Slaves to the Crystalweb (Inactive)

Game Master Dalton the Thirsty

Crystalweb Slavesquad belonging to Doctor Khan, Chaulnazeen, in the Darklands of Golarion.

Reference for Chaulnazeen

Updated battlemap

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Discussion thread! OOC comments, DM questions, rules debates, they all belong here.

Female Demonspawn (Pitborn) Tiefling Summoner 4 (synthesist); Demonic glow, extra digits, serpent tail, six arms.

Really excited for this game and looking forward to seeing how the group interacts. I'm also nicely in the dark regarding where things are going and the drow's intent - though being drow each of them probably has several different schemes on the go!

Alec could I ask you to consider changing your speech up from small? I've got poor eyesight and have to zoom in on it, not a big deal, but a little cumbersome.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

I'm really looking forward to this game too ^^

I will have Beldrek up soon. Been a busy weekend.

As for posting requirements, I post at least 1 daily, more even depending on activity. Weekends are the same unless I have something going on.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Are there languages you have in mind for us to use with Abyssal, Infernal and Undercommon? If not I'm just going to pick some to use for them.

When you're working with Drow and Tieflings, it's useful to know those languages. And I don't think I want anybody knowing the Drow language - for one, it's not widely taught outside of Drow lands where you were captured, and for another, it reeks a bit of metagaming - making an in-character choice (to learn a language) based on OOC knowledge (we're captured by the people who speak this language).

If you want to learn Drow going forward, that would be allowed and a rational choice for your characters to make, but it can't be part of your level 4 package. Other languages are just fine if you have the INT or skill points to acquire them.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

I was meaning for when we talk in them. I know at times I will only be able to talk and understand Infernal. It was more what language I should use to represent the languages. If you had some you wanted us to use, or make our own choices.

EDIT: And if I misunderstood about you granting us Undercommon Via the Spiderling language graft in recruitment. I'll take it off her list.

Oh, you have the curse of tongues? I think it'd be best for you to make your own choices for language - Undercommon will suit you for most traditional situations in the Darklands, so any bonus languages will be for special circumstances. You might want to embrace your character's inherent character conflict of good vs evil by choosing Celestial as a cursed tongue. Just an idea, make your own choices. :)

Female Demonspawn (Pitborn) Tiefling Summoner 4 (synthesist); Demonic glow, extra digits, serpent tail, six arms.

Sorry so we don't all have Undercommon? I thought we got it as a freebie from a spider graft thing?

I think what Zayva is trying to say is if English is common, what real life languages would be lined up with other languages, presumably so they can be used for flavour purposes. Say Infernal was German, we could maybe throw in a word here or there, etc. Personally I just go with appropriate feeling gobldigook, but its all good :)

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Well right now I was looking at using the following:

Abyssal: ტესტირება (Georgian)

Infernal: પરીક્ષણ (Gujarati) or परीक्षण (Hindi)

Celestial: টেস্টিং (Bengali) or పరీక్ష (Telugu)

I'll probably take Celestial next level for my second Tongues Language. I was debating between that and Aklo.

Ahh, I didn't understand what she was asking, thanks Siri. Those are great choices Zayva, I'll go with those for visual representations of what you hear.

And yes you all have Undercommon as a bonus language.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Any suggestions for what to use for Undercommon though we all understand it? I kinda like the idea of using different real-world languages to represent them.

I'm leaning towards using Hindi for Infernal and Bengali for Celestial.

I'll leave that choice to you.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Oh, if any of you can't read any of those fonts let me know. I was looking at them at work and when I came home, I just saw the boxes. It's fixed now for me, so i can help point you in the direction to see them too.

I just posted this in the discussion thread for the other group, wanted to ask it here too:

Minor quality-of-life change for the DM - it would help me tremendously if you included temporary buffs in your die rolls, like so:

Piranha Strike with Flanking and Bless: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 11

It would help me to know that you're aware of and factoring in all the modifiers on your character. A little extra work from you but a big help for me. Thanks in advance guys :)

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Can do.

Frogfoot, I totally missed the fact that you changed our being able to use all funds freely. May I make some additional purchases? I ended up having like 4583 GP left.


FYI also everyone - the sweet Google Drawing I'm using for battlemaps updates and saves in real-time, so the battlemap should always be up-to-date to the most recent recap post.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

It's real nice. Means you don't have to worry about making it and then uploading it, just have to edit it ^^

I have finished with the purchases for Beldrek.

Yeah, I'm real pleased that Beleste pointed it out to me. It's far, far more elegant than trying to use Excel for battlemaps.

Demon-Spawn Tiefling | Notable Features: The head of a bull with vestigial horns, red skin, smokey breath, and the scent of brimstone seems to emanate from him. Int +4 | AC 25 Touch 10 Flat-footed 25 | HP 44 (-11 Non-Lethal Damage)/45 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +1 (+1 vs. Mind-affecting effects)
DM Frogfoot wrote:
Yeah, I'm real pleased that Beleste pointed it out to me. It's far, far more elegant than trying to use Excel for battlemaps.

Jokum was actually the one that pointed it out to you. I was referring to the Spreadsheets in Google Drive. However I am glad that Jokum pointed that out as well. It's a useful tool.

For those who hate to have their post eaten, I suggest a reasonable plugin that will solve your problem.

Lazarus Form Recovery for Firefox.
Lazarus Form Recovery for Chrome.

I have been using this for a while now and if you somehow lose a long, detailed post you will be able to recover it. This has saved my bacon on many an occasion.

Liberty's Edge

You're awesome!!! Downloaded. :-)

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Just a heads up, I found out this evening I am traveling for work Monday thru Wednesday of next week. I had thought I wasn't going to have to make anymore trips till spring, seems I was wrong. Hopefully I'll be able to post in the evenings, but if things happen you know what's going on.


HP: 24/31 | AC19 | touch 15 | flat-footed 14 | Tiefling
Acrobatics +11 Disable Device +11, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +10, Linguistics +7, Perception +8,Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +7

Alec and I will be gone for this weekend. Magic convention!

Have fun!

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Remember that I'm traveling for work. I'll post when I can. Hopefully we will head back wednesday, though that depends on tomorrow.

Thanks for the reminder. I won't hold any absences against you. :)

Liberty's Edge

Just a heads-up, Alaria's swamped in schoolwork at the moment and is trying to avoid working herself to death. I'll keep her updated as to what's going on, but she probably won't be able to post regularly except on the weekends.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Home from travel for this week, though I travel again next week for work. I'll be hit or miss tomorrow and saturday because of a death in the family. My schedule is not usually like this.

Sorry about your family's loss. The game will continue on, I assure you. Hop back in whenever you can.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Sorry I didn't put that in my last post, that it was a spell-like ability. I am around again but I'm not always thinking clearly.

No it's fine, I knew it was a spell-like ability actually, I just forgot that SLAs don't have V or S components.

HP: 24/31 | AC19 | touch 15 | flat-footed 14 | Tiefling
Acrobatics +11 Disable Device +11, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +10, Linguistics +7, Perception +8,Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +7

Guys. I think my head is going to explode. D:

Don't asplode

Hope everyone can bear with me during the holiday season when I don't always have time to post. The weekends in particular are extremely hectic for me - but I want to keep up activity on this campaign. Just giving everyone advance notice for those days when I am not able to post.

Liberty's Edge

Not a problem. :-) I'll still be here.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

I understand. It is that time of year.

Female Demonspawn (Pitborn) Tiefling Summoner 4 (synthesist); Demonic glow, extra digits, serpent tail, six arms.

+1, appreciate the heads ups!

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Hope your black friday wasn't too horrible Frogfoot

I avoided retail ground zeros, so I did ok

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Glad you did, not everyone who works retail got to avoid it. Hope your holiday week was a good one ^^

Well, I'm actually located at the corporate headquarters, not the retail locations. So all I had to do over the vacation time was write up reports from the stores.

Female Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) with Dragon Horns, Spiral Horns, and Periwinkle Skin Oracle of Life 4 | HP: 26/30 | AC 22, Touch 12, FF 20, CMD 16 | Resist Cold 5 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +3 | Perception +2 | Channel 4/5 | L1: 5/7 L2: 4/4

Ah. Sorry for assuming. I remembered Best Buy and just guessed retail, didn't even think corporate. Well I'm glad you got the day/vacation time. Time off is always nice.

HP: 24/31 | AC19 | touch 15 | flat-footed 14 | Tiefling
Acrobatics +11 Disable Device +11, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +10, Linguistics +7, Perception +8,Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +7

Hey guys, I have a lot on my plate right now, finals are kicking my booty and I need about a two weeks before I camn really get back. Feel free to GMPC my character.

No prob Alaria, good luck with school!

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