Can we Smurf "Rouge" vs. "rogue"?

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It's morphing time?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This is getting out of hand. :)

Sovereign Court

Zaister wrote:
This is getting out of hand. :)

Truly, it's morphed into a strange beast!

Robb Lukasik wrote:
Hey, Tacticslion agreed with me so at least I'm not alone.

Heck, right now, I'm not even sure which is which, while looking at the title of the thread.

I know the difference in theory, but in practice it's extraordinarily difficult for me to tell the difference. I'd absolutely love it if I got a funny avatar every time I spelled it wrong. EDIT 3: Although now I think "rogue" is correct. I couldn't be sure.


s'more f?

EDIT: bother, that didn't work.

s'more ph?

EDIT 2: man, I never get any fun.

Scarab Sages


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Dang didn't change into the purple version of a smurf




What about the smorphiest choices we all make?

Sovereign Court

It's mor fun?

Is a smurf the new messageboard troll, high jacking threads like a rouge steals pirate booty?

Some urf?

I smurfed the sheriff, but I didnt smurf the deputy. I smurfed the sheriff , but I swear it was in self defense.

you don't like it, smurf the smurfing smurf smurfer back to smurf so he/she/it can smurf in the cells for all smurf until the end of smurf when all smurfyness comes to smurf.

and thats the smurf it has to be cause thats the way I smurf it

Sovereign Court

s morph works

Sovereign Court

how about smurph

Sovereign Court

s murf?

Sovereign Court

s morf?

Sovereign Court

So I guess anyone with a name like Dennis Murfin is just outta luck ...

EDIT: or not!

maybe Steve Murfin just running with his first initial ... S Murfin


Silver Crusade

Waterhammer wrote:

I am the Rouge Rogue. The Crimson Chameleon. The Red Robber. The Scarlet Scammsterer. (My spell-checker thinks Scammsterer is not a word. Silly computer.)

The Ginger Jester. The Rojo Rover. No. That's it, I quit.

Scarlet Swiper.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Time to get out my new cat. Mythic Azrael

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