Advanced Class Guide Iconics

Product Discussion

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From what it looks like, it looks like (left to right) a male human investigator, dwarf female arcanist, male human (ulfen) skald, male human slayer, some kind of brawler (with the boxing helmet and spiky blonde hair) that I can't really tell the gender of, female hlaf-elf swashbuckler, possibly a female gnome shaman (the funky gold headdress wearing small girl next to the wolf, which is reminiscent of the oracle's headgear), female human (elf?) hunter with a wolf companion, male half-orc warpriest, and human male bloodrager.

I say the short female on the far left is dwarf arcanist, as of the 2 Small races, I believe dwarves are taller than halflings, and that one looks to be the taller of the 2.

I want to say the brawler is female, but being taller than everyone else (except for the warpriest and bloodrager) makes me question that guess. Can't see the ears so not sure if elf or human. Thinking female due to the feminine pronouns used in the playtest for the brawler.

I wish this was bigger and a lot clearer, but I am not complaining about seeing all of them together. Gotta love the investigator's facial hair. Just too awesome.

And you didn't disappoint with the epic facial hair, Paizo. *thumbs up*

Silver Crusade

Also, I am so glad that earthbreaker has a long handle. That's much closer to how I've imagined them. :)

On the product page, Tirisfal thinks the dwarf is a Slayer and the human you say is a Slayer is the Arcanist. I think I agree with you though - I can't see a Slayer getting around in such bright blue clothing… Arcanist makes more sense.

Tirisfal even goes as far as human ethnicities however - saying the Investigator is a Mwangi, the Bloodrager is Shoanti...

LINK to Tirisfal's post

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

On the product page, Tirisfal thinks the dwarf is a Slayer and the human you say is a Slayer is the Arcanist. I think I agree with you though - I can't see a Slayer getting around in such bright blue clothing… Arcanist makes more sense.

Tirisfal even goes as far as human ethnicities however - saying the Investigator is a Mwangi, the Bloodrager is Shoanti...

True but then the picture in this earlier link wouldn't make sense.

What Arcainist uses twin kurkis?

And I think the little person to their left is holding a book.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

On the product page, Tirisfal thinks the dwarf is a Slayer and the human you say is a Slayer is the Arcanist. I think I agree with you though - I can't see a Slayer getting around in such bright blue clothing… Arcanist makes more sense.

Tirisfal even goes as far as human ethnicities however - saying the Investigator is a Mwangi, the Bloodrager is Shoanti...

Why would an arcanist dual wield kukris?

I don't think the Arcanist is a knife person.

Also the clothing doesn't look that bright, I think it is trying to be navy blue, which is a better stealth color than black.

To be clear, I am disagreeing with Tirisfal's assessment. I think the Dwarf, brightly dressed in blue is the Arcanist, and the Human is the Slayer.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
To be clear, I am disagreeing with Tirisfal's assessment. I think the Dwarf, brightly dressed in blue is the Arcanist, and the Human is the Slayer.

I was wondering why you sounded confusing. Lack of quote marks.

Yeah it's probably navy blue though.

Are we sure that those little people are dwarf and halfling, and not a gnome? Perhaps a female gnome arcanist and a male halfling shaman?

Liberty's Edge

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Are we sure that those little people are dwarf and halfling, and not a gnome? Perhaps a female gnome arcanist and a male halfling shaman?

We are not. However, prior to this book, we already had both genders for every race except Dwarves and Halflings, who lacked women, and Half Orcs, who lacked a man...which makes one of each of those three likely, and combine that with a Half Orc man and two short women in the picture...and the probabilities favor it.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
We are not. However, prior to this book, we already had both genders for every race except Dwarves and Halflings, who lacked women, and Half Orcs, who lacked a man...which makes one of each of those three likely, and combine that with a Half Orc man and two short women in the picture...and the probabilities favor it.

D'oh! I'd forgotten that there were already male and female gnomish iconics. :(

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Are we sure that those little people are dwarf and halfling, and not a gnome? Perhaps a female gnome arcanist and a male halfling shaman?
We are not. However, prior to this book, we already had both genders for every race except Dwarves and Halflings, who lacked women, and Half Orcs, who lacked a man...which makes one of each of those three likely, and combine that with a Half Orc man and two short women in the picture...and the probabilities favor it.

Indeed, I can't remember who (I think it was Jason B.) but someone stated that with the ACG, there will be a male and female iconic of each of the core races.

Dark Archive

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but The Iconic warpriest seems to be called Oloch and the swashbuckler Jirelle.

Will we have Evil Iconics?

Guy St-Amant wrote:

Will we have Evil Iconics?

Seltyiel the Iconic Magus is Lawful Evil.

[Edit] Also, Alain, the iconic Cavalier, is Lawful Douche if that helps?

Shadow Lodge

Guy St-Amant wrote:

Will we have Evil Iconics?

I think the Magus is evil, but I'm not sure.

Liberty's Edge

To quote myself from another thread long ago:

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Iconics by Alignment:

Amiri the Barbarian: CN
Lem the Bard: CG
Kyra the Cleric: NG
Lini the Druid: N
Valeros the Fighter: NG
Sajan the Monk: LN
Seelah the Paladin: LG
Harsk the Ranger: LN
Merisiel the Rogue: CN
Seoni the Sorcerer: LN
Ezren the Wizard: NG

Damiel the Alchemist: CN
Alain the Cavalier: LN
Imrijka the Inquisitor: NG
Alahazra the Oracle: LG
Balazar the Summoner: N
Feiya the Witch: CG

Hayato the Samurai: LG
Reiko the Ninja: N
Lirianne the Gunslinger: CG

Seltyiel the Magus: LE

So of the 21 Iconics, 10 are Good and 10 are Neutral, with Seltyiel as the token Evil guy.

Arbitrarily, while I've got 'em listed like this, 8 are Lawful, 7 Neutral in regards to Law/Chaos, and 6 are Chaotic.

In fact, I'll do a by-alignment breakdown:

LG: 3 (Alahazra, Hayato, Seelah)
NG: 4 (Ezren, Imrijka, Kyra, Valeros)
CG: 3 (Lem, Feiya, Lirianne)

LN: 4 (Alain, Harsk, Sajan, Seoni)
N: 3 (Balazar, Lini, Reiko)
CN: 3 (Amiri, Damiel, Merisiel)

LE: 1 (Seltyiel)

Huh. That's a surprisingly good distribution, really. Cool.

So, based on that, I'd expect one each LG, CG, N, CN, and then no more than one of any Alignment after that. Or something roughly along those lines, and definitely no more than one Evil character...and I'd expect not a LE one, though I might be wrong there.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but The Iconic warpriest seems to be called Oloch and the swashbuckler Jirelle.

How do you know THAT?

Dark Archive

zergtitan wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but The Iconic warpriest seems to be called Oloch and the swashbuckler Jirelle.
How do you know THAT?

The presentation that shows off the new Iconics also has the cards for those two with what I assume are there names. superdungeon-iron-gods (Amoung the pictures at the bottom and also has some sketch artwork for Iron gods)

Kevin Mack wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but The Iconic warpriest seems to be called Oloch and the swashbuckler Jirelle.
How do you know THAT?

The presentation that shows off the new Iconics also has the cards for those two with what I assume are there names.

(Amoung the pictures at the bottom and also has some sketch artwork for Iron gods)

Warpriest/Swashbuckler cards

[Edit] Linked that for you!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tels wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but The Iconic warpriest seems to be called Oloch and the swashbuckler Jirelle.
How do you know THAT?

The presentation that shows off the new Iconics also has the cards for those two with what I assume are there names.

(Amoung the pictures at the bottom and also has some sketch artwork for Iron gods)

Warpriest/Swashbuckler cards

Oh yeah.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The more I see the war priest iconic the more I want to use him in a game of kingmaker.

While no surprise, under Oloch and Jirelle (Warpriest and Swashbuckler) you can make out 'Male Half-Orc' and 'Female Half-Elf'. It's not new information at all, but just a bit of 'confirmation'.

This looks similar to the lineup image for the APG in a number of the final pages of books with "Meet the Class of 2010". I don't know why, but I am really digging the hunter iconic. Her and the Ulfen skald I think are my faves, while the slayer looks mean (in a cool way).

If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

Liberty's Edge

Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

I could get behind a NE Slayer. I sure wouldn't want them to get behind me, after all. ;)

I'm voting that the Skald will be CG if not CN.

Liberty's Edge

Ralanr wrote:
I'm voting that the Skald will be CG if not CN.

I'd bet CG, since I'm betting CN on the Warpriest. Though a Chaotic alignment on the Swashbuckler also seems likely, so I guess she could be the Good one of the three.

The Bloodrager I'd actually bet on not being Chaotic, to reinforce the fact that they can even be Lawful. The Hunter I'd bet on Neutral or Neutral Good. The Investigator, some Lawful alignment, and no idea on the Brawler, Shaman, or Arcanist.

If the Slayer isn't Evil (a very distinct possibility) I'd still bet on Neutral of some sort.

I would like for the bloodrager to be Lawful (Neutral would be the most likely, but Good would be interesting), since they can be of any alignment. And I hope the Skald is at least CG if he is to be chaotic. I mean, it would be /facepalm worthy (to me) if all 3 ragers (1 because of song) were CN in alignment.

I would probably bet on the Brawler being non-Lawful (since they aren't forced into Lawful like the Monk), Shaman being some kind of Neutral, and the Arcanist being Neutral Good or such. And if the Slayer isn't Evil I will be surprised.

Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.

Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.

Guy St-Amant wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.

Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

Pretty sure it's been stated before by Paizo staff that he's not an Iconic as such. Just a random example character. He has no backstory, no name, he's just artwork.

Hence the "He's not an iconic" idea.

I'd try and track down the quotes, but it's been so long since I've seen them that I wouldn't even know where to start.

Liberty's Edge

Ralanr wrote:



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

He's an example Antipaladin. To be the Iconic Antipaladin, he'd need to be a named character drawn by Wayne Reynolds, and (at least as importantly) continue to show up as an example through various other books. That picture isn't any more the Iconic Antipaladin than the Witch with the Harpoon from the archetypes section of Ultimate Magic is the Iconic Witch.

Ahh. Good to know.

Tinkergoth wrote:

Pretty sure it's been stated before by Paizo staff that he's not an Iconic as such. Just a random example character. He has no backstory, no name, he's just artwork.

Hence the "He's not an iconic" idea.

I'd try and track down the quotes, but it's been so long since I've seen them that I wouldn't even know where to start.

Whatchoo talking about? He's the iconic "Man with No Name" villain!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ralanr wrote:



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

That's Stephen Radney-MacFarland. Don't let the armor put you off, he's a great guy :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Technically the closest we have come to an 'Iconic Antipaladin' is Staunton Vhane from WotR. He fits half the criteria already.

I'm actually kind of looking forward to Champions of Corruption for just that reason. If he shows up in it, we'll finally have one...

Well, for a Champions of Corruption book, I could see them using that example Antipaladin for CE, and making the Slayer be their usage of NE, with the Magus their LE.

Adjule wrote:
Well, for a Champions of Corruption book, I could see them using that example Antipaladin for CE, and making the Slayer be their usage of NE, with the Magus their LE.

Makes perfect sense. Fills out everything!

Note to self: Check out those champions books.

God, all this talk of Anti-Paladin Iconics makes me remember the Aasimar Anti-Paladin of Gorum that organized things for our party in Lastwall. Devoted to Gorum, master of the Thousand Blades (an Inquisition type religious order of Gorum in Lastwall and Belkzen, of which my Inquisitor was a member) and he was in constant contact with Hundux Half-Mann in Wyvernsting regarding supplies and troop movements.

I'd really love to see an Anti-Paladin iconic as an Aasimar. That would be awesome.

Major_Blackhart wrote:

God, all this talk of Anti-Paladin Iconics makes me remember the Aasimar Anti-Paladin of Gorum that organized things for our party in Lastwall. Devoted to Gorum, master of the Thousand Blades (an Inquisition type religious order of Gorum in Lastwall and Belkzen, of which my Inquisitor was a member) and he was in constant contact with Hundux Half-Mann in Wyvernsting regarding supplies and troop movements.

I'd really love to see an Anti-Paladin iconic as an Aasimar. That would be awesome.

And believable! Cause you'd never expect it! Except you would expect it cause you'd never expect it and head rush.

Also. Anyone else notice how both the half-orc Iconics are divine classes?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ralanr wrote:

Also. Anyone else notice how both the half-orc Iconics are divine classes?


well considering most institutions will consider orcs dumb brutes, many times it's religious orders who give them a chance at education and higher learning.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ralanr wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.

Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

Me. ;)


Kudaku wrote:
Ralanr wrote:



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

That's Stephen Radney-MacFarland. Don't let the armor put you off, he's a great guy :)

Drat! Totally ninja'd. :)

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.

Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

Me. ;)

Does your avatar's Sheldon Smile (Ex) grant you a bonus on Intimidate checks?

{shivers uneasily} Because it totally should.


Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Ralanr wrote:
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.

The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.

Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.



Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.

Me. ;)

Does your avatar's Sheldon Smile (Ex) grant you a bonus on Intimidate checks?

{shivers uneasily} Because it totally should.

I don't need the bonus. :)


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I still think "M. Bison" when I see that anti-paladin's face.

Just imagine him saying "YES! YES!" See?

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