counting on using this to get someone with an implant to the secret location and revealing it.
Well, going off this theory, if we make the assumption that none of the core team has them, then that leaves Bill Paxton's character.
The reason I'm going with the assumption that none of the team is carrying an implant is that the Clairvoyant's modus operandi is to use the implants to give orders as well as observe, and kill anyone that threatens to expose him. We haven't seen any of the team act in such a way, and we know Coulson doesn't have one or the Clairvoyant would already know what he wants to know.

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I think they should shoot Skye more often. The last two episodes were the best all season, and not only because Skye spent one of them in a bullet-induced coma. There was an actual sense of urgency and purpose in what the team was doing and the reveals came at all the right beats. It'd be nice to see this level of suspense in more episodes.
As far as shooting the Guest House guards goes, I'm more surprised at the fact Coulson and company were using live ammunition as opposed to the knock out rounds they've been using all season. It seems ABC has been reluctant to draw much blood on this show so it was kind of strange to see anyone die from a gunshot wound. I'm not going to condemn Coulson and the others for killing the guards. They made multiple attempts to identify themselves, explain their needs and defuse the situation, but the guards seemed to be under specific orders to kill anyone who breached security (probably for good reason considering the place appeared to have a vault filled with biohazards and half an alien with Jesus-juice for blood.) I'm really more bothered by the lackadaisical attitude toward security the owners of the facility had.
I get that nobody is supposed to find the place and it's only rarely fully staffed but come on, guys; you live in the same world as War Machine and the Abomination. Two ordinary humans with machine guns and a self-destruct button? That's how you plan to protect the secret to immortality during the furlough season? You can't spring for some automated kill-bots or a laser waffle? Did you blow the entire budget on flying aircraft carriers?
I kid.

GregH |

I guess the legality of their breaking in depends entirely on whether or not SHIELD has the authority to enter and seize the drug they came for. It has been shown already that SHIELD trumps local police and military forces. Coulson did identify to the guards that he was operating with the authority of a SHIELD agent. But since we know nothing about this base and have only circumstantial evidence of SHIELD's authority here we can only assume that since both SHIELD teams cooperated in this that SHIELD did have such authority. And if they DID have the authority then the crime here was done by the guards for resisting with lethal force.
Which is why I don't label their actions as "evil". Morally ambiguous, more like.

Matthew Koelbl |
Right. But there is a difference between casualties that occur in the line of duty vs those that occur in pursuit of a personal task.
That's the thing - let's go with the assumption that SHIELD agents sometimes need to do legally and morally gray things in the pursuit of a higher cause, or have the authority to bypass normal legal procedures and requirements in order to get the job done. That the stakes are high enough that it justifies operating outside of the normal domain of the law.
It is a completely different thing to do so while on the job vs doing so for personal reasons. And, ultimately, that is what was happening here.
If a cop's wife is dying, and he breaks into a hospital to steal medicine for her, and there is a security guard who fights back against the armed intruder, and the security guard is killed in the ensuing gunfight... the cop's badge doesn't excuse his actions. Nor the fact that he asked nicely before then forcefully breaking into the hospital with weapons at the ready.

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Lord Snow wrote:I do agree that killing the two security guards was an evil act. I mean, one of the guards devoted his dying breath to warn the people who killed him of an imminent explosion, so he was probably a pretty decent guy...I don't know about evil. The security guards did open fire first. And were not interested in any sort of dialogue. One could argue that breaking in was questionable, but after that, it was pretty much self defense. It didn't even seem like the guards would've allowed a surrender (although that's debatable).
Not "good" for sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say evil.
I'd say it's still evil because they had rather easy way to deal with the guards without killing them. They just didn't seem to care enough.

jwes55 |

Looks like they're setting up Skye as a new Super-powered Operative unique to the show or they're going Captain Marvel with it. If the GH body is a Kree then I'd say Skye is part Kree since her body was able to handle a direct injection. It's a testament to the quality of the writing that aspect is still unclear.
But since Marvel doesn't own the rights to either the Badoon or the Skrull, this might be an effort to build on the Ch'Tauri alien race and start crafting their own origin story using Skye to inform that storyline and SHIELD's involvement in said storyline.
It would make sense from the point that the creators want to differentiate the show in terms of the Marvel Universe while still having it be within the Marvel Universe - that's the challenge of the show, walking that line.
I for one am more than happy w/ alterations & additions to the lore, because if you look at the Marvel Universe, there's been plenty of reboots of the lore already. I believe Iron Man's original origin story was that he got the heart-wound in Viet Nam.
The other change in Marvel Lore will be in introducing Ultron in the next Avengers movie - the story on Ultron is that Hank Pym creates Ultron, and Ultron creates the Vision to kill the Avengers. If the Vision is Jarvis then we can logically assume that you substitute Stark for Pym and it becomes Stark that creates Ultron, or at least has a hand in it, perhaps aided and abetted w/ 084 tech.
IMO it makes for a great story, I can picture Ultron mockingly calling Tony Stark "Father" while wiping the floor with him. Just my 2 cents we'll have to see where they go w/ it.