Confessions That Will Get You Shunned By The Members Of The Paizo Community

Gamer Life General Discussion

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thejeff wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:
Often at best they see the other person's point, abandon the thread and then look for another thread to debate in.
Well, I try to give people feedback, but I have this deathly allergy to admitting I'm wrong, so it is difficult.
I was wrong once, in my early teens. I didn't like it, so I resolved never to be wrong again.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

I see what you did there. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Taco Bell is also available at 0200 when you're inebriated.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Terquem wrote:
I confess that I do not understand. If things are not made to specifically satisfy me, then how do you explain Taco Bell...?
I explain it as garbage not fit for dogs purchased by people too cheap to get Moe's, Tijuana Flats, or Qdoba.

I remember hearing a radio program where they were interviewing Mexicans who had grown up in the US but later been deported to Mexico as adults (they'd been brought in undocumented as young children by their parents). These particular ones were working in a Mexico City call center (due to their mad bilingual skills) and the conversation turned to the things they missed most -- and for many of them it was Taco Bell. Because in Mexico they only had *actual* Mexican food.

I won't eat at Taco Bell for any reason, mostly because it's too easy to put feces in the beans, and has happened too many times for me :-)

I worked at Taco Bell when I was teenager. The very idea of tampering with people's food filled me with absolute disgust.

At the time (I can't speak to it now, but I like to think that their policies haven't changed), it was the cleanest place I had ever seen. Every utensil was washed within an inch of its life, even after a single use. Hand washing was paramount, and the person taking orders and handling money never made the food, and vice versa.

Krensky wrote:
Taco Bell is also available at 0200 when you're inebriated.

So is Jack in the Box, which in this case is the lesser of two evils.

There is no Jack in the Box in the northeast. Closest one is in North Carolina. I had the opportunity to try it in Oregon about 8 years ago. Was a glorious experience. :-)

thegreenteagamer wrote:
The overwhelming majority of house rules I've seen posted in that subforum don't actually solve any problems. Many just overcomplicate things under the guise of adding realism or "fixing" a problem. I'd say a good portion of houseruling comes from folks who just want to say they came up with something.

There probably is some ego involved most of the time, but I think it's a mistake to think of game tinkerers as gamers who just want the gamer cred of writing something. There are easier ways to get that cred, starting with simple one-shot adventures.

I'm a frequent tinkerer myself; I've written many bad house rules, and a few good ones. My driving motivation is "This game doesn't work the way I want it to work," as well as the sheer enjoyment I get out of the very process of tinkering with rules. The second one just as much as the first; for example, there's a long list of problems I have with the 3e family of games. (My 2e list is longer.) Literally every time I scroll over the Paizo forums, I see thread titles that make me think "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore!" Because I have 4e, which plays like a dream. So all those arguments about optimizing and Stormwind, alignment, paladins, broken classes...they're total non-issues for me, because I finally have an edition of D&D that I don't have to butcher to have something that I'm really excited to run.

...And despite all that, I'm working on a 3e-spin-off game that works as I want 3.x to work. Sure, if I ever finish it I'll be able to say "I was the first guy to make multiclassing work in this particular way!" (Assuming someone doesn't beat me to it.) But I'm writing it mostly because 3.x is still in my head, I guess, and because I love tinkering!

TheAlicornSage wrote:
Two different views on the same thing, one sees a problem, the other doesn't. I'm pretty sure that one person trying to fix it would cause a problem for the other.

Sometimes. But other times, I'm convinced that the one who doesn't see a problem would be just as content either long as it was the way he/she grew up with, or the way that the devs wrote it down.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
There is no Taco Bell in Finland.

You're not missing out. Imagine if McDonald's sold Mexican food. It's like Chipoltle only cheaper. The cheese burns instead of melting. The "beef" has been so filled with artificial crap they were sued for mislabeling. Every person I know who ever worked in one across multiple cities has said they practice the 5-second rule.

It's also delicious and cheap as hell, so people with no self respect will buy and eat it and probably get pissed at me for pointing out all of these things, because f*** what it does to your insides if it tastes good, right?

Oh, how I would shun you, shun you from the depths of my being, but, *uh, uh, uh*, *whaaaaa* you are correct, *bwaa, ah, ha, ah*

BigDTBone wrote:
knightnday wrote:
I'm more inclined to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.

OK, you go to the store and buy some plain white candles for when the power goes out.

When you need them you open the box and of the ten candles you have the following:

It's more like this. Many year ago, there were tallow candles. They worked, but they smelled, and wer dim. So, the developed beeswax candles- great smell, but expensive, still not very bright. Next was what many people got used to: Paraffin - cheap, bright, etc. All the rage. Then the Paraffin company started to get funny with their sales and product, introduced Whale oil candles, which nobody liked and were environmentally unsound. So a new company came out with Soy candles. Natural, renewable, non-toxic and biodegradable! However not quite as bright as Paraffin. But some buyer opened a box of them and found a tiny defect on one. He then threw out his box in disgust, and started haunting the MB of the Soy candle company constantly complaining Soy was broken, under powered, and horrible, even tho he didnt use the product.


Kthulhu wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:
Often at best they see the other person's point, abandon the thread and then look for another thread to debate in.
Well, I try to give people feedback, but I have this deathly allergy to admitting I'm wrong, so it is difficult.
I was wrong once, in my early teens. I didn't like it, so I resolved never to be wrong again.

Umm, how about the recent post where you said true Vancian casters only knew a few spells? ;-)

One of the gamers I associate with can't run ANYTHING without adding his own set of rules tweaks or adjustments.

Its always Pathfinder with MAG rules (his initials), or Savage Worlds with MAG rules, or whatever the particular system is...

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

Why doesn't it surprise me that you are the one who leaps to the defence of the, I mean...rogue? : )

Well, yeah. The Thief filled a critical niche back then. Dungeons were full of deadly and diabolic Gygaxian traps, and only the Thief could handle them.

Now- no more well done devious traps, and that niche can be done almost as well (and even as well perhaps)by a bunch of archetypes or new classes.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Terquem wrote:
I thinks its just semantics, word use and all that stuff. For me, the game has no "problems" it just doesn't play the way I want it to play, so I use house rules to shape the game my way, not fix problems.
See, I find something not working the way I want it to to be a 'problem' by the common definition.

Not unless many others have the same problem. If it's not working the way YOU want, the problem could be with YOU. ;-)

Grand Lodge

Krensky wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Terquem wrote:
I thinks its just semantics, word use and all that stuff. For me, the game has no "problems" it just doesn't play the way I want it to play, so I use house rules to shape the game my way, not fix problems.
See, I find something not working the way I want it to to be a 'problem' by the common definition.
But the question is: Is it your problem or the manufacturer's problem?

The answer to that question is irrelevant to the question "is there a problem?"

That statement is irrelevant to the statement, "The habaneros are on the shelf."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Confession: A lot of the problems are not problems. They are times to apply GM creativity and world building skills! ;)

Grand Lodge

Terquem wrote:
That statement is irrelevant to the statement, "The habaneros are on the shelf."

And if the shelf is a bad place to store peppers, you have a problem.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I shun the guy in my group who shows up AFTER the pizza has been delivered and paid for and then eats some of it.
Is he making a regular habit of this, or is it an occasional legitimate error?

He rarely does it anymore as everyone usually just stops at their favorite fast food place on the way to the game. We could never prove he was doing it deliberately, but numerous incidents sure looked suspicious.

captain yesterday wrote:
I won't eat at Taco Bell for any reason, mostly because it's too easy to put feces in the beans, and has happened too many times for me :-)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Krensky wrote:
Taco Bell is also available at 0200 when you're inebriated.

White Castle their fries come in any size!

Wait, why do I have a problem. They're not my peppers. I don't even like peppers.

And another thing, Capt. Yesterday, are you implying getting feces in your beans, or getting your feces in somebody else's beans, wait...I just realized I don't want to know

Grand Lodge

DrDeth wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Terquem wrote:
I thinks its just semantics, word use and all that stuff. For me, the game has no "problems" it just doesn't play the way I want it to play, so I use house rules to shape the game my way, not fix problems.
See, I find something not working the way I want it to to be a 'problem' by the common definition.
Not unless many others have the same problem. If it's not working the way YOU want, the problem could be with YOU. ;-)

Like I said to Terquem, disagreeing on what the problem is does not mean no problem exists.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terquem wrote:

Wait, why do I have a problem. They're not my peppers. I don't even like peppers.

And another thing, Capt. Yesterday, are you implying getting feces in your beans, or getting your feces in somebody else's beans, wait...I just realized I don't want to know

I wanna say Eau Claire or Racine maybe 10 years ago some lady got busted for slipping feces into the beans, any way wasn't terribly close to us but close enough that I haven't eaten at Taco Bell since:-)

Also I was a sous chef and baker before construction so I'd rather make my own then eat the s@## most fast food restaurants call "food" :-)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Krensky wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Terquem wrote:
I thinks its just semantics, word use and all that stuff. For me, the game has no "problems" it just doesn't play the way I want it to play, so I use house rules to shape the game my way, not fix problems.
See, I find something not working the way I want it to to be a 'problem' by the common definition.
But the question is: Is it your problem or the manufacturer's problem?
The answer to that question is irrelevant to the question "is there a problem?"

Only an expert can deal with the problem.

Because seeing the problem is half the problem
And only an expert can see there's a problem.
So only an expert can deal with the problem:
Only an expert can deal with the problem.

agreeing upon what "problem" means does not imply a problem does exist, either.


That's just,


your opinion,


captain yesterday wrote:
Terquem wrote:

Wait, why do I have a problem. They're not my peppers. I don't even like peppers.

And another thing, Capt. Yesterday, are you implying getting feces in your beans, or getting your feces in somebody else's beans, wait...I just realized I don't want to know

I wanna say Eau Claire or Racine maybe 10 years ago some lady got busted for slipping feces into the beans, any way wasn't terribly close to us but close enough that I haven't eaten at Taco Bell since:-)

Also I was a sous chef and baker before construction so I'd rather make my own then eat the s&!& most fast food restaurants call "food" :-)

Ever since I watched them pour the "meat" out of a bag, I've avoided Taco Bell. The consistency would make it hard to notice.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

They can have my Taco Bell food when they pry it from my cold, dead jaws.

Grand Lodge

Terquem wrote:
agreeing upon what "problem" means does not imply a problem does exist, either.

So basically, you can't tell me what is and is not a problem, nor can I do the same to you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
They can have my Taco Bell food when they pry it from my cold, dead jaws.

Which will happen all on its own, naturally, sooner than it otherwise would courtesy of that very Taco Bell food :P

no, no, no, and please stop dragging seriousness into this, *sheesh*.

Just because I think there isn't a problem, doesn't mean there isn't a problem, for you, or somebody else, and just because you think there is a problem, for you, doesn't mean there is a problem for me or anyone else. I mean, seriously, when it comes to house rules, I think we all have an opinion on them, and sometimes it is because of some perceived problem, but that doesn't mean it is a actual problem, oh I give up.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All this talk makes me want Taco Hell.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terquem wrote:
...oh I give up.

That makes me the victor!

When I am sad, Taco bell reminds me of my childhood...10 cent tostadas, 15 cent burritos...mmmmmm

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Terquem wrote:
agreeing upon what "problem" means does not imply a problem does exist, either.
So basically, you can't tell me what is and is not a problem, nor can I do the same to you.

Tickets! Get your tickets here!! They both start with a T but only one looks like the boozer God!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
There is no Taco Bell in Finland.

You're not missing out. Imagine if McDonald's sold Mexican food. It's like Chipoltle only cheaper. The cheese burns instead of melting. The "beef" has been so filled with artificial crap they were sued for mislabeling. Every person I know who ever worked in one across multiple cities has said they practice the 5-second rule.

It's also delicious and cheap as hell, so people with no self respect will buy and eat it and probably get pissed at me for pointing out all of these things, because f*** what it does to your insides if it tastes good, right?

Having been a waitress in a number of establishments when I was younger I can tell you if you have issues with unhygienic people handling your food, then you need to start growing and raising your own food. All restaurants have this problem. It does get worse the lower paid the workers are, but I have even seen the 5 second rule used at a five star eatery.

Aranna wrote:

Having been a waitress in a number of establishments when I was younger I can tell you if you have issues with unhygienic people handling your food, then you need to start growing and raising your own food. All restaurants have this problem. It does get worse the lower paid the workers are, but I have even seen the 5 second rule used at a five star eatery.

I was working as a cook in a Mexican restaurant when the lead cook knocked a pan of tortillas in the floor. He picked them up, dusted them off, and said, "Makes them authentic". I quit that day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This makes me want real food.

Moe's. Mmmm. So good.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Having been a waitress in a number of establishments when I was younger I can tell you if you have issues with unhygienic people handling your food, then you need to start growing and raising your own food. All restaurants have this problem. It does get worse the lower paid the workers are, but I have even seen the 5 second rule used at a five star eatery.

I was working as a cook in a Mexican restaurant when the lead cook knocked a pan of tortillas in the floor. He picked them up, dusted them off, and said, "Makes them authentic". I quit that day.

I suspect he wasn't wrong with that statement xD

thejeff wrote:
Ever since I watched them pour the "meat" out of a bag, I've avoided Taco Bell. The consistency would make it hard to notice.

One of the many reasons I'm glad I'm a vegetarian :)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aranna wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
There is no Taco Bell in Finland.

You're not missing out. Imagine if McDonald's sold Mexican food. It's like Chipoltle only cheaper. The cheese burns instead of melting. The "beef" has been so filled with artificial crap they were sued for mislabeling. Every person I know who ever worked in one across multiple cities has said they practice the 5-second rule.

It's also delicious and cheap as hell, so people with no self respect will buy and eat it and probably get pissed at me for pointing out all of these things, because f*** what it does to your insides if it tastes good, right?

Having been a waitress in a number of establishments when I was younger I can tell you if you have issues with unhygienic people handling your food, then you need to start growing and raising your own food. All restaurants have this problem. It does get worse the lower paid the workers are, but I have even seen the 5 second rule used at a five star eatery.

Agree completely. Read Kitchen Confidential sometime...or don't, if you're squeamish.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tormsskull wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Ever since I watched them pour the "meat" out of a bag, I've avoided Taco Bell. The consistency would make it hard to notice.
One of the many reasons I'm glad I'm a vegetarian :)

Coward. I and your ancestors shun you.

A vegetarian apex predator... What is the world coming to...

TOZ wrote:
Terquem wrote:
...oh I give up.
That makes me the victor!

Except that he is right. Just because there is a problem for you, doesn't make it a problem for others. RPGs abound with subjective problems. We all have our own ideas about how things should work.

thejeff wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:
Often at best they see the other person's point, abandon the thread and then look for another thread to debate in.
Well, I try to give people feedback, but I have this deathly allergy to admitting I'm wrong, so it is difficult.
I was wrong once, in my early teens. I didn't like it, so I resolved never to be wrong again.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Don't worry, I've got you covered. I think you've been wrong many times.

Simon Legrande wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:
Often at best they see the other person's point, abandon the thread and then look for another thread to debate in.
Well, I try to give people feedback, but I have this deathly allergy to admitting I'm wrong, so it is difficult.
I was wrong once, in my early teens. I didn't like it, so I resolved never to be wrong again.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
Don't worry, I've got you covered. I think you've been wrong many times.

Well, good to see someone's admitting they've been wrong many times.

Krensky wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Ever since I watched them pour the "meat" out of a bag, I've avoided Taco Bell. The consistency would make it hard to notice.
One of the many reasons I'm glad I'm a vegetarian :)

Coward. I and your ancestors shun you.

A vegetarian apex predator... What is the world coming to...

I, too, am a dirty hippie-tarian. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Mind you, I don't judge meat eaters. I am veggie mostly for health reasons - I had really bad blood pressure and cholesterol, quit meat, leveled out in under two months without meds, and haven't looked back for six years.

If you want to eat animals, whatever, humans are more important to me. If you want to treat your body like crap, guzzle Mt. Dew, sit on your butt all day, and down a tub of fried chicken, more power to you - I just got healthier by comparison thanks to your actions. Lowering the bar works for me.

I'm a partial Messisarian [as in, I'm working towards it but haven't gotten there yet, like a vegetarian who is weaning themselves off meat]

If I didn't harvest food myself then I would really rather not eat it. [Exception goes to food grown by local producers I can trust.]

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You folks need to calm down on the ad-hominem attack...

Soilent wrote:

You folks need to calm down on the ad-hominem attack...


Sovereign Court

I hate the Forgotten Realms Setting.

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