Confessions That Will Get You Shunned by Darn Near Everyone in Gaming

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:

I cried in "The Incredibles."


Yeah, many "kid" movies we have make me cry, every time...
The opening sequence of Up destroys me everytime.
Oh so much.
Absolutely it does. As does the ending.

I was surprised to find myself so affected by seeing the orphan girls wave to Gru through the letterbox of the cardboard 'Box of Shame', where discarded orphans were placed when rejected by their foster parents.


Yeah that one's pretty bad too.

I haven't seen the sequel yet.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rynjin wrote:
Speaking of commercials...

I'm just going to curl up over here now.

Rynjin wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
Confession: I frequently cry in movie theatres. The movie doesn't even have to be that sad or tear-jerking. I'm easily moved by scene of friendship, trust, or people just doing the "right thing". My older boy is rather sensitive too, especially when he sees me being emotional.
I do too. I have to fight tears in movie theaters all the time. In fact even commercials can make my eyes tear up. There is a gum commercial on right now that shows a father making origami cranes for his daughter over the years from the gum wrappers, and at his daughter's eventual trip to college while loading her car, he drops a box and dozens of cranes fall out. I can't watch that commercial without tearing up. My daughter has a glass globe of a thousand cranes I folded for her.

Speaking of commercials...

I'm pretty well known among my friends for never crying at emotional movies/books/ads or whatever but that ALMOST made me tear up. That was pretty great

Shadow Lodge

Prepare to cry.

Rynjin wrote:
Speaking of commercials...

Oh, for cryin' out...

Why do I click on random links? WHY?

For people looking to shun and be shunned you all seem to hang out here an awful lot

Oh, and I like Dollfie Dream Dolls

Silver Crusade

Do you seriously like my little pony?

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I...I actually liked Dungeons and Dragons' 4th Edition! D:

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That won't get you shunned, it'll get you beat with Nerf bats.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I...I actually liked Dungeons and Dragons' 4th Edition! D:

Welcome to the Dark Side. We have cookies, and a great game!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I...I actually liked Dungeons and Dragons' 4th Edition! D:
Welcome to the Dark Side. We have cookies, and a great game!

it's not a bad system

it just doesn't have the same feel for me 3.0 and 3.5 did.

it has some interesting mechanics one can import for their own games for conversions


Second Wind/Short Rests


Lotsa Exotic Races

Paladins and Clerics of Any Alignment, regardless of Deity choice, no code restriction, meaning a paladin wasn't required to roleplay Gallahad

Weapon Group Specialization feats open to everyone

Each Class being 2 stat dependant

Implements for enhancing spells akin to magic weapons

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
That won't get you shunned, it'll get you beat with Nerf bats.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Speaking of commercials...
I'm just going to curl up over here now.

Dammit. (sniff)

The Exchange

Well, let's see, I sure do have a few...

* I don't think the sex scenes in GoT are over the top, at all. All of them are described in one paragraph or less, they are unpleasant when they are supposed to be unpleasant (like when a barbarian is forcing sex on a 12 year old girl), and all in all are related to the story and advance characters and plots.

* With the exception of "The Avengers" and maaayyybbbee "Iron Man", every single super hero movie by marvel so far was infuriatingly stupid, bad and mostly chauvinistic.

* I think tomb of horrors is one of the worst adventures Iv'e ever read

* I quit reading Wheel of Time after the 4th book, when it became clear that when a character dies she will just come back a couple hundred pages later, and when it became clear the story just isn't going to move anywhere any time soon.

* I hate it when my players want to use too many non-core options together. I barely allowed my group to play a summoner, alchemist and oracle in one game that I ran.

* I don't get east Asia. It all. Just two and a half billion's worth of crazy people.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sick to death of manga style art. And artists who put those ridiculous donkey ears on elves.

I like donkey ears on elves

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Those are donkey ears?

Terquem wrote:
I like donkey ears on elves


FanaticRat wrote:
Josh M. wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:
I find people who use emoticons on message boards incredibly irritating.


They're much harder to use in RL.

I don't mind them in chat rooms. On messageboards, though, they irk the hell out of me. And you don't need to use them in real life, since you have, y'know, a face and a voice.

Or perhaps it's just the smiley face and wink emoticons. Everytime I see someone use one they look like a smug piece of work to me.

Guess I'm just weird like that.

I was joking about using them in RL. Sort of commenting that, in an environment where communication is text-based(i.e. message board) emoticons are pretty much going to happen.

I think of them as shorthand for meanings and ideas, not "smug pieces of work." Since we don't have a sarcasm font, often times an emoticon can convey that something was intended as sarcastic(like I should have included above).

As in, I made a jokingly sarcastic remark, and you took it as an honest statement. Had I inserted a winky smiley thingy, you would've got that my message was not serious.

My wife and I use a lot of emoticons online, not to be cutesy or fun, but to make our communication(we both talk via email from our respective desk jobs) much more clear. Sarcasm is understood, jokes are conveyed, etc.

Rynjin wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
Confession: I frequently cry in movie theatres. The movie doesn't even have to be that sad or tear-jerking. I'm easily moved by scene of friendship, trust, or people just doing the "right thing". My older boy is rather sensitive too, especially when he sees me being emotional.
I do too. I have to fight tears in movie theaters all the time. In fact even commercials can make my eyes tear up. There is a gum commercial on right now that shows a father making origami cranes for his daughter over the years from the gum wrappers, and at his daughter's eventual trip to college while loading her car, he drops a box and dozens of cranes fall out. I can't watch that commercial without tearing up. My daughter has a glass globe of a thousand cranes I folded for her.

Speaking of commercials...

TriOmegaZero wrote:
The opening sequence of Up destroys me everytime.
I'm pretty sure the only people who didn't tear up at least a little are those without tear ducts.

I didn't cry. I thought it beautiful. The spoiler omitted was sad, but I saw two people living out a life time together, something that is denied to so many.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

During a conversation about the barbarian class a few days ago, one of my players asked, "Who's Conan?"

I really don't think I need to say anything else.

Velcro Zipper wrote:

During a conversation about the barbarian class a few days ago, one of my players asked, "Who's Conan?"

I really don't think I need to say anything else.

Whoa. Total marketing failure of the last Conan the Barbarian movie is what that tells me. Or your player is really young... and lives under a rock... in Uzbekistan.

Freehold DM wrote:
I didn't cry. I thought it beautiful. The spoiler omitted was sad, but I saw two people living out a life time together, something that is denied to so many.

The beauty is what makes it so tragic. I don't remember if I got misty during that particular scene, but I know I did at some point in Up!.

One monologue that isn't sad, but I often find myself repeating, is from the funeral scene in Waking Ned Devine. "Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend, but I don't ever remember telling him that..." It's a great movie all around, and as an added bonus it has the domestic-date trifecta: comedy, romance, and it's foreign. (But it's Irish, so you get to listen to soothing brogues for an hour and a half instead of reading subtitles or hearing dubs!)

Three scenes that do tend to choke me up are...

The coronation scene in the Return of the King: "My friends, you bow to no one."

The scene in Pan's Labyrinth. If you've seen it, you know which one. If you haven't seen this movie, you owe it to yourself. Great story, great director, great talents, and a great soundtrack. (Seriously, I sometimes hum it without even realizing it.)

And the Gladiator spoiler:

The death scene in the Gladiator. It's not so much the "Is Rome worth one good man's life?" monologue, but the journey into Elysium and the soundtrack. Hm, I'm starting to notice a pattern here...

Bill Dunn wrote:
Velcro Zipper wrote:

During a conversation about the barbarian class a few days ago, one of my players asked, "Who's Conan?"

I really don't think I need to say anything else.

Whoa. Total marketing failure of the last Conan the Barbarian movie is what that tells me. Or your player is really young... and lives under a rock... in Uzbekistan.

Had a player last night ask who "Crom" is. The whole table turned to him and went "huh?"

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oliver Cromwell, sometimes refered to as "Crom" by his drinking buddies, was a questionable politician, at best, but what is not well known was that he was an excellent dancer.

Josh M. wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
Velcro Zipper wrote:

During a conversation about the barbarian class a few days ago, one of my players asked, "Who's Conan?"

I really don't think I need to say anything else.

Whoa. Total marketing failure of the last Conan the Barbarian movie is what that tells me. Or your player is really young... and lives under a rock... in Uzbekistan.
Had a player last night ask who "Crom" is. The whole table turned to him and went "huh?"


I would never have heard of Conan or anything connected to him if it weren't for these forums. I still haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Monty Python wrote:

The most interesting thing about King Charles, the first

Is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign
But only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it because of...

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England (Puritan)
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 (September)

Was at first (only) an MP for Hunting Don, (but then) he led the Ironside Cavalry
At Mars ton Moor
in 1644 and won
then he founded the New Model Army
And praise be, beat the Cavaliers at Naisby and the King fled up North
Like a bat to the Scots...

But under the terms of John Pimm's Solemn League and Covenant
The Scots handed King Charles the first, over to...

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England (and his warts)
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 (September)

But alas, (oy vay!) The disagreement then broke out (between)
The Presbyterian Parliament and the Military who meant
To have an independent bent and so
the 2nd Civil War broke out
And the Roundhead ranks
faced the Cavaliers at Preston Banks
And the King lost again, silly thing, (stupid Git)

And Cromwell sent Colonel Pride to purge the House of Commons
Of the Presbyterian Royalists leaving behind only the rump Parliament
Which appointed a High Court at Westminster Hall to indict
Charles the first for tyranny, ooh!
Charles was sentenced to death
Even though he refused to accept that the court had jurisdiction
Say goodbye to his head!

Poor King Charles laid his head on the block
(January 1649)
Down came the axe
...and in the silence that followed
The only sound that could be heard was a solitary giggle from...

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, (ole)
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 (September)

Then he smashed Ireland, set up the Commonwealth and more
He crushed the Scots at Worcester and beat the Dutch at sea in 1653
And then he dissolved the rump Parliament
And with Lambert's consent wrote the instrument of Government
Under which Oliver was Protector at last

The end

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

One monologue that isn't sad, but I often find myself repeating, is from the funeral scene in Waking Ned Devine. "Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend, but I don't ever remember telling him that..." It's a great movie all around, and as an added bonus it has the domestic-date trifecta: comedy, romance, and it's foreign. (But it's Irish, so you get to listen to soothing brogues for an hour and a half instead of reading subtitles or hearing dubs!)

And it's got fruity soaps. That bit made me laugh pretty hard.

OK, crying in movies confession time. I do it more now than I used to but that's partly the parenthood effect in which things affecting kids tends to hit you a lot harder than it did before you had any.

But this is about Dumbo. And it's not the scene that seems to get most people when Dumbo is trying to connect with his imprisoned mother to the song "Baby Mine". No. It's as we reach the climactic scene in which Dumbo jumps from the tower but drops the magic feather and, damn it all, if that plucky little elephant doesn't fly anyway, strafing his tormentors with peanuts...

As far as music goes, I can listen to "When We Were Two Little Boys" just fine, but if I ever try to sing along I turn into a wreck. I've got a version of it on the Peace Together charity CD where the song seemed quite poignant.

Orthos wrote:
I would never have heard of Conan or anything connected to him if it weren't for these forums. I still haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books.

The stories are okay reads, but you're not missing anything life-changing. Especially from the movies...unless you're a Schwarzenegger fanboy or something. ;)

Bill Dunn wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

One monologue that isn't sad, but I often find myself repeating, is from the funeral scene in Waking Ned Devine. "Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend, but I don't ever remember telling him that..." It's a great movie all around, and as an added bonus it has the domestic-date trifecta: comedy, romance, and it's foreign. (But it's Irish, so you get to listen to soothing brogues for an hour and a half instead of reading subtitles or hearing dubs!)
And it's got fruity soaps. That bit made me laugh pretty hard.

Yeah, I got a kick out of that bit too. It's definitely not your typical over-the-top American humor, but then, I tend to like subtle humor all the more.

...Unless it's a show like Scrubs, Malcolm in the Middle, 30 Rock, or Parks & Rec. I love those shows, and I have no idea why, given my usual tendencies. o.O

Bill Kirsch wrote:

I hated Monty Python's Holy Grail.

Okay. I'm lying. I loved it, but it would get you shunned from the vast majority of gaming groups.

I actually hate all Monty Python movies, I don't find British humor funny. It's like torture for me.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I found the "Wheel of Time" series to be so boring I couldn't finish the first book after 4 tries.

"The Hobbit" is also one of the most boring books I've ever read.

I agree with the first part but the second part makes you a CRAZY FOOL! ;)

I honestly can't stand 95% of gamers I meet - they grate on my nerves to a degree I never thought possible.

PsychoticWarrior wrote:
I honestly can't stand 95% of gamers I meet - they grate on my nerves to a degree I never thought possible.

I don't know if my percentage is as high as yours, but it's up there. There have been very few gamers I've ever met in person that I felt comfortable around.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
I honestly can't stand 95% of gamers I meet - they grate on my nerves to a degree I never thought possible.
I don't know if my percentage is as high as yours, but it's up there. There have been very few gamers I've ever met in person that I felt comfortable around.

To be fair, there are a lot of types of games out there, and a lot of types of gamers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MrSin wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
I honestly can't stand 95% of gamers I meet - they grate on my nerves to a degree I never thought possible.
I don't know if my percentage is as high as yours, but it's up there. There have been very few gamers I've ever met in person that I felt comfortable around.
To be fair, there are a lot of types of games out there, and a lot of types of gamers.

...and I can't stand 95% of ones I've met. From video gamers to RPGers to card/board gamers the vast majority of them, after spending 5 minutes in their presence, I want to punch in the face.

Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

Oh, I hate the way he ties his shoes. And did you see the way he made the bed? Really loathsome.

Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?


Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

I'll back you up on that, Tal.

Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

Not from me

(Still bitter about how Alias turned out)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

Not at all. That's a fairly common reaction from people who find it important to be perceived as discerning and intellectual. Hell, join the crowd.

Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

No, you get a ticker-tape parade, along with the knowledge that you're right, and those who disagree with you are patently wrong.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Not at all. That's a fairly common reaction from people who find it important to be perceived as discerning and intellectual. Hell, join the crowd.

And who are, in fact, discerning and intellectual. I especially like how that works out.

Arnwyn wrote:
Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

No, you get a ticker-tape parade, along with the knowledge that you're right, and those who disagree with you are patently wrong.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Not at all. That's a fairly common reaction from people who find it important to be perceived as discerning and intellectual. Hell, join the crowd.
And who are, in fact, discerning and intellectual. I especially like how that works out.

In their own minds anyway. Which is what's important for most folk.

Bah! Everyone must acknowledge my rightness and superiority! Otherwise what is the bloody point?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Talynonyx wrote:
Do I get shunned for hating nearly everything J.J. Abrams has ever done?

That's just JJ Cale in a tank, right?

Bah! Everyone must acknowledge my rightness and superiority! Otherwise what is the bloody point?

To acknowledge my rightness and superiority, of course.

Shadow Lodge

MrSin wrote:
Bah! Everyone must acknowledge my rightness and superiority! Otherwise what is the bloody point?
To acknowledge my rightness and superiority, of course.

I'd acknowledge your rightness and superiority.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
MrSin wrote:
Bah! Everyone must acknowledge my rightness and superiority! Otherwise what is the bloody point?
To acknowledge my rightness and superiority, of course.

I'd acknowledge your rightness and superiority.



I don't know who Abrams is... Is that shun worthy?

PsychoticWarrior wrote:
...and I can't stand 95% of ones I've met. From video gamers to RPGers to card/board gamers the vast majority of them, after spending 5 minutes in their presence, I want to punch in the face.

Y'know, if you can't stand the overwhelming majority of people, the problem may lie with you, not them. =)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rodney Dangerfield -

I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet.

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