Ganryu |

Another player in my group has just lost a character and he wants to make a multiclass fighter/wizard. He was previously playing a paladin.
Is this sensible? We're playing kingmaker and we're now at lvl 7. 15 point buy.
We have:
Alchemist (bomber)
Wizard (teleportation)
Paladin (the character who died)
It feels like we'll be quite squishy with a fighter/wizard build as the paladin has saved our asses several times. the fighter/wizard multiclass build looks quite weak too. We're playing core rulebook + advanced player's guide.
Edit: And oh holy crap we got nearly completely wiped out in that encounter. It was a random encounter... Against some kind of bizarre spiked creature with poison. Only the wizard got away thanks to a critically timed Mount spell.

Atarlost |
If he goes into eldritch knight with a DEX based build, he'll be fine. Dervish dance, hamaraki, Mage armor, high DEX, and some buffs and he'll be a monster. Recommend to him Fighter 1/Wizard 5/EK 1.
The build changes dramatically if he wants to be an aasimar.
Read the whole OP. They're CRB/APG only. There are no dervish dance or haramaki or aasimar.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

even if you're using everything paizo has published, there are very few things with the survivability of a paladin... add to that the fact that you have very little healing in the party and you may have a tough time of things with a fighter/wizard. if that's really what he wants to play, don't try to force him to play something else (that's not fun) but be aware that you'll all need to be more careful, work together better, and think more strategically. as was mentioned, a magus is actually better than a fighter/wizard, but you'd have to convince your GM to allow Ultimate Magic. he could also look at the Arcane Duelist archetype- it doesn't have the offensive spells he may be looking for, but it works together better than the multiclass combo (and has a little healing ability); a battle cleric has the BAB of an evenly split fighter/wizard, can wear armor (and bring some healing) and would actually be a full caster instead of half... just some thoughts.

Waterhammer |

I played that AP up to 2nd level with a Wizard. We ran into trolls when we were still first level. We did not die, because we ran away. One of the players did want to stay and fight, but was outvoted.
A rapid retreat plan seems like a must for any party playing that campaign.
For multi-classing with a Wizard, I like the Ranger for a one level dip, over the Fighter. Wizards tend to have skill points to spend, and the Ranger has quite a nice list of class skills. You would play it as a straight Wizard.
The upside is, you gain a good list of class skills and a small boost to Fort and Reflex saves.
The downside is, you loose a full caster level. Two, if you opt for the Eldritch Knight PrC.

Cazin |
a battle cleric has the BAB of an evenly split fighter/wizard, can wear armor (and bring some healing) and would actually be a full caster instead of half... just some thoughts.
A cleric kit: theologian of the Fire domain. This adds the following spells to his cleric spell book: 1st—burning hands, 2nd—produce flame, 3rd—fireball, 4th—wall of fire, 5th—fire shield, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—elemental body IV (fire only), 8th—incendiary cloud, 9th—elemental swarm (fire spell only).
This would be a passable "F/M/C combo".

Ganryu |

Steve Shippy aka Beerwolf: He wants to play a more casterish melee character I think. Or rather, he dislikes that, as a paladin, his spells are weak and kinda useless.
Waterhammer: Same thing happened to us actually. Trolls at level 1. Yes we ran away. We do retreat when necessary, but we try to avoid metagaming. That is, most characters can assume that trolls are quite hard to deal with at that level, but this creature was something that NONE of us could identify with skill checks so running away would be using knowledge we wouldn't have.
Once we engaged it in combat retreat became impossible as it poisoned three characters with a poison with a DC over 20 that dealt something like 1-3 constitution damage per round.
(i always roll 1-5 whenever I roll knowledge checks to identify creatures. My +15 modifier doesn't help.)
Cazin: Theologian looks awesome, but it's in Ultimate Magic.

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You may want to see if you can interest him in one of the more melee-focused Oracle types. Metal isn't available because of your book restrictions, but I hear Battle well-spoken of as long as you have high enough stats to afford decent Strength, Constitution and Charisma... come to think of it, his old Paladin stats are probably already distributed right for such a character. A Fighter 1/ flame oracle might be better at giving him the "blasting" he seems to crave, though multiclassing with sorceror or oracle-style spell progression noticeably slows down the arrival of higher-level magic...

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That party makeup really does call out for a martial character. The player hankers for a caster. I also note that they lack a Bard. Perhaps he'd like to consider either a Reach Bard or Cleric? Those builds are both full casters, and are martially quite strong. An arcane casting Reach Bard is closer to the Fighter/Wizard motif, but a cleric with the right domain(s) can be a pretty decent blaster. Either would probably contribute more to such a party than a split class Melee/Caster type.

Waterhammer |

Sorry, I wasn't suggesting you metagame. At higher levels, you don't really need a bail-out plan. The Wizard should have teleport for that. At lower levels though, you need a plan. Or at least a lot of smokesticks. It's not metagaming for your GM to let you know if your attacks are not doing much. Of course, if no one is hitting, you all may be getting a bad feeling.
So what I'm suggesting is, a contingency to scoop up the fallen party member and bail. This, in the middle of combat, when your gut tells you things are going bad. It's not easy to retreat, the rules do not support it. That is why the need for an effective retreat plan is so important.
Actually, I only wanted to suggest that the Ranger is probably a better multi-class choice for a Wizard. The Wizard has little use for tower shields or heavy armor. The bonus feat is nice of course, but I feel the skill list outweighs it.
I tend to agree with others who posted that a melee character would augment the party better, but a big part of the fun of the game is playing the character of your choosing.

aaron Ellis |
I've been playing a Barbarian 1/Lame Oracle of Lore X in Kingmaker from 7th level up to 16th to great effect. I'm a big fan of multiclassing, even though it isn't optimal in PF. In almost 30 years of playing D&D, this is my all-time favorite character. For my play style, this character has the right mix of divine and arcane, martial and magic, skills and spells.
Level 7 Summary
He's an angry divine full caster who rages for 13 rounds per day, never fatigues, moves 30 per round, uses Charisma instead of Dexterity for AC and Reflex Saves, buffs himself before combat with Shield (from wand), Shield of Faith, and Divine Favor. When buffed and raging, he has a 25 AC and a +12 to hit with an Adamantine weapon. He drops rage to cast Grace, move away and heal (or blast with Searing Light/Brain Drain) when needed, then resumes rage on the next round.
Eventually his revelations let him use Charisma for Knowledge checks, trance for an extra +20 on Intelligence-based skill checks, gain extra Intelligence as he levels, and cast arcane spells from a Wizard's spellbook.
Anyway, here's the build at 7 . . .
Male Human Barbarian 1/Oracle 6
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +11
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (+7 armor, +4 shield, +3 Dex, +3 deflection)
hp 86 (1d12+6d8+52)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10
Immune fatigue
Weakness oracle's curses (lame)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Adamantine Falchion +12 (2d4+15/18-20/x2) and
. . +1 Cestus +10 (1d4+11/19-20/x2)
Ranged +1 Composite longbow (Str +2) +8 (1d8+5/x3)
Special Attacks rage (13 rounds/day), revelations (brain drain [6d4, 3 rounds] [2/day] [dc 16], sidestep secret)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 7):
3 (4/day) Locate Object, Cure Serious Wounds, Searing Light
2 (6/day) Resist Energy, Tongues, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Grace
1 (7/day) Entropic Shield, Detect Evil, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Bless, Identify, Magic Weapon, Cure Light Wounds
0 (at will) Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Detect Magic, Mending, Read Magic, Spark (DC 13), Guidance
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Extra Rage, Furious Focus, Power Attack -2/+4, Raging Vitality, Toughness
Traits Bastard, Magical Knack (Oracle)
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (engineering) +3, Knowledge (geography) +3, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Knowledge (planes) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +11, Ride -1, Spellcraft +4, Stealth -1, Swim +7, Use Magic Device +10;
Racial Modifiers bastard
Languages Common
SQ fast movement +10, mysteries (lore)
Combat Gear Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Shield (CL 2); Other Gear +1 Mithral Breastplate, +1 Adamantine Falchion, +1 Cestus, +1 Composite longbow (Str +2), Belt of mighty constitution +2, Cloak of resistance +1, 2xSmoke Stick, 2xAntitoxin, 2xAntiplague, 2xSoothe Syrup
Special Abilities
Bastard -1 CHA skills vs. Brevic Nobility, +1 Will save.
Brain Drain (6d4, 3 rounds) (2/day) (DC 16) (Su) Target within 100' suffers 6d4 damage, and you have 3 rounds to take a full-round action to make a knowledge skill check using the target's skill bonus. Will negates.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Lame One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th
Magical Knack (Oracle) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (13 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.

aaron Ellis |
Yes. Sidestep Secret. For some reason Hero Lab didn't include it in the special abilities stat block. It helps reduce dependence on multiple ability scores. The Lore Keeper revelation does something similar with Charisma for Intelligence on knowledge skill checks. The Lore mystery is pretty awesome (for certain types of play).

aaron Ellis |
Nope. 15 point buy. While raging.
Starting stats are:
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 12
Cha 14 (16 after racial bonus)
Add 1 to Con at 4th level
Add 2 to Con from Belt of Mighty Constitution
Add 4 to Str while raging
Add 4 to Con while raging
Add an extra 2 to Con with Raging Vitality
Looking ahead, the Mental Acuity revelation will add a total of 5 inherant bonus points to Intelligence at Oracle 18th level.