Death Curse


In the Dresden Files Harry mentions that when he dies he can kill or hurt his enemies with the curse. I would like to do this using a forced magic. Doesn't have to kill but it could do a huge damage to them. Any idea how would I do this? I would guess the damage would be based on level as well.

- D -

Nothing exactly like what you want, but....

Contingency + Major Curse spells should do it.

Of course, a real wizard will have his contigency spell set up to save his bacon rather than fry somebody else's.

He probably also has clones of himself so he never actually dies.

Nice thanks. This might work.

- D -

You can look at the Ravenloft Player's Handbook or the Book of Vile Darkness to see other mechanics of curses. Those could be adapted to Pathfinder quite easily.

In fact, the Ravenloft-type curses have been quite effective in our horror campaign.

*EDIT* The curse should be fitting, and provide an escape clause to be exceptionally effective. A death curse like you'd find in Dresden Files ("Die Alone" or "Never drink emotion again") wouldn't be appropriate mechanically speaking in the Pathfinder RPG, hence why the Dresden Files RPG is based on the FATE system.

I will look into these. Thanks Alton and Claxon.

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darkkeepr wrote:

I will look into these. Thanks Alton and Claxon.

- D -

One thing I've noticed is that Death curses in both source materials generally only work when the character dies soon afterward. A character who dies with a death curse either cannot be raised/resurrected or the act of raising the character causes the curse to be lifted.

Also, this may be of less concern depending on your play style, but death curses are considered evil acts, namely because 1) they are powered by spite or malice, and 2) they are intended to maim or cause agony.

Don't know why a normal bestow curse doesn't have the evil descriptor...

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