![]() Thanks for the advice everyone. Very helpful. I'm going to go through everything and figure it all out. I liked the quickened dazing fireball idea. Lol. No one would suspect the fireball. Summon monsters not sure how'd they do in this particular game as combat isn't always long enough for me to summon them. Right now Crafting Wondrous Items isn't allowed or buying any. GM wants to wait until later in the game. Are there any particular non-elemental spells that would be useful that could do the same damage as Fireball? I have a feeling some elemental spells may not be too effective in this game. I could be wrong though. - D - ![]()
![]() ErrantPursuit wrote:
Okay here's some of my stats: Character Traits: Reactionary and Magical Lineage Feats: Improved Initiative, Eschewed Materials, Toughness, Empower, Maximize Spell and I took Toppling Spell which I forgot I took and I have combat casting. My problem is, and I should point out that I've never played this high before for a sorcerer, that the enemies seem to have really high HP and some of the guides I read make it seem like I should be able to drop at least 1 or 2 within at least 3 rounds, I could be wrong, while my team mates focus on the rest. My other problem is Blasting isn't good due to someone always being in the way and could get hurt if I were to use say Fireball. So I was looking at a Sniper Sorcerer with some control ability so as not to worry about this. Unless I am not understanding blasting correctly. I am not sure what else you'd need to know. Getting Wands at the moment is a bit hard and gold is limited at the moment. ![]()
![]() Okay so now that I got an idea on what the campaign my sorcerer is in be like I am deciding a straight up War Sorcerer 'build' isn't going to do the trick. I am thinking of focusing more on a sniper Sorcerer with maybe some controller spells as needed. I am looking for advice for spells and or feats that maybe of interest. I should point out that the guys can pack a hell a punch even against our fighter who is a freaking BIG tank. So I need a way to take guys out within 3 rounds if possible, or at least wound them enough that my melee guys can take them out. I have access to a ton of 3rd and pathfinder spells and feats with Pathfinder stuff taking priority over 3rd edition. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. I am kinda focusing on Force magic, especially if I can find a better version of magic missile for higher levels that would be nice. I don't know if you need more details so if you do I can give you more as needed. Oh, I just hit level 8 now, and I am a Human Sorcerer with Arcane Bloodline. Thanks,
![]() I may use some 3.5 material but if I can find under the Pathfinder conversion I will go with that. One of the rules I will be going by is Pathfinder rules supersede 3rd edition rules always. I do recall hearing about a Psionic healing power and I was interested in psionic surgery that I had heard someone had used in their game. Not sure how that would all work out. I would use Psionics Unleashed though. Artificer I believe has a Pathfinder conversion already but I am not sure
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![]() I am working on a campaign setting where the Gods do not grant powers to their followers. I am sure the reasons don't matter why they don't. So I was looking for a Healer Class that obviously has no ties to the divine magic. I've read about the Knights of the Silver Hands from Warcraft and of Silver Flame from Eberron and I may use their ideas but what if the user is just doesn't believe in faith thus not casting spells. So I am looking for a substitute. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks,
![]() Okay so if you have 3 Metamagic feats that cause you to have to cast a spell at say +2 it's normal level for each feat does this mean that I have to use up 3 slots/per day at one time to cast it? Or do I cast it and only loose 1 slot/per day for every time I cast that spell. I have at the moment Magic Missle with Empowered and Maxamized with the Arcane Trait that lowers a feat by 1 and say add Sickening Spell to it for plus to all those feats require the spell to use a 3rd level slot/per day. So if I can cast 4 third level spells per day/slot do I use up 3 in one shot. This came up last week and I naturally assumed it would work that it only used one 3rd level slot per casting. The GM let it go for the moment but still I wanna make sure. Thanks,
![]() In the Dresden Files Harry mentions that when he dies he can kill or hurt his enemies with the curse. I would like to do this using a forced magic. Doesn't have to kill but it could do a huge damage to them. Any idea how would I do this? I would guess the damage would be based on level as well. Thanks
![]() @Speaker, yeah Sorcerers. It's what I get for posting tired. So what if my higher slots are filled already? What happens to the slot than? The Feat can't be applied? What also happens to the first level slot? Is it automatically freed up? Also would it apply than for spells known for a sorcerer or spells per day being cast? Sorry I read it wrong last night and misread it as the sorcerer doesn't use a slot just takes longer to cast. So does this time penalty only apply to the sorcerer and not the Wizard. ![]()
![]() I know Wizards have to prepare spells in slots and Wizards don't. So when it comes to Metamagic feats, if I am reading these rules right I don't have to prepare a spell such as Magic Missle for example to use a metamagic feat or two so long as I know it. However since the casting time is 1 standard action it would instead be 1 fullround action for a sorcerer. So am I right on this? That's the ups and downs of the metamagic feats basically. So if the book says it would take a fullround to cast what is the difference with 1-round casting time? Fullround meaning I cast it on my next turn rather than on that same turn and than end my turn? Sorry I am new playing a arcane user especially one with Metamagic feats. Thank you for your time.
![]() Those are very nice. I did find the harmaki armor. But the vest I will look into as that could be very handy for a few tricks up my sleeve. The wands are nice. But do they make me have to take a spell up another slot? Metafeats are still a bit confusing to me on how they work in regards to slotting. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the advice. I will find out soon how well we do. So far we had 2 battles. Some of us split but that was due to having 2 objectives to take care of and the other was a small fight nothing major. With everything I think I am going to try to focus on controlling when I can but be ranged as much as possible. Now just got to get the right spells and I should be set. ![]()
![]() Thanks everyone for the responses. Been a great help with setting up my Sorcerer. My GM is running a adventure (not sure if it's a campaign or what yet as we just started) and he gave us bonus cause he wants us to be a slightly super than the average PCs that are level 6. So I would have to expect AC to be somewhat more important than normal especially with the antics my fellow players would surely come up with. I don't know if that help SiuoL as you mentioned you don't know much about the campaign and such. As for spells and feats I am about to pick them. I am reading up on metamagic feats as I've never used them before. But that would be for another post/topic I would think. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the advice Captain. MCV my bloodline is Arcane. I did find a Battle variant of the sorcerer on
![]() Hi, I'm playing a sorcerer for the first time. In fact it's the first time I've ever played a magic user of any kind, arcane or divine. I am curious on where I would look in the books for equipment for the Sorcerer. Mostly for armor. I have found nothing for them. I have found a few rings but they do not appear to grant good protection. I know sorcerers don't use armor but I am talking about robes or rings or gauntlets (I've read somewhere they can wear these?). I am level 6 with 16,000 gp to spend. Granted I need to still buy a weapon but that shouldn't be to hard to do. Any advice is welcome. Thank you for your time.
![]() Does anyone know of any modules that feature the following areas: Osirion
I was thinking to create a mini-campaign from the modules that create a kinda "Inner Sea tour" that leads up to a bigger major campaign plot. later. The idea is to get my players interest in Golarion and the Inner Sea and then the last major campaign plot will have more impact if they feel their favorite locations would be wiped out. Even modules that take place outside the Inner Sea are welcome or any that travel to the planes. Also I heard of society adventures. Are they modules too? Thanks,
![]() The Wiki states she is a young queen, so I would assume she is probably 17 to 21 at which is okay, but can a dev confirm her age and when she took the throne if that is possible? I do know that her great-grandmother Abrogail Thrune I seized power in 4640 A.R. but was murdered by her son Antoninus to take the throne. It doesn't state whether he did take the throne or if Abrogail herself automatically became Queen at a young age. I would guess she became queen after his death whether by natural order or assassination as there is no information on this. I don't know if the devs are planning anything in the future for her and the country. If she assumed control after her great-grandmother died I wonder if then that part of the bargain was that only female heirs were allowed to rule? Hence why even after Antoninus killed his mother he couldn't take control? It would also be safe to assume that Queen Thrune I made a bargain with Asmodeus himself and not with a random Devil of Hell? ![]()
![]() Thanks for the reply. One last question, if say tiefling saved her would she possibly grant him nobility? My Tiefling's background is that he either saved her life (from an accident and not an assassination plot) or that he was born into a noble family (minor but has been loyal to her family since it took control) and after they past away for whatever reason I have yet to determine has allowed him to keep his family's status. Thoughts on this? ![]()
![]() Thanks for the info everyone. Him being on their level makes sense. Just imagine then if all the Dark Ones decided to come their way. Fun times. I did read Orcs worshiped him. Since Rovagug is a Chaotic Evil god would it then seem strange the Orcs that control that country (Hold something I forget it's name) would rally under a banner of a powerful Orc to invade other lands? Doesn't have to be orcs but using them as an example. - D - ![]()
![]() Heaven's Agent wrote:
Good point. Stats for Rovagug would be pointless even if the players could take on a god themselves cause yeah if he's that strong. Now I have to figure out how or why anyone would want to free the beast and plots and adventures for it. Idk where to begin to design a campaign around this idea, should it span the entire campaign or just the last parts or what. Thoughts and suggestions? ![]()
![]() @Lazar, Only way the world would end is if the player's screwed up majorly. @Spiral_Ninja, Lol i think you mean Azathoth? But yeah I can see what you mean after reading up on it. @Tacticslion, yep I have heard of the creature. I remember it from D&D when I first read it. And the Qlippoth I found in the Bestiary 2 and it doesn't reference Rovagug as far as I can tell. I'll have to go back and reread it again just in case I missed it. If you find the reference from James Jacobs please post it here. Thanks. ![]()
![]() I was wondering if there are any adventure modules or such that have encounters with creatures/agents of Rovagug for stats for a campaign in which Rovagug would be set free? Even stats on the god itself. Also, is Rovagug something beyond Aboleths and the Gods of the Dark Tapestry or is it just some mindless/bestial regular god that somehow is more powerful then the gods of Golarion? He seems like he could be PF's version of Pandorym. Thanks,