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Jenceslav wrote: Well, Grazzle is a pure spellcaster (that 1 weapon is mostly a support, so you can't expect him to be useful with weapons, just like most video game pure casters). Well I play him as I see fit. I like the heals cause we needed them, but he can use some nasty spells but I also gave him 2 weapons. I charge in knowing I could use a spell and a weapon. Reading the rules I never found where it says you can only play one card that says for your combat check. In fact in the rules after you have chosen your skill aka strength for combat check using a weapon it says you can play one boon of each type. Well as I read that a spell is a boon and there is no verbiage that states in that paragraph that that boon cannot be played because it says combat. Again I like to look at these situation as if I was there. If I know magic and I know how to thrust a sword I will do both to dispatch my enemies it's not rocket science LOL.

Jenceslav wrote:
And lastly, if you want to see how a spellcasting and martial character can fight, look at the Magus class (Seltiyel, Ahmotep, other characters from Magus class decks). Generally, as a spellcaster, you need to look at the secondary powers of the weapon you can add to your deck. Core weapon Wyrmsmite is a shield as well, MM weapon Torch lets you explore and so on. Light crossbows and slings or daggers (appropriate to casters in PF) can assist you and other characters freely.
But the magus is limited as well by these rules too. As it doesn't really matter if you are a true spell caster vs a hybrid you still can only use one card that says for your combat check so what is the point in making a hybrid class? They should have just stuck with caster class, item class, combat class etc...you cannot combine classes make them sound cool and then say well you are both a caster and a sword wielder but only choose one spell or weapon hahaha. I have played a ton of video games from WoW, DAoC, Rift, Aeon; everyone of them can cast and wield at the same time for any class that allows. Rogues are the exception as they typically do not have spells ort heals save potions.
I look at this logically if I am in a battle and I know how to cast fire but can also use a sword pretty well I am going to use both to my advantage. Not one. No soldier only uses his gun they have a variety of weapons at their disposal. Yes this game isn't real life but if I was in a fantasy movie like LotR they use both!
I will just have to play different or pick a new dude in the Core set. Thanks for the advice.

Parody wrote: You can only use one card of any type that says "for your Combat check, ...".
In the Core Set the entire table collectively can only play one card of each type (ignoring cards that say you may play them freely).
In the other sets each character can only play one card of each type, but different characters can play the same type of card.
If that is the case then who cares about characters with both spells/weapons you can only play one on a combat check. Every other video game I have played has both roles where you can wield a sword and cast a spell. Might as well make casters casters with no weapons and wiedlers cannot cast. Sheesh. If you have grazelle and you are on a combat 40 check there's no way to get to 40 using a weapon even if everyone else donated a blessing. you'd be at max 5d6 + the weapons d? I mean a perfect roll is only 30 + d? so what's the point? Most item cards only allow a small variant for a modifier or something that won't help. I am not mad at you I feel this is kind of dumb.
Guess we have been play WotR wrong this whole time!
For monsters/henchmen/villains when you are doing a combat check to defeat can you not use a weapon and a spell on the same check? I was under the impression you can only play one card of each type per encounter. Like if I am fighting a monster I use a weapon, item, and a blessing. Or I use a weapon, a spell, and an ally.
We just finished playing Wrath of the Righteous and I purchased the core set along with Curse of the Crimson Throne. We play with 4-5 players but the new core set says 4 players. Are there new decks (class) to add on with the new prints or am I supposed to use the older card decks I have acquired? I like the new print and I would like to buy new addon decks but the expansions listed in the store do not specify if they are the new print for the core set or the older prints. Please advise.
Brother Tyler wrote: As far as I understand it, the limit of one boon of each type only relates to an encounter (page 8) or a check (page 12) - there is no limit of one boon of each type per turn. And keep in mind that boons that can be played "freely" aren't counted towards the limit.
The direct answer to your question is that you can play a blessing on an encounter/check and then play another blessing to explore again.
And then consequently I can discard two blessings to acquire mythic charges too?
I am hoping we have not been playing the game wrong this entire time; regardless of "house rules".
If it is my turn and I explore and encounter a bane and play a blessing and win/lose to the bane can I play another blessing by discarding it to explore again? Basically I am trying to figure out if I can play more than one blessing per turn. Since the rules state you can only play one type of boon per turn/encounter.
Crowe has a power feat "you gain skill Arcane: Charisma +3". If one choses that I am assuming it falls under Charisma d8 and then they would get the modifier +3 when charisma is called? I checked Balazar and he has arcane under Charisma.
We have been adding feats to our cards based on completed scenarios and adventures. When we complete AD3 and we get to chose our role do the previous feats we selected carry over? E.g. +2 for item etc...or do we just start over again?

skizzerz wrote: WotR is a very difficult set, and the difficulty is exponential with number of characters as you’d noticed due to banes like Arboreal Blight and Demonic Horde (and have yet to notice due to the Armies starting in AD2). My recommendation would be to run with 2 characters for now instead of 4.
Alaine, Adowyn, and Balazar are likely the 3 most powerful characters in the set and it seems like most were in your original party. Any mix of 2 characters with complementary skills and some healing options should suffice imo. I would restart where you left off (first adventure of 2) after rebuilding them with the correct number of feats and decks that contain a handful of B/C and 1 upgrades.
I have party of six (Balazar, Grazzle, Seelah, Merisiel, Wrathack, and Crowe) I think this is a well balanced party with two tanks, 1 and 1/2 heals, 1 caster, and 2 DPS. You think we'll have issues in AD2?? We have been rolling through AD1. We had some character issues in the beginning but when we level set the group and added Grazzle we've dominated AD1 thus far.
Why is there not a complete list of all character sheets? I have the one called "CommunityUsePackagePathfinderAdventureCardGameCharacterSheets-ClassDecks" but it doesn't list all the classes. Example, it is missing Magus, Hunter, Hell's vengeance, Occult etc...is there another place that lists all these class sheets?
Why is there not a complete list of all character sheets? I have the one called "CommunityUsePackagePathfinderAdventureCardGameCharacterSheets-ClassDecks" but it doesn't list all the classes. Example, it is missing Magus, Hunter, Hell's vengeance, Occult etc...is there another place that lists all these class sheets?
I have scoured the web and read several different forums regarding this one power but it is never answered directly. "You may discard a spell to draw a random monster from the box" does this mean I have to encounter the monster also or do I just get to keep it? When I defeat a monster I get to keep it in my hand but I also have to reset my hand size and do I want a bunch of monsters in my hand and no spells? Sorry I am very new to Balazar and there are zero videos on how to play him. Also I know this game is dead but I rather enjoy it, so sorry for the decade late questions. Cheers.

PabloKruz wrote: Scott Hall wrote: Balazar is a pretty good fighter out of the gate, as long as you have cards in your hand. You have Padrig displayed. Find a monster, your combat check defaults to your strength die. So, this is a strength check, which means Padrig lets you put a card on top of your deck to add your arcane skill to your check: so, 1d6 (strength) + 1d10+2 (arcane skill). That's close to what a weapon user is getting, if they have a weapon. Discard a spell ahead of time to get your first monster in your hand for an additional d4.
As Hawkmoon notes, Magic Fang also works with this ability.
So when you use Padrigs power it gives you the d6 for strength plus the d10+2 for arcane? I was playing that wrong too. I was using d6 and just adding 2 for the arcane, not adding the d10 as well. That changes everything. I thought I was maxing out at 8 (perfect d6+2 for arcane) going against monsters with a whole lot more power than that. I am confused because 0 henchmen are monsters in AD1 are there henchmen in other adventures that are?

Jenceslav wrote: xhaven80 wrote: FloMo wrote: Thazar wrote: Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed. That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy. So, if we encounter the villain and all other players successfully close all other locations (temporarily) and the player that encountered the villain defeats them is the scenario over since he cannot escape? Hello xhaven80! Usually, that is absolutely correct. Most scenarios end when you defeat the villain; however, some scenarios have specific conditions for the characters to win. Some have even 2/3 villains that you need to defeat one after another for the party to win. (Runelords - Seleval and Zaelsar; Jordimandus, Azaven, Ordikon) Just wanted to make sure as I did not previously understand this and this "temp closing" is a must now that I know ALL other characters can attempt to temp close their location when a villain is encountered. I only thought that you could close a location on your turn and never fully understood the temp closing bit. Thanks for the clarification.

Jenceslav wrote: xhaven80 wrote: After completing the "B" scenarios in "Into the Whirlwind" and we start with the "1" The Worldwound Incursion Adventure what do we do with the "B" cards do we leave them in the decks and just add all of the "1" cards to them? How do the cards work going from adventure to adventure? At adventure "6" do we have all the cards from "B" to "6" in the deck?? Yes, once you start Adventure 1, you are required to add all of its cards into the proper compartments in the game box, so you have weapons 1 mixed together with weapons B or C. Once you hit Adventure 2, add all the AD2 cards. Note that some are better without randomization (locations, henchmen, villains, loot cards, cohorts), while the rest needs to be shuffled together.
The instructions for removing cards are written on the Adventure Path card - in the pre-Core version, you have to remove any bane you banish that has the Basic / Elite trait once you start particular adventure (3 or 5, I believe). There are even some cards that remove themselves from the game when played *cough, tomes, cough cough*. Regarding the boons, you may but aren't required to remove them from the game when you banish them and they have the Basic / Elite card.
Pre-Core, you never remove other banes or boons than Basic or Elite ones from the game. With Core rules, it is much simpler and quite harsher - you just remove every non-Veteran bane with a low enough AD number immediately. So, if I am starting AD1 "Into the Worldwound Incursion I keep all of the "B" and add all the "1"s. And starting in AD3 when I banish a bane that has the basic I remove it completely and then as I progress I remove more. Lets say for instance I am on AD4 I still keep B,1,2,3, and 4? That's a lot of lower quality cards in the mix no?
After completing the "B" scenarios in "Into the Whirlwind" and we start with the "1" The Worldwound Incursion Adventure what do we do with the "B" cards do we leave them in the decks and just add all of the "1" cards to them? How do the cards work going from adventure to adventure? At adventure "6" do we have all the cards from "B" to "6" in the deck??
FloMo wrote: Thazar wrote: Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed. That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy. So, if we encounter the villain and all other players successfully close all other locations (temporarily) and the player that encountered the villain defeats them is the scenario over since he cannot escape?