The worst thing ever

Off-Topic Discussions

have you ever been in the middle of making a character, think "oh ya this guy is so cool and original". only to watch a movie or play a game to realize you were making one of its characters.

just realized i was making Reddick.... right down to the freaky eyes.. so aggravated

Just add a an accent and you're set!


oh well ... mine was cooler with tieflings and stuff oh well my players won't put two and two together.

Scarab Sages

Look on the bright side: You can still look forward to two movies and a videogame that you might enjoy!

oh i like the movies just did not realize thats who i was building.\and i thought i was being original.... sad face

I've long since given up on trying to be original. Even if I never heard of a character idea / plotline / concept before, that doesn't mean it's never been done.

Seriously, I spent years in the 1990s working on a science fiction novel. It was pretty awful, but I prided myself on one particular scene, which I thought brought out a semi-original spin on an idea.

Imagine how I felt, years later, when I found out that Robert Heinlein wrote the same thing.

In 1941.

Since then, I figured that you can never be completely sure of getting an original idea. So instead of bothering to try, I would deliberately steal ideas heavily. I'll just take the characters from this story, put them through the plot of that story, throw them into the setting of the other story...

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Based on the thread title, completely not what I expected.

...and based on the fact that it's under "Off-Topic Discussions".

Sovereign Court

yeah, I was expecting something akin to a really bad country song (multiple family members passing on, the truck being repossessed, spouse leaving, the IRS calling, etc. all on one day) ... or maybe being out of bacon.

Sovereign Court

zylphryx wrote:
... or maybe being out of bacon.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

OK, you want the worst thing ever? Having high blood pressure and being on a low-sodium diet; *one strip* of bacon is 10-15% of your sodium limit for the day.

It doesn't matter if you're out of bacon or not, because you can't have any.

Sovereign Court

Now you're just trying to scare me.

Here's to trying to keep my blood pressure within reasonable levels and to getting your's down so you can rejoin the bacony goodness in the world.

Sovereign Court

Actually the next to worst thing is going to one of your favorite Mexican restaurants only to to find out this is their last night. (I'm here right now look at the last fajita I'll have here and drinking horchata)

The worst thing would have been coming here tomorrow only to find them closed. :(

oh god what that's horrible sorry for your loss i know how hard its to find good Mexican food just be glad you don't have to do it in Germany

Andrew Turner wrote:
Based on the thread title, completely not what I expected.

i was reading "over heard at paizo" when i was watching Riddick and thumping threw PC notes(which makes me sound like a have ADD or OCD)

i thought this was going to turn in to a list of first world problems

Sovereign Court

I have one good Mexican restaurant in my city. And a crappy one which delivers. I haven't eaten good Mexican food since February.

Sovereign Court

I never looked for Mexican food when I was in Germany ... but yeah, I could see that being more of a challenge there than here.

Sovereign Court

Kyras Ausks wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
Based on the thread title, completely not what I expected.

i was reading "over heard at paizo" when i was watching Riddick and thumping threw PC notes(which makes me sound like a have ADD or OCD)

i thought this was going to turn in to a list of first world problems

Well ... honestly ... if one of the worst things is having your favorite Mexican restaurant closing, I would classify it as a first world problem ... it's not like I'll starve without it ...

In the nerd rage vein though (and first world problems) ... still 30 days to the next season of the Walking Dead!!!

7 mounts till game of thrones

Silver Crusade

zylphryx wrote:
Kyras Ausks wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
Based on the thread title, completely not what I expected.

i was reading "over heard at paizo" when i was watching Riddick and thumping threw PC notes(which makes me sound like a have ADD or OCD)

i thought this was going to turn in to a list of first world problems

Well ... honestly ... if one of the worst things is having your favorite Mexican restaurant closing, I would classify it as a first world problem ... it's not like I'll starve without it ...

You probably would if you were the owner of said restaurant :3

Sovereign Court

Rysky wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
Kyras Ausks wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
Based on the thread title, completely not what I expected.

i was reading "over heard at paizo" when i was watching Riddick and thumping threw PC notes(which makes me sound like a have ADD or OCD)

i thought this was going to turn in to a list of first world problems

Well ... honestly ... if one of the worst things is having your favorite Mexican restaurant closing, I would classify it as a first world problem ... it's not like I'll starve without it ...

You probably would if you were the owner of said restaurant :3

Probably not ... they do have another restaurant ... but it's about 20 miles from my house instead of 2.

First world problem ... having to close one of your regional/local chain locations. :(

frist world problem .... having your work internet block google-docs but not Paizo....

Scarab Sages

Aaron Bitman wrote:
I've long since given up on trying to be original. Even if I never heard of a character idea / plotline / concept before, that doesn't mean it's never been done.

"I am not ripping off an existing character.

I am tapping into mythic archetypes!"

zylphryx wrote:
or maybe being out of bacon.

Bacon is overrated.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I rip s%@* off from movies, books, and graphic novels that I absolutely KNOW nobody in my group has read.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
or maybe being out of bacon.
Bacon is overrated.

I...I'm sorry. But I don't know if we can be friends anymore.


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