Confessions That Will Get You Shunned By The Members Of The Paizo Community

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I hate FFVII and believe it is responsible for the downfall of the series.
You are an evil, tainted person and should be fed to smelly otyughs. Slowly.
strange. ..according to my driver's license and the name written on my pants tag, I am neither joss whedon, alton Brown or mark zuckerberg.

Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

Also love FFT. Truly. Even the blah handheld version.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think The Legend of Dragoon is superior to the Final Fantasy series.

I think any game, book, movie or other creative effort called "Final [ANYTHING]" should be disallowed of ever having a "version X".

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I've been playing D&D since the time when you had to roll to hit with a Magic Missile

Now get off my lawn

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I hate FFVII and believe it is responsible for the downfall of the series.
You are an evil, tainted person and should be fed to smelly otyughs. Slowly.
strange. ..according to my driver's license and the name written on my pants tag, I am neither joss whedon, alton Brown or mark zuckerberg.
Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

this is a good thing.

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I once had a campaign called Adventurers in Blunderland styled as a satire of classic RPGs in a similar fashion to Phil&Dixie, Order of the Stick, Tower of Dork, Downer, and similar old comics! Nothing like fighting an Orc Death Metal Bard with a Greataxe of Harmonic Doom or having an army of gummy bears TPK PCs!

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LazarX wrote:
Josh M. wrote:
FFI-VI is where it's at. FF VII was way over-hyped, and definitely where the decline started.

If it was over-hyped, it was over-hyped with good reason. The folks at Square pushed the ultimate out of that little dingy grey box known as the original Playstation, especially with the cinematics which I would warrant are the main reason the game has so much fandom and love. The cinematics drew you into the character's story and once there there was no unsticking yourself.

Love it or hate it, Final Fantasy Seven was a watershed game that set new benchmarks to measure all other video rpg's by.

YMMV, but I disagree. I was a strong FF fan starting with FF1 on the NES all the way up to FFVI on SNES. FFVII killed it for me. I didn't pick up another FF game until FFXI on xbox 360.

DigitalMage wrote:
Maybe random rolling wouldn't be so bad if every player had to use the same set of random results - its like the GM only allowing the players to use a specific array of scores.

I don't think I'd mind the Potluck Method; i.e., each player rolls a set of stats, and then the DM records and displays them all. Afterward, each player gets to choose the set he wants to chargen with. This method is pretty fair, but does have some disadvantages:

1. The more players in the group, the better the stats are likely to be. Of course, the DM can always impose a less generous rolling method if he has an overly large group.

2. Someone (probably the DM) has to keep a record of the original sets of rolled stats, for the inevitable PC deaths and new players joining the group.

3. It probably doesn't appeal to the "I love random!" crowd as much as the traditional everyone-for-himself method. While someone who wants to play a MAD class (say, monk) might pick the set with consistent 12's to 15's, most players will probably pick the set with the 17 or 18. (Or maybe not; I've known players who hate hate having negative mods.)

Terquem wrote:

I've been playing D&D since the time when you had to roll to hit with a Magic Missile

Now get off my lawn

Wait, what? Which edition was this?

I thought 4e was the only one where MM required an attack roll!

Blue Book rules of 1977, page 15 (A few years ago I was able to provide a few scans of my First and Second Edition printings to Aceaum Blue Box editions , to clear up a question about the use of the word "Hobbit" in the various editions)

Liberty's Edge

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
I don't think I'd mind the Potluck Method; i.e., each player rolls a set of stats, and then the DM records and displays them all. Afterward, each player gets to choose the set he wants to chargen with.

I hadn't even thought about rolling multiple sets of stat arrays, I had just thought about the DM rolling one set of ability scores and then players all had to use that one array (but could allocate the scores to different abilities).

But I like that idea of having a range of randomly generated arrays that players could choose from, though no matter the number of players I would likely set a certain number of arrays to create, perhaps four.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

My first exposure to Lovecraft in gaming was the original Call of Cthulu. Our GM was a graduate student from France, and the only copy of the rules we had were in French. Our character sheets were also in French. (Need I say that no one else in the group spoke a word of French.)

The experience of going through a horror scenario with such a distorted view of what was happening or what your character was even capable of doing was awesome. Every other horror game since (including actual CoC in English) has been a disappointment.

Silver Crusade

DigitalMage wrote:
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

Point-buy is a choice of how to assign points that are imposed upon you by the DM's point-buy total.

Rolling stats is a choice of how you assign the rolls that are imposed on you by the results of the dice.

I'm seeing much less difference between the two methods in regard to how much choice there is.

But hopefully the GM "imposes" the same number of points on each player, whereas the dice can "impose" a completely different number (and allocation) of points on each player.

That is the bit I dislike personally. Maybe random rolling wouldn't be so bad if every player had to use the same set of random results - its like the GM only allowing the players to use a specific array of scores.

But even then as a GM, even if I use different dice forumlae for the different types of campaign I want to run (e.g. 3d6 for gritty, 2d6+6 for heroic etc) the array I may end up with may not lend itself to creating characters that are suited to that type of campaign.

E.g. theoretically 3d6 for a gritty campaign could result in an array of 18, 16, 15, 14, 12, 12, whilst 2d6+6 for a heroic campaign could result in an array of 14, 11, 10, 10, 9, 8.

What I've found with point-buy is that it strongly favours SAD classes. If you want a MAD class, tough.

With random rolls, you wait until you see what array you roll; if its got a few good scores then you can play a MAD class, but if it's only got one then choose a SAD class.

If you roll no good scores at all, there is a re-roll mechanic where you roll a new array.

Liberty's Edge

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

Good Eats!!!!!

Watch the whole episode - you even get to learn where nachos came from (and why they are called 'nachos'!)

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
if its got a few good scores then you can play a MAD class, but if it's only got one then choose a SAD class.

Or... I can roll a bunch of good scores and play a SAD class but with even more points into things I want like Con or Dex!

Personally, I don't like random rolls because I tend to get straight 12's and under while another guy at the table gets 5 18's and a 17 somehow. Confession: I don't like random rolls or buy point!

My bad luck with rolling dice is legendary at our game table. I once rolled a "1" on five dice in a row, including three d20s. We calculated the odds at roughly 1 in 640,000 (not quite one in a million, sadly).

Even so, I prefer rolling stats just because of the potential for characters that are difficult, or impossible, to build with point buys.

My last two times at rolling my dice ended up with one character at roughly an 18 point buy, and another at closer to a 28 point buy. So I got lucky both times.

However, our group mostly does point buy now. I give the option and 90% of the time the players will choose point buy.

Marc Radle wrote:
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

Good Eats!!!!!

Watch the whole episode - you even get to learn where nachos came from (and why they are called 'nachos'!)

do not do this. Resist alton brown and all his works.

MrSin wrote:
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
if its got a few good scores then you can play a MAD class, but if it's only got one then choose a SAD class.

Or... I can roll a bunch of good scores and play a SAD class but with even more points into things I want like Con or Dex!

Personally, I don't like random rolls because I tend to get straight 12's and under while another guy at the table gets 5 18's and a 17 somehow. Confession: I don't like random rolls or buy point!

I rolled up 3 18s, a 17, 16, and 14 before. That was too much and decided to reroll and got something less extreme.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I disliked every FF game I tried (which was admittedly only a handful), and the rest don't look like they would be better.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

Good Eats!!!!!

Watch the whole episode - you even get to learn where nachos came from (and why they are called 'nachos'!)

do not do this. Resist alton brown and all his works.

How DARE you, sir !?!?!

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
My bad luck with rolling dice is legendary at our game table. I once rolled a "1" on five dice in a row, including three d20s. We calculated the odds at roughly 1 in 640,000 (not quite one in a million, sadly).

I once played a campaign and never rolled above a 2 the entire campaign, four or so sessions of not rolling above a 2 is a lot of failures. I failed to open a door! My luck is... less than lucky. Threw the dice away after I was done.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I enjoyed Chrono Cross more than Chrono Trigger, and feel it is a better game overall.

Freehold DM wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Are we still doing confessions? I had to google Alton Brown... I still don't know who he is.

Good Eats!!!!!

Watch the whole episode - you even get to learn where nachos came from (and why they are called 'nachos'!)

do not do this. Resist alton brown and all his works.

Do not listen to this person. Good Eats is the best show on the Food Network and chock full of a lot of practical techniques for ordinary, day-to-day cooking. And rather than just zipping through the prep of a dish, he includes a lot of information on why you use some ingredients the way you use them. If you've ever seen America's Test Kitchen on PBS or Create, it's a bit like a one-man version of that hosted by a mildly sarcastic movie fanboy.

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Adjule wrote:
I enjoyed Chrono Cross more than Chrono Trigger, and feel it is a better game overall.

You're dead to me.

I like always lawful good Paladins.

I like a!@@$#@ Paladins.

No, I don't see a contradiction there.

I am a rules lawyer and have to bite my tongue when the GM decides to go against what's written.

I am so f!@#ing sick of medival-europe-with-magic.

I miss Cartigan sometimes.

Liberty's Edge

My favorite class is the Monk.

I was in a fraternity and played a lot of sports
also I have used bro in a non-ironic manner plenty of times
while wearing a trucker hat

lucky7 wrote:
My favorite class is the Monk.

Mine too.

On Final Fantasy, I never liked VII or VIII and I think IV, X, and XII are the best ones in the series (haven't played VI, hear it's really good).

Of course Kingdom Hearts whips all their asses but hey, nothing's perfect.

Liberty's Edge

Kryzbyn wrote:
I miss Cartigan sometimes.

Its funny you mention that, I came across some of his posts during a rules question search and was thinking that just about a day or so ago.

Liberty's Edge

ShadowcatX wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
I miss Cartigan sometimes.
Its funny you mention that, I came across some of his posts during a rules question search and was thinking that just about a day or so ago.

I forgot about him! Anyone know what ever happened to hom? Heck, what ever happened to Man In Black for that matter?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
My favorite class is the Monk.

Mine too.

On Final Fantasy, I never liked VII or VIII and I think IV, X, and XII are the best ones in the series (haven't played VI, hear it's really good).

Of course Kingdom Hearts whips all their asses but hey, nothing's perfect.

you're dead to me.

lucky7 wrote:
My favorite class is the Monk.

Mine as well. Although we play in a Gestalt game so the mechanical shortcomings are shored up pretty easily. Nothing like a Monk/Sorcerer throwing a Hadoken Fireball.

As for Final Fantasy - I only played FFI. I never played the SNES ones when they were first out. I got back into the series with VII and loved it. I've gone back and played the older ones, and I like VII more.

I've pretty much fallen out of playing console RPGs. My RPG time is for pen and paper - if I turn on the video game machines I play Rock Band. Or Lego games with the wife.

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Confession: I hate Vancian. I see no redeeming aspects to it and think it does nothing to help narrative or mechanical balance and picking spells for it is some of the least fun I've had with the game.

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MrSin wrote:
Confession: I hate Vancian. I see no redeeming aspects to it and think it does nothing to help narrative or mechanical balance and picking spells for it is some of the least fun I've had with the game.

I think you misunderstood the title. This is "confessions that will get you shunned...." not "confessions that will make you a hero...." ;)

Liberty's Edge

I have no strong feelings about vancian magic one way or the other. If I had a choice I'd take spheres of magic (like Mage the Ascension) but without a choice it doesn't bother me.

Grand Lodge

Did you get in on Spheres of Power?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did you get in on Spheres of Power?

hm. I will withold judgement until the product is out but this sounds a lot like a game affriend of mine made back in high school that was like nobilis on downers.

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did you get in on Spheres of Power?

Indeed. :)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Haha, you fool! Now I have a list of 965 names that could be yours! It's only a matter of time...

I just read this entire thread from the beginning.

I sometimes sit down and eat a whole package of tofu raw, without any kind of seasoning.

When the next edition of D&D comes out, there is an almost zero chance of me playing or running Pathfinder ever again. But I'll cherish the memories.

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Haha, you fool! Now I have a list of 965 names that could be yours! It's only a matter of time...

:) I'm sure if you look you'll be able to figure out which one is me.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

There's always that one guy in any group that is a little too involved in the game. The guy who sends the rest of the group emails on what his character's custom weapon might look like, or writes up snippets of fiction based on the party.

I am that guy.


Adamantine Dragon wrote:

I think you should roll randomly for:

1. Number of heads.
2. Number and type of genders.
3. Race
4. Number and type of limbs
5. Abilities (just get rid of "class" altogether)
6. Feats
7. Skills
8. Alignment

Probably more. That's a game I could get into rite thar.

Sounds like Gamma World...or 4th ed. of it anyway.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Pendragon wrote:

There's always that one guy in any group that is a little too involved in the game. The guy who sends the rest of the group emails on what his character's custom weapon might look like, or writes up snippets of fiction based on the party.

I am that guy.


I'm that guy too.

Dark Archive

Lord Pendragon wrote:

There's always that one guy in any group that is a little too involved in the game. The guy who sends the rest of the group emails on what his character's custom weapon might look like, or writes up snippets of fiction based on the party.

I am that guy.


I think I put you on my spam folder a couple of years ago. Sorry.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I can't stand the kind of people who play roleplaying games.

I'm not even kidding. :p I can't stand what seems to be the average RPGer. I shun Cons. SHUN THEM.

Tels wrote:
Lord Pendragon wrote:

There's always that one guy in any group that is a little too involved in the game. The guy who sends the rest of the group emails on what his character's custom weapon might look like, or writes up snippets of fiction based on the party.

I am that guy.


I'm that guy too.

I would be that guy if I didn't fight it like Beowulf fighting the Grendel...

I have written short stories based on my characters... but I haven't emailed them to anyone... yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Psh... I hand-deliver them.

... and watch you read 'em! (savoring your reaction to every twist and turn of my character's life)

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