30' per round heavy armoured dwarf barbarian?


Is there any way to get a dwarf barbarian able to keep up with the tall races while wearing heavy armour?

Take 1 level of Cleric, worship Desna, select Travel as 1 of your Domains: result +10' movement so long as your dwarf can move.

Barbarian dwarf already goes 30' per round. 20 base, +10 for barb fast movement. Heavy armor doesn't slows dwarves.

Grand Lodge

Armored Hulk Barbarian archetype.

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Dwarven barbarians don't use heavy armour. They use the bodies of enemies as full cover.

Dekalinder wrote:
Barbarian dwarf already goes 30' per round. 20 base, +10 for barb fast movement. Heavy armor doesn't slows dwarves.

In Mithril Heavy Armor. Fast Movement doesn't work in Heavy Armor otherwise.

Or buy slippers of striding and springing (if I remember the name correctly)

Is mithral heavy armour the only non-dip way then? Fast movement stops working if the barbarian is wearing heavy armour and armoured hulks don't get fast movement at all (which is why I started the thread).

Boots of Striding and Springing. My second favorite magic item after the Handy Haversack.

To one up the rest of the party, a one level dip into a cleric (Tavel domain), the Armored Hulk archetype (5th level to get the full movement), and boots of striding and springing (you don't need Mithral armor with the Armored Hulk archetype, but a normal barbarian and mithral medium armor (such a chainmail) would allow the same thing. The boots grant an enhancement bonus, but the others are untyped, so it should all stack.

That will give you a 50 foot movement rate, and with your strength (perhaps an heavy load belt your need for a horse (done right, you can move faster and carry more weight).

As an alternate, you could always just get a horse or pony and go the mounted warrior route.

also note, if you don't have proficiency with heavy armor then you're taking like a -6 or something on all of your attack rolls ...

ZanThrax wrote:
Is mithral heavy armour the only non-dip way then? Fast movement stops working if the barbarian is wearing heavy armour and armoured hulks don't get fast movement at all (which is why I started the thread).

But they basically do get fast movement, just 4 levels later than usual:

Ultimate combat wrote:

Improved Armored Swiftness (Ex)

At 5th level, an armored hulk’s land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies when she is wearing any armor, including heavy armor, but not while carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the armored hulk’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s land speed.

This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Since you are unaffected by armor, this is a straight increase to your speed (everyone would still take the normal speed penalties down to 30 or 20, +5 for the Armored Swiftness ability at level 2)

you could also take a short dip into oracle of fire (for cinder dance) or metal (for dance of blades). sets you up for entry into rage prophet as well.

lemeres wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
Is mithral heavy armour the only non-dip way then? Fast movement stops working if the barbarian is wearing heavy armour and armoured hulks don't get fast movement at all (which is why I started the thread).

But they basically do get fast movement, just 4 levels later than usual:

Ultimate combat wrote:

Improved Armored Swiftness (Ex)

At 5th level, an armored hulk’s land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies when she is wearing any armor, including heavy armor, but not while carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the armored hulk’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s land speed.

This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Since you are unaffected by armor, this is a straight increase to your speed (everyone would still take the normal speed penalties down to 30 or 20, +5 for the Armored Swiftness ability at level 2)

Oh. Well then disregard my entire question. Armoured Hulk works just fine for the concept I wanted then. I'd only read as far as "replaces Fast Movement" when I decided I'd find a different way to have a properly heavily armoured dwarf rager.

Silver Crusade

Note that the one-level Cleric dip actually nets you an effective +20' to your movement rate, because you also get access to Longstrider. Get a Longstrider wand, to go with your wands of Cure Light Wounds, Bless, and Protection from Evil. So your armored dwarf will move at 40' movement rate for most combat.

The cost of the Cleric dip is -1 BaB, -1 HP, and -1 feat. You also get a 2nd domain.

PDF sheet of what I decided to make

He's not going to be the super-effective CAGM AM BARBARIAN, and I figure Superstition builds are best left to human barbarians. I just wanted to make a straightforward dwarf battlerager who knocks people around and chops them into pieces. And since I've been wanting to have a non-casting dwarf smith for a while, this seemed a good character to do it with.

Reckless Abandon 2
Knockback 4
Intimidating Glare 6
Terrifying Howl 8
Increased DR 10, 18, 20
Strength Surge 12
Overbearing Advance 14
Knockdown 16

Power Attack 1
Improved Overrun 3
Greater Overrun (BAB 6) 11
Elephant Stomp 13
Charge Through 15
Cornugon Smash 9
Master Craftsman 5
Craft Magic Arms and Armour 7
Raging Vitality 17
Iron Will 19

4 skills, always maxed: Intimidate, Perception, Craft(Weapons), and Craft(Armour)

Lame Oracle of Metal is another interesting way to do this - without the Rage, of course. VERY classic, though - lame smith.

ZanThrax wrote:

PDF sheet of what I decided to make

He's not going to be the super-effective CAGM AM BARBARIAN, and I figure Superstition builds are best left to human barbarians. I just wanted to make a straightforward dwarf battlerager who knocks people around and chops them into pieces. And since I've been wanting to have a non-casting dwarf smith for a while, this seemed a good character to do it with.

Reckless Abandon 2
Knockback 4
Intimidating Glare 6
Terrifying Howl 8
Increased DR 10, 18, 20
Strength Surge 12
Overbearing Advance 14
Knockdown 16

Power Attack 1
Improved Overrun 3
Greater Overrun (BAB 6) 11
Elephant Stomp 13
Charge Through 15
Cornugon Smash 9
Master Craftsman 5
Craft Magic Arms and Armour 7
Raging Vitality 17
Iron Will 19

4 skills, always maxed: Intimidate, Perception, Craft(Weapons), and Craft(Armour)

elephant stomp is terrible, dude. it ends your charge prematurely (which still costs a full-round action!!!) and forces you to use a basic unarmed strike.

Good point about the unarmed strike. So I guess I'd just skip it and add some basic utility feat to the end.

Scarab Sages

ZanThrax wrote:
Is there any way to get a dwarf barbarian able to keep up with the tall races while wearing heavy armour?

Take the Fleet feat twice.

You can be moving at 30'/round in full plate at 3rd level while most fighters are still lumbering along with a 20' move speed.

Artanthos wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
Is there any way to get a dwarf barbarian able to keep up with the tall races while wearing heavy armour?

Take the Fleet feat twice.

You can be moving at 30'/round in full plate at 3rd level while most fighters are still lumbering along with a 20' move speed.

Nope. The very first words in that feat says "when you are in light or no armor". So it was designed so that it could not be taken advantage of in order to overcome speed penalties. Admittedly, it could work with mithral medium armor, but that item hardly mattered in the first place for a dwarf.

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