Closing a location

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I am starting to wonder if we have been using the Close a Location mechanic incorrectly. As far as I know you have three ways that you can close a location and one way to temporarily close a location.

1. A location deck has zero cards - On your turn you can try and close that location if you are at that location and the active player.
2. A henchman is encountered and defeated. (See follow up comments below.)
3. The villain is encountered and defeated. (See follow up comments below.)
4. The villain is encountered somewhere and any player at another location can try to temporarily close that location. If two players are at another location one of them gets to try and close it but not both as only one check is allowed per location.

Here are the follow up questions.

2B. If you defeat a henchman as the active player are you the only person that can make the check at that location or can the character with the best chance try and close it for you as long as they are also at that location with you? Only one check is allowed overall but I thought this is an area where teamwork could come into play. As an example if Valeros killed the henchman could Kyra make the Divine 6 check for him as long as she was at the same location?

3B. If the villain is defeated but he has places to run off to... do you have to try and temporarily close the location where he was or not? If you do not temporarily close it does it count into the math for pulling blessings as a possible escape location? (Basically can the villain hide in the same place where he was if you defeated him or does he always flee somewhere else? This came up when we had one other open location plus the location where the villain was when encountered. A debate was suggested to try and close it so he had to go to the only open location and thus we would all know where he was.)

I think maybe we are overthinking it myself. ;)

2B. I think the character who defeated the henchman has to close the location.

3B. If you defeat the villain you automatically close the location. See page 18.

Mundane61 wrote:

2B. I think the character who defeated the henchman has to close the location.

3B. If you defeat the villain you automatically close the location. See page 18.

I agree with these.

Liberty's Edge

If you don't defeat the villains, it still runs to another location, but do you clode the location where you fiund him? Or does it stay opened because you did not defeat the villain?

If you do not defeat the villain, the location stays open and he/she may end up back there again (if it's the only open location left, then the villain just gets shuffled back into the location deck).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you defeat the villain, but there are open locations, then take the villain and one random blessing card from the box for each open location and shuffle. Place one on each open location, including where the villain was found. Then shuffle those location decks. If you didn't defeat the villain, then do the same but instead of taking the blessings from the box, take them from the Blessings deck [i.e. you lose time.]

So the villain doesn't automatically to to the open location. There is a random chance where he goes.

Thazar wrote:
If two players are at another location one of them gets to try and close it but not both as only one check is allowed per location.

Just a quick question: Where can I find this in the rulebook. I have been looking, but haven't found it yet.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The only time another character can help with an encounter is if the card itself has a THEN on the clearing checks. Personally, I think if two people are at the same location, closing the location should count, but as far as I can tell it doesn't.

Liberty's Edge

I'm pretty sure that if you defeat the villain, then the location where you found him is automatically closed. (cf. Rulebook, page 18 ''If you defeat the villain, close the villain's location...''

FloMo wrote:
Thazar wrote:
If two players are at another location one of them gets to try and close it but not both as only one check is allowed per location.
Just a quick question: Where can I find this in the rulebook. I have been looking, but haven't found it yet.

Since neither character is active I would assume that you have one of them make the check. I also assumed that that location would only get one check and not one check per person at that location. This is not in the rules that I know of... just how I have been doing it as a best guess.

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As said above:

From Rulebook (p. 18)

"If You Defeat the Villain, Close the Villain’s Location: You do not need to fulfill the “When Closing” requirement. Examine the location deck; if there are no additional villains in it, banish all of the cards and flip the location card over. The location is permanently closed, and the location’s “When Permanently Closed” effect is triggered. If there are villains remaining in the deck, banish everything except the remaining villains and shuffle the deck if needed; the location is not permanently closed, but it is temporarily closed, and the defeated villain cannot escape to it."

This is very clear. Defeat a villain and you close the villain's location.

FloMo wrote:
Thazar wrote:
If two players are at another location one of them gets to try and close it but not both as only one check is allowed per location.
Just a quick question: Where can I find this in the rulebook. I have been looking, but haven't found it yet.

For the Rulebook (p. 18)

"Attempt to Temporarily Close Open Locations: When a player encounters the villain, each player at any other location may immediately attempt to fulfill the “When Closing” requirement
for his location. If any player at a location succeeds, his location
is temporarily closed and the villain cannot escape there this turn (see Check to See Whether the Villain Escapes, below). Temporarily closing a location does not trigger any of the other effects of closing a location; the location opens again immediately after the encounter. Players may attempts to close locations in any order they wish."

Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.

Thazar wrote:
Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.

That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thazar wrote:
If you defeat a henchman as the active player are you the only person that can make the check at that location or can the character with the best chance try and close it for you as long as they are also at that location with you?
Standard henchman text (with added emphasis) wrote:
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

If you defeat the henchman and do not attempt to close the location. Can you come back and try to close it at any time or do you now have to wait until the area is completely explored... no cards remaining? Before you can attempt to close again?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The only time you can close a location is if you defeat the Villain, defeat a Henchman or there are no more cards.

So assuming there aren't any more Henchmen or Villains at the location, you would have to wait until the location is completely explored.

TClifford wrote:

The only time you can close a location is if you defeat the Villain, defeat a Henchman or there are no more cards.

So assuming there aren't any more Henchmen or Villains at the location, you would have to wait until the location is completely explored.

Okay. I thought so. We played it correctly, one player asked the question and we all ruled no, to stress the importance of closing the locations as a expedient tactical move. Well he didn't close it and wouldn't you know it we chased that villain from place to place finally defeating him with no more blessings to be advanced and just enough cards in our hands to stay more draw cards in the character deck.

It was epic but learned the lesson in closing when you can.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I got greedy while playing my first solo with Valeros and not close a location after finding the henchmen on the first or second card. I lost the scenario by running out of blessings. I've learned my lesson.

I had a question. If I am about to make a check to close a location can other players play cards to help me with my check? By adding a die for example with a blessing? Or do i have to do it all myself?

All normal rules for making a check apply.

What do you do if you don't defeat a henchman.

If you encounter a henchman in a location and fail to defeat it, follow the standard rules for all banes, shuffle it back into the location deck.

Mummy's Mask Rulebook p10 wrote:
Resolve the Encounter. If you succeed at all of the checks required to defeat a bane, banish it; if you don’t succeed, it is undefeated—shuffle the card back into its location deck.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Thazar wrote:
If you defeat a henchman as the active player are you the only person that can make the check at that location or can the character with the best chance try and close it for you as long as they are also at that location with you?
Standard henchman text (with added emphasis) wrote:
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

What if the henchman has multiple checks to defeat? Has the person that succeeded at the last check to defeat earned the opportunity to close?

No, the character that encounters the henchman gets the opportunity to attempt to close the location.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
No, the character that encounters the henchman gets the opportunity to attempt to close the location.

Interesting. I stumbled upon a S&S FAQ regarding sequential checks, and subsequently p. 11 of the MM rulebook would have made me think otherwise...

"While you are attempting a check against such a card that you did not encounter, powers that would apply to the character who encountered it apply to you instead."

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Cax wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
No, the character that encounters the henchman gets the opportunity to attempt to close the location.

Interesting. I stumbled upon a S&S FAQ regarding sequential checks, and subsequently p. 11 of the MM rulebook would have made me think otherwise...

"While you are attempting a check against such a card that you did not encounter, powers that would apply to the character who encountered it apply to you instead."

Hawkmoon is correct, check the very back of the rulebook for the rule No One Else Can Take Your Turn For You (p29 of MM rulebook). Only the person encountering the card does anything with it. The sole exception is other people being able to help you out with one check if it requires more than one. Sometimes a card has powers that apply to you while you act, and the rule you quoted means that if you're helping someone with a check, those powers apply to you too.

Yes, the rule that you quote somehow says that if you attempt a check while someone else encounters a card, then powers on the card that impact THAT check still impact it even if you make that check. E. g. If a power on the card says that before you take a combat check, you must succeed blablabla, then if you take one of the sequential combat checks, you must also succeed at blablabla.
But if the rules allow you to take one sequential check to DEFEAT an henchman nothing allows you to take any later checks related to that encounter, whether it's during or after that encounter (like closing a location) if it isn't your encounter.

Cax wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
No, the character that encounters the henchman gets the opportunity to attempt to close the location.

Interesting. I stumbled upon a S&S FAQ regarding sequential checks, and subsequently p. 11 of the MM rulebook would have made me think otherwise...

"While you are attempting a check against such a card that you did not encounter, powers that would apply to the character who encountered it apply to you instead."

Right, but that is only while you are attempting a check against a card. Let's pretend Valeros encounters a typical henchman that has 2 checks to defeat. Valeros attempts the first check, Ezren attempts teh second. The encounter sequence is below, with my comments.

Encountering a Card
Apply any effects that happen when you encounter a card.
Apply any evasion effects.
Apply any effects that happen before you act.
Attempt the check.
Attempt the next check, if needed. <-Ezren attempts this check. The rule kicks in and the henchman's powers apply to Ezren as if he'd encountered it. After he finishes this check, the rule turns off and the card treats Valeros as the one that encountered it.
Apply any effects that happen after you act.
Resolve the encounter. <-This is when the henchman is declared defeated. The rule is no longer in effect, so the card treats Valeros as the one that encountered it. Valeros gets to attempt to close the location.

FloMo wrote:
Thazar wrote:
Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.
That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy.

So, if we encounter the villain and all other players successfully close all other locations (temporarily) and the player that encountered the villain defeats them is the scenario over since he cannot escape?

xhaven80 wrote:
FloMo wrote:
Thazar wrote:
Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.
That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy.
So, if we encounter the villain and all other players successfully close all other locations (temporarily) and the player that encountered the villain defeats them is the scenario over since he cannot escape?

Hello xhaven80! Usually, that is absolutely correct. Most scenarios end when you defeat the villain; however, some scenarios have specific conditions for the characters to win. Some have even 2/3 villains that you need to defeat one after another for the party to win. (Runelords - Seleval and Zaelsar; Jordimandus, Azaven, Ordikon)

Jenceslav wrote:
xhaven80 wrote:
FloMo wrote:
Thazar wrote:
Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.
That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy.
So, if we encounter the villain and all other players successfully close all other locations (temporarily) and the player that encountered the villain defeats them is the scenario over since he cannot escape?
Hello xhaven80! Usually, that is absolutely correct. Most scenarios end when you defeat the villain; however, some scenarios have specific conditions for the characters to win. Some have even 2/3 villains that you need to defeat one after another for the party to win. (Runelords - Seleval and Zaelsar; Jordimandus, Azaven, Ordikon)

Just wanted to make sure as I did not previously understand this and this "temp closing" is a must now that I know ALL other characters can attempt to temp close their location when a villain is encountered. I only thought that you could close a location on your turn and never fully understood the temp closing bit. Thanks for the clarification.

This was vastly clarified with Core changing the terminology from "temporarily close" to "guard".

This was vastly clarified with Core changing the terminology from "temporarily close" to "guard".

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